r T?W DISSATISFACTION IS EVER THE ONLY SATISFACTION OE THE DISSATISFIED YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your stoic-news, Hliotihl npioar ns regularly "H 1"t'H tills newspaper. If h yrwspaper omlttoil 1111 Nsuo now nnd then etcii fr so weighty a rea son is fearing tlmt It might ruin K wotihl not bo u gooil newspaper. SOMEON& HAS SAID: "A store's mhi'itlsliiK spnro In n mnvspiip-r, rompm-cil with tlic spnco used by other Mturoft, rtmitltl lU'lluo Its compnrntlvo impnilntiro In tho cnniuitmlly! Does your storo's ad vertising space lu tlmt? MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED 1'HESa VOL XXXIV Established Jn 1878 as The Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 22, 1911 EVENING EDITION Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny AdvortUcr. No. 110 T- semw' ll WASHCALQRE WRECKEDSOUTH DF ROGUE RIVER Fear Felt for Capt. Peterson and Men Who Are Thought to Be On Rock Island. STRUCK ON SUBMERGED ROCK AT HUNTER'S POINT Vessel Was Gasoline Burner, Built on Coos Bay and en Route to Siuslaw. THINK MEN SAFE. x 4 Tho steamer Argylo which stood by tho Wnshcnloro wreck for n whllo pnsBcd Coos Hay Into this nftornoon. Dy wireless, alio reported to Oporntor Bnrslaw hero that apparently nil Jho men off tho Wnshcnloro woro snfo on tho Islnnd below Cnpo Sebnstlnn, twolvo miles south of Roguo rlvor. Tho mnln deck of tho Wnshcnloro wns under wntor when Inst sighted. Tho Ornco Dollar wns trying to got In closo enough to tnko tho men off when tho Argylo loft, but tho strong wind inndo tho work very difficult, ' fSnednl to TlmcfO BANDON. Oro., tny 22, Tho gasoline schooner Wnshcnloro, bounl from Snn Francisco to tho SluBlnw, struck a submorged rock nt Hunter's Point, twolvo miles south of Rogu Illvor yestordny nnd Is lnylng partly submerged on Rock Island, four miles south of tho scono of dlsnstor. Whether Cnpt. Potorson or nny of his men woro lost Is not known, but It Is thought thnt thoy aro nil on Rock Islnnd. Sho cnrrlod rogulnrly n crow of olovon but It Is roportod thnt on this trip sho hnd thlrteon. Tho tug Klyhlnm of Dnndon with a crew from tho Bandon Life Saving Station loft last ovonlng for tho Bceno nnd no word hns beon rocolved from them. Tho Klyhlnm cnrrlod fuel nnd provisions for four dnys, mnklng propnrntlons to wnlt until tho storm thnt hns boon raging nlong, tho coast cnlmcd sufficiently to permit them to nld. Tho wires oro down botwoen hero and Gold Bench and Port Orford, nnd nbout tho only direct news that came wns via wireless from tho stenmer Argylo which wltnossod tho disaster. itpflj As near ns enn bo nscortnlned, tho Wnshcnloro wns hugging tho coast o escape pnrt of tho fury of tho storm which was prevailing when she struck on tho submerged rock. It stovo her In and probably flooded her sufficiently to render hor engines useless. Then sho drifted four miles southward to Rock Islnnd where, s near as tho Argylo could ascertain, the men escnped from tho boat. Ono report that reached hero was that six of tho men escaped to' tho mainland In a small boat but this is doubted. Tho Argylo thinks that tho WaBhcalore'a llfo boat was washed empty to tho mainland. Resides tho Argylo', tho Grace Dol lar, bound from San Francisco to Coos Bay, stood by in hopes of being able to aid In rescuing tho men. Neither vessel dared to go in close and it was too rough to launch a boat from either ship. Tho Klyhlnm, it is believed, can work In close enough to get a lino to the Washcalore which appeared to be fast on Rock Islnnd. If not, It Is thought thnt the Life Saving crew can rench the Imperilled men. Built On Coos Bny. The Wnshcnloro was built on Coos Bay In 1905 nud is a gasoline hooner. She is 140.3 feet long, 32.4 feet In breadth, and 10 feet depth with a grosa, tonnage of 323 and not tonnage of 174. v - ' -' ' LftTE YESTERDAY MYRTLE POINT RUNAWAY BAD Harry Guerin Severely Injured In Accident There This Forenoon. (Special to Tho Times.) MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Mny 22. Hnrry Quorln wns sovoroly Injured In n runaway this morning and that ho escaped nllvo Is considered mlrnc.t lous. Ho wns driving n spirited team belonging to Louis Roborts. They beenmo frightened ns ho wns turning, upsot tho rig nnd throw him out nnd trnmplcd lilni. No bones woro broken but tho muscles of his leg v.'oro hurt and ono of tho horses stopped on his hend. Tho cnlk of tho shoo cut deep into his forohend nnd that his Bkull .1 l.-.l I- - ....... ,l 1I ..fna wns not crushed Is a mnrvol resting easy at noon. Ho was IS VICTOR AGAIN Takes Another From Sacra mento By Score of Three to Two Sunday. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Oro., Mny 22 Port land took anothor gamo from Sacra mento yesterday by n scoro of two to thrco. Tho Const League scores Sua- day wero: At Sacrnmonto Sacramento Portland At Oakland San Francisco Oakland San Francisco Oakland At Vernon Los Angeles Vornon. . . . Los Angeles Vornon . . . . .- R o 3 R . 2 3 3 2 R G 12 G G .Saturday's Gumps. Saturday's games In tho Coast Lea guo resulted as follows: At Oakland San Francisco. . . . Oakland At Sacramento Sacramento Portland At Vornon Los Angoles R 3 10 ' ii 3 9 R 9 G Vernon of San Francisco and her master Is Ipnnt. Peterson. I For several months she had been carrying lumber from'Bandpn to tho North Bend factories but flvo or six I weeks ago started in tho San Fran - PORTLAND 'clsco-Sluslaw trado, and was en route oral Land Ornco, was a; tno imperial from an Francisco to SluBlaw at the Ion his way back to Roseburg from a tlmo of tho accident. four months' tour of tho countries, Sho was built for tho coast trado European, African nnd Asiatic, bor as' her namo implies, "Wash" bejnglderlng on the Mediterranean, tho abbreviation of Washington, "I shall return to. Roaoburg and rni nt California and "Oro." of resume my actual residence therp," Oregon. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTICE A meeting will bo held at tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce nt 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, May 23, for the purpose of deciding whether or not a Fourth of July celebration will be held. The committee will re port. All members and business men are requested to attend. Read the Times' Want Ads. FIVE AGES CAUSE Shooting Follows Discovery ofia -unrrcl ' which revolvers woro Extra High Card In Deck at Kittanning, Penn. Killed. Three t (By ABSoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) KITTANNING, Penn., Mny 22. Tho discovery of flvo ncos in ,n deck of cards with which minors woro playing pokor last night resulted In CLASH OVER COACHJSTATE County Judge Hall to Decide Controversy Between Rich Man's Heirs. (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE, Ore. May 22. Coun ty Judgo John F. Hall arrived haro from Marshfiold this morning to sot- iiu u cuiiiruvursy uemuuii inu nuira ot tho ato Coi Conch, tho mllllonnlro Coon coimtv timber owner, over tho appointment of nn ndmlnlstrntor of ... ... . oxecutor of tho will. Col, Coach spent much tlmo at Bandon, noar whoro moat of his local holdings woro located, but died nt Snn Frnnclsco. Ono of tho sons dostros tho ap pointment whllo tho othor son wUhos L J, Cody, who wns long aBsoclnted with Col. Coach In tho timber nnd lumber business, appointed. Col. Coach's daughter Is oxpoctod heo from tho east to aid In tho sottloinont. Sho Is married. Tho personal proporty loft by Col. Coach is estimated nt $100,000 nnd tho other proporty will muko tho cstnto worth ovor a million so th.it Uio oxecutor will hnvo to give n bond of nbout 2GO,000. Steamship Arrives From Port land and Sails Today for Eureka. The Alllanco nrrlvod In enrly yes terday and sailed today for Eurokn. Rim lini! n annil tinRKnnirur list for Coos Bay 'and many through passen gers, besides considerable freight. Sho Is scheduled tp sail from hero for Portland Thursday, May 25. Among thoBo arriving from Port land on her wero the following: C. Grohs, Mrs. Groiis, F. B. Lewis, Susie B. Lowi8, Mrs. M. M. Lewis, W. D. Marshall, A. F. Collier, J. H. Smith, W. Hall, G. R. Vertnor, T. Sljola, B. Jackson, H. Jackson. Among those Balling from horo for Eureka on tho Alllanco woro Mrs. A. Dunham, Joo Eagan, Tom Johnson, S. M. Loty, C. M. Butts and A. A. LoT HERMANN' IS BACK. PORTLAND, Ore,, May 22, IBs health fully rocovered, Blnger Her- mnnn oT.PnniirAEgman and OX-CotU- misslonor of the United States Gon- said Mr. Hermann. "My Intention is ultimately to. resume the practice of law." il1 When asked about a report from Washington, D. C a' few days ago crediting him with Congressional as pirations, Mr. Hermann said: "I have glvon no causo for any such conjecture and have no inten tion of again entering politics." Mr. Hermann Is the picture, of health. Ho said that never n his llfo had he been In .better physical condi tion. . . ALLIANCE IN EARLY SUNDAY FATAL QUARREL nreu. nireo men nro ucnu aim n fourth Is not expected to live. POKEIt GAME. FATAL. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) UNIONTOWN, Pa., Mny 22. A quarrel over a poker gamo at Sun shlno Coko Works last night re sulted in ono man being killed nnd another wounded. Regular Republicans Decide on Substitute for LaFollette Investigation. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 22. A prompt and swooping Inquiry into tho now charges against Sonntor Lorl nier wns assured todny when tho reg ular republicans decided to proscnt in tho Sonato lato today a resolution calling for tho conduct of such nn Inquiry undor tho direction of tho Sonato Commlttoo on Privileges nnd Elections. Domocrnttc sonntors will support tho resolution which will bo a substltuto for the LaFollotto reso lution naming a new committee of senntors to tako up tho Inquiry. Tho resolution wns Introduced by Dlllongham, chairman of tho Sonato Commlttco on Privileges and Elec tions and undor tho rules wont over for ono day. Sonator LaFollotto has dccldod to call up his resolution lator In tho aft ernoon. TWO KILLED IN PICNIC FIGHT New Jersey Farmer Who Ob jected to Picnickers Shoot ing House Slain. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PATTERSON, N. J., May 22. Tho effort of Frank Costello, a farraor, to eject fifty picnickers frorn )ils placo, lod to a revolver battlo in which Cos tello and Frank Dorsoy, a plcnlckor, fworo killed. Tho picnicKors . ima placed a target against CoBtollo'a fe NIL f tA.Y Am il.A 4AlllllA UOUBO. 1HIH IL'U lu W wuuutu. j r THE MEN So Say Senators Opposing Popular Election of U. S. Senators. (By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 22. No nonular demand exists for a chan ge In the Constitution so as to deprive Congress of tho right to supervlso tho election of United States senators. So asserted tho minority roport of the Senate Committee on Judiciary in a report filed today. The report oppos ed tho withdrawal of such right of supervision from Congress as Is con templated in the plan for the selec tion of senators by a direct vote of tho people. It was signed by Senators Cjark, Nelson, Dlllengham, Suther land, Brandlege and Root, all repuu- I repuu- llcans. ORDER PROBE FOR LORIIR NO DEMAND FOR PEACE AGREEMENT FINALLY SIGNED IN OLD DO Y Allege That 225 Chinamen Were Killed By Mexican Rebels. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) EAGLE PASS, Tox., May 22. In n despernto fight between Moxlcnn In- surrcctos nnd Chlnnmcn at Torrcon, 22G Chlnnmcn iwero killed. This Information wns received horo todny by Snm Wnh, owner of tho In tornntlonnl Hotel nt Cludad Porflrlo Diaz, across tho river. Tho details of tho roportcd slaughter hnvo not reached hero oxcopt thnt In the mini bor of Chlnnmo'u killed worn fifty of Wnh's ranchmen. Wnh hns tolo- graphed tho Ohlncso mlnlstor nt Washington aBklng for protection. MANY ARRIVE Steamship Arrives In Today From Portland and Will Sail Tomorrow. Tho Droakwator arrived In this morning from Portlnnd with n Inrgo list of pnssoiiKora nnd a good enrgo of frolght. It wns n llttlo rough coming down but not nearly ns bad ns tho previous trip. Sho will snll from horo for Port lnnd nt 1 o'clock tomorrow nftornoon. Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho Breakwater woro: II. Fourier, Mrs. Fourier, Mastor H Fourlor, Mrs. N. M. Noslor, O. A. Moulton, II. A. Randall, L. II. Hazard, Jas. Watson, Mrs. M. A. Hudson, Dr. R. E. Golden, J. J. Vnlontlno, H. Thornton, K. W. WIUU, Mrs, F. Can- torllno, H. A. Franklin, J. II. Cox, F. L, Sumnor, M. D. Sumnor, Pearl Sny dor, E. Shlrloy, Carl Anderson, Mrs. A. A. Anderson, J. E. D. Cothoy, L. M. Hlnes, Mrs, Hlnes, L. O. Smith, Mrs. Smith, D. C. Olbson, L. J. Cary, Mrs. Cary, W. T. Hwnmort, G. A. Damon, Mrs. F. Parsons, Chas. H. Strauss, R. J. Montgomery, W, E. Corey, Mrs. A. P. Lavender, O. Erlckson, II. Thomp son, F. T. Wlnghman, L. R, Stlmp son, J. D. Gnlss, C. A. Manassa, W. II. Wallaco, W. J. Bulger, Mrs. R. D. Humo, C. P. Overmpyor, E. M. Rosen thal, A. S. Hammond, J. L. Lawronco, Mrs. Lawrence. OUT $175,000 ON WEATHER FOR UETTING IT WILL RAIN Kansiu Farmer Htlll Heady to Plnco n Wager nud Expects to Make Big Killing Siiiiiu Buy. COLBY, Kas May 22. "Jim" Flko Is, trying to get rich betting against tho weather. Last August ho staked $30,000 on a chance that it would rain within three months. If It had rained as ho bot ho would hnvo mado $250,000 and got his $30,000 back, too. But U, didn't rain. Flke hns beon nt It now for flvo years nnd has never won. Ho says, however: "I'll make a big killing ono of thoso years' Just as sure as shootln', and jwhen I do, I'll put on patont leather shoes and go to tho seashore" Flko has staked $175,000 In five years on chances that thoro would bo enough rain and seasonable weathor to give him n bumper crop of wheat. Each year of tho flvo something went ( wrong. Ho has 17,000 acres on tftioat this" year. , J Read the Tims' "Vyant Ads. m 0 W Government and Insurrecto Commissioners Agree on I -r .. , ..... . . i i erms aunciay mgni. TROOPS WILL BE GRADUALLY DISBANDED Madero and Carbajal Embraco Each Other on Comple tion of Duties. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay Times,) JUARE55, Mex., May 22. Tran quility reigns In Northorn Mexico to dny for tho first tlmo In six months. Messages aro being flashod today ovor all wires nnd by courier to re moto pnrtn of tho country announcing thnt Inst night n penco ngreomont de finitely ended hostilities botweon tho revolutionists, nnd tho Fedcrnl gov ernment. Tho Blgnlng of tho pence agroomont brought undisguised plcasuro to Frnnclsco I. Mndoro, Jr., nnd to Judgo Cnrbnjnl who nctod for tho govornmont In tho negotiations which ended Inst night with tho sign ing of tho document on tho stops of tho Customs' llouso nt Juaroz undor no othor ennopy thnn that of the hoavons nnd with myriads of stars blinking nnd twinkling on tho spec- tnclo. When nil wns ovor, tho com missioners ombrncod In truu Spanish; fnshlon and expressed groat relief thnt the tnsk for which thoy had la bored so long la accomplished. The poaco ngroemont provldos for the gradual disposing of tho troops the objoct being to maintain for a short tlmo a forco capablo of kooplug order nmong tho Hinnll bands that might fool lncllnod to disregard tho ponce ngreomont. TROUMIiE IX SOUTH. KcIm'Ih Capture Town NVnr Rullna Cruz. (By AsBorinted Press to Coos Bay Times.) SALINaWcRUZ, Axjncn, Mex., May 22. Tho rlvor port of Tohunntop&o hns rlfion In pnpulnr revolt. Tho Jefo Politico arrived at Sallna Cruz to day on foot. Tho other govornmont ofllclnls csenpod. Thoro wns much shooting boforo tho revolutionists succeeded In getting control of the city but the cnsunltles woro fow if any. Ofllcora nnd soldloru horo are on tho, lookout for trouble. Trouble Is anticipated .with the Robols In Lowor California though overy effort will be mndo to pacify thorn. If thoy refuso, an armod ex pedition will bo seut Into tho affcct&d torrltory. FIRST NAVAL AIRSHIP. Great Britain Luiinchos Largo Fight ing Craft. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) BARROW-IN-FURNESS, England. May 22. Great Britain's first nay 4 airship which was constructed with much secrecy, was successfully launched today and Is now anchor ed behind wind screens In tho bar-' bor. Sho waa christened May Fly. Tho airship Is 502 feet long of a rigid typo with a bunt noso tapering to a pointed stem, The airship can be moored on the water. STIMSON ASSUMES OFFICE. (By Assoclntod Press to CoosBay TlmB.) WASHINGTON, D. 0., May 22. . Henry L. StlniBon of Now York was sworn in today as Secretary of War, succeeding Jacob M. Dickinson, re signed. MRS. F. M. PARSONS arrived home this morning from an extend! eastern trip' and tho Joy ovor hpr arrival proved to bo all that ?M needed to eliminate tho last trace of tho long Illness hat Mr. Par sous Is recuperating from. $he Is ownsd by 0. X. Wendllne aklit 6jj If ?-. AiAfrnV r, TT1.. - Hfc.&iiU- i , nil itTttn"i. , 'md k ,miiiifatofti.-vAt'. i.".".- I