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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1911)
Wi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHIELD, OREGOjJfwEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1911 --EVENING EDITION iv-kQ niy TUVfFQ nor tho nnvor of our l0VcJ lc0, crcam' I JLJLJ MJJt X 1 JLlViHO no, then, for tho soda fountain of ' ACTRESS WAS IlOllIIi:!). lactic Ico crcnml For a dime- you Ono of McKoiizIc Merrymakers Loses can buy a doso of lactic youth. At $15 nt Hoseburg. tho samo tlmo that you purchnso an i Tho following Item from Monday'? may explain why Entorod at tho postofllco at Mnrsh flold, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second class inc,tnimont 0f long life you may also Roseburg Roviow mall matter. M. V. MA LONE Y I).V E. MALONEY Editor and Tub. News Editor havo tho satisfaction of knowing that tho McKcnzIo Merrypiakors did not lacto can not ho adulterated with appear hero this week as they had gelatin, gum or starch. Address all communications to COOS HAY DAI I A TIMES. Mnrslillcld :: :: :: '' Oregon An Independent Republican nows paper published every ovonlng except Bundny, and Weekly by The Coos liny Times Publishing Co. Dedicated to tho sorvlco ct tho people, that no good, causo shall lack a champion, and that ovil shall not thrlvo unopposod. WITH THE t t TO.AST AND TEA J SUBSCRIPTION KATES. DAILY. Ono year J6.00 Tor month 60 WEEKLY. Ono year $1.5(5 When paid strictly In advanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day' Times Is $5.00 por yenr or $2.50 for six months. GOOD EVENING. I bellovo that moro breaches of friendship and lovo havo been created, and moro hatred ce mented by needless criticism than by any ono, othor thing. Sir Arthur Helps. HIS PLANS. Official Taper of Coos County OFFICIAL TAPER OF THE CITY OF MAHSHFIELD. DOLLARS AGAINST MEN. N' glad when nrranged with A. J. Savago who now has chargo of tho Masonic Opera House: "Mrs. Robert McKenzle of tho M,; Kcnzlo Merry Makers," was robbod of about $15 during jtho evening performance at tho Novolty thentre laBt night. It appears that Mrs. Mc KcnzIo, who was on tho stago during tho greater part of tho evening, laid hor pocket book on a tablo In tho dressing room, llttlo suspecting tint It would be missing upon bor return. Concluding tho play 'Mrs. McKcnzIo retired to hor dressing npnrtmonts; and a few minutes lator discovered that her purso, togothor with Its con tents was missing. Sho reported tho thoft with tho result, that "Chicken," n local colored "gontlomnn" was ar rested and locked In jail on suspicion It of having turned tho trick. Mr. Mc jKonzto nppoarcd boforo tho grand mi n iii TMs Great Bargain Event Is the 1 alk or Everyone Here This great bargain event is the chief topic of discussion on fJoos Bay. Never before wore prices on such high grade merchandise so ridiculously low. "When this stock is sold out, perhaps never again will you have such a great bargain opportunity. You should stock up liberally while this opportunity to save is yours. Look at these few prices taken at random from this big stock', iiunurcus more iikc- xiiem. Say, I'll bo mighty comes Juno; Dad says it will bo hero so doggono iry this morning, at which tlmo wo S00n jdlvulgod such facts as ho posscssod That ho won't hardly know it till It's regarding tho thoft. Until mich tlmo hero: as tho grand Jury Investigates tho af- Dut every day till then will bo a year To mo; that's what I told dad, an' ho said It might soom so to mo, but if Instead fair, "Chicken" will remain in Jail." Of gottln' out o piny Juno meant that I would havo a note to pay, I'd find that nothln' e!s. would com b toon. So fnllopln -long to m, Mf Jan. school to romp an' -0 CITT that over spont public money for n puro wator supply hai regretted It. Almoat every city that vr did bo, bleuseu the day that It took tho step. Mcdforfl hen brought mouMtatn water through cast Iron pipe a dis tance of 96 miles at a cost of nearly half a million dollars. The number of consumers and amount of receipts havo since quadrupled and the pres ence of th bolter water was unques tionably a factor in both. Its in come supplies monoy for paying an nual Intorcet on bonds and provides an amplo sinking fund;' Tho city points to its splondld water as ono of Its chlof attractions. Corvnllls brought water IE miles from tho forges of Mary's Peak, and . now has a revenue from tho nlnnt o! lirno Minn hn mnat nntlmlntln out!. Could play mato of what tho Income would bo. Tou know, I'm kind o' norry for ry dad; When V wan young, haeaya, tVey never had No raorln' pletura hows to to na' eea, An' never had no automobeels be Could git a ride in an' no Coos Day Whoro he could ride a launch every day 'Er go fishing liko us kids ken. Mr. Savago has not rccolvcd any furthor word from Mr. McKcnzIo, and whothor thoro was a mfstako In the date or whother tho trip wan call ed off altogether is not known her. DirFKni-KCK8" DJ ADVERTISING. i 'duurifefl If. Crawry "of ftaltl-aora &n. .lv3M mmtJgyxv An. .' "Ta taififsanlcst awf trpma feH-ty-lr r al)p-r ?are ri Bar4t b n4fa toma'vork f ntt nrlmrr aMntua to ;X ayo CIibtIm IT. Oraary, editor of t Baltimore Sun, "but today it frao be come MtaMlsTiadl.upoa par.ectiyjdBf nlto business Haas. Advertlrtrtx tn good newppapsr a proitabia aarar- tfsing. ' ' ' "If you have something to cell you can ko to a Job prlntor and" havo n I'll bet ho wishes ho was young again, lot' of bills struck off and distribute So ho could sco tho plcturo shows nn". thorn around town. That is ncTvortls- ho at marbles an' go snucks with mo. Ing In tho crudo state Put tho. samo matter In any kind of a nowBpnpor and thnt is advertising In n moro ad vanced and effective form. Insort tha samo copy In a nowspapqr that gojs Tim minim nf Informed citizens 1b W In tlmn M,n uva.nm will I bot llO thinks I Want Vacation tlmo boar tho chief bunion of city govern- So x cnn K a'BwInnn'n' nn' can climb into tho homo with n holuT upon tho wont. As In Medford, tho splendid TrC0B nflor b,n,B' cg8' n"' havo k,ntIfl nffoctlons of tho family clrclo and wtor aupply Is pointed to by tho1 ' fun ihni ,B ndvertising In tho highest populace at. ono of tho best attrac-,Thnt l hnd lnBt 'ear whon l romPei "" tions of Corvnllls. , I "" "'" An' didn't think o' notnin' but the way kids could play. I'm gonna git a Job an' holp my dad, Water Is ono of the, osscntlnls of Ilfo. Famlllofl ovorvwhoro know what puro wntor moans, and aro Booking To "P Bomo now Ramo Ma It. Mon aro fleolng from contamlnat-' ml wntnr nn from the nlnciip. Con tamlnatlon means typhoid n?ld other An' rn bot , when ho kn0WB U hon opIdomlcB of dlsonRo and death. I bo R,nd! a -.t..-.i ..-i i., I shan't wnsto no moro summoro like DADY AT EXnmiT STARTLKS NUMFi nY ASKrNO FOrl BTTOrt a kid? follows in tho wnko of uowly tnatnll od Bystoms of puro wator. Tho fact was novor moro cloarly domonstratol than In tho city of Portland with tho introduction of null Run wator. Cities that rofuso to provldo themselves with puro water throw away tho chanco for a splondld llnnnclnl Invost- Somo mon mnl0 n Bl1 ,lv,"B b' mont. and i.lav the dollnr nnalnst tho tolling untruths in an lntorpstlng CHICAGO, Mny 2H. Jennie Oor man, who Uvea aomowhero - In the Nineteenth ward, Is Just two years oldT but she startled n near-riot it tho child welfaro exhibit in tho Coll Boum yesterday afternoon. Jennie at I did tho tlmo was In tho chock room ror Do you know somo ono wnntB to hire babies. Her mother had doposlUri One Lot Ladies Dress Shoes and Oxfords, Were $3.50 and $4.00. To cloBo out, pair $1.20 One Lot Men's Dress Shoes, were formerly $5.00 to $6.00. Now, pair, &J C only Men's Fine Separate Trousers, $ .00 to $0.00 values. Most every size. Pair, only 2.85 About 100 MnVSuito, formerly priced up to.1 1, Tint Vn weol fab- & A r A sDaaiv nm. f . t Wt4l. Choice, Suit SJ. Ladies' White Muslin Shirts. Wore $1.50 Lace and embroidery trimmed pf' Only 03C $1.50 White Lawn Waists, lace and cm broidery trimmed. All sizes, )q Each JOC All-Wool Shawls and Squares, black only. Were $1.35 to $1.50. ja ' Choice J5)C Men's Pure Wool Undcrwar, medium arid heaTyrTiight. "Was $1.50 ito nr $.00. Garmanti OjC THF BOSTON STORE ' "Every Article a Big Bargain" MARSHFIELD s, .. OREGON' Jhor thoro nnd gono blithely on hor way to sco just what should bo dono for "Ynnkeo Doodlo" Is n flnp old tuno, but to start things Just play "Dixie." man. -Portland Journal. IP YOU WANT TO I.IVU I.OXO, HAT IiAOTIO ICH ORKAM. way. T Apparently May is going to eclipse April's performance in tho shower lino. When a man economizes ho smokes n plpo; n woman goes without real food for nwhllo. Porhaps May Is bolng frequently moved to tears by tho death of tho rumor. Ii hi CUHAM Is n prolongor of llfo! This Is tho tttnrtltng now dlscovory announced by nn Iowa oxport o! agriculture. I Tho Bummor girl than whom tho I young mnn wants no higher authority has long known and proclaimed railway tho virtues nnd Joys of ico cream. Tho " doctors almost 20 yoara ago roco.n- Somotlmos ovon tho man who hns mended it as n llrst food for tho on- n good command of awoar words runs foobled digestion of convalescents out of vocabulary boforo gottlng half from Huch wasting dlsonsos as ty- through with tho description of tho phold. Now Motchnlkoff, tho chem jold Cqob Pay wagon road. 1st, and Mortonson, tho oxport rs to " tho better feeding and clothing o7 Jonnlot. At least tho nurso who enrod for Jontilo Is hoping thnt Is what sho was doing. For this Is whnt hap pon,odr Jennfo said she wantod a drink. Sho wna glVon storlllzod water' fn .a per fectly good Individual drinking cup of waxed paper. Jennie would havo none of It. Then she was glvon a glass of milk, which had' beon pro perly modified. Jennlo scornod It. With r withering glance sho looked at the- nurse and said. r'l want beer." The nurse almost fainted, nnd tho other babies who had been contentedly drinking water and milk bogan cry ing for somothlng else. It was a crucial moment for the check room, but at last Jonnlo solved tho probloin by falling asleep. foods, 11 nd that lnctic Ico cream, or lacto, is tho ambrosia for tho making of Methusolahs, Motchnlkoff clnlms thnt old ago re sults from tho absorption of toxins A or gorm polsonB Into tho blood. Thoso I may bo drlvou from tho body by drinking sour milk. Drink enough sour milk, ns Ilulgarlau peasants do, and you can llvo to an onjoynblo old ago unattainable othorwlso. Unluckily, Amorlcans do not de slro old ago by tho buttormllk routo. Tho lactic acid that Ib fatal to tho microbe of old ago must bo Introduc ed Into tho American by othor ways. Eutor Mortonson of Iowa's oxpori mental station. With tho divination of gonitis porfoctly In touch with its tlmo ho bothought him of tho most chorlshod dainty of America ovon of tho Ico cream cone. Ho would embalm the lactic gorms in ice cream, At. lll ..! IkimilHiif wtntAltrvi lj BUganng mo pill auu uuniug umium the health of tb germs of longevity Top Notch Savon Soap Is ono of tho best Laundry Soaps on tho Market. This weok wo aro mak ing a salo at 7 Bars for 25c also TT"W 1(1 pounds good quality Jap rice $1.00 10 lbs fancy miiuM white bonus $1.00 The Bazar HOUSES OP QUAUTY rnoKB m. y Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 CapitalSnrplns and Undivided Profits! Over $100,000 .Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits -So 1 Real Estate Bargains For bargain In City, Bunker Hill nnd Farm Property. Seo AUfi. PHIZKK.V Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 08 Central Ave., Mni-shllcld, Ore. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8121 DYKING Froncn Ury and Steam Cleaning of ladles and gents' suits. Goods call ed for and delivered. Prices reason able. HOSK CITY DYE AXD CLEAN ING WOHKS R. E. PINEGQR, Prop Foot of Market Avo Phono 103 Try my vacuum carpet cleaner. We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero tho first time, after that ho conies of his own accord. You know why. RKMEMISEU TIuto is no kink, or cuo that wo can't do. "THINK IT OVER MARY," Coos Bay Steam Laundry niONE MAIN B7-J ELECTRICPOWER IS IN EVERY WAY MORE ECONOMICAL Personal experience Is the best test. Mr, H, von Unwerth, Mechanical Engineer and proprietor of the Midland Machine Works of Muskogee, Oklahoma, states as follows over his signature, "What do I think of Eleotric PovVer? "I am driving my machinery with a 5-horse-power motor, and find the power highly satisfactory, "For my purpose I would not consider any other power wherever electric power is available, "It Is In every way more economical as to actual cost of power and thero is also less liability of d e I a y and s h u t down," Our New Business Department stands ready to help YOU solve Your power problems, TELEPHONE 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY. First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 5,000,00 FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clotbes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty, by oxperlenoed mn. Satisfaction guaranteed nLANCHARD & DOI). SON, Alllnnco nidg. Front St. 8aYo monny by times advertisers. patronlilng Th Try The Time.' W,.nt A. MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR FAMILY nOTEL THE LLOYD Rates reduced to; Day 60c, 75c and ?1.00; week ?2. 00 to J5.00. House- keeping apartmonts with gas ranges f0.00 to 18.00 per month. FREE BApRJ W. f. BWLXVAX, IYoji. W, S, Chandler, President, W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, OFFICERS: M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, ' - the Times Does Job Printing '! - V 7LM' ii