The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 23, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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your store-new fl, flionlil nppoar as
regularly 1ot'H ",,H ncuHimpcr. If
n m-unpaptT omitted an Issue now
nnd then oon for so weighty a i-ca-M)ii
us fearing tlint It might rain
K would not 1)0 a good iionpnpe.-.
"A store's advertising spaco in n
newspaper, fonipiircil with (lie pnco
used by othei (.lotos, nIioiiIiI dolliio
Us compnrntlu' Importance hi (ho
I'omtiiittilty! Docs jinn- ntore'8 ad-wi-iMiik
spiii-p tlo dial?
Established In 1878
an The Coast Mall
A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall
and Coos May Atliortlscr.
No. 111
EskjJi JfjJi B
Life-Savers and Tug Klyhiam r
Qninric Mon Into Rnnrlnn I
mmw mm
i iuiullo umis
U ttllliL
) Rid ill I IT
: uu 11 Li. LLI
rain dv nni pimpi
I! El' k i y i r p.1! I r
lllfli I B I I I 9 1 I I B I I H I r I
,uui w ' UUL UUfltUI
nMI r tt mm at 1 1. 1 .
Robert Blee, Alias Ray Brown,
Held On Indictment In
Kobcrt Blee, alias liny Drown, the
tic yomij follow who won ths
pnthy of nil who honnl his trial
Heirs Cannot Find Any Docu
ment Disagree Over Exe
cutor Eckhoff Will
Judge John P. Hall roturnod from
H dhu pi m is
- ..... ,N .. . r m .
the chargo of forgery nt Coqullli Coqulllo yosterdny whore ho went to
n month ago nndwhoulsowonthocle- hold n session of probnto court. Con-
j money of the court by sottliiR n Pr-,lrnry t0 roi,ort8t lIl0 honrlnK QVor tho
, Vice-President of Mexico Md ZvT X S;,ont of n ocutor.ior the
5llffprCfJ From EXDOSUre bUt to HflVP Tpnriprpfl Hk pasainB ilctltlous checkB nnd ombozz-lcslnto ot t,lc ,n,p Co1- Concl1 '",l "t
bunereu n om cxpubui uui io nave i enaereu ms , nt nt pont ulchmond( Cftl nlco come up. judge limi et tho lioarins
Otherwise All Well Ship j Resignation. 'or Ilrown wns working nt tho Smith- for Mn' 29 with tho undorstnndlng
Powers Logging enmp nt Coos City,1""1 " "" U1U "L,rH """' "Kreu on
Total Loss.
(Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Da;
(Special Long Dlittanco Telephone In ( JlJAUEZt Moxi Mny 23. A tele
to Tho Times.)
whore ho hns been constnntly om- " onror u'". l uonring wouta uo
ployed when npprobondod. Uo offer- grouted.
nil no roalutmieo nnd nt first dnnlsJ I M". Carey, dnughtor of Col. Conch,
gram wns rocelvcd todny from AlfrjJ , ... , ,.. ., .... i... nnd hor husbnnd nirlvod hero vester-
IIANDON, Ore., Mny 23. With nobles Domlnguoz, speclnl ponco en- but miay clnh0ll that ,t Wll n oaJO dny from Grand Ilnplds, Mloh. They
Capt. PctorBon nnd thirteen men, ill toy In Moxlco City stating that tho wlloro l0 had iillued ttnd Qahod a nro now nt Tho Chandler. Arthur
who wore nboard tho Wnnhculoro resignation or vico-promuont uirrii ?200 ciQCi wholJ h( only bn(1 nnoly Conch has rundo application to bo np- she was wrecked off Hunter's hnd ,,oon "d0""1' 'centu on tho deposit In th bank, (polntod oxwutor while nuothor son,
Point south of IIokuo Itlvor Sundnr .T" "T '8. tnkn. l T t,,nt th' ' Pf't '"ublos rwult from Joseph, wishes L. J. Cody of Dandw
Point, soum or itoKuo JCivor. Hundnr yicrugiaonf, resignation- was re- th work of Marih(l, Cartor wbo BU6. appointed. Mrs. Carey Is understood
afternoon, safely nbonrd, tho tun Kly- qUCHtci! to procwle thnt of Prssldont ,H,ctln thnt nll WOi not rlsht ,,, h to desire tho nppolntmont of somoono
hlam camo safely Into Dnndou this niiiz which Is expected today or to-i t wrot( Kroa Kohlor ohof o( oIbo. Tho two Coach boys rosldo nt
morning. Not n man was lost or In- ,rrow. When Diaz re.l,m, Mad-1 Rt nlonlnoniI 0hlo,' who took,"ndo.
Jured nlthough nil nro suffering con- ro nnd his pnrty will Immediately .. ,. T . ,,, Bo far ns can bo ascertained. Col
sldorably from oxposuro on tho bloak 0ayo for Mexico City. .,,. n. ., nt .' . n,M,,.!" Coach loft no will. It Is said thnt ho
Cnl., who forwarded tho warrant xpressod himself sometime ngo ns
.hero. Chief Arnold hns boon ndvlsoJ nvowo to mnklng n will, clnlralng that
of tho nrrest of Drown or Uloo and 'l wolll Probably only Incur lltl-
wlrod that ho would lenvo for hero Kat'on nmo"B tho ,10lra- Without n
Ithls mornlne. nieo or Drown wiib w"'- tho OB,nto will be, under tho
tnkon to Coqulllo this morning whore IftW. Ulvldod oqunlly botwesn the
li will bo hold In tho county iall t!irco children. Tho ostato will
pending tho arrival of tho California n,nount to H.OOO,000,ltliitlniaUd
Lorimer Situatibn In U. S. Sen
ate Further Complicated
(Dy Associated Pross to Coos Da)
Two Members of Structural
Steel Workers Arrested
For It.
Conspiracy to Blow New Build
ing Erected by Non
Union Men.
WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny i!3.'(n' Assoclntoil Press to Coos Day
Tho Lorlmor situation In tho Sunntu
wns further complicated Into todny
LOS ANORLUS, Cnl., May 23.
rock which saTod them from tho an
gry seas.
Tho WaBhcnloro and her cargo nro
a total lots. Tho vessel broke In two
on the rocky reef of which Rock Is
land Is a proraltory and has sunk
prnctlfally ont of sight.
The oseaps of Capt. PeUrson and
his craw in another marvel of tho
seas. Snnday the Washcalore was
bolug buffeted abont by the terrific
Tim chlldrun nro now understood to
I Dice or Drown took his nrrest with " trying to ngreo on somoono for
i .. ..- i.i .i- .i.i executor.
consiucrniMu nuin.uuiuui.-u. nu iu
Kcklion KsUkte.
The will of tho late C. C. Bokhoff
storm that was sweeping the coast JVJany Notables Participate In thnt ho didn't think they ould do
na v-pi. i-eiersun was .orceu w vthliiir to him as It was merely an
seek shelter behind tho rcof. Tho Ceremon mS In NeW ..... ... .i.. .-. i.i.i intn.ia. 'of North Dond has boon probatod
shelter spot was found, but It was !Jo atrn,Bhton lt nB aoon a8 Wn jTho estate Is osllmntod to be worth
fnr from tho placid wntors that Cnpt. I OrK H-Y- financially nblo. Ho snld ho regret- ?1C,000, which Is consldornbly less
Pcloraou hnd hoped to find, How- (Uy AM0Cjftted proSB to Coos Da t0(l lt co,ng p now ns ho hnd ln-,t,ian was gonornlly supposod. Of
ever, ho thought tho anchors would Times.) tended to sottlo down horo, uv0 this. H.000 Is on deposit In a Cnll-
hold until the storm nbntod some. 23.Tho New down tho pnst nnd stralchton things fornlanla bank. Mrs. Kcklioff, tho
Anchors wero dropped but tho n.,t widow, and C. C. Eckhoff nre named
storm gained In fury nnd tho York publlc ,lbrnry' rem,y for UH0 ,'t nnnonra that nIe0 or nrown ' oxeouton. Mr. Kckhoff hnd fr-
slieltcr spot becumo nlmost nB rough after ton yenrs of labor nnd tho ex- gccret of hl(j Calforna mlx. quontly changed his will, having
ns mo sens outsldo. To nncnor pondlturo of ton minion uonnrs, wnB u navjnK told pnrtlos hero of It IIini10 80 umeruni uisiruiuvuia m puricu nnu uoon uio wnsu- formnlly oponod today with appro- whllo ho wns nwnltlng trial for pass-
caioro was nt tho mercy of tuo seas,
her power bolng ovorwholmed
by tho Introduction of n third rosolu- Importnnt developments nro oxpoctod
tlon calling for nn Investigation of todny In tho oases of Dort II. Con-
tho charges of bribery In connection norB nl1 John Mnnzoll Sparks, struc
with tho Junior sonntor from IllluoM. turnl Iron Workers, arrested yestor
Tlni resolutions wns offered In be- 1,n' charged with having consplrod to
half of the domocrntle minority by dynamite tho County Hall of Rocordu
Senator Mnrtln. It provides sposl- n&wjii courso of construction by non
lloally for nn Inquiry Into tho "Jack union workmen. Tho grand Jury Is
pot" fund In the Illinois legislature expected to Indict tho accusod mon
and Its connection with Lorlmor. nd others Including n woman who Is
Implicated In tho nllegod conspiracy.
When tho attempt was uiado to
destroy thu lmllillnir Rnntnmlinr 0.
1 1010, ConiKTH wns arrested after
striking n policeman but was not
formally charged with having trlod
to dynamite tho nfruoture but a
charts of nssault was preforred.
After bis relcnuo his inorsuents wore
traced through roverol eastern statea
""" " back to this city. Oonuors and
Mob Surrounds Black Near Pnrk8 aro bookod ,u tu oU' pr'"oa
touay on n lecnuicni cuargo cowing
them under suplclon.
thnt of tho storm.
She drifted southward nnd finally
struck on tho edgo of Rock Island.
She had sprung n leak nnd tho only
hopo of Cnpt. PotorBon nnd his men
nrinfn nxnrnlHPH. President Tnft. Inc forgod checks horo.
by Govornor Dlx. Mayor Goynor and 500 Ho had nbout ?20 in ennh
when i
fifteen thousand other guosts.
notables participated togothor with arrested yestorday nnd part of this!
was paid to Tho Hub In pnrtlal sot-
tlomont of the bogus check ho had
cashed on thorn.
Dleo claimed that ho know Chief
lay In gottlng off tho vossol. Fin- H(n(ljj ()f Sl.ntlIo TlmCH ciinrgeJ of Pollco Arnold o't Point Richmond
ally they succeeded In Jumping from
Intimately. Chlof Arnold In a
letter to Sheriff Gajy says he had
been trying for two years o get Dleo
Willi Criminal Libel.
tho sinking vessol to tho bloak rock Asg0Cnleu Press to Coos Day
which stood high nbovo tho wild spas. Times.)
Not oply this but most of tho mon SBATTLB, Wash., May 23. Col- or Brown nnd bad barely roUsod him
wero nblo to get tho bulk of their . ... ' nioin n.iiinr of the a venr nco nt Cleveland, Ohio. Ho
personal belongings, somo canned SontUo Traef) ciaronco Dlothen.lnlso referred to the fact that DUo
stuff nnd other food auppllos up on nanng,ng edltor and chnuncoy Declaimed to bo n son of a former
nn-n. hub wua l-dbcuuui uo u.o; Rathbun, city editor, wero nrrcsted mayor of uievoianu, uaio. mu -
ero in uouni ns to wnon uoy nugui
Steamship Sails This Afternoon
For Portland With
Large List.
Tho Droakwnter snllod for Port-
... . . . ...- !.... 1 f.nm rhlf
.. . i ... .1. A.n nn.n nixnwi iniuinc iminr wuh rnirniiru illy... ...w
, . tuis aiiornoou un iuuikiuivui. wuuivi""'"o w... . .
be rescuod from tho barren spot. . th ... criratnni ubol which 'of Pollco Fred Kohlor of Cloveland land this nfternon. Sho hnd a good
rpi, .i .. r.--.. ii i ...i.ii. '" l"D1" ...... .... ... .. Inninnlni. Hot n.irl pnnulilnrnlilii mlrf.
iuu iiuruun oi iiock ismuu whii. werQ roturnod 0y the county grand by Mnrsnai uarier in ruijuu iu uvbU...b ..v ..-
was free from the lashing seas wns Th were roloased on their letter: Jcellaneous freight. Among those
only about 200x30061 square and q recogujzanCe. The nature of "In reply to your letter of May sailing from horo on hor wore tho
thero was no meano of erecting shol- hQ ch uag n'ot yet been ,nnde,lst, 1911, rei;ardlnB oae Robert following:
tor from the cold wind and spray ....... iniee. ollas Ray Drown, would stato J. Fry, Mrs. Fry, Mrs. Norls Jen-
. A.aM. '. t . I 1. XTAMnmliAM O I
mat Beginning whu nn' -
that dashed up and no means
son, O. W. Rollins, M. C, Winters,
building a Are. Vesterday soon aft- pretty near fagged out when they looo, I hod considerable correspon- Rov. M. H. Stain, Mrs. Stain, Ethel
ernoon .the tug Klyhiam and tho reached hero this morning nnd im- denco from James P. Arnold, chief Mason, Georgia Hodson, C. R. Davis,
Dandon llfo aintr crow which had miwHatolv nil souEht their beds, for nf nollce of Point Richmond, Cal., Mary A. Hume, Dr. J. W. Ingram, O.
responded to wireless calls from the'tno first sleep they hnvo had since requesting his arrest on a chnrge of W. Hollistor. Mrs. W. M. Roberts,
Btearaer Argyle which witnessed tho Sunday. 'pnsslng fictitious checks nnd ombezz- Mrs. Ednn Lawrenco, .Mrs. uison, x.
Nashville and Will Prob
ably Lynch Him.
(Dy Associated Pross to Coos Dn)
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Mny 23.
Judge Dnvld F. Dnrry Interfered In
n qunrrol between his cook and
negro namod Suont nt tho Dnrry
homo early today near Gallatin.
Sweat killed tho cook nnJ then kill
ed Dnrry. A posse mirroundod Sweat 'XT YEAR'S ro.WIJNTIO.V W'lhTt
In n bnrn. Ho shot Constnblo .TnmuH
Darnos. Tho mob threatens to lynch
tho negro when ho is dlslodgod from
,. ... .. I PORTLAND. Ore., Mny 22 Pen-
.uo o.ucura i.mwiy capuireu .. , . nH .
Swont hut they did not hnd him long ,, . 1(lt., n, , ,,,
before tho mob took tho negro from , of th(, Br(1lll ,lo of Odd Pol
them nnd lynchod him. ,()WH of Oro(,0I1 t0 Uob(jknh Aa.
'cukinltltf Oskuflttkin Ilk TlAmllfitnii mxlll
miMt'i e wvBniwiia in i uiiutuiutt it 114
begin Miiy 10.
Tho most important buainosa trans
acted by tho grand lodgo wns tho elec
tion of olllcors, ns follows;
Grand mnstor, A. W. Door8ox,ot
Albany, doputy grand mnstor, W, A.
Whoeler of Portland, grand wnrdou,
H J Tnylor of Pondlotonj grand
Rucrotnry, E. E. Sharon of Portland;
grand treasurer, O. D. Doatio of Tho
Dalles; grand representative to tha
sovereign grand loilto, to oouvono nt
Indianapolis September 18, Thomas
F, Ryan of Snlem; grand marshal,
John M. Williams of EUgono; grand
conductor, S. A. Darnos of Weston;
STANDING OF THE CLUI1S. grand guardian, J. C. MoKorn of
Team Returns for Three Weeks
Stay- New Series Opens
Wabhcaloro disaster hove In sight
"Within a few hours, Capt. JohnBon
of tho Klyhiam succeeded in working
In under the lee of Rock Island and
soon Capt. Peterson and his crey
wore taken off.
The storm was still raging and lt
lemen.o, Ho wns badly wanted by J. Loyland, Lonndor Cox, F. C. Todt,
hnt denartment nnd after a number F. C. Hardy, D. H. Johnson, Miss
of InvestlgatiqnB wo learned that ho Ida Darker, Fred Knapp, E. C. Wig
Por of Newport; grand chaplain, S. A.
Clements Tried to Assist iad been In this city visiting with gun. M. F. Dobrin. Mrs. Debrln, B.
Wrkoil Washcalore. M sister but had left for parts un- Yoakum, A. L. Dalzo, P. Hanson, J.
Tho Graco Dollar, Capt. Cloraent3, known. Tho Hon. Robert Dleo was Ruchlo, Frank Saulta, Pete DaUa
nivort in tnri.iv from San Francisco, mnvor of this city for ono term and Costa, Sam Sarnna, Mrs. M. O. Hnw-
was with dimculty that tho Klyhiam leapt. Clements witnessed tho wreck i,as been dead for porno years. Wo kins, J. V. Hussey, Anna Conte, D. L.
of tho Washcaloro Sunday soutn oj nr0 informed tnat uon. iiouuri husuiuuiu, ..iumi ....", ...-.
Rogue river but owing to tho rough wns n distant relative to Robert DIee, Augustine, Wm. Dlnko, T. M. Dlak-j,
weather could do nothing. Ho stood alias Ray Drown. I am this day writ- Ed. Forrest, J. W. Morrow, Mrs. J.
by about n half mllo off, for a num- jng Chief Arnold giving him tho In- w. Morrow, E. D. Doty, Phillip Bea.
berof Jiours, leaving about G o'clock formation contained In your lotte;, John Sandborg, Paul MasignoE. C.
o..j,. ..o,,in whon ho saw he could nnd vou will no douui near irom ijoiinson.
III1UUJ viw.0 ..- '
do nothing. Ho reports tho storm! him at once."
was unusually severe, having bucked Sheriff Gage who opposes tho par-
. ti tll . ...lin nut Ihn ondA nf THl:
would bo torn away. Tho seas toss- It all tho way up ana not oeing umujoie system iium uuk .- w--v -. .
ed tho llfe-snvintr boat over and over, to get in here until this morning. Ha or Drown as supporting Mb conten-
ti, . i., . , Tfi. -m0riv rnn in here nnd was for- tlon that the system is rong. rur-
hlam .a Tohnsrnnd the nnmo of the merly master of the Harold Dollar. 'thermore, he says that Duffy .another ;.,, .thorlty. "the .rp per-
captain of the Bandon Life Saving He will load at the Smith mill for man who was re.easeu on Pur ,u .....i...
Station is also Johnson. San Francisco.
ir ado her way back to Dandon. Last
evening, she found shelter at Pott
Orford and this morning worked her
way back to Dandon.
Tho trip of tho Klyhiam to tho
scene was a hard ono and scores of
times U was thought that the Ufa
saving boat which was being towei
Hoavy Wire Fence 3Cc nud 40c a
Rod at MILNER'S.
"To bo well nourished," says u
r. .A .. ,.... oo,1
-mii. reierson bum m" cp.u-. (
men all resldo in San Francisco. They iCARPET Deaters at MILNERS
and the erw nf tha Klvhlam and tho
member, nf th iif. savlntt crew wero iteud the Times' Want Ada,
tho last session of circuit court, has jn tho next lesson we may learn how
also Jumped the country although tho .many calorics aro contalnod in tho
parole required him to stay in uooa
county and1 report to Clerk Watson
the first of each month.
average dish of prunes.
Won Lost cent
Portland. . . .20 20 .092
Oaklaud 29 25 .037
San Francisco. , 28 2C .519
Vernon 20 2fi .C10
Sacramento, , . 22 20 .458
Los Angeles. . .20 32 .385 O
Starr of Portland. Thoy woro Instal
led In tho afternoon by Thomas V.
Ryan of Salom, rotlrlng graud maa-
Rotlrlng Grand Master Ryan wis
presonted In tho nftoruoon with a
2C-yoar Jowel in token of tho fact
that ho had boon a morabor of tho
order for thnt length of tlmo nnd In
PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 23, 'nppreolatlon of his labors on bohnlf
Portland opons a threo weeks stand, of Odd Fellowship,
at homo today and lt is tho expocU- ( Tho Rohokahs elected tho follow
tlon of tho fans that sho will add mn- ng:
torlally to hor lead in tho Coaatl President. Miss Dollo Dolchor, La-
Loaguo. San Francisco Is tho II rat fnyotto; vlco-presldent, Mrs. Mio
one she takes on and thon Oakland Greor, Hlllsboro; warden, Mrs. Char-
nnd Los Angoles comes for n weok's, lotto Woodman, Portland; secretary,
series each. Yestorday was moving jMrs. Orn Gosper, Dallaa, who was
day1. The teams aro playing today is Bolccted for tho IDth consccutiva
follows: tlmo; treasurer, Miss Edu Jacob),
San Francisco nt Portland. Portland; trustee Odd Fellows'
Vernon at Oaklaud. Homo, Mrs. Elizabeth Howell, OrV
Bacramento at Los Angolos. gon City; assembly trustees, Mrs,
(Anna Tompleton, Forest Grovo; Mr.
DOOR- Screens, Window Screens Ella Durt. Portland, and Mrs, Elola
and Fly Killers at MILNER'S. Roadruck, Portland.
I.ujlttil!' UBI
f. f. X iUl
i. .ijifcn..
us&b. iiiiitnrthai