Ill THE COOS JAY TIMES, MAKSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY; MAY 23, 1911 -EVENING EDITION WEST SIDE WINS AGAIN. Lefsk You Forget. ItttHIII ( M.. .. . . .. iri' ui'i'i.n, ui!i viau iu statu THAT WE AIMS jCilVING 9.1.00 IN MERCHANDISE WITH KVK11Y 1IKJ1I UT, COME. IN AND LOOK THEM OVER; WJ5 WANT TO 5 V VOL' Q U A L I T V U O U NT S. - THAT STIM' AT S SHON FORMERLY GEO. GOODRU.M XOTKtt TO MI Mi MEN: WE CASH YOl'lt CHECKS 15e Toggery m?gims Hi Arch Beef,21ro and Wine A NtTlllTIVK TONIC AND STIMULANT FOR RESTORING )i:illLITVrHI) CONDITIONS RESULTING FROM ILLNESS. IT )S I'ltH'ARKD WITH GREAT CARE FROM CAREFULLY SIC I,KCTKI MATERIALS AND Wlfl KNOW IT WILL GIVE C! It HAT ni:xi:irr in casus where the system is run down. PRICK PER DOTTLE 91.00. YOl'lt MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTOItY. FOR SALE AT TDK RUSY CORNER PHONE 298 hart-Parsons Drug Co. LEADING DRUG STOKE IN COOS COUNTY. Defeats South Mnnhllolil Juniors by j Sro of 1VJ to 17. ' Tlio West Mnrslinold boys dofonto I tho South MnrBhflchl Juniors again Saturday by a scoro of 42 to 17. Oeorgo Johnson wns tho utuitlro. Tho lineups woro nB follows: soutii A Johnson ' O Johnson V Johnson Jack Ilowron Harold Jlnglum! Kd Holt Tod Dow Al Hulntw N Farrin lEMpOGAL BIG CROWD IT KNIGHTS NOLO Sill BOSTON STORE FINE SESSION "( Pos. West. O THE WEATHER, o o 13 Unckm.n v H Ktl Johnsou f (ny Associated Press.) 1 b M Johnson OREGON, May 23. Fnlr In 2 b Jas Smenton north nnd showers In south to- 3 b I Chnpman night. s Harold Chapman r t Carl Hngnulst LOCAL TEMPERATURE ItK- c f H Xolnio POUT. Opening of It Results In Regular "Bargain Counter Rush" Today. , 1 f M Upton Rubber and Cotton Host, LAWN SPRAYERS and Xonle at MILNKH'S A NEW OLD HOTEL. Old patrons of The Windsor Hotel, Bv.11 Francisco, will be glad to hear that this fnmotiB houso Is now open In n flno now six story building right down town. Now furniture, now car pets, steam boat, hot wator and tolo phono in ovory room. Cnfo In con nection. Xotlco thoso ratoa: Room with prlvato bath ? 1 nday, ?G nwcoK. AH cars pass tho door. Select family hotel, Windsor Hitol, 23S Edil street, San Frnnclnoo. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Before Decoration Day Vould do well to call at tho Pacific Monumental Works, South Broidwny and make selection from tho largo stock now on hand. Ur. Wilson has In his employ tho only practical marblo and gra- llte cutter In Coos county. And nono but tho host worn Is turned iWhem Going ioHiiYoEir Plcsnic don't forgot Hint wo havo Papyrus Picnic Plates. . . .it)c do.. Wood Picnic Plates lUc do. Paper Napkins 3c for U doz. Paper Ico Cream Dishes, I with Spoon ic each I Open Chip llaMkets. . ,10c, J Be, HOc 'Covered Chip llaskets, ill), It), BO, (10c 1 : Why carry n lot of china whon you can got plates at thoso prices. 6 O For twenty-four hours ending at 4:4.1 p. in.. May 22. by Mrs. O O K. Mlngus. special government 0 meteorological olmorvort Maximum 54 . Minimum 37 At 4:43 p. m'. fit Precipitation nono Wind, Xorthwofit; olonr. Wed Hew. Alhort W. Johnson nl the Coqulllo Soda WorkB, nnd Miss Laura Docbsler of Coqulllo woro marrlod hero Sunday, tho Itov. II. 1. Rutlodgo of tho MnrBhllold Mothod iBt church ofllclatlng. thoy will re- sldo at Coqulllo. Reception Tendered Pythian Grand Lodge Officers by Marshfield Lodge. Last availing, Myrtle Lodge Xo. 2, 'irst National Bank OF COOS BAY apital fully paid $100,000,00 urplus 1 5,000,00 S, Chandler. President, OFFICERS: M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier, COOS BAY ASH STORE Tho Storo That Saves You Money. UKO. K. DOW, - - flluuuBur. Front Bbreet, JumliDeId. Mother Is Dead. Word wns ro colvod lioro today of tho death of Mrs. Carrlo Soxton, mother of Mrs. Xolllo Owen, which occurred nt Hugo, Orogon, Saturday. Mrs. Owon ronch cd' thoro shortly boforo hor death. Tho fuuornl wns hold, today. To Start Survey. Knglneor Loofo has been advised that Frank Snud nerB nnd a small pnrty havo bcon or dered to report hero ns soon as pos BlbloMo mnko tho now hydrogrnphlo survey of tho upp.or part of Coos Uny from tho Smith mill to n point just below Pony Inlet. WANTED A girl for general house keoplug work. Phono 314H1. FOIl HUNT TJireo room house ou Elovonth stroot. All modorn con vcnloncoa $10 por month. En qulro Stauff's grocery. Case Is Heard. Tho caBo of John Kronholm vs. D. L. Footo Is bolng henrd boforo Justlco Ponnoclc today. Mr. Kronholm alleges that ho sont n suit of clothes to Footo to bo pressed and ttho latter only returned pnrt of It nnd whon this wns tnkon back io got tho romnlndor thnt Footo sold it to Jas Faulkner who bought Footo's establishment. . .. . The opening of The llntton Store I In the (low Why building at tho cor-Kilnlits of Pythias, tendorod a rccop- nor of Commercial and Ilrondway this "" compllmontary to F. T. Wrlght momlng was the occasion of the n,nn Grand VicojOhnncollor, nnd L. greatest "llargnln Countor" rush that II- Stenson. OrnntnliCoeper of Ite MRrshflold has ever known. The cords nnd Seals of Oregon Pythlans, storo was advertised to opei at 0 who nro paying their ntmunl visit to o'clock but soon nfter S o'clock, tho tho Coos county lodges of tho order, bargain seekers 1mkkii to assemble Thoro wns a big turnout of members' and by tho opening hour, tho side- nml visitors, many from "North Uond walk nnd street around the building '"K prosont wero blocked with tho throng. Tll otxtly pnrt of tho ovonlng wns Tho Btoro-rooni was not largo lovotod to dogreo work, tho rank of enough to nccommodato thorn nil it Knight bolng conform! on Harry. onco nnd boiuo had to stand on tho Wlnklor nnd J. A. Smith. This wns sidewalk n round tho doors for tho followed l" n banquet nnd goner it first ouob to comploto their Bhopplng K0,l mo' and dopart lioforo they could got ' During tho ovonlng, Mr. Stenson In. They waited nnd almost ovory- "oiivorod a lltflj address on tho hla hour of tho day witnessed a slmllnr (or' of tl10 0l'(lr n,,ll Mr- Wrlghtman Bltuntlon. Sovornl tlmoB during the'""0"0 tl,u B0(l of t"o Ordor. At day thoy woro compelled to lock tho lll auet, Mr. Mooro of North door. llond prosldod nB tonstmnstor and Inafdc, tho clerka woro nlmou'tnoro woro Impromptu rosponscs by snowed undor by tho rush. Evory- MoB8rfl, A. L. Whoront, J. F. Hall, thing wns mnrked In plnln flgurofl nnd arKO Hose, llnrry Wlnklor nnd tho shoppers soloctod whnt thoy ,olnor8, wanted nnd hold tho nrtlolos until j Mwwrs. stciiBon nnd Wrlghtman clorks could nnd tlmo to wait on!loft t0l'n' fr tho Coqulllo Vnllsy them. It wnB ono of tho rnre oppor-WMoro 1,10' will vlfllt tho lodgoa nnd tunltlofl of Coos liny shonnors to in-1 Krhlny night thoy will visit tho North dulgo In a regular dopartmont storo bargain salo. "Tho Prlzo Hoxob" woro big attrac tion and affordell much plensuro and profit to tho eager shoppers. Tho Btock Is tho halnnco of tho big slock of tho A. W. Myers storo ntj North llond nnd will tnko ninny days io anywnoro nonr dopiota it oven with n continuation of today's rapid selling. llond lodgo. A lnrgo nunibor from hero nro plnnnlng to visit tho Nort.'i llond lodgo nt that tlmo. Persona! Notes DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C; Horton, Joes a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, . pent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at 1 and up per year, laisagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 "PiW,TSnrp!ns and Undivided "flits Over .... PrtslOver . '' v. . " r $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits WAKTEIX A machinist to tflko chnrgo lloavor Hill Coal Company machlnb shop. Apply Deavor Hill. WANTED A good dairy hand, f40 and board. Inquire of James Lan drlth, South Coos Itlror, Phono 803X8. Iluoy Moviil. Tho captain of tho Drcdgo Oregon reports thnt during tho rccont storm Rod Duoy No. 10 W at Pony Iiilot was swept out of posi tion by tho wind and storm. Ho on dcavorod to savo It but was unablo to do so. Tho matter will probably' bo taken up At onco ns tho buoy wan an Important aid to navigation for tho largor vessels In tho lowor Day. "Whon a lecturo Is frco," com plains tho Topokn Capital, "you gen erally aro oxpected to buy a book or n slmvlng strop of tho man who dollvors It." Moral: no content with tho froo lectures your wlfo dol lvors nt homo. WM. E. HOMME or Caoston Is n Mnrshflold bufllncss visitor today. It. J. MONTGOMERY hns returned from n business trip to Wlllnunt to Vnlloy points. CARL nEROMAN of Gnrdltior link ed through horo today on routo homo from Florence. ' ' MRS.' C. It. PECICk who undorwont a minor operation Sunday, Is report ed getting' nlong nicely todny. Sho will tin rnnflnml in Hint h n m m f rti- I can toll a school toachor ns fnr nu n u.onW np . t,iniI,, r- can-see her; nnd sho has to bo 'qperATOR SHIRLEY of tho local married at loast live years boforo tho trndo marks nro offacod. ITllrC Hl',:clAIi ATTENTION. u Dig tlolugs Wodnesduy cveulns. FOR JIENT lx room tint furnlsltcd comploto with bath, hot and cold water, finest view In city, with gas rango. Tenant can havo possession on May 23. Apply to Robort Mar sdon, Br. FOIl RENT 10 aero ranch, Slough D. Ferguson. North 5 FOIl SALE Piano and houso fund- turo. 324 Front St. AUTO Anytime, nnywhero. Rea sonable rates. Phono Blanco hotel 4G or Resldonco 28-J. FOR SALE Dairy Ranch, tlUiHccn cows. Address Roz 3C5, Mnrshfloll ReidgiiH Position. E. J. Mayflold has rcslgnod ns bookkeopor and offlco manager for F. S. Dow, effoctlvo Juno 1. Ho expects to spond the early part of, Juno rusticating on Coos Rlvor or at Ten Mllo after which" ho nnd his wife nnd baby will probably return to California to reside. Ills doclslon to Joavo horo will bo regret ted by tbo many friends tboy ha to mado during their resldonco on tbo Day. I'd hato to bo as tough as ovory woman thinks a man Is. 4 Victims EUoiioa of Secretary Lots of other work. Conio out. Wo must see yon, Dy order of tho Exalted Rulor, OEO. OOODRUM, Becy. (Don't forgot tho danco.) Read tho Times' Want Ads. Constipation brings mnny ailments in Its train and Is tho primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowols regular madam, and you will eBcapo many of tho ailments to which women aro subject. Constipation Is a very simple thing, but like many slmplo things, it may lead to sorlous conse quences, Nature often needs a llttlo assistance and when Chamberlain's Tablets are given at tho first indica tion, much distress and suffering may be avoided . Bold by all dealers. HI NOTICE!! Union Oils U""ey, ono ot th0 drlTers 'tor for us is out for tca him! ho la lUbl a on the street nnd 'lnndrv nn'.u . Dy tlniO. TTn Vnn.. 5,1S frnm A - , GASOLINE DISTILLATE REXKINE KEROSENE SAMSON GAS ENGINES Luad CEM,RIFlTtlAL PUMPS Coos Bay Oil & Supply Co. Marshilcld, Ore. WIONE 30B-J Preferred Stock and TiJImann's Pineapple IS THE FINEST SELECTED HAWAIIAN FRUIT, PICKED JUST AT THE RIGHT TIME AND CANNED IMMEDIATELY AT THE PLANTATION ON WHICH THEY ARE GROWN. THEY RETAIN THE RICH, WHOLESOME FLAVOR OF THE FRESH FRUIT AND ARE PACKED IN SANITARY CANS. SLICED PINEAPPLE, LARGE CANS Sflo EACH SLICED PINEAPPLE, MEDIUM CANS. liOc EACH SLICED PINEAPPLE, SMALL CANS . U5e EACH GRATED PINEAPPLE, SMALL CANS IBe EACH Lockhart's Grocery Two Private PUopes ' DO, YOU BEE THAT NAME "Stafford" That namo on tho box stands for good candy Inside It standB for purity, dollclousncss, freshness, dollcacy and goodness. It stands for everything that Is good In Candy for that's what Staf ford candy is. It stands for a homo factory Candy made right horo on Coos Day. It standB for tho prido of tho man ufacturer nnd tho enndymakor Sn making tho bust that can bo produc7 od. Try a box of Coos Qlrl Chocolates today. Thou you'll know what Staf ford stands for. wireless station returned yestor day from a trip to Portland' and Pugot 'Sound points. Ho says that tho big forty-story ofllco building Is bolng started In Bcattlo and con- , dltlons nro prosperous In that section. wndk TWO STORES Do You Hnvo tho Htolit Kind of Help? Foloy Kidney Pills furnish you tho right kind of holp to noutrallzo and rcmovo tho poisons that causo back ache, headache, nervousness, and other kldnev nnd bladder ailments," RDQlCROSS Drug Storo. Poison Oak Time This is the season when this troublesoino affec tion is nifst prevalent. Remember tho -soonoi tho remedy is applied after tho irritation is no ticed, tho quicker tho euro, Therefore, always havo a bottle of Ii. &S. DERM0L with you when roaming tho woods, or when ,on picnics and outiiigs. Dormol is a positivo spe cific for poison oak and all other poisons and ir ritated conditions of tho skin. Hundreds of sat isfied usors in this sec tion can vouch for its of ficQcy. f50o and $1.00. Made and for sale by us only. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos Uldff. Phono 141 Marshfield; Ore., May 16th, 19 H. Dear Coos County: Just a line to inform you that I make th . best bread on earth. Internally Yours, " ' Drifted Snow Flour -' AJ t Id Hand anrl ,r MaH Orders BaHttted. Ueam Lwunify J 85 and 905 fiXm tfi OUnt r bhw W w i -1 If -- I -V r