THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911 EVENING EDITION 3 ' Maim&iii: Silts for 'ACH suit has two pairs of Knickerbocker pants both ied throughout with linen lue serges, fancy cheviots and rorsteds at $400 to $6.00. )ys' mi Girls' Hole-Proof !Hose? 6 Pairs for $2.1 M&T Sfc n LA n g 7ST7 TTiZ ATTTTTrTTrfi Revs i . Wmm h each boy's suit sold we give free: A ball and bat, catcher's or infielder's mitt. -to-Man bthicrs Woolen Mill Store Marshficld Oregon ngcr .of tho Bnndon Cronmery but now n rancher nenr there. Is hero. the weather. (By Associated Press.) OREGON. Mny 31. Fair to- night nml Thursday. O LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- O PORT. O v For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p. in., Mny 30, by Mrs. 13. Mlngus, special government moteorologlcnl obsorvor: Mnxlmum CO , Minimum 42 At 4:43 p. m 53 Prcclpltntlon nono Wind, Northwest; cloudy. liny Business. Victor Wlckmnu nnd w(fe of Empire were In Mnrsh fleld today on route to Coqulllo whore they will assume ohnrgo of Tho Popu lar Confectionery store, having bought It from Collier & Collier. Mrs. Wlckmnn was prior to hor marriage ono of tho proprietors of tho Btore. Personal Notes MRS. W. II. NORTON of Catching Iu I let Is a Marshllold shoppor todny. JL. LKIDE of Ktnplro Is n Mnrshfletd business visitor todny. 1 1 T tr MMt onv r , Tiin rr.... Aft. ftft. uilitVfl Ul IIIU 1 MUII1U .MUUll- mental Works, returned today ' from n business trip to Florence. Stoves Todny. O. W. Dungnn In moving his undertaking pnrlors Into tho Mnngnn building on South Broadway. Mother Demi. Henry Ilnnson of McKlnloy hna rocolved word of tho death of his mother In nccldcnt nt Snn Leandro, Cal. No pnrticulnra woro given. Give Pnrtles.Mlss Mnmlo Mnho noy will entertain this ovenlng as a fnrowell to Miss .Tcsslo Chnso who will lenvo next week. Tomorrow eve ning. Mrs. J. T. McCormnr and Mrs. M. C. Malonoy will cntcrtnln for Miss Chnso nnd a week from today Miss Genovlovo Songstackcn will entertain for her. I Sell IIiiiiio Estate. Mrs. R. I). Hume hns plncod tho R. D. Humo ostnto in Curry county on tho open mnrkot, tho negotiations with a Port land syndicate hnvlng fallen through. The property will bo sold no n whole or In pnrt, n valuation of $300,000 being placed on It. John D. doss, at torney for Mrs. Humo, wns ndvlsed todny of this. R. 13. PIN13GOR is suffering from a bndly poisoned hnnd, the result of some poisonous dyes. Wed Today. Wnlter Duttors, who enmo hero n fow months ngo from Long Bench, Cnl., nnd Miss Dovoo of Allegnny wont to Coqulllo today whero they will bo married. Name Committees. Tho Ladles of St. Monlcn's Cnthollc church hnvo nnmed tho following committees to .take chnrgo of tho Promenndo soclnl which they will glvo nt tho Eaglo'a Hall Friday evening: Floor mnnngors J. II. Flnnngnn, Chno. Kcnno, Jns. .Cowan nnd R. M. Jennings; recep tion committee Mrs. F. E. Hnguo, Mrs. A. II. Powors, Mrs. Ellzaboth Adnms nnd Mrs. Hufh McLaln. Appendicitis luafo from Appondlcltlsl Today you may bo well and norrow you may suffer tho nwful pains of this disease A, tho only known romedy for nppondlcltis. Aide- It Prescription of n successful Gormnn phyBlcInn, which pr mil m r' lives. Tor miIo nt tho "BUSY CORNER" PRICE PER MOTTLE $1.00. PHONE 208. nt-Parsons Drag Co. lESCIllPTIONS ACCL'RATELV COMPOUNDED. M DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. - xk3o ..-' LOST Aiitoinolillo glove on Brand wny. Lenvo nt Times offlco. J FOR SALE Ono blnck driving mure. A. T. Haines. FOR SALi: 91.10 piano cheap for cash. Inqutro 352 First street. LOST Papers nnd letters Decoration dny llndor return to Times' oillco nnd rocelvo rownrd. facts, Real Estate, Fire id Marine Insurance Guarantee and Abstract Co. IllIXRV SIttGSTACKEN, Mgr. ;3 Phono 191 Mnrshtleld Oillco 14-J. Timber Coal nnd Platting Lands n specialty. General Agcuts "EASTSIDE" WOMEN, sail guaranteed hoso. 70 por cont profit. Mnko $10 dnlly. Full or pnrt tlmo. Bcglnnors invea tlgato. Strong Knit, Box 4020, West Phllndolphln, Pa. WANTED To rent n typewriter. Ad dresa "N" caro Times. WANTED Man to tnko charge of stablo at Slioro Acres. Work will iucludo caro of chickens, hogs nnd 'milking of cows. Apply L. J. t Simpson. WANTED To borrow $2,000 nt 8 por cent. Good security. Enqulro "X" Times. Begin Survey. Inspector L. C. F. Diaz has begun tho now survey of tho upper hnrhor for tho government. Ho will hnvo chnrgo of tho work until Frank Saundors is nblo to como. Mall Earlier. Beginning tomor row, tho summer mnll schcdttlo will ho In force. Tho mnll henceforth to lenvo at C a. m. Instead of G: 30 p. m. nnd will rench hero Into In tho ove nlng Instead of In tho enrly morning. Will Content. Relntlvos of tho Into Lovl Gnnt of Myrtlo Point hnvo instituted suit contesting his will. Ho loft nn ostnto of between ?8,000 nnd $10,000 to nophows in Myrtlo Point nnd now other relatives do- claro tho will Is invalid. Change Malingers. I. Lando has resumed his former position ns man ngor of tho FlnnUh Cooporntlvo storo, succeeding Frod Solnndor. Mr. Lando was formerly mnnngor of it hut Inter took chnrgo of tho Pioneer Grocory which wns recently sold to Ivy Comlron. WANTED Girl for k?',,1 house work. Good wngos. Apply Mrs. A. O. Rogers, phono 31CG. COXTitAcrORS. ty given that senlod wed for carpeting "t room, vestibules, Ung from tho first "" or tho court lrpet. Bids will ; ''res crailrs nf , 5 mples to bo fur- p me- court to mnko fPade at tho finm nf lMJ'. Bidder tn fur. r W4 place carpet in Fays. All carnet JtPmtia. let i ni 1 lth the County 1:"v,urc,'in, on or t5' of June ion, at trie the rii-hf , . " Or In r.-..o..,i i. 4;e' not tho lowest '!.,..;. iuo W Houeb at tho ""o Conntr nr. ?A. D. 1911. EXTS. V Conn,,. . ,. l'l Inrnoi, x Merest not. ksdale. no.. T rJcom,:".j- '"kuv. no 9 0FESS0NL DIRECTORY rU. G. W. LESLIE. Obtcopathlc Physician Graduato of tho American school of Osteopathy at Klrksville, Mo. Offlco In Eldorado Blk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1C1-J; Marshllold; Oregon. WANTED By Henry Sengstacken, 2 tons old nnd 10 tons now Chlttom bark. Is Very HI. Miss Pressy, tho nurso, who has boon 111 of typhoid fever at the Fred Nelson homo for tho past four weoks, Is reportod to bo In n rnthor critical condition. Hor brothor, Mr. Pressy, formorly man- Change Captain". -Capt. Colstrup has succeeded Capt. Forest In com mand of tho Esther Buhno which is now plying botwoen tho Coqulllo nnd Snn Frnnclsco. Cnpt. Colstrup is well known on tho Dny, hnvlng spont consldernhlo tlmo hero nbout ton Jyonrs ngo when tho Annlo E. Smnlo, tho lnrgcst vessol ever built on tho jBny, wns under construction. Slio cnrriou ovor i.uuu.uuu root or ium bor nnd ho .wns In command of hor whon sho wns wrecked on tho AInska const. o Error Corrected Owing to n com bined error of printer and proof reader In omitting nn Important part of tho articlo on tho opening of tho Empire Cnnnory it is roprlntod In tonight's pnpor. Tho part omitted 'was tho statomont innilo by Mo Hoc kott, mnnngor of tho cnnnory, that It Is his wish nnd doslro to securo tho products from tho locnl flsljormon hut If Coos Bay flshonnon ennnot furnish tho fish then tho cnnnory will bo compollod to bring In Columbia rlvor flshonnon to securo tho supply necessary for tho cnnnory will ho oporntcd nnd to do so will roqulro fish. It. M. WIEDER hns gono to Ten Mllo for n fow weoks Btny. Mrs. Wloder Is visiting her daughter in 'Ban-don. MISS DAISY RICHARDSON lonvea Thursdny for Rosoburg ns dolcgnto to tho District Bnptlst Convention there. FRANK DILLON hns been qulto lit for tho Inst fow days nt Ills home. Ho wns resting n little enslor todny. CHAS. II. FLITCROFT of Coos Rlvor wns In Mnrshfleld todny arrnnglns to mnko final proof an IiIb homo stend near tho old government stono qunrry. A. J. BUNCH and wlfo from nbovo Florence nro guests nt tho A. L. Fostor homo in South MnrshfloU, Mrs. Bunch hns been in rather poor health slnco tho denth of hor dnughtcr horo n fow months ago. HENRY BLACK loft todny for Sum ner, whoro nftor a brlof visit at tho honm of his daughter, Mrs. Carl Smedburg, ho will contlnuo on his way to Rosoburg whoro ho goes us dolognto to tho District Bnptlst Convention. A. CARLSON nnd sons, Clifford nml Spencer, loft this morning for Portland to attend tho Roso Car nival. Mrs. Carlson nnd Miss Ru by will follow on tho Broakwator. . Mrs, Carlson and tho children will go to Minneapolis for nn extended visit nt tho old homo whllo Mr. Carlson will return here. Promenade Social. Tho Ladles of St. Monica's church nro making nr rnngomonts to glvo n promenndo so clnl In Englo's hall on Juno 2. l.Tilt CAT,!." Alv fill-ill (WO flPll'tl 111 " ' ' ' I ono lot or will cut up In pnrcols to ' Btilt. C. W. Snnford, Mnrshfleld. FOR SALE Cheap. .Now 21 Hon.o Powor Gnsollno Mnrlno engine. Ad dress Box 321, Oregon City, Oro. DR. J. W. INGRAM, Physician and Surgeon. 209-210 Coke Building Phones: Ofllco 102.1; Residence 1021. J W. nENNETT, Lawyer. Ofllco ovor Flnnngnn & Bennett Bank larshfleld Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAO, -' Physlclau and Surgeon Marshllold, Oregon. Offlco: Lockhart Building, opposlto Post OKI co. Phono 105-J MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR PAnT.Y HOTEL THE IjLOYD Rntos roducM Day 50c, 7Gc nnd $1.00; wee' J2 00 to ?'5,00. House keeping npartmonts with gas ranges 110.00 to $i3 00 per month. FREE BATHS 1J, W, SCLUVAN, Proi. FOR BENT SI room lint furnished comploto with bath, hot and cold ' water, flucst vlow In city, with gas range Apply to Robert Mnrs-j den, Sr. FOR RENT 10 ncro ranch, North Slough D. Ferguson. AUTO Anytime, anywhere. Rea sonable lates. Phono Blanco hotel 40 or Residence 2S-J. HEREAFTER WE WILL ESTABLISH Wednesday AS OUR Special Price Day In our Tuesdny ovenlng nd., of each week wo will advertise spe cial prices on ono or moro ,tlcles for Wodnosdny ONLY. Tho prices will bo mado unusually attractlvo, it will pay you to WATCH OUR ADS As wo nro n dny Into our specials for this wook will hnvo to como on Thursdny. FANCY JAP RICE 2i. pounds for ,'.' $1.00 FANCY HEAD HICK 10 pounds for Jjjl.oo' JL J. II. HEAD RICE, UN- POLISHED 2$ pounds hack "Oc M. J. B. HEAD RICE, UN- POLISHED n pound wicks I0e LockSjart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 CATCHING INLin1 NEWS. Evoryono Interested In Bundny school work Is requested by E. L. Church to meet at tho school houso Sunday, Juno I, nt ton o'clock. If nil will lond n helping hnnd nnd a willing heart much can bo accom plished for tho Mastor who hns dono so much for us. Dr. Ruth Irlo, who has spont tho paBt weok nt tho homo of Mrs. T. W. Hlgglnson, leaves TucBday morning for Modford whoro sho will locate. Miss Jonnlo Jonos loft yesterday for Bay City to assist Mrs. Malony who Is conducting tho mill honrdlug house. WEDDED AT COQUILLE. A very pretty homo wedding wna solomnlzed nt tho Wlckham hotel on Sunday ovonlng whon Mr. Edward Moolor of Marshllold led to tho altar Miss Kathorlno Lavlnn, noxt to tho youngest dnughtor of Mrs. O. R. WIckhnm. Inndlndy of thnt "hostelry. Rov. William Horsfall of tho Episco pal rhuroh pronounced tho coromony In tho prosonco of a fow frlonds of tho contracting pnrtlos. Tho brldo Is ono of Coqulllo's brightest nnd best girls who enmo to this city with hor paronts whon nn i Infant and has spont hor ontlro llfo horo. Tho groom hns boon rosldout roproseutntlvo In this county of tho Pacific Lumbor Inspection Bureau for tho past two yoars. Tho nouiy woddod couplo woro passongors ' for San Francisco and will spend two or throo months tour ing tho southern stato boforo return ing to Coos county. Thoy will mnko tholr pormanont homo at Marshllold. Coqulllo Sontlnol. R E A 1 E S T A T E 11 A R G A I N S For bargain In City, Bunker Hill and Farm Property. Soo AUG. FRIZEEN Real Estate and Insurance Agent. OH Central Ave., Marshficld, Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3121 , TENTS, Cots, PACK Snoks and mum Camas HAMMOCKS nt MILNER'S. Yi'ARNING TO RAILROAD MEN. S. S. Bacon, 11 Bast St.. Bath, Me &ends out this warning to railroad rs: "A conductor on tho railroad, my work iued a chronic Inflamma tion of the kldnoys, nnd I was miser able and all plnycd out. A friend ad vised Foley Kidney PIUb and froir tho day 1 commoncod takln .horn, I began to regain in my strength The Inflammation cleared nnd I am far better than I hnvo beon for twenty years. RED CROSS Drug Storo. FOR SALE at i All Grocers -. f t