THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1911 -EVENING EDITION - ;, mm aunm-wmi' imiun i' g ifiitwH ytjwa;j' iiJMt""'""-"' x. n satisfactory price will bo paid them O .MARSHFIELD SALMON CAN- - for the fish. COOS BAY TIMES O NEHY. ,! This should interest local Entered nt the postolllce nt iMnrsh- oo lcn nd oncotirngo them In getting Hold, Oregon, for transmission j j J t0.0i,jgp josseo of tho local their gear roady In time to got the through tho malls as second class cnnnory hn3 informed Henry Sengs- full benefit of tho soason. mall matter. l. (. MALONEY Ktlllor mill Pull. DAN E. MAI.ONKV News Editor Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. Rlnrnlilleltl :: :: :: ''. Oregon tneken that ho will bo horo early In Juno to comploto putting In tho ne cessary up-to-dato machinery, nnd that tho' cnnnory will bo in position to hnndio all tho fish offered, that flsh ormon will not bo limited, nnd that Lame Shoulder is noarly nlwnys dno to rhoumntlsm of tho muscles, and quickly yields to tho freo appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment For salo by all doalerB. nowa line V! offer One Hu ilni1 It llnrd Itawtil for nny nn-of ('Htnrrli thnt tniihn be cured by Hnll'e I'litarr run- I. J. CUKNI.Y A CO , Toledo, 0. Wo, lite ittitWiilnMrii. limp kn n F J. Din' m for tlie Innt 18onr, nnd lielIio litm per fect.. 1m. orn'ile In nil IkikIiicm tmnnu'tioti. mid fliinmliilh nhlo tocirry out ntiy obllgn- lions Hindu us in unit. Wai.himi. KlvSAK .t MAnviv, Wliolcrilu lirttRiilKlv.Tniiiio, u UnllV rntnrrh Cure U tiikcn internally, uct- ItiKillrretly upon the blood nnd'muciu mtro fm-cs nf tlio xjstini. Tcatlmonlnls aunt free. 1'rlce 75 cent per bottle. Hold bynlldrncRfat. . llnll'a Fntnuy I'liin lor conaupniton. Tftk. Fleischmann's Compressed Yeast Arrives Daily FROM PORTLAND HY MAIL. IT IS SURE TO REACH YOU FRESH AS IT IS SENT OUT DAILY FROM THEIR FACTORY AT PORTLAND. Sells 2 Cakes for 5 Gents PLACE A STANDING ORDER WITH US TO BE DELIVERED TO YOU" ONCE OR TWICE A WEEK REGULARLY OR 3UST AH OFTEN AS YOU .WISH. A SPLENDID 1YPE. EX-GOVERNOR FOLK is a clean cut, ablo, well balanced public man. Ho draws tho lino sharp nnd clear botween what is right and what Is wrong in government nffnlr. Yot ho Is not bitter or onesided about It. Ho calmly points out tho course thnt should bo followed and Insists tho path bo taken. His record shows that ho has tho courago of his con victions nnd that ho Is a doer of tho right as well as n boltovor In tho right. Govornor Folk is of tho typo of men America needs nt this tlmo. Thcodoro Roosovolt Is another. Thoyj nro exponents of tho simplo virtues. , Thoy call for tho cxcrclso of com mon honesty nnd tho application of tho Bquaro deal. Doth men look up on tho ororrlch and tho wrotchcdlyl poor an equally undesirable Ovor wonlth anil squalor aro both prod ucts of an abnormal pinto of affairs. In tho misery of the multimillionaire nnd of tho linupor thoro Is nfi olorriont of similarity. Ono Is ororfed, tho other ntnrVod. Doth classes const! into a roonnco to' tho republic. Govornor Folk taken" tho vlow that tho colossal fortunes which noW Ihronton this country nro not duo o 'Industry and ability so much as to tho onjoymont of unjust prlvllogo. Thcso privileges must bo cut away nnd thoy will bo as tlmo goes on. Tho regulation of corporation by tho gov ernment looks to this end. Tho ad option of tho inltlntlvo and tho ref erendum, tho direct primary nnd tho iThreo strong expressions concornlng ELECTRIC POWER. recall nro stops In tho snmo direction. 'h nro hacl0d by tno Modol Printing Compnny of MuBkogco ono of Thcso things nro desired hocnuso thoy tend to kcop tho government In tho .tho lending printing nnd binding hourcs of Enstorn Oklahoma, who says hands of tho pooplo and do away with TL ,JL Awlo. W.il1 fisher. s ' W flffi r M fc .H H LI ffl h M M U I ff n t JdTfl H .3. OTWimffTf of High Grade Merchandise Here to Be Sacrificed i . rf, "U i5 Lockhart s grocery Two Private -Phonca This store is daily tho scene of the most active buying ever boforo witiiosspjnna. Bay. People are buying as thoy never bought before. Thoy recognize in this tiuw,rnt 'est saving possibilities over offered them on high grade merchandise. Wc offer you no "baits" to come; but a clean standard stock of morcliniidisojml in a manner that makes buying timely and imperative. Wo could not begin trw ... i n it 1 . "VT 11. T....1 i1. "O.-i. -I....L n into this room at once all 01 tno mg ssoviu xcuu amuu. xut, jusu us last as certain lines are sold out, others aro brought in to fill the spaco. Therefore, yon should a(. tend this store daily to share in all the good things that await you. Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Work Gloves, genuine horsehide and pig QJr - skin. .All sizes, pair OclL $1.75 Men's Black 'Sateen Shirts, .extra heavy sateen. Sizes 14 V& to 18. AET . Each UJL "SUREST "SAFEST 'MOST ECONOMICAL loglslntion for spcclnl Interests nnd of tho ndmlnlstrntlon of tho govern ment In bohnlf of thoso Interests. Llko othor wlso men Govornor Folk Is nn optimist. Whllo thoro nro many things thnt may bo crlticlsod ho sees hopo In tho fnct that tho criticism Is forthcoming. Ho knows thnt tho world goes forward, not backward and that man Is n rising nnlmnl, not n fallen angol. Tho goldon ngo is boforo us, not bohlnd ub. It Is only ncccRBnry thnt our domncracy bo mnlntnlnod In truth as woll nH In nnmo nnd thnt tho forces of privilege bo not allowed to gain tho mastery. A mnn or womnn who roads pootry will finally attempt to wrlto It. PoiSoAc&aK itcvcn fAILINO REMEDY THE5TIN0XRD ritea, chilblains. rcLONs. burns, ctc. A VALUAOLC MOUSCMOLO 3ALVC AU DNUSOIf TS tlAVC IT OX WIIL OBTtlH ON HtautlT ACCfPT NO UBTITUTC. leir.T. rrcoSS UNSlYlMirMAEl5C0 SftNHtAN CI9CQ "Wo aro glnd to testify to tho clean and satisfactory 8orvlco furnished by electricity. "Wo not only find It tho best motlvo power, but tho surest, safest and most economical. "Wo would not uso anything but oloctrlclty In our plant, as wo havo tried othor power and KNOW whereof wo speak." Lot our Now Business Department help YOU Bolvo Your poworiiroDlonis. TELEIPIONE 178 OREGON rOWOt COMPANY. 25c Rubber Collars for Men. Many 8t)JlcB ..and, mostly .every size.: JEacli J' only ; 3i $6 and $7 Edwin Clapp Shoes, vici, guii metal and .patent Colt. All & A jTA sizes. Pair . !'. nr D U Men's Dress Shirts, in nqut pattornp. Sizes 14io to 17. Were $.1.00. rj- Net and Chcnilc Veiling, pink rose, green wine, navy, groy. Was 35c to a' 50c. Yar4,..v I DC Women's Muslin Skirts, in lnco anti em . broidery flouncing. Were 75c r a 4 .to $1.25. Each JuC ? - $1 AlUSilk Taffeta, 19 incheswido. Moitrr every shade. Yard j) qnly ... jl " mmmTT, 1 -fffHf. im Children's Kangaroo Shoes, Sizes 0 to 1. Worth $1.50 to $2.00. On sale, or pair OJl Boys' Wool Suits, in protty styles and fabrics. Ages 3 to 14. Were & A? $4.00 to $6.00. Now, $.4.43 sDon't Buy It Elsewhere If You Can Get It Here 'vWfoee Going on Your Picnic don't forget that wo havo l'niiyriiN l'lciilc lMnttw. , . ,10c iloz. Wmi1 Picnic l'luli'H lOe loz. 1'aiHT XnpUlus fie for 2 lo. l'iHIlM' lOO ClVIIIII DlhllOS, a Itlt Spoon 1c enrh 0Kn Chip UtishHs. . .t()c, l.V, ti()c Oovoivd Chip ltnsliols, !!(), 10, no, (10c Why carry a lot of china whon you can got plntos nt thcso prices. Flanagan & Bennett Bank C OOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Storo That Saves You Money. GEO. N. HOIiT, - Munnger. Intuit Kirov. Marslillold. Union Oils dASOI.lNM DISTsUaTK UIJN.IXK KKROSKNK SAMSO.V OAS KXGIXKS aul CKXTRIFUHAI. PUMl'S CoosBay Oil & Supply Co. Murslificlil, Oro. 1'IIOXK tJ02I Mall Orders Solicited. Do Yon Hnvo tho Rlht Kind of Help? I-olcy Klnoy Pills furnish you t" right kind of help to neutralize b. rora tlio poisons that cause back pr" adncho. nervousness, and othor kldnoy and bladder ailments,' RED t'HOSS Drug Storo. Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over ..... $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits The Boston Store "Every Article a Big Bargain" MARSHFIELD & OREGON Mrs. Donaldson's Millinery Store Will be Closed Saturday, May 27th WK 1)0 XOT WISH TO PACK AXI) MOVI3 TIIK STOCK AXI) UNTIL THEN' EVERYTHING WILli HE SOLD AT JUST HALF REGULAR PRICE LADIES OP COOS HAY WILL FIND THIS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE HAR 'GAINS. EVERYTHING IX THE STORE WITHOUT RESERVE WILL HE SOLD, ' At One-Half Pries on Friday and Saturday REMEMUER THE STORE POSITIVELY CLOSES AT 0 O'CLOCK SATURDAY EVEXING. SIRS. 13. E. DOXAI.DSO.V. First Nationa! Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus w 5,000,00 ' OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-Presidenjt, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, ' John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F, S, Dow, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a , J banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up "Tyear, I rfl 'Al' Iwft3Ts to bo had at tho VI FjlSfUyif yevor seek a good bargain M& V' ,sCKlj from a Bum stock. WW i "Ruffled Swiss Curtaius, per pair Metal Bedsteads, oul 90c $3.00 Upholstered Cou ches. Good Diuiiig &4 ryr uairs v "-' $6.50 IIuiHlreds of Gopd Bargains in first class new goods. Une price and tho lowest price to all, any time and all the time. . Perry, Montgomery & Co. u v He 7.93 mm