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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1911)
THE HWm PERFECT A MACHINE IS THE WORSE THE WRECK OF IT IOOKS YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your trncwii, hhuulil nppwir us regularly s. docs thte. newspaper. If n liOMspitper omlUcd an Issueiwow mid thou rovcn for-o weighty n -reason iiis tenting that'll might min It would iMotibo.iool ncwwpnper. ffioos Smtwjs SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A store's advertising space In a newspaper, utiiiparcd with llio space used by oilier stores, should dcilno Its comparative lmortnnco la itio coiiiiiiuultyl Duos our store's ad vertising space do Hint? MEMI1DB OP ASSOCIATED tritKSH VOL XXXIV KstabUulml ,ln 1878 its Tito Coast Mad MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MY 24, 1311 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 112 mm n !JF WASHGALORE r TELLS OF Chief BnjinoCT lHtll '.Desc'rifyjs Miradle of;Savingn6f En it ire(CreWi COVE NOT'SAFE" HAVEN j; AS SHOWN BY CHARTS Scene of Disaster Near Where Capt. Peiteraori's Former Vessel Burned. Chlof Engineer V. 11. Hill of tho Washcaloro, which was -wrecked 8un doy nt Htintcr'n 'Cove, south of tho mouth of Rogtio River, nrrlvod horo Inst evening from Dandon. Ho mid tho thirteen other momiiors qf tn0 crow vcro brought from flock iBbtnJ to Damlon by tho tug Klyhlam and -thq Dnndon Llfo Suvlng crow, nil es caping without Injury, i Mr. Hill sBnyu tht Wn8hcnloro la -a total loss. Ho understands thnt 'It X. Wcndllng of Sail Francisco, the owner and oporntor, had hor Insured for about 130,000 no that 'tho loss will not bo ftroat on thorn. A peculiar thing about tho wreck of tho Washcaloro was that sho was wrecked only n short distance north of nhoro tho Sotoyomo, n big gnso- llno-iuchoonor, was burned 11 few years ago. capt Potoreori, martor of tho Washcalore, was maator ot tho sotoyomo. which wi.b n -now boat, when alio wna lost nnd ho mid tho crow -wore 'tlion rescued by tho llfo savins crow from Eureka. Mr. Hill ascribes tho fllsaotor -to onco -to tho ntcesBlty of tho pmcuro two things, first to tho fnclHhat Hun mcnt of Ilarbmir, quit claim dcxdH to 'ter's Covo Is not tho safe 'haven of.nniiroud Addition property, toduy Is- refuge from storms that tho Coast Pilot charts Indlcato nnd second to ftho fact that tho WtiBhcalonJ's two 140 horsc-iiowor onglncB wwo not jt BeoiUB'to us nv rnther-of a useless powerful enough for n crnft -of her0Utiny, for tho roason thnt C. II. 'Size. Sunday tliey wore ibolng -reliant nnd the Merchant Lnnd driven back by tho henvy northwest COmpany "havo given warrnnty deed storm when Capt. Peterson finally do- totho profiles, nnd wo nrw nblo nntj lded to bw1c Into Hurrtor'fl Core-nl- willing to jstand behind thoso war- though ho had novor beon in thoro oerore. The oot was not tho plnciu Vall In his vclalms ticn wo win oa waters expected nnd tho Wnshcalord's inblo upon our warranties, nnd if engines wore not poworfrfl enough "to Mi. Barbour loaee, then ho ha noth got her to sea aaln. ng to quit cbiira. In olthor -ovent, Mr. Hill will go from hero to Flor-ith lot purchasers aro protected, and enco nnd mny Toturn hero 1o tnko a -need httvo no tMieaslneaiy'" position on ono wf tho liert boats I wwwwwswwwww which C. II. Dean Js having built nt.sprny lnw tho nlr and osror tho big North nnd. Siury of tlte jDisaster. ' The wreck was duo to tho storm ttnd tho fact that tbo WashcMoro's ni a ...i i. . 'hiius wore noi poweriui uiiuukii " Drcast It" said mil last nteht. "Wo, ousht sholtor In Hunter's Covo Sun-ioff lav morning when storm nssumed Ita iav turning wnon stonii RBsumeu iu ot proportion., which according to voasi 1'iiot cbarta la saf in norm- wesi storms. However, -tho wind rhnnn.i ... .i i, -... nrnw rm,r, .. i , 4,. ,.w. ...... tt. . cr wo cast nnchor both anoiior cnnins Parted We started tho englnen again ut tio storm carried us in seminar MCjiu the rockti. Finally it was choice of where wo woro to 1o wrecked and wo preceded In getting In where wa "U Jump onto Itock Island, a pro wit rv about ono hundred feet high at b best pplnt and perhaps five hun fp"t Fiunro above water. Had we l"u carried a llttlo further around, we vould havo been wrecked In a i Pocki-t of rocks with cliffs over fifty 'wt high and most of us would have been lost Wo succeedod In getting our clothing and sumclont provisions to h, us several days up on tho' rek so that we would havo been, tlltfcb 1 O .YUUIU !.. .w .--.- . trantl'nll.. o,.- i.ninn. nmvlilnrl fnr until fiom nn.n. VMi nicked u8 However, wo were mighty glad "m the tug and life savers irom Bandon hove In sight' . iWe were not suffering partlcu- as we rot down on the lee sldfl f (he island, however, you cal, 1m- glno hbw rough the sea was wntn you-tTaYlt fiok. aga'lnat thoaa WfiEGK OF SHIP "BLACIANfllT LIS ANGELES t Somb lis Exploded In Doorway of Homes of Italian Eami- liesThere. CBy Associated Pits? tn tho Ooua Day Tiroes.) LOB'AKOELES,-?Cnl., May '2'4. A bomb madusip of ntquart botfloTTlllOd with gun powder imd slugs -was ox- P?JoJ nt Wn'BhJ' '" lof n houHo on Knst NI tho dnorwuy Ninth ttroul-oc- Icnuiod by tho famuice of F. Allotl nnd IiIh non-ln-lftw, r. M. Gowdor.. A pnnlu followud but no one wnn In jured. Allotl In n butcher nnd Sift'l received "black hand" letters ftJ- .roniiillng rnomy. I John C. Merchant Says Mer , , , , n ,. . 'chant Land Company StaRds , PnhmH Tillnc iWwIIIIIU 1IUWWI John C. Merchant, -manager. ot tho Mertfiinnt Liaid Company, in rofor- 8Uod tuo following staloment: "Wo hnvo no objection to -our ginnteet buying -theso dm (Is nlthoiig'a rftntles. If Mr. Harbour should pro-j- rock. Tho wind carried tins citnr aeiosa the rock or Island. "Tho coio Into -which w got tbo Wnshcaloro -was not largo enough t Int i-lin (mtlr V0S801 Tin UUU inu nwnn " - i heating against her gradually broke thu exposal end ftgulnst the rocki Aftor ivo got on tho rocK, had ' "" - , time to go back and get various ar- wva u "uw Potorsoti and twelve of tho! "Capt prow will rotum on tho Elizabeth from nandon to Sun Frandsco Wen i., ai iiv in San "Francisco, iiw.i;. - - -.--- Wo carried fix sailors, lire eng ours, inu huhvoi - - -- w ... ntna TWi til I lilt HLUUUlli O - -- depnrtmont nnl tno cnpinni, iu.u- toon all told. ' "It Is about a half mtlo from "nock Island to tho mnin land." Today two mombore of tho Wash calore's crow rsaobod North nond, having shlppod qn tbo Gunlala whlirt Is plying hotwaon Daiidon and North Bend. 7 TOllACCO I.OWEKS MOUAL TOM. . . ... . r. " Sc0,cs Vse " Mcellng of the Iowa Mcdlcnl Society. DES MOINES. la.'. May n Dr. Samuel Bailey of Mount Ayr, in nn eotlng of the Iowa LOT HOLDERS he rnu LU LU aaoross Bcorc(J to.Bho hld aceid0ntally swallowed and - "..:; . , .... ,frnnt'whinh indeed in the lower part of tho bacco nnd Its use in tho terms. 11a " " - .- Ho declared that tobacco' using poisons i "-'-- tT.i rob. th. uaor ot - - -v- .MnnniW for the earlier days .Jm W H1HES AND 1001ER CASE UP National .Association of Jimm Iber Manufacturers iAppmves .Hines LaFolleiiu .Swires IHIm. i'JIi' Associated Press to Coos IBay Times.) (CHICAGO, III., 213- 2Hr-HaitrafcU Htwjs, nanfcH before tho lolm lejcls-' lntfec commlttco in canmntion .tvJthisoujSht In cnyry wrny to lafluoneo bou tho collection ot an alleged 100i00 gators' In tbe X.otimer c&w. Without fiuiQ to clod Lorlmer ttollny., took(PC-Uslnr; Senator Stpphcnsoa'ii jiamo hu casion before rending Ills rainunl'aul-, snld Ullnes lad been so atlrvotlii that drcH to th& Nntlooal Ihunthur .Manii-tBcnaUT's election that Ids jirinclpal fncturerB asKicliUlon it which he Us ngent had sot Ulnxcd to xmnaln In praJdtmt. tti defend 13mQts nn'd,Ji?Y .WaaAlii'gtoti. GlflL JGCUBED OF ODD THEFT Fourloerj-'Ysar-OId CuquiHeiGChamber of Commerce Crni Maiden Charged With Steal ing Clothirrt). COQITTLLE, Oro., Slny 2i. Tho fourteru-yenrJOJd dnuRhtw of Mt nnd Mrs. Chits. ' nnUor nrrost hero on tho clmrgo ot sUmliug cloth- 'ling from locnl -clothoa lbw and will Jbo given r hourtiiK boforoJudgo Tliil' iu Juvonfflo court horo next MonOny. Shorlff Gtigo nnd Dfstrlct Atonioy l;llJcqTlfit airo reported to claim to hnvo nbsoljito ovhlcnco of alio rI'b rnlsed without much trouW'j to do grrllt. Her father Ib ompliryod 'in ea fraytlo oxpomnja of It. logging (Cimni onthb CoqnJIlb. T"or soimo time iiast, Coqulllo jhso- get Uennlto advlso conconilns' nn nir plo ' hnvo bc-en complnlnlng f the hlp -ntiU aomo othor matters wlfro tliaft of ploliing-from their clothes Unus nnd' U la bollovbd this caso irlUmut a uton to "it. OFFICIALS TO Presided! Diaz andVice-Prcs- ident Corral Expected to Betire Then. (Sy Associated Presa to Coos Associitted Press Dj ! Times.) Way 24. MEXICO CITY, Mex., It U officially ainnouncod tbnt Prosl- dent Diaz and -Vlce-presldeut Corral will ruot resign -vtoday but t!wt tholr resignations win bo tondoredito tho House of Doputlua tomorrow. LrT m.n- ivmTAM"i" 01.1)11 U03M3S UOSG'UVli 1HJLKS i, - .,,,. n.. r:aii. linn't imii' W" T nitOCKTON. Mass., lay 2-j. -: sot or ruies ror iong mo, uiiuhiu by Mr8. Mary ScrJgglngs, rnmoa us tho oldest woman in Mussacliusott, iPidM, tho followlnc 'nia '' . - mirB n fc. w -...- ...-., -. flay is not too mttnh. Abstain from idlo gossip. Never flirt, for it Js a usoluw wnto of energy. Do not road novels. Danish the vanity ot dross. Kep away from dances and shows. SWALIiOWS COIN; DIES. Penny Lodged In Lower Part f Little 'Girl's Throat Causes Dentil. TACOMA. May 24 Laura R. Rosa. aged 2 years 11 months, only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ross, 1K11 South Ni' tM street, died In Fan nin Paddock Hospital following an 'operation to remove a penny which throat. A physician was called as fla u waB dl8COVered sho bad . ty,a , nni, ,. . --- pf Myag life lay In an operation, bat It failed Z . dXd relief. PIOMORROW - fltolBCCU,BnL afcBoimiona-raprcMin frciraridonco lnimincs wore Jiiioptoa. DINKS '.'ACCUSED AOAIN. XilVollcUe Chnrgen lllm With f t3Ij- Ju Wicoaidu. (Ifr Assorlutcd Press to Q-job Actl- Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C Hay 2-1. lnn&t speech today. dcel&rcd .Howard Senator ILdTollctto Hlnrs of 'Chicago, i tinues Committee on fourth of luly. .At a zuuctlng at thi' Chnmbcr ufi Cpuimcroe yi;Btcrday, jtho specbil' cooimltteo Thlch hnd btcoi Investlgat-i Ing tho Kouith of July vcolcbrntlou, leportod gotfd progresfc Tl'hey found ft Wuclded Beutlmontjn firvor of pull- , mg orr Digicoiebration nu nonry Songtitnckon reported that ho bo- lioveo l,ooo-ior $1,200 ould b Qoogo Hotnor has boen.jiablo ta still uniwttlod, so It was drcltted not "to try to nrrivo nt.-a definite ttolslon tfr .ft :iaiO. I V I IS twX. Defeats San Francisco By Score of Three to One Vernon Third. UTAJfWIXO Or THE CLU1W. w Won Lost cent Portland 30 20 .COO Onkland 2 20 .527 San Francisco. .28 27 .GOD Vernon 27 25 .519 Sacramento . . .22 27 .440 Los Angeles . . .21 32 .3'JC , PORTLAND, Oro Mny 24 Port- lanu iook anomer Bninu ,UBlruu,, uuiuuiiub huh -.nt..ovu ... m, scoro or j 10 1 ana again ruiiounirf tho C00 round in tno porceningo col umn. This drops San Frnnolsco back to fourth placo. Tho Ecores yester day follow: At Los Angolcj It Los Angoloa 10 Snoramonto. . At Onkland-- Vornon . . . Oakland. . . At Portland'" Portland . San Ifrnnolsco, 3 It 0 It 3 1 Hurt Today. Joe Dodgo, whoe paronts live In Forndalo. was quite severely injurod by a falling treo In Gould's camp above Allegany, whoro ho Is employed, today. A falling tree threw him down. His hand was hurt and ho wns Injured about tho Jhcad by striking a rock FIREMEN NOTICE. All members of MarBhfleld hose decId-.Comnany No, 1 are requested to be ' thtaronlng .17:80 for spe- clal i!u. uy oraer 01 I HOMW MAZ' Foxeman. OF CELEBRATIKfi c AG1 CLAIM SIIMPSOH RUNNING TAKEJIP CASE Head Counsel for Alleged Los Angeles Dynamiters Reaches Coast. (Ily Associated Pross to Coos Day , Times.) SAX intANCISCO, Cal., Mny 24.- Clnrcnco Darrow of Chicago, rotatned by the International Organization of Structural Iron Workors to defond J. J. McNaimira and his brother, J. I). McNnmarn, -aTrlved horo last night anI, will go td Los Angeles tomorrow While here he will confer with vnrl- oub labor lenders. Ho would not dis cuss tho Imb Aiwo1oh (lyiinuilttng case THE ISLANDS 1 Nratiy Rtesolulions Urging 'Hend'cnce for'FUilllpplnics Offered. (Uy AcsoclUtod Prosu to Oootr Hay TImwi.) WABHINCPTON, D. tl iny 23h The uiemboru of tho Iloutio aro lead ing tbo tiomiitltteo on Foreign Itera tions with rotiolutlonc providing Cor noutrnllty tuid ultlmnti' luUevondoiuui for tho PliHlppliieu. Nn action Is ex- jiected nt this sobsIoii but dtttnrmlnod efforts will '! inndo nt the Ttigular sosHlon to suver tho Islands fwixn tho Unltod StnU(. With a rosalutlont providing for Lctatohood for ATixonw -nnd Now "Mexi co schodulod for paBgo before .-nil-juummont today, tho closlug huuni of dobato woro glvon wyer lnrgely ito a denunciation ot tbo Judiciary recall featurovof tho Arlxona cojistltutlon.' The resolution admitting Arizona provloVa that this fnattiro hall bo voted on by tho pooplo as nv condi tion to tntohood. Marvin LIttlotort of New "York mado hJs maiden speech In tho House- todny. nEN McMULLEN nnd wife of Myrtlo Point aro spending n fow days In Marshllold. Chicago Board pf Trade Ad vances Charges Twenty Per Cent. (Ry Assoulated Prosa to Coos Day Tlmcis.) CHICAGO, III., May 2 I. Tho df,- rectors of the Chicago' Hoard of Trado hao approved a petition pro viding for a twenty per oonf, Jnoranaa lu tho commlsalon rateu. Tho pro posed change ulll lnoronso the com mission of membors doing uujtroHM for non-members from fC.25 pe' 5.000 bushels to 7.50, tho commis sion for business botweeu mombor to bo raised from ?3.12V6 por 5,000 bushols to ?3.75. A cooked food salo will bo HELD UY THE LADIES pf tho PIIESUY. TKItlAN church, SATURDAY, May 27 at (ho Dazaar, cofamfenelng' 10 A. Mu After the show try a Turkish bath Phone 214- J, DARROW WILL fBfflm R COMMISSIONS ARE INCREASED MAY MAIE FOR TAFT Interesting Political Gossip About 1912 Campaign Is Afloat Now. CUMMINS AND BORAH ARE ALSO CONSIDERED W. R. Hearst Says That Champ Clark Is Logical Demo cratic Candidate. (Djr Associated Pro en to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). 0., May 24. . An Interesting bit of political gossip la curreiit here today that tho en trance of Henry HtlniHon of Now York Into President Tnft's cabinet may seom that ho will be Tatt'a running mnto In tho campaign of 1012. Tatt, It Is said, fully expects to bo rono-. mlnatcd nnd his frlondB nnd ndvlsem In casting about for man to head the ticket with him am said to look with much favor on 8tlmson who, they think, would both geographically and porsonally provo n strung man. Among tho other vlco-presldontlal possibilities undor iIIscubhIou by the political loaders touch with tho White Houbo nro Senators Cummins ot Iowa and Ilorah of Idaho. HUAItHT (IIVICS VIKWS. Think Chump Clark and Tuft IOgN enl CiindlibintoN. NEW YOIHC, May 24. William rtnldolph Hearst boforo sailing for Europo toduy wns nskod who ha thought tho 1012 domoeratto ciindl- dato for Presldont would bo. "I think Chnmp Clark has dono such good work In tho Houso of Repre sentatives nnd Is so largely rospon slblo for the democratic success thnt ho is very conspicuous for 1013 " Hearst said Oovernor Wilson and Governor Harmon are hoi!: good juon. Taft Is tho logical candidate of the republicans ha said. WILSON IN TWIN CITIEH. IJVnv 3Viey Democrats (lovornor CoiilinucN Tdur. t(JJy Bfloclatod Press to Cooh Day Times,) MINNEAPOLIS, MJnn., Mft 24. Ooveraor Wood row Wilson of Now Jorsoy nrrlvod hero toduy and will spend ivo days In this city nnd St. Paul. Tuduy ho nddrowwd tho Min neapolis Publicity club on ' rtusluofa and Politics." Trans-Atlantic V- Near Queeristowi Be Save' (By AiaoclaU"! Pms Times ) QUBBNaTOWN. Ii. The Cumn.I t r ;i':i Hit? ' i'l Wili tpn to Qui'i)-t i p fii atruok Daunt l!i k nf n fQf as she was a ! I ( port. She hi no a ti feet of watci 1 n carried TV- 1 1 1 cnrb'o of frejU ' 1 To Gel Mill. A ' ,.. It a of tho Marshflwld Cua tr i fv merco nro busy ut wyrk ai i t osltlon of Culver BfOtl 'rt of ' .' t u golos to start the Cou ti u m d. Messrs M C Hortou, D. 'i 4-'uaq and R. M. Jennings are on u com- mlttee- and expect dovSfpp'm ts m the matter, very scon. BIO S1HI3 STRIKES' !M 4 im. Uk tM that u ekot ny -oi .jmww ".-" . i - fii.frtrtlMT" -J . -