't HE WEAKEST MAY BE TRANSFORMED INTO THE STRONGEST BY ASSOCIATION hi i . OUH. ADS CARRYING .. ur (.(orciicws, Bhoiild uppenr ns ciilnrly " ll(l(-'s lhl8 "owsyniicr. If ..iMiniH'r omitted mi issue now Cons Vtfatt?0 SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's inhcrtisliig Hpiico In n iieuMpniu'i, compared with tlio spaco used by oilier stores, should detlno Its comparative Importance In tlio coit'iiiiiultyl Does your store's ad vertising space do that? urn , . evcn for so vt eighty .n rcn- and I'CM- i.... lm( if mfirliL ruin ion n u'm I ffOIll" HOI- " " K"W in:Hmum. . MEM1WK OP ASSOCIATKU PRES8 KstabllAlicd In 1878 as Tlio Coast Mall VOL XXXIV MARSHFIELD,. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1911 EVENING EDITIONEIGHT PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 115 Saw IEY ISLAND SUMMER PARK SUFFERS $3,000,000 FIRE LOSS 1 Noted New York Resort Nearly Wiped Out By Conflagra tion Today. NO LIVES LOST IN THREATENED HOLOCAUST Four Blocks In Heart of Great Pleasure Palaces Wiped Out. (Br Associated Proos to Coob Duy Times.; NEW YORK, May 27. Coney Is- lwd, tlio piny ground of Now York, mffcrcd tlio worst flro in Us history urly today. Dreamland, tlio largost of amusomont parks, was wiped out nd about four blocks adjoining, co;- ' caso" is reported seriously ill tred Uli booths, rcstnurnnts, hotoli, ,n u'8 city and this morning tho In coring picture shows and resorts of "'cations woro that alio would not bo mloui types wero destroyed. Tho called ns n witness In tho trial owlnj Ore broke out nt 2 o'clock In tho.t morning nnd was not nctunlly under control until I: 30. Tho loss will mount to between $2,000,000 nnd 11,000,000. No lives wero lost. In Ml nbout 200 buildings woro turned nnd perhnps 2,000 porsoii3, tome millionaires nnd employes woro turned out homeless nnd penniless. Il burned nren represents nearly n iklrd of tho cntlro nmusoment city, ill of which uifdtiubtedly would linvo fHt In tlio teeth of A strong wind tot for the fact that Coney Island it tfwlded wllh n high pressure water intra, especially designed for flro protection, and Is hotter gttardo'l ifilnit a disaster of this kind than mi other similar resort In tho world. The flro started In Hell Onto, tho Ktnle railway. Close to Holl Onto m Bostock's animals show and surer jet, an Infant Incubator, chari ty snrsery, In which thoro woro six Infants and their attendants. The cltldren were taken out in tho nlr In little class houses and rushed out of mer by tho police. Then enmo efforts to romovo tho luteals. Thoy woro so pnnic strlckon however that very fow wero rescued. Tnlners tried to induce tho fright- nti beasts to leave their cages and ter emergency vans which aro nl Tm ready whllo policemen stood by fifh revolvers drawn ready to shoot t the first break any of tho beasts bIjM make for liberty. Their pre notlons wero not amiss for whllo the et of tho lions. Black Prince, "m belrg pent down tho runaway ho take his bonds and smashing his f through tho barrier leapod Into ft itreet which was packed with ple. Consternation seized the altitude nnd tho crowd rushed poll "U In all directions. "Mounted po- aen openod flro on tho big boast, Hon backing nwny from tho glare i nolte of the explosion. Then six We mounted nollcomen llnod nn In of him nnd onened fusillade ni the Hon backed nwny and took we io a b'ack corner of ono of the 'den tunnels of "Rocky Road to ""Win" Thrr-n Hnnl vnllnoc tr ro. '"""i io nul-h him. As soon ns tho ,n)d was assured tho llrtn wns na'preslivWilnn Assembly today. A ro- Sore hey rushed In and literally tr his circuB to bits for souvenir, ntlde-lnthoetontof Its spread , , cnsldcrcd llttlo short of mar- mm nonn of tho summer dls- "tpopiilaMrn inst fimii. iivn Tim cl"Tcasilnltl-o -. .... x. .i. ..-,, -r. -.... i.-iuiieu io ino puiico (m.. . """ " "" ."' . e Oy Smrkt. All tllrnn K'nrn !.. without difficulty. Tho cause "e Are n unknown nnd probably v uviuriuiuuu. cASi: IS CONTINUED. H Hordcll Continues Los An- RpIps Dynamiting. lOS AVGELES, Cnl., May 27. t1" Bordwell '"three irrsnnn i. .no nrorJrminii tim phiof business of the dlplo- rteji f0r tn ,. . number 01 larmens wui ouum - cauBOi Tho peremptory cnanengin oaruu bjiuiib opecim . v ( 41AVfl.1Vll Ul WVI . a - -i Unllth I In. . . . .1 V.nlln. C -.1 1 tithmr. , Vu ' V .kota opposed tno measure. wIJi uogjn thls afternoon In the gralt watcn union, uoai uiuu, t. r, , Wl U8e at u'.,wl .rTQa"- noe o".,h mivT Jmi nf Former Pollco Chief Wannoa-1 New England cup, J iiueu a continuance of time Menm.uwaiui b. .--- ,ol, wrn MURDER CASE NEARLY DONE Roy McClallen's Fate Likely to Be Left to Jury Late Today. ROSEBURG, Ore, Mny 27. It Is expected that tlio caBO of Hoy Mc Clnllon, charged with tlio murder of Bon Mnhan horo March 13. Will reach tlio Jury lato today. McClnl- lcn'B ploa Is solf dofenso nnd strong ovldcnco has bcon Introduced In his "". '"18a w"i apoicnor, "ino woman "or physical condition not permit- ting her nppearnnco In tho court room. McClnllcn was n witness In his own bohnlf yesterday nnd on tho witness stnnd recited prnctlcnlly tlio snmo sfory ns told by him boforo tho. coronor'8 Jury at the tlmo of tho kill- ing. Ho told of hearing of tho nu- morouB thronta Mnhnn had mado ngalnst him nftor Miss Spolcher hnd Mnhon down and sho was keeping compnny with McClnllcn. W. H. Wlams of Portland wob a strong wit- nes mr MGwuuu. iiu vubuuu mat he mot Mnhnn In Portland last Fob- " rhnry and thnt Mnhan romarked at that tlmo "If I can't keep compnny wun miss opoicnur, no oiuur pursuu will. In tho ovont bdo Insists on Keeping comjinny wun .Mciaiion, i will got mm." NumoroiiB ouier wu- Wnii Richardson, -Mrs. EarlFlnloy, nessee told of hearing Mnhnn mnko A Ei "vithoro, L. p. F. Dnlz, J. II. similar threats against McClallen. p0lhomus, R. Do Holfln, E. F. Petors, Judgo J, S. Coko of Mnrshtlold 1s Wnii nicking, N. E. Schulz, A. Rus presldlng nt tho trlnl and C. F. Mc- tMf L Anindon, F. B. Wheolor, M. Knight of Mnrshtlold Is aiding' In tho yntCs, L. Soloras, R. E. Sherman, dofenso of McCInllon. Mr8i R Bt shormnn E. W. Fuller, F. A peculiar fact about tho caso Is stolnbnch, J. R. Scurlado, Gen Lnkln, thnt Miss Spolchor Is n dlvorceo, Ma-" Mr8- Lakin. C. Cordoll, L. Fahor, H. ban was divorced and McClallon's naymond. R. O. Graves, Mrs. C. M. w,fo 8CClred a d,vorco frora h,m 800n !.!... 4li KMIIhh nf fntinn after tho killing of Mahan. BRYAN STARTS Presbyterians Condemn Diplo matic Corps After Com moner's Charge. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., May 27. Condemnation of tho use of Intoxl- cants by diplomatic representatives of tho United States In foreign lands ; n fontnro of the closing session of tho 123rd General Assembly of the solution was passed by acclamation calling on tho Secrotary of Stato to j 'dlscourago tho uso of intoxicants both hero and abroad. Tho action re- suited from n speocn on luauiuimito i,. w. T Tirvan last hlcht In whloh 1.1 I.. CmiMi Amprlm bo iirjau buiu u'i ........ 'matlc corps was absorbing liquor. " ...- FARMERS AGAINST HILL. Senate Committee Holds Reciprocity ireai'ing. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Although tho Senate has adjourned until Monday, tho Sennto Flnnnce Committee still had before It today the Cnnndlan reciprocity .'bill. A. WAR 0 BOOZE MADER0 NOW MEXICO'S DICTATOR Federal Officials Bow to -jjg fdero, earlier in tlio day advised tlio Wish and Urge HiS Early, legislature of Coahulla's persistent Appearance at the Capital City. I (By Associated Press to Coos Times.) t JUAREZ, Mox., Mny 27. Qoneral Mndero received a long message froraiJcrc(1' Lntor ln tuo Madoro r t, . . . r, , r, . . , President Do La Barra today urging him to cotno to Mexico City as soon as possible. Tho president Inquired after that another meBsago waq ro nUo It Vasquez Oomcz had started colvod saying Carrnnza had been tor tuo capital nnu tno prooauto umo of hlB arrival. Dr. Gomez la already Steamship Arrives In From Portland This Morning With Large Number. .Tho Brenkwatcr arrived In this morning from Portland nftcr a good tr,, UOwn tho const. Sho lind a largo incoming passongor list nnd a big enreo of freight, owing to tho proximity of tno nose carnival, tho trnvol north Is un- UHUniiy heavy, tomorrow sho will ,nv nmotlcnllv a caimcltv list out- going. TJl0 ircnkwater will sail -at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Among those arriving on tho .nrcnkwntcr wero- tho following: R. w. Mvnr. J. A. Savors. Goo Po- J&- w. wjor, j. . oj"i vu - 1Uo,( j, At Kcuy, s. n. Hay worth, J. y nolloway, C. Little, A. Ottorduon, . ... w--w - w i-- - MANY ARRIVE ON BREAKWATER Joo MnrcollI, L. WIlBOn, Chaa John- uoforo tn0 flghti no wa8 cont BOn, chas Fry, S. 8. Graramor, Geo'wouid bo tho victor. AVolgas niof( Mrflt Knt0 Lando, Jnp. Pappas, Fannan, T. C. Russell. G. A. Bistort- ous. T BALL SCORES Vernon Defeats Oakland ana Goes to Second Place With 'Frisco CloSe Behind. (Ey Associated Press to Coob Baj Times.) poutf-AND. Oro.. Mav 27. By .... , , ... , --. , (weatinc Oakland yestord'ay. Vornon ,nto gecond ,aC8 ,n tho Coa coguo with San Francisco very close to her. The scores yesterday wore ns follows: At Portlnnd portlnnd. . . . Snn Francisco. At x Qg Ang0,eB LEAGUE H Los Angeles. Sacrnnieiuo, At Oakland Oakland. Vernon . , GET TWELVE JURORS. Testimony In Wiippenstcln Caso Will Heglu Soon, SEATTLE, Wash., May 27. When tho Superior Court adjourned at noon today, 12 Jurors had been passed for R H 1 7 2 5 R Jl 0 C 3 S R H 5 10 G 9 .stein. b wb"k vw" hm. en route to Mexico City. Senor Ma- refusal to namo Kenustlnno Carrnnza governor and suggested a compro mise candldnte. Mndero replied that Carranza was his cholco and demand ed that he bo named for that place or an advance on tho town of Saltllla, the capital of Coahulla, would bo or- iceivcd a messago begging no attacK . , , f. , . f . . , I bo ordered as tho lcglslaturo had changcd ltB mndj A fow minutes uiccicu. iimuru wus pimmy jiiuuwiu by tho developments. BURNS LOSES TD Both Fighters Were Confident . . . oeiore iviaicn uuusra vored Wolgast. IIULLETIN. - (By A8soclnted Press.) SAN FRANCISCO, May 27. Burns' seconds throw up tho spongo at tho beginning of tho seventeenth round, thereby glv- ing tho Hght to Wolgast (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., May 27. Add -WolKast. Unht welKht chamtilon. - .i tt..i,i ti... . ,- .iU ano,.FrnnKio uurns mot. noro to for n 20 round fight. Although 0dds wero ton to four ngaln'st Bu uuu.i'iuuniu uutiio tuuh' uvtu ivuu; tho Burns fldout ho olcnst claims tnat ho nna uet jo,200 on tho light. CORNELL 18 VICTOR. Captures First Honors In Eastern Track nnd Field Meet. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay v Times.) CAMBRIDGE, May 27. Cornell College won tho Intor-colleglato field nnd track meet hero today. BIC PRIZE TO About $100,000 Offered For Airship Contest Between Pans and Turin. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Franco, May 27. In or dor to nrevont a recurronco of Inst. ...- Sunday's tragedy Jn which Minister Isertoaux lost his llfo and Premier Monis was seriously hurt, no spec- t(mj hQ MQveA m ftVft. tlon STOima whon tho stnrt is mndo of tho great air race from Paris to Romo and thonco to Turin. The flight ! which was organized by Lo Petit Pnrlslon and which will mean to tho wlnnor prizes aggregating $100,000. WINNERS O.v REGATTA. Dig Hunt Hares Pulled Oh at Phila delphia Today. PHILADELPHIA. Mny 27. Tho winners In tpday's regattit. hero woro: Second four-oared shell, rvtladelphlu (Bargo Club; Schuyklll cup.Mrst dou- bio skulls,-Philadelphia Boat Club; j puritan cup .first' four oared shells, 'Arudell Boat club; Freshmen'Olght; United' States Naval Academy won first; Blngle skulls E. IT. Hoffman, University Barge Club; pecond eight-1 Inter club Boston. unlor Colic- W WE MILLIONAIRE GATES FORMATION W M NEW CAPTAIN Announcement of Appointment As Master of Redondo Is Confirmed. Ofllclal confirmation was made to day of tho appointment of Will Ma goo, formerly of Emplro and for a considerable tlmo master of tho Tug Columbia, as captain of tho steamer Redondo by tho Iutcr-Occnn Trans portation company. Tho announce niont of Mr. Mngco's advancement "" second mnto of tho Nnnn smith will bo welcomo iiowb to his ninny Coos Day friends. Cnpt. Hanson, who resigned ns master of tho Redondo, will, it Is un derstood, sail ns first mnto on tho steamer Queen nut of Snn Francisco. Tho dnto on which tho Redondo ,wlll lonvo San FrnuclBco Is not dell- nitoly known yet. Sho Is now on dry docks undergoing somo minor re- pairs nnd having her cabins Improv cd. Tho dry dock work was dolnyod by another ship being. In nticnd of itur. - Tho Redondo passed Inspection all right but certain Improvements were desired by tho owners. A few weoks ago when .tho Redonlo rnn Into a log -raft lnthe Bnyh ft pjoco of wlro cablo wrdppod around tho procllor, gounglng out tho stornbearlng whtcfy. had to bo renowedr Cnpt. Magco's appointment was duo to tho recommendations of Capt.B. W. Olson of the Nnnn" Smith, under, whom ho hns bcon Balling. Tho Nann Smith sailed today for Bny Point. Third Fire In Standard Lumber Company's Yards Does Big Damage. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 27. As a result of the Stnndnrd Lumber Com pany's flro early today, the financial Iobs Inflicted was $500,000. Tho flro Is believed to havo been incendiary. This Is tho third flro In tho Stand ard's yards In eighteen months with a totnl loss aggregating about $500,- 000. LOCUST PLAGUE IS OW FEAR! Dreaded Insects Make First Appearance In 17 Years In Virginia. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. Tho soventoon-yonr locusts which aro said to bo duo to ravago vogotutlon In tho eastom states this summer, 'aro reported to hnvo appeared In 'Alexandria county, Virginia, and prediction Is made that within a week or two too "plague" will be .common. Tho Times Want Ada bring results (500,000 LOSS AT DUBUQUE TELLS OF DF HE TRUST Reveals Inside Workings of High Finance Before Sen ate Committee. MORGAN, SCHWAB AND HIMSELF TURNED TRICK Andrew Carnegie Regarded Like "Bull In China Shop" By Morgan. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 27. John W. Gates appeared as a wltncsa beforo tho spcclnl Houso Commlttoo to Investigate tho steel trust and de clared that the accumulation by tho Trust Company of America In 1007 of a great block of collateral of tho Tennessee, Coal nnd Iron compnny mndo It posslblo for tho acquisition of thnt property by tho United Stntca Steel corporation. Gntes said ho re garded tho transaction as n forced salo. Gates snld n bank applied for as slslnn.'c to the clearing houso. A Its nssets. They rcportod tli.o bnnk hnd ton much Tonncsseo Conl nnd Iron collateral. Gates snld tho stock brokers told him ns"n result of this investigation n gentleman was In vited to John P. Morgan houso. Mor gan suggested to him that tho Unit ed States Steel Corporation. might no qulro tho Tcnncsseo Coal and Iron, and. that, said Gates led up to tho negotiations which afterwards woro poncludod. ,G,lUca, replying to. n question said ho could nqt sny whether Morgan and others over trlod to secure tho Ton 1108800 company boforo, with a vlow of forming a monopoly) How W. II, HopVnnd II. C. Frlck lout 11,000,000 to CarnoKio In 1897 through tho forfeiture of nn option, on tho Carnegie -Steel Works and tho manner In which Morgan, Schwab and hlmsolf conceived the ldoa of forming tho Unltod States Stcol cor poration In 1898 wns also rolatod by Gates, Gates said tho price of finish ed steol In 189C and 1897 was badly demoralized and Moore conceived tho Idea of securing nn option on Carno gle's plant. Tho prlco as Gatos re memborcd It wns to have been $1G0, 000,000. Thoy paid Carnoglo $1,000, 000 but bccaiiso of tho demoralized condition of business could not put tho deal through, A year or so later, Morgan organiz ed tho National Tubo Company and was making monoy, Carnegie, who Gates said was always a "bull in china shop" In regard to breaking prlco agreements, then took It Into his head to erect a tubo works at Ashtabula. Cameglo also concolvol as notion to build n railroad from Lako Erlo around his plants. Mor gan oxpressed a fear that If Carnoglo went Into railroad business ho would domornllzo tho railroad situation and If ho wont Into tho tubo business ho would domornllzo that. Aftor con siderable talk, Morgan had Gntos boo Sehwnb, who was tho only ono thnt could do anything with Carnoglo and as a result tho plan mndo to morgo tho steel corporations Into ono con cern n n in oil Unltod States Steol Cor poration was evolved. Gatos said tho property on wlilc'i Carnoglo gave an option for $100,000,000 was turn ed Into tho stool corporation at $320, 000.000. Chairman Stanley, after Gatos said It was Impossible for him to stato what tho obligations of tho stool cor poration woro, naked If Gntes bollov cd thoro Is any tanglhlo vnluo bohlnd tho common stook hold by Gatos. ' I decline to answer," replied Gates, O "Getting buslnosa is Just llko courting a girl you must offer tho right kind of goods, and keop on calling." 4 ' if 'i n 'I r Pleas from Juno 1 to July 5. INO JtA t AWttifituj. - -- .fc, w