THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1 91 1 EVENING EDITION . . M.WHWIIII UWH'UWCTHW COOS BAY TIMES i Entered at tho postulllce nt Marsh fiold, Oifftoii, for transmission through tho malls ns second mall matter. m. i m.i.oni:v DAN K. MAl.OXKV rmininn i ii i win -, , JU-1IMI I " Ill-l"'"""" """"' ' .w. . . -25;; THE AMERICAN CONfllCI Imvu'lHtalftt MifJ Nil IH (Si 1 61 Olfc.i rig Ml 1J3 lUM r.'l OS On i ivi ! IT L nl YJWJ W ca8s . IflMPViS W&i& B?0 a Editor and Pub. Xov8 Kill tor SOME KXCEKPTS FHOM A PAPER 11KAI) IlKFOltK THE XOUT1I 1IKXJ IIKfil SCHOOL. Address all communications to COOS 11AY DAILY TIMES. Mnifriiflrlfl " Oregon THE following Is an excerpt from As result of effort of a properly delo a paper prepared by Leo Wob- gated omcer of tho government there stcr, postmaster nt Emplro and waa athoretl ,, from tho Gettysburg An Independent news- formerly a member of Co. D 13th bntlIofloId. 37 574 niU8kots, 24l000 paper published every evening except Mass. Vol. Infantry, and read before, w Sunday, and Weekly by the pupils of tho North Dftnd High , nnn Tho Coos Hay Times Publishing Co. School on March 2S. Tho thomo ,vns "My Favorlto Book and Author", two nnd more charges, ono Spring' flold musket with 23 loads In It, ono rebel stnoothboro loaded with 22 balls and G2 buck shot, Imnglno re sult had It been discharged." Tho horrorB of war havo not been Dcdlcatod to tho service rt tho ftnd nfter pnyinB high trlbnto to Mark peoplo, that no good cause shall lack Twain, Mr. Webster announced ns a champion, nnd that evil shall not hls sut,ject, "Tho American Conflict" thrlvo unopposed. i.v tinmen Greolov. Mr. Webster ' ' . . . t. doplctod In this effort, rather has tho SUBSCRIPTION KATES. I .. lt (writer tried to bo entertaining than DAILY. I ""ow '' nre there among theso 'Wood enrdI ftnd when fc ,s Ono year $0.00 youth who know tho full s gnlilcancb 'shown that thQ 1CBBantnCBB of Per month 50.' The American Conflict. Tho lgfll to 18flG wtneBBC(1 2iS00 or MEEKLY. Bcnes, incidents, and occurrences In mon ongngcmeiltB nt nrm3i Bomo of Oll0 ycnr $1,B0 our ogisinuvo iiniis, uoui guvum- wi,, niV ItrinMv in mivniiM tho mentnl and commonwealth, at tho subscription price of th Times Is $8.00 por year six months, rlng In 18G5, virtually at Appomattos, Offlelnl Taper of Coos County ,VIrgInla, whero aftor moro than four years of fratricidal strlfo with a loss them moBt snngulnnry, tho half has not been told. io Coos Day cross-roads storo, In high places, and , 10 oooh way , i.iin. no Ab Incidental to tho cessation of or $2.50 for " those of low degree, beginning ' .early as tho year 1820, and culmlnnt- nostmtlcs, It lias nlwaja been n , ..,, ,... . . Bourco of regret to mo that I was not OFFICIAIj PAPElt OF THE CITY OF MAHSHFIELD. WIIEOK8 OF JOURNALISM. w regret permitted, by reason of provIouB muster out of tho U. S. service, to bo ono of that grand body who parti cipated In tho grand parado of fod oral armies in Washington, May 23d, 1 1860, yet would lt havo boon greater nlrinfliirn phiild' T Iinvn liopn nmontr Horace Oreoly, whom I haVo pre- thoBO of th. Un,on fl0,dior8 who itf of tho nation's best blood of moro than COO, 000 and 400,000 crippled for life, tho whlto dovo df peaco net tled down over a reunited people HEN MEN venture as nubllshors on tho soa of Journalism they 8Umoa l0 l"010' "' rau tnby marched' back from' Appomat Tcntnro whoro wators aro deep, da tho ntloh"ho so tadeh loved, 'toiCf wer- Jolned by faa' of con-' whoro BtonnB monaco-. and whero . P""0" "'Voud Ul ,"""'1 federaU noldlfero Journeying toward' rocks abound. Ito'Bhorcs aro otrown for n,l! "eminent Berrleos and per- tho. hornt8; nlltt whom thB FederaV with wrockn. I Two notable .aonni puruy ana worm. 'aoldiern chatted freely. sharinK with nuiitirnHnn nntnr. It Is known to most all of us that their BOnth'erh broth'ere tho eo'ntonVn' prlBcs.oncn of1 which atnrtod out with tho aurvlvors of this groat conrtlct,' of their haTerancks, nnd drinking . . . . . i ....... ... rrnnnrnllv rnllnil "Thn Wnr". hftv trnyn tfin knn .nnfnon plenty or monoy ana eniuusiasm, uui, "- which camo to a disastrous end, well tholr nnnunl Rathorlnga either ns, for lllustrnto tho trlnla of tho publishing business. The ono, Human Llfo, wna ii monthly mngazino published at tfoston; tho other, tho Spoknno Inland Hornld, was a dally and Sunday nows pnpor published at Spoknno, Wnsh. Human Llfo was started somo ftvo or six years ago. It omployod a capablo staff, It had capablo mon In the biislncsB departments, and lt had money behind It. was sold nt roforco'a salo for a mengor ?2,500 thlB publication with a clr- vvTilch moro Uinn $300,000 had boon put In tho few years of Its oxlatcuco to mnko lt a paying ontorprlso. Tho Inland Herald was founded from tho eanio canteen. Truly tho question of atato aovor olgnty', and domestic slavery la now, nnd forovor Bottled, but nt what a sacrifice and lt Booms' fitting to say with tho author of a poem dodlcatod to tho soldlors of tho Union, as ad monition to thom on tho annual mo- most nnrt. tho grand army of tho Itopublic roprosontln'g th"o "blue," or tho United Confodorato Votorans rep resenting tho "gray," and It has boon most truly 'said that theso most popu lar gatherings nro pathetic In tho knowlcdgo that each succeeding yonr morlal day: shows diminishing, rnthor thnn In- j crensod numbers, both of theso organ- .ta y0u tiring your garlands for tho Izntlons moot ns dying bodies, this nation's dead today: Tho othor day 'it circumstance strengthening tho bonds strow nilko tno frnBrnrit .blossomi, which uraw mo vuiuraiiu io muir u- 0-er tn0 gravo of :Dllio nnd campmonts and rounlons. Thoro la L Gray' cutntlon of moro than 75,000 nnd Into CIU,B0 fop rojoiclnB that pasBlons too. Novor foo moro brftV0 wns vnn(JU,8n. imvo waned in mo niiu ui vuid, uuu 0a uy uravo conquoror bororo, thnt tho ono tlmo nnlmosltlos havo Thoy woro brothers :ero. tho conflict, vanlshod, particularly can thU bo said i they aro brotnora now onco of thoso who "did battlo," and now on I moro, "' ' tlin OVO Of Ollr MomOrlnl day. May TUn ,lnwn nt nnnm lina oijly a Uttlo moro than a year ago 30th( ,t BOonn) npproprlato to tho oc- .tlll It bIoW8 ,n porfcct dny, by a Buccessful nowspapor man. Spo- flM,on ovdonco of tho nmUy f Tho hmin q( lQyQ t htonod , kano with a population of 10-1,000 hQ roal parllclpantB ,n our Rront frn. tno Naton ownB B . had only ono morning nowspnpor and trc(ln, 8tr,fo tf) pcturo tho 80,dlora prom q ,nn(, th(j only two ovonlng papers and It look- ,0 follB,)t fof t,,0 SontUi aml tnoy. flaK Qf f r00(om fllng , cd llko a good opening. w,m f M for tho Xorth c,nBp,ng p Nort, fl s th u d ,ot hQ It hnd originally noapltnlot $30,000, mmi over tho Stono Wall, which flg which was increased by tho snlo of urc8 B0 much n tho Gettysburg bat bonds from tlmo to tlmo to tho tloflold. oven ns theso orstwhllo ono amount of $2r0,000 moro, by various mien, did In fnct claap hnnds In Sop prlvnto, bu8liio8 mon, contractors and tombor, 1000, tho "niuo and tho others to tho sum of another $50,000, nrny", grouped In front of tho nnd by various nthor sums put In by "illghwator Mark" monumontr but a tho orlglnnl ownors, making In nil nn F,ort dlstnnco from tho Confodornto Investment of Bomothlug llko $100,- "ArniBtend" monument, and tho 000 cndi. Just a year nftor It wna "nioody Anglo,' these torma familiar founded tho Inland Herald wont Into j0 pvpry 0i,i R0idlor, tho foroground tho hands of n rocotvor. Thon It was 0f tlio picture mndo conspicuous by reorganized, moro monoy wns put In tl0 presonco of Mrs. Plckott, wlfo of to tho extent of approximately $100,- 000 In the hope thnt tho business nil-dt be pulled through. I) ut that hope wnR vain. A fow weoks ago tho gallant Confedornto chloftnln, who know that his commandor ronl Izoil that tho chargo that ho (tho commandor) hnd not tho courngo to tho publlBhera gnvo up tho ship nnd pt jn words Indicating by tho moro su pi ndod publlcntion for good. The nod Vt tho bend that It must bo mndo, wreck was complete, wna ob a "forlorn hopo" ovon as the Very evidently something moro Pntj proved, though It hns gono down tlnn money Is needod to mnke a pub- jn history ns tho "most famous charge HcMlnn n success, and Bomethlng ovor mndo." and now In tbo mntntlon more thnn a fnnclod oponlng for It. of tlmo wo have In tho United Stntes Th- re must be a field for any new Army of today; Colonol Plokott, tho pubMrntlon that Is proposed, whothor son, tho fnct duo possibly to tho samo it be mngazino or dally nowspnpor, unntiinont thnt prompted Ex-confodo- song of triumph ring: 'My country 'tis of thco, sweot lnnd of liberty, of thco I sing, Land whoro my father dlod, land of tho Pilgrim's pride, From ovory mountain sldo lot freo- dom ring.' " hows this We offer Ono Hunilrfd If Hum How r1 for aiiv innwif Cittivrrh llmt cmiiioi i cured by llutl'it'ularro Cure. K. J. CIIKNKY A CO., T il do. O. We, tho uiuli-r-lKiHcl, imvu kn n I' J. i h nnv fur the Ihi l.)eiirn, nml lielli'vc him pvr. (ectly lm orul'lo In ll lumlnoni irnn.iiitlnii, and linn"! Inllv nli'e to firry out any oullfa tlom iiihiIv by lil firm. IVAI.IUVn, Kinnan A Nf ARVIV, Whnlttnle I)rui:i;kt, Toledo, O Unll'i rnturr'i cure l taken (titernnlly, act Inudlirctly upon the lilnod nrd niiicoiis mire Uvv of the wMin. TiitlmonlaU nent trie l'rlo 7Arinta per hottlo. Mild bynlldruuKfit. Tnfev llnll'N Family Plll fur ciiinHrAtlQii. HpHROUGH an oversight we advertised the sale of dressers for $IL00 for today; but this being Memorial Day the sale is postponed until tomorrow, Wednesday Goang Harvey Company COOTLETE IIDUSE FUENISHERS Started on Time Day After Fire The city editor of the Mo bile Register put the above bend on a story sliowiug bow quickly a factory using elec tric power recovers from dis aster. , The fire destroyed a $25, Q()0 foundry of tho Mobile Stovo and Pulley Works. It started in the boiler room. The machino shop of the shmo plant was operated by electric motors with central station power. Said tho Register: "With tho exception of the men cm ployed in the main foundry building, not a man employ ed at the plant lost a minute on account of the fire." Electric Power mean DOUBLE INSURANCE. Telephone 178 OREGON POWER CO. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over ..... Assets Over $509,000 Interest Paid on TimcTDeposits mmmmmim Beaver Hill Coal MOUKT MAIMX) &KT JOBSofc CKMENT. . TUio boat Domuctlc nnd Imported brands. Plastor, Lima, Brick and nil kinds of bulldortfinatorlal HUGH McLAlN GENERAL CONYKACTbR ' OFKICK, HOUTIf IlltOAHWAY. I'HONE 201 Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Before Decoration Day Would do wull to call nt the Pnclflc Monutnontnl Works, South Ilrondwny nnd mnko solectloii from tho lnrgo Btock now on hon.1. Mr. Wilson lias In his employ tho only practical nmrblo and grn n!to outtor In Coos county. And nono but tho best work la turned in. YoMr Picnic don't forgot thnt wo hnvo lm-iniu llnnl Plntou 111k ,li rnto honornl I. Loimstroot to wrlto tow,MHl vlmle VMva 10c lloi nonornl Dnnlol K. Sickles substantial-j,,,,... x.,klns flc for tl0j!, ly ns follows: ler Ico Cmuu Dishes, "It wns tho snddost reflection of my v.m, c , . . Ml to Knpport tho publication, ami not ,fo for many years that tho advanced 0l)euChlplJllskeU , .,0c. IBe, SOc uii'itMt iiiiiii tnu iiuiui illinium ui. lhu iinaiiinn nr run wnnnn iiiiii.iii" in .'nn . and It must bo nn nmplo flold nnd n real field. Thoro must bo n domnnd for lt n strong, Insistent domnnd that springs from tho peoplo who nro merely from tho Innor fnnelos of tho position nt tho Peach Orchard" taken men who ostabllsh It. Thoro Is such by your Corps, tho 3rd Corps, and un it multiplicity of nowspnpors nnd ,ier your ordors saved tho bnttloflold magazines nlrondy In tho flold that of Gettysburg, to tho Union cnuso, but new enterprises must hnvo ovory con- today. Soptomber 10th, 1902. I enn dltlon in tholr favor to sail nlong 8nv with tbo slncoroat emotion, thnt eafely and successfully. it was and Is the best that could have eomo to tis nil, Xorth nnd South, nnd I hopo that tho nation, reunited, may nlwnys enjoy tho honor nnd glory ! brought to it by that grand work." I It Is assorted In this pnpor that After tho ltow try n Turkish bath thoro woro 2.0SS.C23 men callod Into Phono 2M- J. this sorvlco by tho United Stntes, of jthat numbor It Is said nuthorltatlvoly, Covered Clilp Hns.kets, .10, to, HO, OOc Why carry a lot of china when you can got plates nt theso prices. iff IWifWU. mm i jvrt.niiMiUufl HUv(M)l,il ml I W BICYCLB O i i i - ii miiniim ip i i i niiuiimiiiHWiiiiwiini WANTED-A HIDER AGENT IN EACH TOWN nnd (ilstnot. tnrlrln niwl nvlillilt. i sitmnln IjlIMt ilodcl t VII M1U Mcyclnhlilnl ' . i ...... .... i? Zm.Z J.' il'Z. "-" uiDbuurriiviiMinilllNH will ... .7 t. FACTO RV PRICES Wo ""rntsU tho hlchtot crado bicycles It U . i V rnl0C.' nosslblo to roako nt ono small profit abort actual fnotnrirroit- Vim ovntln in fvuni.Mian.nn1. nmlU IlVtUI "" iKwsiblo to roako nt ono small pronvnw it. YouMVOtiO to 123 middlemen's lroUy.btuT: il hnvo tho manufacturer' euarantro Iwblnd your " DUY a bicycle, or a pair of tires from ati Ivn nnp nntnliumoa nml Innrn mil linhoird CI lMf actual factory cost, iilt Minv'i.iu iiu nnn IlITVr-lfl IHlNnTIIIIV I.U.ln. . .. lxu rMM BBaaJ 11IU vie until you recelvo our catalotfuos nml lenrn our uubcard of va frt rlnni nvitnti. ! i ?.. I You CAX S.VVM I,OT by buying of II INKS'. pOOS BAY Vash store Tho Store That Saves You Money, (5i:0. N. HOLT, - - Malinger. Front Street. Mnrslilleld. Is thoro anything in all this world Hinfr la nf lilnrn lnnnrniiprt in vnn . .. ll i- . ....v . .... vv rfw.. it you nave uuywung io huh. iruuv.-. thoro were ovor two million who woro than good digestion? Food must bo rent or want help, try n want nit. lumlor the ago of 21 years, and n blgionten to sustnln llfo and must bo 5 'innlnrltv of theso worn nn,1r nl.rl,t J iHfiOSted ll COUVOrtod into blood. .. .... , , , . ..... . Whon tie digestion falls tho wholo een. tho writer being but Uttlo part 0u. ,. chnwborlaln'B Tablets 1C whon mado a prlsonor nt Gottya-- -atlonal and rellablo euro for burg, aftor noarly t,n years' service ' 'lou Thoy lncreaso tho flow undor "old Glory." A concluding iof Purify tho blood, utrengthon word of information to tho uninitiated , ZSX aiatuUS that somo conception of tho after-, hen" by nctlon. For salo by all deal ninth of the battlo may bo formal, era. R . MOORE'S rUBSON &aK REMEDY mE5HN0l.R0 MtVER rAiiinn PIU!9, CHILBLAINS, rCLONS. BURNS, ETC. AIL OHU68IIT HAVI IT OH WILL OBTAIN ON UtaWMT k ACCIPT NO SUBJTITOTK. rrjco 25 Cents. ttHGicvtmotftys eg.. san ra.NCi3co Business Directory Following Is a list of Reliable Business Firms that lt will Pay to Patronize. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heatinn Mnrshfleltl. Ore., Pliono 773 STADDEN All hinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging nnd kodak finishing. J, L. KOONTZ Machine nnd Rcpidr Shops GKXEHAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Englno Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshfleld, Ore. WylVfV omen mint thadaTrvwrrnl ..i.....v.ilw... u0ASTElt-0nAKES.lnfl h"'. Innwn.d roll.r chain n.t pwJil.. prt. ntiaoi m ltd .0 mAorthnvn Qmnin-Vvntt $ M 80 II SeIf-healingTiresf0Z? 4 ' Drawn Wire "Mazda" After tho twenty-fifth wo will bo nblo to supply tho trado with tho "Now Mazda". This lamp speaks tor Itself, A trial order and you will use no other. Coos Bay Wiring Co. J ht MfuVrtMlf a..a.1... .1 iiimv:.";."' ' mw i . ,ii .t . wvvvr'r f"-. f W MfrOJ ot. tin V Anrvn Ait m "r9,9Vra" ftratr 99.33, "r.'n,E ,WUUBLtl'0Mr,UKCTURES .Kif, h'J'.'iri."?.11..'!111 no ' hilrou. ..-wu. v muuMuii iiBirs soia last rear. itifganiffeflBJ Hotlco tho thick nibbrri "A'UndpuneturestrlM , ana "u- bio "," tm to prevent rim cuttlnr. jwi flra will out att any othr rn.ko-.SOFT, ELASTie - EHai niumu. DESCRIPTION: .MaJo In olUIiw. It1 -.... . . . U lively and onav ,L,,,SU7oJ,W.?JlHAowUh m rn7 L' ""SW never do-; or t JSSJ u. n1 lrcs llavo gJ Pumped nu onco or iwico in a wholo beason. Thoy wolch no mo thnn eiven by Bovcral layers ot thlnT ipeclaliy ' nnDirpi1 ma klnir a Yn&TiWf tJAZX ?".' " i'.'L rvaxa wo aro . - -- . "-"- . .., c,m eAlr. run ffitirVwriittaF lift Mn'SS.iS ,0." nl'Plr of tbwa tlrw. you w 111 nnd thl 'T'iS Wo know tut JouiiuiMt,i!i???.lotW ""o'tBAnanT lire you biVS.Teruwd or wen t ?""; IF YOU NEED ni7Sp"ri'na"??n;priconntUTonndforP.lrof nd.ttbon prlcoquoted .boT.Torwrlt. for onrT?rJnc,Uir,l"r?' Jl!" on ippVoUntrl.l th. i&M '""3 DO NOT lVi1ir,b.0',lu,otodr. DO NOTTHINK Or'BUVIHO.blcycteor.Ij' It only cottn, po.t to lm .viryttm? Wm e u n ovva kMW "" MW 0', woaUMtul a'n " JLMEAD CYCLE COMPANY, GHI0AG0,ILL. WATCH ! NOTICE ! ' pcn ""5ara clcTeJl iuuics unit gouts omip. "- od for and delivered. Prices reason- Homer Mauzey, on ot tho drivers nd tho solicitor for us is out fnr Laundry. Watch him! ho Is liable to atop you on tho street nml viinin nil detal's of Laundry and also to he at your homo any time. tt i-nnn.. Laundry business from A to Z, Marshfeld Hand and 'tfiBBtiAi IBBiMtoi'l'BBlMMai mil t - . . u ,,,.-BBBJ - - .i,iV able. HOSE CITV DYE AMI IW"'" J NG WOHIvS It. E. PINEGOU. Prop ... ilX'M Foot of Market Avo l'lioiw Trv my vacuum carpot cleanen io; Have That Roof Fixe NOW See CORTHELL rhono aiai