VI J M III i !., -" ' I "ipi,,!, j,TT--fr- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1911 EVENING EDITION 1.50 Friday and id to $5il Soils for Only $ Saturday POMORROW is bargain Friday at this store. If you have ever doubted the remarkable purchasing power of a dollar, attend this sale and see the results For a special Friday and Saturday attraction we have thrown out 50 SUITS OF BOY'S CLOTHING in ages from 4 to 14 years, that were formerly priced at from $3 to ,"...: ir-H !f!iiil LLLLLLl? ! Xl?'lit Wv ft x !& & m. ..yah .jf?iimffflj ', ' J-isZUJ'Ti. ir BS !Ti fi'i gSffl VTRAGOOp fjl $5.50 a Suit. The entire lot will be marked out, irrespective of former selling price, at a Suit, Our goods are all marked in plain figures and prices are never changed to meet conditions. Values like these will' fill our boys' suit section to overflowing tomorrow, so come early while the assortment and sizes will be complete. $1.50 iday and Saturday! MAGNES &'MATSON 1 Friday and Saturday WILL IIUV AUTOS. We Don't) Keep toll I'uro Fresh Drugs; the latest Toilet Artlclos. Correct rjr nnd everything to ho round In n first clnss Drug Store. We Don't, Gwess batters of Llfu nnd Death, nnd We Don't, Grass AT PRESCRIPTIONS pretcrlntlon Is filled by nn expert, nnd ovory prescription Is trefully chocked up boforo leaving our laboratory. IFKCT I'ltESCIUPTIOXS I'HOPEHIjV KIMjKI) AT THE "Till! BUSY CORNER" PHONE 298 (hart-Parsons Drug Co, )ING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. C. P. Barnard, tho locnl stngo mnn, loft for Kugcno nnd Portlnnd this morning wlioro ho goos to look after buslueHS matters. Whllo nt Portlnnd Mr. Barnnrtl will probably purchnsj n couplo of automobiles to bo used on tho Itosoburg-Murshflcld stngo lino during tho summer. Ilosoburg News. After tho allow Phono 214- J. try a Turkish bath lloNd tho Tlinoa' Want Ads. jSagOT Jtracts, Real Estate, Five and Marine Insurance Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENIIY SENGBTACKE.V. Mgr. Offl:o Phono 191 Marahflold Ofllco M-J. - Timber Conl nnd Platting Lnnds n specialty. Gonornl Agents "EASTSIDE" jFOU ItEXT Slv room flat furnished comploto with bath, hot nnd cold wntor, finest view In city, with gas range Tonnnt enn havo possession on May 23. Apply to Robort Mnr sdon, fir. Personal Notes REN' SMITH of Coos River Is Mnrahllold business visitor. $ LOCAL TKMI'EKATUHE HE- PORT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p. m., May 17, by Mrs. 12. Mlugus, Bpeclnl government meteorological obsorvor: Maximum G4 Minimum 4G At 4:43 p. m H2 Precipitation 87 Wind, Southwest; rnln. Moot Friday. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot tomorrow nftornoon nt 3 p. m. In tho nnptlst church. C. H. CODDING of Mllllngton Is In Mnrahllold today on business. AL SMITH of Coos River wns In Marahflold today on business. CECIL CARTER of Myrtlo Point, a a Mnrahllold business visitor todny. poets to lenvo on tho Brcnkwator for Portland from wlioro ho will go to Roseburg to spond a fow weeks recuperating. MISS ADA McCOXXELL, who has been spending tho winter nt tho A. T. Ilnlnoa homo lonvcs todny for Portland. MRS. EUOEXE O'COXXELL haa Is sued Invitations for Frldny nftornoon. LEW PRICE wns down from his ranch nt Suinnor yesterday on business. Will Graduate. James Watson Crawford, non of nnd Mrs. A. M. Crnwford, Is ono of tho eighteen young lawyers who will Address "L" caro Times u tlirnei1 out ' tl10 ,nw dopnrtmont or wllinmotto university noxi rriuuy evening, tho dnto sot for tlio grndunt lng exorcises of this dopnrtmont. EDWIX 8IESTREEM of Ten Mllo la transacting bualncss In Mnrshflold today. WANTED Itnucli work by tno young mon. Stendy and willing workora. 'MRS. E. M. I1ERRY loaves on tho Ilreakwator today for Portland and northorn points. FOR RENT 10 acre rnncli, Slough D. Forguaon. Xortli FOR RENT Deslruble housekeeping rooms, also furnished rooms, 135 Second street nenr Chnndlor hotol. B IXVKSUEKT8. ntormatlou concerning ss bond Investments. 6ft Interest not, B. Hinsdale, caro J. ai and Company. Los California. state Bargains Ja In City. Bunker Hill Property. See HG. F1UZHE.V V nd Insurance Agent. "e., MurahAeld, Oro. to Roof Fixed NOW -0RTHELL Phono 8121 DYEING r nd Steam Cleanlnjr of lfats' suits. Goods call MelWered. Prices reason- "n-DVEANDCLKAN. - E. PINEGOR. Pron "M Aie Flume 108 WUm carnet rln.r &Y HOTEL RE LLOYD FlELD'S NjojDay 50c, 75o and i .0 to ?5.00. House- ents with gas ranges ?'M)Q per mmili imibb iLMVAN, Frop. ' 1 nonillnr. Hi.,mnD rr. k r ,.,,""?.: ttW Remedy In our ky all dealers. m Drawn Wire "Mazda" Aftor tho twenty-fifth wo will bo nblo to supply tho trado with tho "Now Mazda". This Inmp sponks for itself. A trial ordor nnd you will uso no other. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHONE 237-J. KIka Meet. At last night's meet ing of tho Mnrshflold Lodgo of Elks, Geo. Goodrum tondorcd his roslgnn tlon na accretnry of tho lodgo. Ut oxpocts to bo nway consldorablo ut tho tlmo for tho next fow months nnd consequently did not feol that i.yi GtT.i.' rr. ,,n. irnria n iinir ho could Kivo tlio oillco mo niion- l Park. Vory cheap for cash Jfltlon It should hnvo. Arrnngomontb tnkon soon "Rnrgnln" caro Times woro mndo for n big Initiation noxt Tiraos, Wodnosdny night nt which tlmo n 'now socretnry will nlso bo elected. FOR SALE Plnuo ami house fimil turo. 324 Front St. MRS. F. M. PARSONS la oxpoctod homo noxt Monday from hor ox tondod enstorn trip. MRS. ALEX SAXDOX'of Dunkor Hill lonvcs today to visit at Portland nnd other northorn points. LOUIS SUPLEE of Myrtlo Point, who recently uhdorwont nn oporntlon nt Morcy hospital for nppondlcltls roturnod homo yostordny but ox- MOXEV TO LOAN On renl estate. See W. U. Douglas. 9 Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd careful drivers aro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND FEED STABLES PHONE 273-J Meet Saturday. Tho D. V. D. club of tho Baptist church will hold WANTED Ship carpenters mid men 'their rogular monthly business mcot- oxporlencod In shlpynrd wonc. Ing nnd social, nt tho homo of Miss Steady omploymont. Good wngos. Allco Cox, South Fifth stroot, Satur Apply at Nelson's Ship Yard, Proa- .day evening Jnstond of Friday evo nor. Orejron. nlng. All mombors aro urged to be present. AUTO Anytime, iinyvthero. Hen aonnblo ratea. Phono Blanco hotol 46 or Residence 28-J. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN A CO YOUR COAL TER TON. WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Maurey, one of tho drivers and tho solicitor for us 1b out for Laundry. Watch him! ho Is liable to atop you on the street and explain all details of Laundry and also to be at your homo any tlmo. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry riio.v- 220-J Don't iorget PHONE 214-J., tho. Turkish Baths. .J Heinz Cream Tomato Soup la a dolldouB thick creamy soup mado trora frosh rlpo tomatoes. Just the thing for this kind of weather, sp. If you want something good for these cold days try a can with your noxt order. It can be thinned out to suit tho taste. Tho soup comes In threo sizes and sells for 12lc, 20c and 35c Each Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Candies You'll Enjoy Tho condition of enndy Is nlwaya Important. Not only do Stafford's candy cases contain tho vory cronm of flneat confoctlons but also ovory morsel of candy In thorn la In porfoit condition and positively fresh from our own sweot, Bunny, eanltnry candy kitchen where nn export enndymnker supervises tho work. Noxt tlmo you aro buying a box of candy bottor try "COOS GIRL CHOCOLATES." Always Something New nt mJaMndk TWO STORES Sick headacho results from a dUor dnred condition of tho stomach, ami I-"-" . . . lean bo cured by tho use of Clinmmr lnln'a Stoma'ch and Liver Tnblots. , Try It. For sale by all dealors SHERIFF GAGE la horo from Co qulllo todny. No now criminal mnttera hnvo como up In tho last fow days. REV. ALBERT DRAYTON of tho Bandon BaptUt church, la visiting Honry Blnck nnd other Mnrahllold friends. REV. FATHER D. J. O'Brien nrrlvod on tho Bronkwntor yoatorday to conduct a mission nt tho Mnrshflold Catholic church noxt weok. MRS. C. C. GOING nnd children lonvo today for Portland whoro they will spond tho summer with rolntlvcs. Mr. Going will Join thorn thoro during tho Portlnnd Roso fostlval. OITO WALLMARIC and brldo havo roturnod from Coiiulllo, Mrs. Wall mark was formerly Miss Edith Bnndors. They will rosldo In tho Bothnor houso on South Fifth atroot. ' Even! If! It cost you a fow pennies moro (which it doesn't) to got prescriptions fillocl here, you would still gain by getting tho bottor drugs, compounded by Registered G r a d u a t o Pharmacists THE PRESCRIPTION IS YOURS When your physician gives you a prescription no matter on whoso blank It is written, that pres cription Is yours to take to any druggist you wish to havo compound it, WE CAN FILL ANY PRESCRIPTION No matter who writes it or whether written In Marshfield, London or Constantinople, Our prices are always right, Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos BIrtg. Phone 141 Marshfield, Ore., May J 6th, WJ. Dear Coos County: Just a line to inform you that I make the best bread on earth. Internally Yours, Drifted Snow Flour. i ti i y I & -jtAiffTiirTr -tejuM hj .- - -i