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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 191 1 EVENING EDITION f-n. 't 'M ji tJ fa m in I'thi kof VM on nu an pa1 Eltq no fit' -Wl m.. S1' fcro r tw bo IS Si pc tl Kn. l. Sth i M jwfHHBPBHBIHBBfllHB Lest You Forget THAT SUIT OFFER, WE WISH TO STATE THAT WI3 ABB STILL GIVING 59.00 IS MERCHANDISE WITH EVERY HIGH ART SUIT, COMB TK AND LOOK TllKM OVER; WE WANT TO snow you . QTJALiarx counts. We Toggery ronMHRLT amo. gooddum XOTICE TO MJL& MJ5I?"1-7r CASH YOTJR. CBXOfB. North Bend News Mrs. J. T. MtiGulre was a Marsh field shopper yesterday. Mr. Hnloy of Everett, Wash., Is making a business visit to North Bend. HHHHvHHIHHHIHVIMHHHHniVSEMlmEHi09HHIHH3KiH!MVBW Mrs. Wm, Simpson and Mrs. C. H. Worrell wero Marshflcld visitors yesterday. Garfield Imhoff of Portland Is vis iting his mothor, Mrs. A. II, Irahoff, Union avenue. j. count. ' .t . KJBWS OF ALLEGANY J CUJIRI- QQUNTY NE1TS. 'Events Thcro An Told Ily Add lWch Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Robinson wore. Globo. iUarshflold shoppers Monday. Born At Nail Kog Rlfflo, May 7th, 1311, to Mr. and Mrs. Marshal I3i regular meeting of tho W. C. IT. D. was held yesterday afternoon at the PjesbyterUn church. - Mrs. Chas. Jenson of Haynes' In let Is visiting at tho homo of Frank Hodson, South Coos River. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Presbyterian church will meet Thurs day afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Geo. Mandlgo, THREE LOSE JOBS. Ilcmbi of Orcflon Naval neflcrres Aro Onstctl. PORTLAND, Ore, May 24. Ad-Jutant-Genoral, Flnzor has Issued a Cnntnln Olson of thn Constor after general order relieving Goorgo S. Mrs. Chas. Rodlno visited with her unloading horo last wcok took tho Shophord, captain; John McNulty, sister, Sirs. Taylor, nt Allegany Sun- boat to Klamath whoro It la roportod commander, and John F. Dlnln, llou- Mr. Chas. Smith of Eastntdo was Fry, an olght-pound daughter. Sunday visitor at tho Edwards' homo, i day. Mrs. L. 0. Soulo nnd daughter, j Altn, wero homo for n visit Sunday. i,-, i ho had sold It to tho succossors of tho Klamath Trading Co. ovor tonant-commandor, of their duties as ofTlcora of tho Oregon Naval Rcsorvo. General Flnic'r's actions wero dic tated by tho findings of tho Court of Inquiry, appointed to dolvo Into the Jealousies nnd ill fccllng,nmong of ficers which resulted In a flgh't n'tktho Armory on tho night of April '1. Tho roport of thq Court of Inquiry severe ly consuros nil thrco of tho ofllcors Vlflm ItnMA llontl itnllnlfftil r9 ilndt PTMia Mr n, fra tiini,n..Miii,i. n.,,i gives ovldcuco of living Borornl years .... , . v. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stonocypnor and ' I following paragraph gives an Idea of family of Enstsldo visited Sunday m lts tenor; 'Wo furthor tllO Dort Qrny homo. l uura ui wuruuuss cur uo5B tnoro oxsto,i 0 D. Ounnlff Sr. has boon Buffering V$'Jitho DRBt week with sinking spells tho same aa afmctod mm last spring. Chas. Wllilnhl Is prcparlriK to Whon thoso spoils como on, tho. old open IiIh Golden Fnlla hotol for tho gontloman sooma nonr doath'a door, summer. 1)Ut t other tlmos, dosplto his 88 years, ho Is strong nnd vigorous and Tlio best reason for coining hero for clothes is our way of spllinijtlin,,, Y ' appreciate, of course, (lie high values wo oiler; tho corlninij f quali"t ?, everything wo show; the fact that wc have four of the best linos of olnins ?. tVmorica. All new weaves ana inoaeis. miuic exclusively lor ur. All these ihi Men's and Young Men's ! Spring aid Summer Suits $10 to $30 l way of doing it counts, too your money is simply a deposit here iW know vou'ro satisfied. No matter what you buy or pay for it. ,.. ; autee satisfaction. This is your store, and we're running it in your iutcresU1 as well as our own. You'll realize what such a store means to you some day J you don't now. ,, "Money Talks" THAT IS Way WE CAN PROVE EVERY ASSERTION WIS MAKE. Hub Clothing Shoe Co. BAWHK Our 3T0U MABSHIOTLD find that of, action 1 1 n I ...l.l.... l.ll. l. - .... I ""- "".. .. ... ,.u u,a.w..H ..u.,Ur uckiiubu a iua- ftmong tho omcoTa ot tho NavnI Ro, Titiii nr Kitii ina iinnti ii run naanaflnp Tho Smith-Powers logging camp "u" U4 " ". t ' , BOrvo no rc8,,Cct for authority, no openod n big dnm and sent out n I),nC0(l on "lI dB8 ,n Curr'. Dut dlsclpllno, no harmony of .purposo largo number of logs, tlioflo owning vnluablo dogs aro Jubl- n ml that said ofllcors wero divided Innt as It Is not only n protection to ,t0 fftctonB .-d their' tisofulnoBs ,ia. loft on tho,th0lr d0g8' bUt Wl" 80rV t0 r,d th0 Btroyod by dissensions, Jealousies and country of so many, worthless dogs, 'atrlfo." Mrs. M. W. Roborts Tlfiin 1 iitn t rt tr n lulA In Trxl 1 ft rt .f .v..,,.., .. .. ,.nlk . .u"m., Umt ftr0 on,y g00(j tQ flK,,t nnd cr, Seattle nnd other northern points. , up B0nd vnlllftbl(J ptock or ynr. .nilnt dog, Noxt Sunday aftornoon thoro will j . . bo a mooting of tho Christian pcoplo nt tho homo of Mrs. Iloborts who Is ! nn Invalid. MYKTIiB POINT POIXTKItS. Xeu'H of UiHr Coqullle An Told y Tho Kntcrprlso. Mrs. Cordolla Matilda Itlco, a Den't forget rnoNB an-j. tho Turkish Baths Last Sunday at tho Prlco homo three baptisms occurred. Mrs. M. W. uu,io .. ii ,....,. iVuu.,.BUIi ui fQr mRny yeftra n ros,dont f Co0Q Allegany, and Mrs. Olbony of Lnmpa C0llnty .dlC(, nt hor horao nt En. Crcok, chnntod Prnlrlo on Thursday. May " 11th, 1911, at tho ago of 70 years Mrs. I.lzzlo Olbony, who has boon n months and 1C days. Tho causo visiting hor mother, Mrs. (leo. W. of death was old ago nnd n compllca Stommornmn, started yestordny for tlon of dlaeasos, tho lady having lior homo nt I.nmpa Crook. Sho was boon conOned to tho houso since accompanied by hor Bister, Anna January and was practically holp- wlilueu. I less for tho past thrco inonthB. A cortnln llght-nngored young man Claronco It., Davis and Miss Nottle of Allognny who took tho liberty to Williams wore mnrrlod at tho homo use ono of tho boys' wheols without of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoopoa in this lenvo and Is also disturbing other city on tho ovonlng of Saturday, Mny pooplo's property, had hotter take 13th, 1011, Hov. Thomas Ilnrklow warning ns light flngors aro apt to ofllclatliig. Tho groom Is tho son cf got into n trnp boforo they stop their Mrs. Harmon Davis of Itomoto, and work. tho hrldo tho daughter of Mr. and Mr8 w. W. Wllllnms of Rock Creok. nnu:rs op iiaxdox. . ' The city council has awarded tho IsVuh of CIy.lly.tlu'.Sia Ah Tohl Hy contract for tho grading of Maplo Tin Hfconloi'. street from tho railroad right-of-way norn To Dr. A. P. Ingram nnd to tho east boundry lino to tho city wifo, Sunday, n 0,4 pound boy. limits, to J. J. Ilurns of Xorth Dond. Tho cost of tho Improvement will ho Horn To 1M Siinmor nnd wife, nppro,lmatoly $4,000. Work wlfl Mny 17th, n daughter, ( coinmeuco ns soon ns tho coutrncto." can got his uutllt on tho ground. R. K. L. Dodtllloii reliii'.nod on tho iUtu 0kld, CTmi The onlr, Woman'i Colltge on the r;lfic Cont. Chirternl 188. Nur .two vttit Unlrilll... Iilcal climate throughout the year. Entrance ploneor Of tho BtntO of Oregon nnd " sra.luatlon renulremrnn t'luWalfnt to ' thpie of Stanford and UnlTcriltjr of California. iaooraiorici lor acicnce wun modern equip ment. Excellent opportunities or home economic, library study, muilo and art. Modern Rjmnaitum. Special care for health of atudentii out-door life. Preiidrnt, Luella Clay Canon, A; It., I.ltt. D., UL. D. For catalogue addrcu Secretary, Milli College 1'. ., California. Flfleld Inst ovouing from nn oxtond ed oastom buIuo8 trip. Horn, Saturday, May 13th, to Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrron Ilullard of Dullard's - landing, n s(on. Mrs. Dullard was for Mlsa Ruth iUonahue of San Fran- marly Miss Leafy Kendall of this Cisco, wh,o.bft boon visiting her alt- city, n.nduaV mothor, Mrs. P. tor Mrs. D. II. Dollar at Coqulllo fo C0I03 Is sharing tho honors as grand some time, will lwivo for hor homo ma. on tho Flflold. , Idiwronee I.awson was In town, Mr. uailev and wif of xorh Det I Wwlnaediay of' lt wook. from hit GKHAT REDUCTIOX 8AM'. OP MIIiTjINEIlV STOCK and fixtures, must bo sold by June 1st. Wall casos and show enrca at a sacrifice AT 110 TOONT ST. MRS. K. K. DONALDSON. A NEW OLD 1IOTEL. Old patrona.of Tho Windsor Hotol, Sui Frnncleco, will bo glad to hear that this famous houso Is now opon In n flno now six story building right down town. Now furniture, now car pots, steam heat, hot, water and tele-, phono in every room. Cnfo In con nection. Notico thcao rates:. Room with private bath $1 aday, ?5 awccK, All cars pass the door. Select family hotol, Windsor Hotel, S3S Edd street, San Francisco. Blanch'p.rcPs Livery We halii secured the livery bust nss of L.' II. Helsner and nre pre rxvred to render excellent service tc tko peoplo ot Coos Day. .Careful drivers, good rigs and OTerythlni (hat will mean satisfactory service tc tko pnbllc. Phone us for a driving horse, a rig or anything ncoded lr tho livery lino. V.'o also do trucking business of nil kinds. BLAXCTfAIU) DROTIIERS. Art Dlanchard, Mgr. Livery, Fewl and Sales Service. 141 First and Alder Streets. Phone 1S8-J 'THE F1UKSB OF COOS BAT" S. S. ALL1ANC1 coxxHcnxa with the norvrx bankboajiac! Sails for Poiitem! from Cos lay, Mey 25J NORTH PACIFIC- 3TCA.M3HIP COMTAT. C. F. McGHORSI, A( PHONE 44 OLD RELIADLE STEAMER BREAKWATfl ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FROM PORTLAND AT A. SI., ON SIAY 1, 0, II, 10.: 20 AND ill. FROM COOS HAY AT SERVICE OF TIDE MAY 3, , 13,11,1 US. RESERVATIONS HELD ONLY UNTIL NOON OFDAYl'llt OUS TO SAILING. L. II. KEATING, AOEXT PHO.N'K MA1X i THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS SAFE INVESMENTS: For Information concernldg hlh-claas bond investments, bearing 6ft interest not, wrlto 0. D.-Hinsdale, care J. II. ASams and Company, Los Angeles, California, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Nqtlco is lorby glvon that soalod bids will- bo rocolvod for carpeting tho Circuit Court room, vostlbuIo3, and stairways, leading from tho first to the second llaqr of tho Court spent Ust Friday and Saturday In place on upper Catching Crook. Ha Houso with cork carpet, Dds will this city, nnd eMirtwed themselves is states that eo.oto.lmo boon doing bo received for tureo grades of car- woU ploasod with our olty. Mr. 111 loy Is in tho Cons Ray Harbor oillco. ULY HARV IS, OIVIiN AWAY. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY pR. G. V. LESLIE, Osteripntlilc Physician Graduate of tho Amorhan school pf Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo, Office In Eldorado Dlk. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 1; Phono ICl-Jj Mnrshfloldj Oregon R. J. W. INGRAM, - Physician and Surgeon. 200-210 Coko Dullding Phones: Ofllco 101U; Rcsldoucu 1021. Steamer Redone (Iulpped tU WlrrltM) Will makv regular trip carrying pawtari loth uax and fn lhtuccii Coos Hay xml San Francisco. AllreserTHtlimifwrpni'ii iiiiidt ut Alllunco Dock, MamlillfU ami Intcr-Ocrim Trun Ftiloii Strvi-t Wlmrf No. 2, S'Ui Francisco. For lufornutlon, j 1 1-J or 285. INTKR-OCEAN TRANfU'ORTATION COMr.WT. COOS BAY-R0SEBURG STAGE UNt Dally stago between KofK-borg ad Marshflcld. SU(5 ! ' nnd Sundays at 7 p. in. Fare, JO.eO.' OTTO SCHETTER, Ageut, G. P. HAIWARD, 120 SIARKET AV Murshfleld. Agent, KOSEHUR0, Oft. PHONE 11 of V. HENNETT, Lawyer, Offlco ovor Flanagan & Dannott Dank Mnrshileld " Oregon rR. J. T. McCORMAC, J Physician and Surgeon Marshfleld, Oregon, onico: Locklnrt Dullding, opposite Post 0llc. Phone 105-J Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co HENRY SEXGSTACKEN, SIgr. Coiiulllo Ofll:o Phono 191 Marshflcld onico 14-J. Farms Timber Conl and Platting Lands a specialty. Goneral Agents "EASTSIDU" considerable daniago among sheep In pot, A. D. ijud p, samples to bo fur that countn this spring. I'ntll this nlshod with bids, the Cqurt-to malco wtuter coyotes woro uncommon un soloctlon of the grade at tho time ot tli ovwk.-ujul Jt Is boUovad that tho tho oponlng of bids. Didder to fur- . heavy snows of last wlntor drovo nlsh all materials aud place enrpot In Aitt-oi'it Couplo AVIio Hid Not Llko the them out of tho 'mountains. Tho room nnd (on stairways. All carpet AiTifmiA iii mv 'ii Ju.ii.a iinvr. ,.ntc.i n f.....i ..,, i..i aii tn , ni.-x.i .it, i.n r, ,.,,.' anc n0SN '8' Bood horses and """" ""' ' w".T" """" " - """""uo " """ " "" . careful drlv tuuir unoy was 1101 proity, an Aurora nun eoui inr won nounus, ana will uiorK 01 loos touiuy, urogon, on or Good Livery Service couple turned It ovor to tho Aurora tnka such other stops as scorn ad- boforo the 13th day of June, 1911, at City hospital, asking thnt n homo ho vtsuble for tho extermination ot those 1 P. M peoplo have asked that they be al aowed to adopt the baby. Tho court reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids or to award the contract to a bidder not tho Iowe3t In caso tho court deems it for tho Is- best interests of the county. Aurora sued to A. H. Nottago and Mrs. Fell-1 .Dated at the Court Hoaie at tho found for it, Tho nuthorltlos rofus- varmints, od to divulge tho nnmo of tho couple, but say thnt thoy nro prominent lu GARDINER COUPLE WEDS. eoclnl circles and that tho baby is of normal slzo, has big brown oyos, A marriage ltcenso has boon mid Is strong. Numerous tha Townsend, ot GardInoT.-ose,CrtV t CemU. Ooa Cemntr, Or- sura Revlev. fxA & vUte hMr Oito toy Maw A, t. ln. T' :!, I ers aro now nt the dis posal of tho Coos Day public 'at REASOXAHLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivors ready for any trip anywhere nny tlmo. Horses bonrded and rigs cared for. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parlies. W. L. CONDRON'S MYJlKr AND FiUBD 8TABLE3 PHONM 5T78-J H ill Coal MOUXT DIARLO VXD JOSSON CEMENT Tho best Domttlo and Imported brands, Plaster, Llmo, Drlck nnd nil kinds of. builders material OFFICI HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR J, SOUTH DROADWAY. PIIONh Drawn Wire "Mazda" After tho twenty-fifth we will be able to supply tho trade With the "New Mazda". This lamp speaks for itself. A trial order and you will use no other. Cos Bay Wiring to. raNB WATCH!, 5 Homer wi -- 0J nd the solicitor . B ,.-..!, him1 w f.niinrlry. iuv - ...Atl to stop you on tho sueu , all details oi i jj, i afour homo an -r Laundry business from V Marsiffieltl Han ,k-- Steani MM T