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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
I MIM WP ill THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 -EVENING EDITION Selz Royal Blue Guaranteed Shoes $3.50; $4.00; $4.50; $5.00 Woolen Mill Store Home of Good Clothes for Men and Boys Mirshficld Oregon re Wish You to Always Bear in Mind pat when wo All a Prescription for you wo don't put drugs nlono nto It. We put unceasing enro, absolute precision, our roputntlon, our fopes for n contlnunnco of your pntronago, fresh, clenn drugs nnd pilly our slncero wishes that tho Prescription may effect tho euro lor which It Is prescribed. tar Prescriptions Are Perfection "TII$ BUSY CORNER" PHONE 298 BADINO DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. L : fflkhart-Parsofis .Drug Co. eaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO OfB JOSSON CEMENT. The bt Domestic and Imported brands. p'ter, Llme 3rik and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN orw, GENERAL CONTRACTOR "JICE, SOUTH BItOADWAT. PIIONE 201 J luniivs uoitx ix ONE TOWN IX OXE I)AV ABERDEEN, Wash., May 17. Iu responso to n telegram sent him by the secretary of the Chntnbor of Commerce, announc ing tho birth of 19 bnbles be- 'tween sunset nnd suuriso Sat- urdny nleht. Colonol Tlmminrn . Iloosevelt wired bnck: "To Aberdeen Chamber of Com- morco, Aberdeen, Wash. Three cheers for tho Aberdeen moth- crs, nnd then for tho ro9t of Aberdeen." j PLAY THIRTEEN ! IK; HE l'IXI lltTKETI-TLS OK GOLD. Appraisers Discover Menu It's Kntntc at Springfield, Mo., Is $(10,000, AVIili-li Was Hidden. SPHINQFIELD, Mo., May 17. Thnf James T. Durgo, a bacholor who lived tho life of a hermit hero, loft an cstato of JGO.OOO was shown by a statement fllod In tho Probato court. Doforo ho died Durgo revealed tho hiding places of buckets full of gold coins, nnd sovcrnl railroad and government bonds woro found In jo eluded places. Tho furnlturo was appraised at $9. Itoud tko Timet' Want Ads. igwnMswnffla iNr OiJduul, California The only Woman' College on the Tnclfic Co.itt. Chartcrnl 1885. Ncnr two Rrcat U'nlvcrtlllci. Ideal climate throughout the year. Kntrancc anil Rrniluatlon rcmtircmcnti equivalent to tlioic of Stanford nnd University of California. Laboratories for iclcncc with mojern equip, ment. Kxccllcnt opiiortunltlct for home economic, library tttnly, mutlo nnd art. Modern fiymnatium. Special cure for health nf itudcntf, out-door life. 1'reliilent, Lurll.i Clay Canon, A. M., t.ltt. 1).. I.!.. D. For catalogue ntiilrcu Secretary, Mill College 1. U California. Portland and Sacramento In Hard Fought Game Yesterday. (Ty Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 17Port- Innd and Sacramento played thirteen Innings to n tie yesterday at Sacra mento, the game finally' being called on account of darkness. The scores In tho Coast Lcnguo woro: At Vernon WRINGS Los Angeles. . Vernon At Sacramento Portland. . . . Sacramento. . At Oakland San Francisco. Oakland. . . It O G It G G n G 11 THE WEATHEK. (Dy Associated Press.) O OREGON, May 17. Ualn to- - night and Thursday. LOCAL TEMPEUATt'ltE HE- POUT. For twonty-four hours ending nt -1:43 p. m.. May 10, by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government motcorologlcnl obscrvor: Maximum GO Minimum 40 At 4:43 p. m 4G Precipitation 10 Wind, Southwest: rainy. President Sails. Tho Prcsldont snllod yesterday for Dnndon nnd Co- 10 .qulllo with n big load of freight. Tho 13 Thcro may bo Just as good fish In tho sea as over woro caught, but -x fish that Is caught Is worth two In tho sea. Hnvo your Job Tho TImos office printing dono m GrriTHE GR!P Not tho ailment but tho kind yoit -.nre going to need on that trip. ; Wo have Just got In n fluo nssort iinent of grips, suit ensos nnd trunks ' tho serviceable kind. llttlo vessel has no troublo In making her schcdulo nnd Is doing much bet tor thnn Agent McOoorgo had even nutlclpatcd. After DIr Contract. Hugh MuLaln will leavo In n day or two for Lo bnnon, Oregon, whero ho will bid on n $70,000 sowngo system contract which will bo nwnrdod by tho city council next Tuesday. Mrs. Norton Hetter, Mrs. F. P. Norton undorwent nn operation for appendicitis nt Mercy hospltnl yesto--tlny nftornoou. Sho was reported to day to bo Kottlnc nlonc na voll nn could bo expected whlcu will bo moat gratifying news to her many friends. WOMEN, sell guaranteed hoso. 70 por cout pro lit. Mnko $10 dally. SuIU'iison from Full or part time. DcglnncrB lnvcs- Ti-iinltH front . tlgato. Strong Knit, II ox 4029, Wost Philadelphia, Pa. The Prices Are Low i Picnic Sunday. Tho Norwegian church will hold a picnic nt Plpors Grovo, Sunday, May 21. Tho steam er Alort hns boon chnrtorcd nnd will to 820.03 l"cnvo Js'ortl1 15ontl nt 7:30 n- ' tho .'.'.8H..10 (o r?ii,!oo'N'aim 8n,,t" tlocI it 8 a. m and .Marsiiiieiti nt s:3u Hhnrp. All aro invited nnd requested to bring n basket lunch. attended, tho advnnco salo of tickets being large. An especially flno pro gram has been preparod by tho club. Tho Portland soloists who are to as sist tho club, Mrs. Marx and Mrs. Wolnsteln nrrlved on tho BreakwateV this afternoon, after n hnrd trip as a result of tho storm off tho coast. Personal Notes CAPT. IIAItlUS of Mnrshflold today. Sumner Is in ALFRED UOD1NE of Allognny Is In Mnrshllold today on business. IIAKItY WALKER of Cooston Is In Mnrshflold on business today. F. E. ALLEN returned last evening from n trip to Coqulllo vnlloy points. DR. J. L. MASSON of Myrtlo Point was In Mnrshflold on business yes-torday. MRS. CIIAS. FENSLER and daughter nro visiting friends nnd rolntlves In Portland. MRS. C. C. GOINO and chlldron Icavo tomorrow on a Boveral wcoka visit at tho old homo In Portland. MRS. HENRY HEODAHLE leaves on tho Drenkwator on nn .oxtendo'l visit nt tho homo of her parents In Seattle. RODERT SARTEIt and wlfo loft yeo tordny for Crescent City nnd othor California pnlntr, limiting the trip ovcrlnnd. A. L. VINCENT nnd son, Ed, loft yes terday by team for Tnblo nock, Jackson county, whero they will tnko up rosldonco on a ranch. SEE OL'H WINDOW. FOH HKXT 10 nciv rnncli, Slough D. Ferguson. Nor Hi I VOn KENT DchIi-iiIiIk lionsi'lu-opliiK rooms, also rurnlshcd rooms, 13B Second street near Chnndlor hotel. FOR SALE Plnim nnd liottso fmiil turo. 324 Front St. FOK SALE Two ncro IniclH nt liny Park. Very cheap for ensh if tnkon soon "Unrgaln" enro Timoi Times. The Bazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE an. MRS. TOM HARVEY returned yester day from nn oxtondod visit with hor parents In Ornnts' Pass. Mr. Har vey mot hor at (lardlnor nnd ac companied Iter home. MOXEY TO LOAN On real estate. Seo W. U. Douglns. FOK KENT Tluvo room hoiiso on Elovonth strcot. All modorn con veniences $10 por month. En nulro Stnuff's grocory. bstracts Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance itle Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTACKEX, Mgr. VMle omso Phono 191 Mnrshflold Ofllco 14-J. irms Timber Coal nnd Platting Lnnds a specialty. Gonoral Agents "EASTSIDE" WANTED Oood team of horsei, wagon and harness all In good condition. Horses to wolgh from 1,300 to 1,400 pounds. EnqnL'o '' TImos' oillco. FOK K1CXT Oood six room house on South Fifth street with gnrdon nnd barn, good placo for chickens. Will bo ompty Juno 8. For particulars seo Charles Doano, Phono 314X2. IWAXTED Ship cni-penters and men experienced In shipyard wont. Steady employment. Good wages. Apply at Nelson's Ship Ynrd, Pros per, Oregon. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses nnd cnrotul drlvors aro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos Ray public nt KEASONADLE KATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers rondy for nny trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hcarro and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LlYHllY AND FHED STADLF.8 rnoNH a7iw " " '- Child Dies. Eddlo Robblns, tho two-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. . T. Robblns, residing In South Mnrsh llold ncnr tho Fair grounds dlod to day of pnoumonln. Ho hnd been 111 for somo tlmo. Tho family recently movod horo from Mondoclno county, Cnl. Tho funeral will bo hold nt 2 o'clock Thursday from Dungnn's Un dertaking parlors. IVY CONDRON, Mnyor Straw nnd I. R. Towor went to HnynoH Inlet yesterday to catch n fow of tho biff trout that aro reported to bo nu morouB thoro. MYRTLE POINT DEATH. Fnivwoll Party. Prof. Hepburn, who has ho successfully conducted his dancing classes horo tondorod tho clnss nnd their friends n pleasant lit-," rolnpeo. Tho funornl was hold it tlo farewell reception InBt ovonlng .T. AV. Tx'wellen'K Young Ron Victim of Scarlet I-Vvor. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Mny 17. Roy Lowollcn, tho llttlo son of J, W. Lowollon of Myrtlo Point, dlod Mon day of a complication of diseases. Ho wns tnkon sick with scnrlot fovor about four wooks ago, and suffored WATCH! NOTICE! Ilomor Mnuzcy, ono of tho drlvors nnd tho solicitor for us Is out for Laundry. Watch him I ho Is llnblo to stop you on tho strcot nnd oxplnln all details of Laundry nnd also to bo at your homo any tlmo. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PHONL 220.J prior to his doparturo for Astoria nnd Fort Stovons for which plnco ho leaves on tho Hrcnkwator. Prof. Hop liurn has mado mnny frlcndH during his stny who will regrot Ills doparturo nnd wish him well In tho future Tho elnss will bo ro-organlzed nnd con tinued by M. W. Ryrno, who Is nn nssoclntn of Prof Hepburn. tho Methodist church. Rov. Scofloli ofllclatlng. Mrs. Lowollon, tho child's mothor, dlod about two mouths ngo, ADVERTISED LIST. AUTO Anytime, anywhere. Ren sonablo rates. Phono Dlanco hotol 4G or Residence 2 8-J, Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono S1S1 immiUMiwni jii imiti List of unclaimed lottors remain ing In tho Mnrshflold, Oregon pnst ofllco, Mny lfl, 1911. Porsons c.i; ing for tho samo will ploaso say ad vortlsod and pny ono cont for each Concert Tonight Tho ChnmInndo.mIvort,fi0(' ,ottor cn,lo(1 for: club concert nt tho Masonic Opora Lob1I ""tier, Floyd Ilnrklow, C. L. Ilottso tonight promises to bo largoly Cn80' "nmano Cargojol, Mrs. Poar- llo Clinton, If. J, uownord, Itoy Dav enport, O. 11. Davidson, Dr. F. W. Dldlor, E. J. Eddy, Rod Forguson, Harold Ferguson, Mrs. Amolla Hod K , Mr. Janson, J. S. Jonnlngs, 11, Kullerud, J. Llndor, Morton Miller, Mrs. Frod Parson, Warron Powoll, Amos Rnlneo, Georgo Stallmau, Roy Snndors, Miss Nelllo Sams, Karl Sand, Mrs. Mlnnlo Snurwlno Smith, John Slnl, John Stlvn, Mrs. Nora Thomas, Mrs. Tresolllo, Guga Win ner, Charlie Young. il Estafe Bargains :Wla Property. See UG. ntlZEEN k'e and !....... ttal Ave., Mni-shfleld, Ore. SAFE INVESUENT8. For information concerning high-class bond investments, bearing 6 interest net, writo O. B. Hinsdale, caro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angoles, California. A want ad in times if you want quick results SALAD OIL A good, pure cottonseed oil for cooking and making salads. It is recommended to all those who wish a medium priced oil and one that will give the test results. In Gallon Cans at - -In Quart Bottles at - $1.25 each 35c each Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phoues 85 and 305 BWmm Hi -i W? j ' mtj mil VI nr-rri HlrfFv" AM H WbW' BUY D1REC1 MM lBUaii ,Y iBl irom our miuuw i NBiBVM' lVHTMT thlr! (FN J wIvWJJJIvjflHr '" (bu t""a m kAIIIJhKv jour local '! K-H F prlo U low.iU Cfti r Hlih-irtdf QUtt' un WHHR ttr, ( M7. Qd M utLnUcUoo. H3 M PRICES REDUCED Ml On Boii tod aCrffi H MV window. ECSW M MM Art VTorU Doom.. .13 PlRafe5fl uHfl B OolUj. From Doom.... WBPtJ IV. J U luUa Yiultii 8tt SOc Si& M Vm Bai DOul (or uUlotui VMV-1 1L3 m o. a. wxliams co. raj Bk 1043 rlrit Av. B. riS i w Mgr x- BBMnuMMoaHmaaaa North Bend New Mrs. R, L. Cavannugh and llttlo dnughtor, Muriel of Enstsldo, wero visitors at tho Chas. CavanaiiRh homo yesterday. Urn. Goorgo Morso and chlldron nro visiting nt tho homo of Cnpt. Dutlor at Coqulllo and also with friends nt Myr tlo Point. Wanted A want ad will soil It. "MLWP Marshfield, Ore;, May 16th, i9lh Dear Coos County: Just a line to inform you that I make the best bread on earth. - Internally Yours, Drifted Snow Flour. '; !! M3 r. 4 t JaMBtW-1- 'tJfcfc-''hja-ifc-'-flJ-'1-it- t AiAAkVihiu,ii .