THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 29, 191 1 EVENING EDITION dny he mndc the run out to throo mllos ooyend Bridge-. ii 1 JOHKHH im i :&' .aro rmrmmm mmJMn w su icoration Day Reminds Us lT that the uniforms of the boys in blue were all-wooL wise government knew that pure wool was the best ial for clothes and that it would best stand hard wear bad weather Ithcraft Clothes arc guaranteed all-wool and to stand wear. Thoy guaranteed for good tailoring asting shape. y have the style and fit that will . ,. ... ii. :., M,;.., lyou m line wiin wiu inu" i" ""a Iwho arc always well-dressed. This store is the headquarters for Clothcraft Clothes. Somewhere be tween $10 and $25 you will find just the Clothcraft suit 'that will enable your pockctbook to keep step with your good taste. "We have that suit. -Man ers Woolen Mill Store Marshfield Oregon North Bend News The Lndlcs' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church mot nt the home of Mrs. John Nowklrk, May 25th. A very pleasant afternoon was spont. Mrs. Nowklrk served deli cious refreshments consisting of hot tnmnles and other good things. Those proaont woro Mesdanics M. L. Grout, A. S. lllsey, F. W. StovoiiB, W. A. Kibbler, J. E. Stevens, J. S. Nowklrk, II. 0. Isaac, W. II. Shoppord, J. Wood hull, E. Woods, Mrs. Schrock, L. Bul slgre, Mrs. Wilson, W. Ncllson. Tin: -weather. NEW RESIDENCES BUILT. Mr. C. Hoffman, recently of Now Moxlco, hns purchased GOxHO lying, nt tho corner of Central avonuo nnd 1-tth street In West Marshfield, from Wilson Kaufman, and will commenco tho erection of a now modern bunga low Monday, to bo occupied by him self nnd family as a residence Mr. Hoffman's plnns mean n neat and artistic homo for himself. Messrs. Gwnnson nnd Dnvls aro well along with tho construction of a vary substantial dwelling which thoy nro erecting nt Eleventh nnd Central avonuo In West Mnrshflold. This building will bo for rent. Tho now building Is botweon tho two hnnd somo residences occuplod by E. F. Morrlssoy nnd R. K. Booth, nnd Is tho fourth dwolllng to bo built upon tho 90x140 foot cornor purchased by thoBo gentlemen n Uttlo moro than a year and a halt ago. I (By Associated Press.) OREGON, May 29, Fnlr to night nnd Tuesday. LOCAL temperature port;. RE- For twenty-four hours ending at 1:43 p. m., May 28,bMrs. E. Mlngus, special govornmorit metoorologlcnl observer: Maximum 5S Minimum . . 41 At 4:43 p. in 57 Precipitation. .... .nono Wind, Northwest; clonr. Is 'Arrested. Chns. Lovogren, a bni'tcndoi' nt the Shamrock, was nr restod by Marshnl Cnrtor this morn ing charged with selling liquor to a logger Sundny. Tho olTonso is nlleg- 'ed to have been commlttod outsldo tho saloon. Not Coming. Owing to tho Inabil ity of President Campboll of Oregon University to como hero ns was ex pected, tho mooting which ho was to hnvo addressed nt tho Marshfield High , school Auditorium tonight hns bcou called off. Autos Coming. Tho two autos which Wado and Goodnlo aro get ting for tholr HoBoburg service nro expected on the Alllanco Wednesday,-" they having decided to hnvo them shipped Instead of going up nnd driv ing thorn down. Hear Cnxen. Jifdgo Hall went to Conullla this morning to hear .tho Conch ostnto cnso.nnd nlso to hold a session of Juvenile court. Undergoes Operation. Mrs. non McMullon this morning underwent a rather critical operation at Mercy hospital. Sho wan roportcd gotting along nlcoly this afternoon. Itosenc Drill. Yesterday tho Mnrshflold Nnval Rcsorvos drilled with their now guns and other tic coutrcmonl8 which nrrlvod horo Snt urday and mndo a lino appoarnnce. Thoy will now tnko up target prAc- tlso and other preparations for nctivo sorvlco. Thoy havo arranged to par tlclpato .In tho Decoration Day ob sorvnnco hero tomorrow. GRADUATES AT COQUILLE. lho students of tho Coqulllo High school aro certainly to bo congratula ted on tho way la wliich thoy present ed tholr clnso piny "Cupid at Vna Vr." Tho graduates aro, Eva Sugg, Grotchon Sherwood, Ivn Howoy, Dollo , Thrift, Anna qhilds, Elizabeth Chllds, Walter Oordlng, Molvln Kern nnd Matt Kerrigan. Coqulllo Scntlnol. Meet Next Week. Tho Mnrshflold city council Will hold Its next regular mooting n week: from tomorrow night, adjournment having boon takon until-tho first Tuesday in Juno. Ball TodAy. Tho Excolsl6r will sail today for San Diego with n cargo from tho Smith mill. Tho Rangor sailed this morning for Port Orford and tho President sailed for Bnndon. LUMBI A ! ! ! tilnjlll give so much plonsuro, to so ninny pooplo, for lime, at so llttlo coal as a Columbia firnpliophone. Co- illtr It not based on moro clnltnB. Whorovor Columbin e tn In competition with tho world's product, thoy hnvo :lted tho highest posslblo nward. ESTI1E PLACE OF THE HAND.. Wo also carry a com- c( records, For salo at Xftor tho show try a Turkish bath Phono 214- J. Tho 11. V. 1 U. will tako a trip to CharlBton Beach TOMORROW. Tho Btonmor Donlta leaves tho Central avonuo dock at 7:4C A. M. Don't FORGirr to bring your LUNCH bas kets well filled. lU'NtuurnntH Morgo. Tho Palaco and Molroso rcstaunUits woro conso lidated today In tho Palaco. Messrs. Carlson nnd Klnnoy becoming ubso clatod with J. W..Tlbbqtts In tho lnt- tor. Boo PRENTISS for flags and HUNTING. JUST RECEIVED bnrrol of- frosh COLUMBIA HATTEHIES. Road tho Times' Want Ads. irt-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY GOIiNEJt" Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. KAV-RffiFRIIfir. STAf,F I.INt between Roscbmrg nnd Marshfield. Stngo leaves dolly "7p. ni. Faro, $0.00. CDtTTKR, Agent, O. P. BARNARD, AV., Manhflcld. Agcat, ROSEBURG, Oro. PHONE 11 facts, Real Estate, Fire Marine Insurance Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXRY SFNGSTAOKEN. Mr. r Phone 191 Marshfield Office 14-J. ker Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDE" "feTBazda" ra'r-mth wo will i'Wrtho trade uu , ' "Peaia fr for itself. ami you wjn nne Co. 37.J, Y'ARX1NG TO RAILROAD MEN. S S. Bacon, 11 Bast St., Bath, Mo., sends out this warning to railroad- n a pnmluctor on tho railroad, my work aauBed a chronic Inflamma tion of the kidneys, ana i was miser nhin nmi nil nlaved out. A friend ad vised Foley Kidney Pills and from tho day I commenced takinD tnom, I began to regain in my strength The InflammatU n, cleared and I am fnr better than I havo been fo? twenty years. RED CROSS Drug Store. The Myers' Store Coos Building Closed Tomorrow Decoration Day See our advertisement in Thursday 'Evening's Times, announcing the arrival and demonstration of tho latest New York fads and styles in tailored skirts. LARD Standard Lard Standard Lard Golden Gate Lard .... Golden Gate Lard .... Rex Lard Rex Lard Mistletoe Pure Leaf Lard Columbia Pure Leaf Lard Columbia Pure Leaf Lard 5 pounds ' . . 80c 10 pounds . . . . .$1.55 5 pounds. . . .' . . .80c 10 pounds $1,55 5 pounds 80s 10 pounds $1.55 5 pounds 85c 5 pounds 85o 10 pounds. .... ,$1.G5 $re Will Be Closed All Day Tuesday Lockharf s Grocery Two Private Phones b5 ana 305 Aulo Accident. Clnudo Nnsburff had nn autotnobllo nccldont that turned out most lucky. Ho waB try ing to turn his mnchlno around nor tho wireless station when It stnrted to slldo on tho wot grass, Ho (Couldn't stop and it went bounclns down tho hill nnd flnnlly turned over ( on Its sldo Just In tlmo to provont going over tho Btoop bank. Tho dnmngo consists of a broken steering gear nnd broken wheal. Mr. Nob burg cscapod Injury. Rond Is Good. Dr. Johnson drovo over from Myrtlo Point this morning In about two hours. Ho roports tho road In fairly good condition. Sun- An Extra Attraction. MR. KEL LER of tho Orphoum Thcntro ndvjses uo that on nccount of tho grcnt num bor of requests for tho ropontod ex hibition of tho recent Vltngraph'rc lenso, entitled "Though Your SIiib bo ins Scnrlot,'1 that bo will Includo It In tonight's program along wMh pov oral othor iilcturos of exceptional merit. Ho has paid tho rogular ad vortlslag rato for this spaco to toll you about this porformanco tonight nndjioroby wishes to glvo you notlco that this Is positively tho last chnnco to sco thlfl marvel of tho dramatists and photographer's skill. WANTED To loan $2,000 nt 8 per cent. Good security. Enqulro "X" Times. WANTED Girl for general house work. Good wages. Apply Mrs. A. 0. Rogers, phono 3100. WANTED Dy Henry Si'iigstnclccii, t! tons old and 10 tons now Chlttom bark. FOR HALE My farm (100 acres in ono lot or will cut up In parcols to suit. 0. W. Sanford, Mnrshflold, Oregon. FOR SALE In North Bond, n $2,000 resldenco proporty. WllUnko 1,250 on terms, -address' Box 711, North Bond, Oro. WANTED Position by good all around cook in hotel or boarding liouso. "Z" caro Times. FOR SALE Cheap. .New 21 Horso Powor Gasoline Mnrlno onglno. Ad dress Box 321, Oregon City, Oro. WANTED Experienced woiiinn for general housowork. Mrs. P. M. Hall-Lowls, Phono 314X1. FOR RENT Six room (hit furnished complete with bath, hot and cold water, finest vlow in city, with gas rnngo. Apply to Rottcrt Mars don, Sr. Personal Notes Q. W. CARLETON is 'acting socrotary of tho Marshfloid Chamber of Com morco during tho nbsonco of Miss Vlolot Hendorson who is In Portland, FRANK LAMBERTON nnd brldo nrjivod horo Saturday 'ovonlng from Dolso, Idnho, to spond part of tholr honoymoon on Coos Bay. Thoy woro warmly wolcomod by Mr. Lamborton's many frionds noro. ' C. W. SANFORD roiurned today from Cnllfornln whoro ho has spent tho winter nnd will spond tlio.summor with relatives " horo This was his first trip from horo In forty yonrs and whllo ho enjoyed It, ho wns glad to got back Ho camo in via Sumnor. J. A. GOODWILL wns down from hla South Coos River ranch today. Ho roports thnt tho now logging enmp of, tho Smlth-Powora company nonr McKnlght's lnndlng will probably; bogln oporntlohs next week. Thoro (s about 45,000,000 feet In tho trnct to bo lagged and It will prob ably tako two years to clear It. FOR RENT 10 ncro rnnch, North Slough D. Ferguson. AUTO An time, anywhere. Ren ' sonablo intcs. Phono Blanco hotel 40 or Resldenco 28-J. Ono of tho advnntngos of going to tho Woolen Mill Storovhon you wnnt clothes Is thnt thoy soil tho Hort Schaffnor & Marx lino. A MATCH For tho best is HAINES' FLOUR. MONOGRAM OIL at tho Gunnery. ' J1 FOR SALE at All Grocers ni ( 3 p.;