THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSMFIELO, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 29, 1911 EVENING EDITION TO FAll Lnmu Shuts San Francisco Out ancl Marshficld Wins First Game of W&w ir )w A Oakland Takes Two From Vernon. fBy Assodntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) Season From North Bencfl2to4. By n score of twelve to four, the Morshfleld High school baseball team ? defeated tho North Bend team Jit STANDING OF THE CLUBS. vnrMi Bond Sattinlnv afternoon. It ' - .... , v.wnn tlio first imnin of tho season tor each tenm. . Tho eamo teams will piny nt tho ' Portland. . . San Francisco. Oakland . . . Vernon. . . Sacramento. . Los Angeles . Pni- A I '.Von Lost cent 31 23 .074 .31 28 .025 32 20 .525 30 28 .517 20 20 .173 23 30 .300 Marshflold. depot grounds nt 10:30 tomorrow morning. Tho llnbups Saturday were as follows: North Bend. PORTLAND, Ore.. Mny 20. Port ' land yesterday shut San Francisco out, after scoring six times herself. Oakland took n doublchcadcr from Vernon. Tho scores woro as follows: At Portland It H Portland 0 15 San Francisco 0 G At Oakland It II Vernon 0 3 Oakland. 5 11 At Los Angeles It 11 Los Angolos 0 10 Sacramento.' 2 8 Los Angeles 2 10 Sacramento 3 0 Kntiinluy'rt Game. Saturday's gamo3 in tho Coast Lca- iio resulted as follows: At Portland Portland. . San Francisco, . . . At Oakland -V Vernon. Oakland At Los Augelos Los Angeles Sacramento. ..... II 0 1 II 8 0 R 1 II O 3 II 10 0 II 10 0 Hansen Davis Grout Nowklrk Dowcy Jacobson Conro Klblor Shepherd c 1 1 b 2'b S B 3 b 1 f c f r f Mfld. Hennessey Stutsman Larson Vasey Johnson Pitman Jensen Falrchllds McCormac .South Hide AVIns. Saturday afternoon, tho South .Mnrshflcld boys defeated tho West Marshficld boys by a scoro of eight to seven. Tlio west Mnrsmlcld boys had won two or thrco games previously from' tho South Marshficld team. Do Von Hnvu the KUlit Kind of Help? I'oloy Kidney Pills furnish you the right kind of holp to noutrnllzo and rcr.iov'o tho poisons that cnuso back ache, hcadacho, nervousness, and other kidney and blndder ailments." ---RKD. CROSS Drug Store.. SUMNER WINS GAME. DcfcnlH EnstMdo I) to I nt Sumner Sunday Afternoon. Sumner dofeaiod Enstsldo nt Sum1 nor Sund'ny yesterday by n scoro of nlno to fqur. Tho gamo waB ono of tho best of tho season. Norm John eon and Barkor woro tho Sumnor bat tery whllo Vlnoyard, Robinson and Wnllaco woro tho Eastsldo battory. In tho first Inning, Eastsldo secured thrco runs and Sumnor four, Masters bringing in two scores on a homo run for Sumner. Eastsldo's only other ecoro was mado in tho eighth. Carl Johnson and Jim Mulloy woro tho umpires. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phone ill ill FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to -us. Cleaning, pressing and ropnlrlng n specialty by oxporlonccd men. Satisfaction guaranteed BLANCHAHD & I)OD SOX, Allinnco IHdg. Front Su GILBERT IS jRE, U). English Coiulo Opera Writer Passes Away. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LONDON, England, Mny 29. Sir William Sclienk Gilbert, tho British nut liar and wrltor of comlo opora lib rettos, died horo this nftoruoon. Ho was born In 1830 and was knlghtod ly King Edward In 1907. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mnurey, on of tho driver nd tho solicitor for us Is out for .aundry. Watch him I ho is liable to stop you on tho strcot and explain nil details of Laundry and also to he nt your nome any time. Ho knows Laundry buslncaafrom A to Z. Marshficld Hand and Steam Laundry piioxi. aco-J ummer in All Hr Glr y Has Arrive D dyeing Froncn iJry and Steam Cloanlug ot ladles and gouts' suits. Goods call ed for and dollvored. Prices reason nblo. ROSE CITY DYE AND CLEAN .NO WORKS R. E. P1NEOOR, Prop Foot of Market Ate IMiono 103 Try my rncuum otrpot elrnnor. yHjJHjKKl . L jjSjfijoviMiii' A NIFTY LINE OF 4 l to $ I The Swelled Line on Coos Bay At, TKe Toggery TTIJi! HOME OF QUALITY Togs for Weli-Drcssed Men ECORATION DAY signals summer. If you've worn your winter clothes up to now, you'll want to cast oil- the old and lake on the new, when you see Benjamin Clothes. They are the clothes do luxe, but they can bo purchased at prices which are indeed moderate. Tho fact is, such. values have never been given for V "' from $18.00 to $35.00, as you'll find in this famous make. Be well dressed on Memorial Day. "Wear garments of New York Style. Make the occasion memorable for more reasons than one. AVc show other Suits from $10.00 -up to $20 each one, the strongest possible value Because "MONEY TALKS" A new line of Ladies' Shoes Tans Satins Velvets and Buck " high and low, have just arrived at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Tine Hub Clotihimiff aoct Shoe C0 MARSHFIELD BANDON we We Work And Advertise To bring n cmtomer hero tho llrst time, after thnt ho conies of Ills onn nccord. You know why. mi member Tlirro Is no kink, or cuo that itc tm't do. "IIIINK IT O V E It M A R Y." Co-os Bay Steam Laundry I'tlONK MAIN 57-J BlancharcPs Livery Wo have Becured tho llvory busi ness of L. II. Holsner and nro pro pnrod to render excellent service to tho pooplo of Coos nay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything thnt will mean satisfactory sorvleo tt the public. Phono us tor n driving horse, n rig or anything needed lr Mio livery line. Vo nlso do e rucking business of nil kinds. BLANCIIAHR BROTHERS. Art Blinchnrd, Mgr. Livery, Feed niitl Hales Sorvleo. HI First and Aider Stioets. Phone 138-J MARSIIFlELn'S POPULAR FAMILY HOTEL THE IJ.OYJ) Rates leduced to: i)a 50c, 7fic and il.OO; week $2.00 to Jfi.00. House Keeping apartments with gns rnngos M0.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS E. W. SULLIVAN. Prop. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY pR. G. W. LESLIE, Osteopathia Physician Graduate ot tb American school o( Oeteopnthy at Klrksrlllw, Mo. Office In EUorado Dlk, Hoars 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phone 161-J; Murslifleld; Oregon. -R. J. W. INGRAM, Physician nntl Snrftcon. 209-210 Coke Building Phones: Ofllco 102.T; Residence 1021. J W. BENNETT, Lawyer. Offlco ovor Flanagan & Dennett Rank larshfield Oregon "TML J. T. McCORMAO, Physician and Sjirgeon Mnrshflcld, Orogon, Olllce; Lockhirt Ilulldlng, opposlto Post O'llc-J. Phono 105-J "THE FRIE 'I) OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANJ CONNECTING WITH TIIK NOMH ANK ROAD ArfO Sails for Portbnil frm Cms lay, M NORTH PACIFIC 3TKAM8HIP COWAJII. PHONE 11 C. F. McQKOEWi OLD RELIABLE TEAMER BREAKWA1 Kiirivo rS TMtt SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT 0 A. M., ON IAV 1MJ FROM COOS RAY AT SERVICE OF TIDE MXV,1 28. RESERVATIONS HELD ONLY UNTIL NOOJ u i OL'S TO SAILING. L. II. KEATING, AGENT T ,.f. ,..T..,Ji..M '1 HiTiTUtwMttW POULTRY FOR SALE Lot of full-blooded Plymouth Rock chickens. Come nt once ns they will bo sold soou, AUG. Fltl.EEN Real Estnto nml Iiisurauco Agent! 08 Central Ave., Mnrslitlehl, Ore. Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses and i rnroful drlvors nro now nt tho dls posal of tho Coos Ray public at REASONABLE RATES. , Rlb'8 or rigs with drivors roudy for nny trip anywhoro nny tlnio. Horses boardod and rigs enrod fur. Now honrso and spoclnl accommo dations provldod for funeral pariloH W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 27;J-J , Road tho Tlmos' Wait Ads. SAFE INVESMENTS. For Information concerning high-class bond investments, bearing C interest not, writo O. B. Hlnsdnlo, enro J. H. A&ams and Company, Los Angeles, California, TIIK FAST AND COMMODIOUS Will make regular trips carrying passengers both vl between Coos Bay nml San Francisco. Allr"""011 - 1 ...... .... .,.n-l.l ....1 InttT-OCM" '"" Union Street Wharf No2, S'n Francisco. For I"10 I 1-J or US."?. v vnu-n nr,M, ....'aiinDTITlOV COMl'-1 ' i. i t'ii-iJi;r.i.i iin.ini v... , 2nJ THE BOAT THAT GETSW8 STEAMER ANyl Sails from Bandou for Portland J"11 OVOl'V fifll rlnir flim.nn-Ffm i J. WiVJDSTROH, Agent. BaH ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE W II M