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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
THE COOS BAY TIMES! MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION Twmmniin'i" i imniwm'-mu i i. COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt tlio nostolllco nt Mnrsh flokl, Oregon, for transmission through tlio malls ns second class mall matter. mnlntaln our own position hut aid m SHOUTS 'WATCH MK' AND LKAI'S. correcting the gonoral conditions. In tlio case In question tho Judgo A. C. Martin, Timber lluycr, Weijjlit- M. c. DAN MAIINKY K. MA liOXKV KdlCor and Pub. Xcwh J'tlltor ndinlulstorcd much excellent advice, which should he carefully heeded by all who might bo tempted to niirsiio the course taken by tho young man In question. The wrong kind of life and tho wrong kind of conduct can havo only 0110 kind of ending, and that a most unhappy one. As tho Judgo pointed out to tho An Independent Hepnbflan nows- young mnn, devotion to good, honc3t paper published every evening except .work would have brought him tho ro Sunday, and Weekly by wnrd of a good name and tho respect Tlio Coos liny Times Publishing Co. 'of his follow citizens, something de sired by all right thinking porsoiiB. Address nil communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMI'S. Mnrsliflcld :: :: !: " Oregon Dedicated to tho scrvlco rf tho pcoplo, that no good cause shall lack ijuii a champion, and that evil slinll not thrlvo unopposed. sunscmirriox iiatks. DAILY. O110 year $0.00 Per month .50 WEEKLY. One yoar $1.50 When paid strictly In advanco tlio subscription price of tho Coos Day Times to $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. EDUCATION' DEVELOPS CHAHACTEH AXD POWEK. T OfBolal Taper of Coos County ' ' OPFIOIJUj PAPEU OE THE CITY OF MAHSHKIELD. ! ' SOCIALISM AXD DOCTOHS. J SECTION of tho Socialist party Is advocating mnklng physl clnns government olllclnls, urg ing thnt the public, and especially tho poorer classes, should havo free med ical caro, Just as the government looks nftor education. If tho defend ant In a criminal ciiso In court Is found to bo too Indigent to provide Mogul holn for hlnivplr he Ik. Allowed by tho court nn nttornpy. which lnw yer Is paid by tho government. Tho doctorn th"nlv". l)i'fvir Bhuuld nil bo Socialists In this regard for, at tho present time, public opin ion practically domnnds thnt tho phy ulclnn should Riipply attondnuce mid HE author of "The American Commonwealth" has rondorod I many viuuuuia survicus iu wiu higher llfo of America and England. I But ho never rendered ono of moro fundamental nnd far-reaching scopo thnn whon ho plondod recently for brondth of culture. Thoro Is a story of a Gorman pro fessor who devoted his llfo to tho study of the gonlttvo nnd datlvo cases. On his deathbed ho regretted that ho had wasted his powers by not dovot Ing thorn solely to the study of tho datlvo caso. Tho anccdoto, however apocryphal and oxtromo, fnlrly Illustrates tho dangors in tho modern habit of spe cializing In education. It tends to do prlvo tho victim of largeness of nn turo and of hnlnnco of Judgment. It Is llnblo to prevent all tho faculties from obtaining full-orbed develop ment and attaining all tho power thnt oach may normally bo expected to ac quire. Too high a prlco fa paid for special ization in study when nnrrownoss of- view rosults. Tho truest oducntlon ltn thnt which develops both chnrac'or and powor nnd puts tho beneficiary Into touch with llfo nnd knowledge nt tho groatoat numbor of points of contact. Tho majority of ovon tho groat I With Stones, Drowns In Man- ineo nt Fort Wnync FORT "WAYNE, Ind., May 17 Augustus C. Martin, a widely known timber buyer, committed suicide In the Maumed todny. Ho tied a teopot full of stones to his neck, nnd, shout ing to tho mnn nt a distance "Hero I go, watch mo," ho leaped Into tho river. Ho loft n noto In his hat say ing "Goodbyo all, I'm done." A ttentiom 0 jnii BrWes XEAU DHII1E IS CHAHREI). Pros. Cninplx'll of Empire University Denies Accusation. PORTLAND, Ore., Mny 1C II. J. Parkinson of this city, labor ngltator and worker for reform legislation In Oregon, has declared that ho wbb of fered on Mny G Inst n $10,000 bribe by President P. L. Campbell of tho University of Oregon to destroy tho referendum petitions to rescind a $500,000 appropriation by tho legis lature for tho Unlvorsity of Oregon. Prcsidont Cnmpboll, Interviewed on a train en routo from Cottago Grovo to Eugono said: "Thoro is not a word of truth in tho chnrgo." Citizens of Cottago Grovo nnd Mc- Minnvillo protested nftor tho legisla tive session, nnd Parkinson was call ed in to enrry on tho referendum cam paign. Parkinson said Campbell of- forcd him tho brlbo whllo ho was his (Campbell's) guest at dinner. Par klnson Bays ho spurned tho offer. Is directed to our complete stock of DINING ROOM FUR NISHINGS, It matters not whether you are a June bride to be of the year J9H or a June bride of years gone by you can find something in this superb stock 5ftS IJC39 J Hi ''" -..s iH i U We Are wTvyrniiiwinwiiiniuii)i , - . y-f -XCT . 'Zjm' . -jg5f WHJTTl 3rtm Seine Dining Room Furniture at ndvlco and even medicine to tho noor gratis. Medicine Is ono of the most scientists to whom oclenco stands so benevolent of all professions nnd ItH ,,U1)I' Imlobtoil wore not trained as filtrnlBin Is thn mnrn rnmnrltnliln be- HpeClnllHtS. 'I Hoy ranged causo of tho peculiar tendency materialistic views of man and Mnkor ontortnlncd by many of profession. to his tho HESPONKIIHL1TY KOU CHIME. far nnc wldo over tho world of knowlodgo. Thoy porcolvod provlously utiBeon r latlons botween facts and Ideas of dif fering natures. Through this per ception thoy mndo somo of their groatoat dlscovorlos. I IN SENTENCING a prisoner to n torm in tho penltontlnry nfter his conviction on tho rhnrgo of hav ing robbed a denlzon of tho restrlctod district, n prominent Ilutto Judse took occasion to ndmlulHtor n well da served rohuko to him one thnt might woll bo heeded by all other men who nro Inclined to follow In the footsteps of this particular prisoner. Glndstono lnld down tho rulo for government. It is tho business of tho stato to malco It Just ns easy ns pos sible to do good nnd Jutit as dinioult ns po88lblo to do evil. To tho extant that tho stato fa I In In this duty society shares in the responsibility for crim inal misconduct. nut It will not do to carry this argument beyond Its logical nnd pro per bounds. Crime in tho end Is n porsonnl guilt, no matter how dor ollct socloty may be. Men havo boon lionoit and Just under conditions much more unfavorable than any Am erican sufferH today. Murder has been visited with tho sovoront ponnltlas whon thoro wus much moro to liiduco murdor nud much more to Justify !t than tho most maudlin sentimentalist can cuggest today. Tho man who voluntnrlly seeks tho a r . . o h t WITH THE ' t t TOAST AND TEA t $ GOOD EVEXIXCJ. Thoro Is no scloiico In which education Is considered so little necossnry ns In legislation. IJIackstono. o WATEHFItOXT. ? It Is bollovcd thnt tho rates to Eu ropo will bo terribly slashed this sum mor by tho steamship companies, Thoro Is getting to bo too mnny stonmors and business hns been very slack of lato. Inspectors Hollos and Bulgor hnvo announced n now ruling for Mio dis trict of Cnllfornln requiring tha mnstor, mato or pilot of every kind of craft to submit to nn ovo examina tion boforo npplylng for .i Hcciir. All r.ppllcnnts for ronowi.1 of lloonao will havo to show certldcato from tho mnrlno hospital sorvlco In proof that thoy aro not nfllictod with color blindness. This rule will bo ndontod In this district shortly. Prices Never Offered Before The styles are simply superb this year and the new invention of the Twin Pedestal Tables with duostyle locks are really The Only Perfect Table Today If you wish to remodel your dining room you may exehange your old f jrniture for the new at sa a large saving Even -the lack of ready cash will not stand in your way as our terms are very easy Going (3b Harvey mm jRi8'fi3feSSafcH&VH l ML i3Kj Compaiy (i A SQUARE DEiL" CON c. THE XOHLE FEW. Fow aro tho cloar, strong spirits, who can hoar To look on Truth in her uncloiidod blnzo; Fow are tho high, heroic souls, who dare, Above tho low pursuit of gain, to rnlso Their firm, uubondtng purpose; fow can gnzo At vlrtuo, on hor puro nnd awful throne Ah! few can lovo tho ethereal coin sho pays Hut thoy must lovo It, for tho souls alone Who master solf can clnlm our birthright as their own, Jnmc8 Gntos Porclval. lowest strata of human association, ' whon thoro nro bo many nvonuos of When two men riunrrol thoy gon leccnt livelihood open to him, cor- ornlly lenvo oach other alono aftor tnlnly morlts nothing but tho condom- ward, but women who hnvo troublo nation of his follow men. don't. Much of tho exponso of court pro- coduro nnd tho llko In every county Thoro are still n number of poo ls cnused by Just such persons, nud plo, wo rogrot to stnto, whoso favor they nro of not the slightest use to Ito pnstlmo Is to seo a preacher go nny community. wrong. Tho donlzens of tho redllght dls- trlct nro to bo pitied. I If n mnn can rnlso a moustncho Forco of circumstances or boiho without hearing remonstrances from other renson mny have driven thorn his wife, that's a sign that ho Is mas thoro, but tho man who, forfeiting tor of his own household, ovory claim of solf-rospoct and tho respect of his nssoclntos, makes It his ' The avorago woman expects death business to seek the association of will finally overtake hor husband persona of unworthy chnrncter Is not bocauso of his falluro to wear his deserving of anything but contempt, rubbora whon she told him to. Milton rofors to "this world of ovll whoreln God hath placed us unnvold- Whon thoro nro children around nbly." . Shall wo In the end foil back tho houso It Is a difficult mntter to upon Provldonco and bocnuso thoro find tlo scissors. Or, anything else nro goods of ovll all about us, gonna for that matter; wo Just hnpponod to of misconduct In our vory being, bo thinking of scissors. shouldor tho whole blnmo of criminal misconduct on tho Dotty? Thnt Is A renl poot on tho Topekn Mail tho very test of Individual rosponsl- and Breozo produces this couplet: blllty, that If ovll is nbout us, if so- "Llttlo beds of ftowors, littlo conts of clety falls In Its part, that wo assorr paint,, mnko a pleasant cottago out our own personality and not only of ouo that ain't." C1DT vLda i CHAMINADE CLUB MHS. WM. HOHSFALL, .IH., DIHECTOH, PRESENTING Mrs. Elfrida Heller Weinstein, S m- no an: Mrs. Delphine Marx, Contralto OF POUTJUN1) AT Masoni c Opera HoK3e, May 17th AT 8:30 P. M. SEATS ON SATE AT THE "IIl'SY COHNEH". SEATS 91.00. OENEHATi AOMISSION 50 CENTS. HESEHVEH iui.MjnyrirwTOwaMa rrMMi i,m i wmumim "I will not let my wife or my mother visk heir lives cookiug with a gasoline stove." First National. Liim OF COOS BAV Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 0,000,00 W, S, Chandler, President. W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, OFFICERS: M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier. DIRECTORS: ' John S, Coke, Win. Grimes, S, C. Rogers, W. P. Murphy, M. C. Horton. Does a general banking business." Interest paid on time and savings deposits. Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3.00 and up per year. This was tho declaration of a fine appearing young man in our office a few days ago. Ho had called to inquire about our limited free gas range offer. He wanted to seo tho stove. He was amazed to learn thatj wo not only give tho ranee! away, but run all the pipes, connections, etc., free. Within 30 seconds his sig nature went on an agreement iu uiko aua uso tne range. "Will you let the women of your household run tlfe danger of gasoline this summer? OREGON POWER COrPANY Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Snrplns and Undivided Profits Over ... . Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits A Want Ad will sell it for you dUr COOS bAY-MM-KIIUf; CTAf,F MNP ""Ja""80 bctwcc Hoscburg nua Mnrshfleld, Stngo leaves nd Sundays nt 7 p. ,. Pare, $0.00. " MARKET AV Marshlleld. Agent, ROSEUURG, Ore. PHONE U ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' 0FFI(