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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAR8HFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAJf 24, 1911 EVENING EDITION MM l. v w csses x m . v9a M j -n p kv & L THE WEATHER. M ik iliJiMiiJi l lwMMt ny AsROclatod Press. 1 H jygfl tonight and Thursday, H y LOCAL TEMPERATURE HE- M. Mean siness roods we sell tar determina te thoroughly fy your shoe louffhttorhake hoe business our ss. Pick out the you prefer your business. sthefittingtous it's our business. once get your shoe i - wc II make it our to keep it. 1HGE t Style $5.00 roolen Mill 4 Store rTO-MAN CLOTHIER fcamdlaifct M ijfC TEMPERATURE POUT. For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. m., May 23, by Mrs. E. MlngiiB, special govornmont meteorological observer: Maximum Gl Minimum 44 At 4:43 p. m Gl Precipitation 02 Wind, Southwest; cloudy. 6(aro Accident. Tho Rosoburg imnll was soTcral hours lato yestor day as a result of tho stage breaking ti down. Hcdourio Delayed. Tho steamer Rcdondo Is on dry dock at San Fran I Cisco nud It Is uncertain when sho will bo nblo to lcavo Micro. It maybo a week or ten days boforo sho will 'sail for here. Cnno Is Heard. Today beforo Jus tlco Pounock a suit of E. L. C. Farrln vs. Jacob Mattson for $28.95, which ho claims Is due him as attorney fees Vfrif Iti Mirth PmAnl nlrAnf IntimftHnll lu being heard. It Is bolng hard fought and may not bo onded this afternoon. In Hotter. Mrs. draco Gould Woodruff, who has been very IIP of typhoid fever at tho homo of her sla ter, Mrs. Richmond, In Coqullbv Is roportcd somowhat Improved. Just as sho was beginning to recover from typhoid, sho sufforcd n sovorj attack of erysipelas. Now Crops. Mrs. C. D. Plpor of Coob River sent In tho first homo grown strnwburrlcB of tho season to Mnrshflold a week ago Tuosday. A llt tlo warm weather and sunshlno now will rosult In tho berries rlponlng flno. Jacob Mattson of North Ilroad wny brought to Tho Times' ofljco to day some flno now potatoos, said to bo tho first home grown of tho soa-son. jyii S, iU guaranteed hose. 70 profit. Mako $10 dally, rt time. Iloglnnora Invcs- hag Knit, Rox 4029, West m, Pa. A girl for general house-' ork. Phono 314H1. -A niaclilnlNt to tuko Bwer Hill Coal Comnany i hop. Apply Deavor Hill. -Six room lint furnished with bath, hot and cold loet view In city, with c&s itDint can have noaBessIon H. Annlv to Robart Unr- P 10 ncro roch, Vodh D. Ferguson. Itrlngn Bride. Tom Dennett Is pondering over a card which lie has Just received from Jack Ueroen who has been vliltlnr in Ban Franclioo. The card says In part, "I will retura soon with 'a bride" or at loasi ine last word which Is written rather in distinct looks like "brldo." If Jack has slipped away and quietly mar rlod during his trip, his many Coos Ray friends will glvo him a warm welcome back. P Piano and house, fnrnl. I! Front St. Jtylnic, anywhere. Ren- llts. Phono Dlanco hotel Mdenco 2 8-J. B-Dalry Ranch, thirteen firesg Brx 3G5, Mnrshfloli On Dry Dock. According to tho last Information received horo the Harol Dollar, tho big lumbor carrier which took on part of her cargo for China at tho Smith Mill, which was wrecked near Everott, was Just go ing on dry dock at Seattlo. Hor en tire cargo had to bo taken off and it is feared that her bottom was badly damaged by the rocks. The actual loss Is not known hero. Bho was pretty wll Insured. f Hc (SPECIAL ATTENTIOK. sln.b ujjj doings Wednesday evening. 4 Victims Election of Secretary Lots of other work. Corao out. Wo must eeo you. Dy order of tho Exalted Ruler, GEO. GOODRUM, Secy. (Don't forget tho danco.) TTOHN W ANAMAKER has been awarded a medal in recognition of his wide-spread influence in behalf of a HIGHER STANDARD of ' retailing. . . Fifty years ago Waunamaker iu an advertise ment published his principles of storekecpiug, which were as follows : .i MitAM V1 J I -Km V JB V T t ' i - a HBj Jr handisin "I will not importune any one to buy. "I will mark down prices at the beginning to the lowest point that goods can be sold for and there will be no underground way to get them. All will be on the ground floor at the start. "Goods will be genuinely trustworthy. Seconds will not be sold for anything but seconds, even, if people cannot tell the difference. 11 A sale will be canceled and money back easily by return of what fails to please. "New, fair and agreeable relations will bo established between the purchaser and the seller, the poor and the1 rich, the wise and the unwise there will be no favoritism." V-T- rFT That.thor.0 weroWore WaimamakcrTjii tH 'B&oote 'business, alidkssof tho p kind," the JuntL.wlio.aVo bringingrmerchandising into disrepute; who by their lying - ffnur cV 4 -v Oh! "other advertisements, to adopt the think that THEY 'must tell just' rvrtJ- nil 4-l l1init1Ana t V Please note Wannamaker's, principle, as expressed in the second paragraph. Hunk ot ins . immense buying power, and thctf fliinY ioV ridicUlous"it is for some littlo country stoio to say that THEY will sell nlf THlillR4 goocW athalf "or great reductions, when anna maker does not claim to "beble to offor goods at any such prices. Were it possible for some, merchants to i continually buy goods at such great reductions as they claim, wouldn't it be reasonable to suppose that Wnnnmmikcr and Fields would be able to do as well? But do they? Indeed they do not. They have too.mueh senso or too much regard for the truth, or too much respect for the intelligence of tho readers of their adver tisements, to oven insinuate that they are able to do as much as some stores whose entiro year's business would hardly make a decent days sales in their stores. However, stores muBt advertise, and SOME stores really cannot say anything m praise of their goods, and as thoy must say SOMETHING, they claim thoyjire reduced m price, so perhaps we should be charitable in our judgment. The Waimamaker standard has always been' tho rulo,at the MAGNUS & MATbONatovQ. QUALITY, MEASONABLENJUSS IN PJiJOJB AND SATISFACTION ABE A T1UNI TY OF BUSINESS BULES TEAT ABE ALWAYS OBSEBVED HEBE. We will have something interesting to say to the Ladies of Coos Bay tomorrow. W ntdi for it. W MAGME ATSO: ,- 0 L N M ValgjaBP Personal Nots MILO PIBRSON of Ton MUo Js H Mnrshflold on business. CAPT. HARRIS of Sumner Is a Marshfleld business visitor today. NED C. KELLY nnd wife of Coqulllo nro spending a fow days with friends In Mnrshflold. MRS. CAPT. JOHNSON and children of Boattlo aro spending a woek at the Tellofson homo in Eastaldo. A. O. DUNHAM of Dandou feenoral managor of tho CoquIUo Transpor tation company, arrlvod hero today on business. four-jiassonBor Ford touring which tho Alliance brought from Portland for him. car in MRS. W. A. VARNEY and family aro moving todnyUo camp at tho Good will ranch for tho 8urilmor. CHAS. MEARS la arranging to orect a residence on tho proporty on Shlnglo House Inlet which he re cently bought of A. M. Ross. L. A. LILJEQVIST, deputy prosocut- Ing attornoy, was horo last ovonlng from Coqulllo on busliless. FRED SLAOLE la expected (horo from Coqulllo to receive a now 're Troubled With Constipation Kt TOU TPflllv nA I. i ,,. nnrrrnHrn whth Will rGOlllrO doses and finally cease acting, but a well-seasoned medt- i, wnne It cleanses, also strengthens ana purines. TIIAT OLI FAMILY LAXATIVE Arrh ITinr Qatiti .vrnn rlT0nnnAi i. . . ... il. ..-An. nnl ltaaf mnt.i. 1 ' nlte or aosoiuieiy ino jiuicow uu . t '-" "im mo greatest caution, ueuiui mi .. u..--I om a disordered LIVER, STOMACH, K 1 1 X E Y OR PRICE PER UOTTLE 25 CENTS. FOR SALE AT TnE RUY CORNER PHONE 298 Try Some of Our Medium Priced Table Fruit 20 and 25c Per Can AVE CARRY A FULL LINE OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETIES IN THESE GRADES AND GUARANTEE THE FRUIT TO HE OF EX CELLENT QUALITY. IT IS A GOOD FRUIT PUT UP TO SELL AT A MODERATE PRICE. LockhartV Grocery Two Private Phones MICHAEL LILP of South Inlot, who has been qulto 111 for socio time, was able to bo in Mnrshflold Mon day. Ho Is slowly Improving. TOM LEYLAND loft yestorday for Portland where ho expects (o ar range with a largo firm to become ,"thelr Coob county ropresontatlvo. Portland yestorday whoro sho will continue rogotlatlonB with a syndi cate for tho Bajo of tho Humo hold ing on Roguo river. ARTHUR COACH of Dnndon is horo on 'matters connected with tho estato of his fnthor, Col Coach. HORN. Pi-rkliiH. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Por- klns of Oardlnor nt Morcy hospital, North Rend, Tuosday, May 23, a son. Mother and child nro getting along ricoly. 1 FLANTER To Mr. and Mrs, Hans Flantor of Runkor Hill, a son. HOLMS To MrT'nnd Mrs. Waltor " Holms of Reavor Hill, a son. DR. VAUOHAN of North Rend, who will assume Dr. Schoonmakor's dontal practice her6 when tho lat ter leaves for Portland noxt month, Is moving to Mnrshflold. MRS. MARY A. HUME roturnod to Hftby Dies. Tho Infant child of Mi. and Mrs. John Haglund of East sldo, born Sunday, died yesterday of lnfantllo troubles. Drop In at Tho Woolen Mill Storo and seo tho Hart, Schaffnor & Marx clothes thoy aro showlug. I Marshfleld, Ore., May 1 6th, J 9 U. Dear Coos County: Just a line to inform you that I make the best bread on earth. Internally Yours, Drifted Snow Flour. (i ' C 1 n r 'hart-Parsons Drug Co. 85 and 305 v I WQ- DRUG SffORE IN COOS CQTOTY. r- 1 J