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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
r '4, 7TaTTaj,l?TH"if?7:(.,5 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1911 -EVENING EDITION sins MisuHmaiCMii ?!iU fe :fcilS? If.i r. jishm I M Jl f ill r u P 3SKSSSSSE3SS!EMaKe?CTSsa You Forget! LrS(L? THAT SUIT OFFER, WE WISH TO STATU THAT WE ARE STILL GIVING $."5.00 IX MERCHANDISE WITH EVERY HIGH ART SUIT, COME IX AXI) LOOK THEM, OVER; WE WANT TO I SHOW YOU QUALITY COUNTS. The Togj fair91 FORMERLY GEO. GOODHUM NOTICE TO MILL .MEN: WE CASH YOUH CHECKS. k BeilS ill1 OLS SiiJSLA ISSUES 111 IS H (Continued from Dago 1.) n T ,M J 1 i otswbh m m iIlLSJ unhn HIE RANCH IS BOUGHT TOW i"3HS 'Harbor Improvements There ing for Hnlng tho proprietors of ills-' Delayed By COOS BaV orderly houses the first of ench ' month. This did not moot general , rOTl UaSC. favor nnd flnnlly Marshal Carter said P. K. Gettlus, who returned from thnt Prosecuting Attornoy Drown In- Florence, yesterday reports thnt thoro formed him thnt If this was done, tho Isconstornatlonthorons n rouslt of tho officials would bo called beforo tho I'ort of Sluslnw harbor Ittiprovctnents grand Jury to prosoctito tho nllogcd ,., ,.,,. ,, .... tho miinitlon i11VnIv. resorts. Then it wns suggested tint Ing the Tort of Coos Day. Practical- tho resorts ho required to nnv n Honor license. No dofinlto action was taken ,y tho 8nmo lucstlons that were loft however. undecided by tho recent supremo Routine Iliislnexs. court decision and which nro In vol v- A roquost from A. .1. Drows for n ul ' tho suit begun by tho Stato of permit to construct n boat landing nt Oregon vs. tho Port of Coos Day as the foot of Cedor nvenuo wns rofor- tho latter enso. rod to tho waterfront committee. I" consoauonco of this, tho buyers Mayor Straw and Flro Chler Travor ot tho last bond Issuo now rofuso to recently fold several lengths of con- tk tho uoiidH until tho enso is do- demned flro Iiofo to nmidou parties, cldod. Tho money was nil ready for Last night. Councilman Albrccht dollvory to tho Sluslnw Port Com- wnnted to know nbout It nnd suggest- nilsBlon when tho Inst question van ed thnt henrorortli thnt no city prop- raised and It will now bo hold up. orty bo sold until tho snlo was ap- All of tho provlous bond monoy proved by tho council. Iihh been expended and tho work, It Is Tho nmondmont to tho liquor ordl- claimed, will havo to coino to n hnlt. nnnco fixing the llconso nt 3800 per Tll contractors say tho dolay will annum nfter July 1 wns pnssod. Al- lon lo8S of $50,000. hrecht nnd Ferguson, who onnosod "" tho lncronso voted ngnlnst tho nmond mont but nil tho others voted In favor of It. Tho Fourth stroot sower matter was roforred to tho health commit tee. This Is tho sowor lending from tho Coos liny Laundry which has PLANS FOR PEACE. Andrew Stora and Alfred Bra nell Buy Herrman Prop erty On Coos River. Andrew Stora and Alfred Dranoll hnvo closed a deal for tho purchase of what is known ns tho Chnndlor ranch on Cc-os Rlvor from Christian Herrmann and wlfo. Tho ranch, which 1b one of tho best on Coos Rlvojr, consists of 133 acres, J nbout onc-hnif of which Is bottom , land. The prlco paid Is understood J to hnvo been 'SIS.riOO, an Increase of i $3,G00 over what Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcrr-' mnn pnld for It n couplo of years ago I whon they bought It from Irving tfinmllcr nnd Frank Lalso. The lnt- tor nro understood to liavo mndo n profit of $3,000 on It bo thnt tho valuo of tho property has advanced over i fifty por cent tho last fow years. Upsides tho ranch, tho purchnsorj ; got thirty head of Jorsoy cnttlo and ' nil tho farm implements, etc. .Mr. Drnncll, who Is n brothor of Mm. Storn, will oporato tho ranch. Ho will soon bo married. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann will movo to Mnrshflold wbcro thoy will mnko their home for tho tlmo being. Tho denl was mado by A. II. Stuts man. en jam In Suits J"!55v? cjtsrav n Am 114 In wk A Just the right style just the right quality; at just the right price Made in New York by Alfred Benjamin & Company Let Us Show You "Money Talks" Hnb Clothing and;-Shoe Co. Cfoanges ift Time lleiicefnrd. .. AV.r . Mfth ;:r ; .'I. ; w in the past. ""eaa0f,,; w'th the er..L. . ClmtlL'n M. rv... .. ft r ' o old , u "LU1 0I thli ctici J A' 0,KEur,J w CHEEKS FOK CLAKIC. Meiitloii of Speaker for I'ro.sltlpny HI Irs Great Enthusiasm, (ny Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Mny 17. -Prolonged cliccrn and npplniiBo fol lowed tho Btntcmont In tho Houso to day by Kopubllcau Lender Maun thnt PponkiT Clark wns being considered by tho domocrntlc pnrty for tho presidency In 1912. Tho demonstra tion started on the floor hut tho gal leries Joined. Spcnkor Clnrk red fneod from ombnrrassmcut pounded vigorously with tho gnvol for two minutes bofnro ho could commnnd n eomhlnuco of order. Is Draft of International Agreement .Submitted Tmliiy. Hv Associated Pious to Coos Day Tlmos.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 17. A NEW OLD HOTEL. Old patroiiB of Tho Windsor Hotel, Smi Francisco, will bo glnd to jtrat this famous houeo is now opon boon Btoppod up n numbor of times. Tll ,,rnft of n genoral nrbltrntlon In n flno now six story building right It probably will bo necessary to con- treaty wna submitted today to tho down town. Now furniture now enr Btrnct n now newer on Fifth Btreot. 1,rlt'8" n,ul Fronch govorumentH pots, Btenm heat, hot wntor and tole Councilman Albrecht said that tho HiroiiBh tho ambassadors horo ns n phono In every room. Cnfo In con- trouble wns duo partly to tho fact unfl,B r "OKotlntlons for pormnnont nectlon. Notlco thoBo rates: Room t thnt cracked plpo bad been nut In nKreomont trontles on genoral lines, with prlvato bntlt ?1 ndny, 5 aweoK. I when tho Fewer was built mid also Qnostlons of honor nnd vltnl interest All enrs pnss tho door. Solcct family ' to tho fact that tho laundry did not nro ,0 ,)0 """Jocted to nrbltrntlon. hotel, Windsor Hitol, 23S Edd screen tho lint, etc., from tho wash Tll 1,nB"o tribunal will decido tho street, Snn Francisco. water. It Is nlso proposed to ropnlr l88ll0 or build n now sowor on Fourth strost North of Commercial beforo It Is paved. , Flro Chief Travor roported that tho now flro onglno wan to bo shipped from tho east about May 20. A rebate wph ordered paid on tho South Elovonth Btreet Improvement.' tbr IipIiik a Iui1pu"o of $11.10 u tho fund. Dr. Geo. R. nix has four lots in It mnl w'll vpceive Mireo conls ' rebate on two cf tboni end 'our eens on two of t bem. The blgbost robnto Is nbout seventy-six eonts per lot. i It was ordered thnt henceforth, parties hnvlng bills against tho eltvj sunn present them tlio first of twli month Instead of allowing them to accumulate. The bills are also to bo rend In opon council beforo bolng ordered paid. Counellmen Forguson nnd Copnlo Insisting en It. A surplus hi tho ?poclnl Imorow meut bond fund wns ordered uped to buy In special Improvement bonds. Councilman Albrecht stated thnt current expenses would hnvo to bj' ....HUM i.n mo rnyn expenses for tho first live months line exceodod fO.000. Ho said that for the flrst three months, tho city's expenses were greater than n year ago. Conn- j oilmen Couplo and Coko suggested that the city cut out paying hall rent for tho Naval Uesorvos. Councilman Ferguson opposed It nnd no notion was tnkon but It Is not likely, from the expressions Inst night, thnt t will bo allowed ngnln. Mayor Strnw wns not present laat night, being out of tho city on a hunting trip. Tho council ndjourned to meet ngaln the first Tuesday la Juno, After tho utiow try u Turkish bath Phono 211- J. PHONE I. R. KAUFMAN CO ''OH; COAL OI1DEII.S PElt ?ON. Trr Tho Times Want Ada. Don't forget ""OVE 2M..T. tho Turkish nntlis MAIISHFIELD HANDON cv x (fi?mmmmm. wmi hJlmMK TSSR m& iS - 1,5 s? B "m "tiif BRAND k Iff Hams, Bacon, Lard Mjf Inonrn n hnppy hnnnolinld. Columbia Brand Hnnis nnd L flm Ilncou for bronkfnit a rnro nnd n rvnl treat, savory mul mW look delicious. Columbia Jlrand Imii fur conking V Mf for yv g makes things good. Himbles tlio piirtloulur W rnnMtMin boimokfrpnr to cook her very Ixvit ull tho Wi Ln!P,II tlmo- ToboBaroofthovprylt to be euro D V 13H )l of Mt,f'"'tim-nlwnys InM-t u.n Columbia W amm ii ft .ivfinji ..ia ..mmh.. n.... .. m. rri.. ........ mt Wl X5si5 tho goTcrninentsUmp ngtiaiiuiteo of purity. Mm m. At Beat Dealers, Hotels nnd Cafes Cftr JgJ, Union Alcnt Conponr, Prrllandl, Ore. v Bgw, , TID,f rOiri t U ri'lMc tcyLi I V Hn- W. LiaLIK, OsCcopntldo l'1;cllJ Grnduutn nr ti, 111 Ml.lllPn.ln till. .. '. " " "' ouri 10 ton. I it Pltn.. 1i'l ,. .. . . """I """ ""'i iarsbfleld;c TU. J. W. INUKAM," i-ii)niciiiii and SorjMi 209-210 Coke Dallta, Phones: Oillco 1(12.1; fMUan J. W. HEXXIHT, IXcr. Oftlco ovor Flnnnsau & Hnmi Aiarsiuicld rlt. J. T. McCOIUIAC, Plivulnlnti ..J D Jln-shflcld, Orcgot. Oillco: Lockliart Dulldlnj, opposite Post f Phono 105-J Electric Portable Lamps at U Wo must nnro thcitpn to glvo room 'or chtajti will make this iptlnj. .Veil tho time to get a birp'i 9 Coos Bay Wiring Cil 1'iioxr. zi'-i. J r 1 d v I 1 io-i ft. ii 1 fin&i!AVSSeA rvf Jv'jW' SJi1jVa on S rc,pW r'wiv', h nr i iii it-voWifcfliA2tri ir' r.AW.5.tvArtr' xv v- L7 .j wl x a a. t xix j. c.v'-:,ijc "k Fn ReDealin Rifle 'THE FHIEM) OF COOS HAY" Uv AI II IA MT' VJ?o ifi rSk JU ALK JT1 XI V. CO.NNECTINO WITH THE NOKTH HANK HOA1) AT POUTLAND Sails from Portland for Coos Bay, May 19th PHONE II NOIITII PACIFIC 3TEAMSHIP COMPANY. O. F. McOEoHGE, Agent Blanchard's Live Wo ImTO secured to Hut; 1 iosh cf I.. II. Ilcliner aal ai pared to render excellent nti tho people of Coot Diy. &. Jrivors. good rigs and VT thnt will mean Batlifactcrj tho public. Phono unorn horso, n rig or ontlilnj ""W tho livery line. We !i trucking business of ill ii ' HLAXCIIAni) I1K0IIIU& Art Hlancbard, Mp Livery, Ford ami 8alMS"l 141 First nnd Alder 5:-l Phono 138-J TOR OOOD WORK IVlng your clothes to . Cl prelns and repalrlnj V br experienced m. ! imarantecd-llMClMiaill BOX, Alliance Wife. Frost 5 ,vyLn dlESMQK'carlridgei mm mM& $m mm I Shoots .22 short, .22 long and .22 long rule cartridges, without adjustment. Solid Bieech, Hnmmcrless, SJc I Built by the same expert gunsmiths as the Remineton'UMC bis game rifles. If you want to shoot your best, shoot Rcming- ton-UMC Leimok ,22s. Their accuracy enabled Arthur Hubalek to break the Woild's Record in ICO consecutive shots, scoring 2,484 out of n possible 2 500. JemntOrjf-UAfCa perfect shooting combination. Remington Armi-Unlon Metallic Cnrtridgo Co. 2S9 llrutdwtr, New York Cttr mm Ws?l mm ma mst JWX&1X3&' mm " V 1.!H'.if. -ttTitf I J wm V. imCTX5r7 jj9&ti.,iam miwmmz f.-ll A- t lUC'J I .ISSi SVWMYlK6ftt fiM&Wf OLD ItELIADLE STEAMS BREAKWATTR ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FItOM POHTLAND AT O A. M., ON MAY 1, O, 11, 10, 21, 1 AND til, FIIOM COOS DAY AT 8KUVICK ON TIDE MAV , , l, 18, 2.1, 2X UKSEUVATIONS HELD ONLY UNTIL NOON OF DAY PI1EVI Ol'S TO SAILING. I. II. KEATING, AGENT nimvi i.v o. r - -'. us ! Iij Ilelnff "ono of tho boys" nccordlng to tho common Interpretation of tho phrase, is n mighty poor way to re tain your youthful vigor. If 'ou hnve nnytninff to sell, trade, jent pr want help, try & want ad. Wo carry nil the Remington niodola of repenting guns nnd also the othor models that hnvo proved beat suited to the Coos Bay country. Wo enn also order any special modol and secure it for you promptly. Our stock of cartridges Is complete. The Gunnery "Sportsmen's Headquarters" C w (Equipped vllh Wireless) THE FAST AND COMMODIOUS ts$smer iiedoiKlo Will make regular trip, carrying pnge both wy. ,, frcght botueei, Co,,9 ,lajr Iul sn p,, All nervations frpSSCIS made nt Alliance Dock, MarMifield n,i i,.. r, "rimhbein,era 1'iiln.i Stsvet Wharf N, s," iv ? ,nt"-ctn Tnuisp. Co. 41-J or "8-5 w ill ii ""' L Frnnc!,ro- Pnr nfornintlon, pholio si J or -8.1 Ym gn from San Francisco, May 22 1NTER.QCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. We Work AniHi Advertise f ii,ii n ru,tonifrtlS,l time, nfter that u toatijl mm nrrnril. YOU knOWSW' nwuk'Mitl.'ll OTIims is no kink, or cue! can't ilo, ..J ..Tiiivir IT OVEB1! CosBav Steam to l'HOXE LMX W FRONT ST. MAItSlIFIELD. DYEING Frencn ury and Steam Cleaning of ladles and gents' suits. Goods call ed for and delivered. Prices reason able. ROSE CITY DYE AND CLEAN ING WORKS-R. E. PINEGOR, Pron Foot of .Market Avo Phono ifl3 Try my vacuum carpet cleaner. i t yi i FAMILY HOTElj THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 76o d 1.00; week--?2.00 to B.00. Horn. keeping apartments with gaa rami UOO to J18.00 per month. FItM BATH8-E. w. SULLIVAN, Prop. NOTICE TO COXTBtf vntiw is hereby gives t bids will bo received for -. .... o.. rOOB. " Tiirt iMrr.iiiL mutt - ... . i inc? f roa " and stairways, i. - t to tno seconu " - Houso witn cor. v"'M,tli bo received for W not. A. D. anu o. "-'.... '..L- ..!, .ih. the CO""'. uianuu mm " - - . ,i. selection oi u. --.,,,. ... . i f h ds. P'1" IUO OJ)ui"b - i,.itKl nish all materials r fi room and on sw-' m to bo laid before s-- . All bids to be Me ' t Clerk of Coos uouuw. - J:i bofore the 13th day '" 1 P. M. M. The court reserves te w--' contract to . mitt' ,B case the , eoo n - best interesia i n . . imtitl nated sit me u- -.all .. rnos lI City of coouiuo, - . gon, tnu 3iu ' - rU i or t "I i I ft 112 i.n - rmmamm