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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1911)
tt -" m rMMHMnr 1 ' 'WHW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSMFIELO, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 -EVENING EDITION ' 4 ftOIAl 1 ,Mre GROOM SKIPS: PLEA IS WEDS BROTHER: FOR OLD SOUTH POWDER Iowa Girl Wooed and While Waiting at the Altar. I HAMBURG, lown. May 1G. A little thing llku tho falluro of a bride groom to bo on hand at the appolnt ol time did not prevent the marriage of Miss Hilda Unldwln, though tt da- Won St. Louis Confederate Veteran Says Civil War Was Due to Lincoln. (lly Associated Pross to Coos IU) Times.) LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Mny 1(5. . Before thousands confodoratc vote raits of the war between the states Absolutely Pure Tfim only baking powdar mado from Royal Crape Croam of Tartar and a great throng of their, sons, 11. 1 layed the coroniony for two hours, c Cnvc of Sti Lols dccl(irHl , tho' while tho wedding dinner grew cold, courso of Ills nddress, "I hold tint, Simeon Sloan had long been tho(tno responsibility ror tlio civil war .acknowledged suitor for tho hand of ,' nU tH0 bloou" nHj treasure It cost, nu tuo uosoiauoii rum it Miss Daldwln. Tim tvoflclltur itnv lire! . . .... ..v,.......r. ..... ..-- i....... . , ....,.. .i. .... I !... flv.wl .!. ...,..., I,.l , t- " r "H"l "'Bl' M O.l NOALUMjNO LIME PHOSPHATE prepared and everything was in rea diness. Miss Unldwln was In her 'room on tho Becond floor of tho fam- liicfiii AI RQSEBURG Abraham Lincoln and his advisers." Cave as sorted ho spoko not In bitterness, that ho simply was discussing tho facts of history and that ho accepted tho changed conditions brought lly farm house, awaiting tho arrivul t . 4 . ,. ' , , , .. 'about by tho war. of Sloan. Tho clergyman who was, .. ' . , . , ., I., "Nevertheless," ex 4to perform tho ceremony had nrrlv-' . ,. , ...... ..... . , i Louis veteran) "whe Former Saloon Man Heads Grand Jury That Holds Booze Dispensers. ROSEBURG, Ore., May 1C. Not a near-beer dealor In tho city of Ro soburg escaped Indictment by tho grand jury. Thoro aro nlno of thorn In nil. Everyone was arraigned and a note, saying cd, but Sloan failed to put in nu np- penrauce, though his brother and parents wore among tho guests. An hour passed, and as tho bridegroom did not come Harry Sloan, tho broth er, announced: "111 Jump into my nutomobllo and drive back homo to boo what has be come of Simeon. Ho was dressed be fore I started and ought to have been hero some time ago." Bridegroom Changes Mind. Away Harry Sloan wont, nnd when hu arrived at his home, two mlhiH away, on tho tnblo, written nnd sign ed by his brother Simeon, ho found "I have changed my mind nnd don't think I will get married Just yet. I have gone nway and will not bo hack. Don't look for mo. U Hilda can Dud somo other person for n husband I hopo she will, I roloiso took tlmo to enter plea. Tho defend ants aro J. F. Graham, Ed. Irwin, L. L. Lowls, Al nnd Don North Jointly, Ben North Individually, Joo Hartholo may, 11. H. Mnthews, Max WoIbb nnd fl. W. HnnrkH inn un onmlovo). Frnnlc G. Mlcolll nnd R. W. Mnrstors or from tho contract." nro nttornoys for Graham and Irwin, Attorney Elbert I). Hermann repre senting nil of tho others. Flvo of tho defendants nro charged with selling rcnl heor, ono Is nccus- cxclalmed tho St. ctornm "when tho confede racy fell, tho republic as it was form ed by our fathers perished. Tho Btates wero robbed of their Independ ence nnd became subject provinces of n centralized national authority. They tell us this Is best. It mny bo so." Speaking of the accord that !ui dovclopcd between tho north nikd tl'o south, Cave said, "I want tho people of both sections ruled by tho spirit of fraternity nnd linrmoulously work ing together for tho welfare of our common country, hut I do not think tho men of tho south should bo nsked or expected to sacrifice tho 'truth of history nnd go down to posterity ns robcls nnd traitors to securo that end." SEE those IVEK JOHNSON CYCLES nt Mllnor's III- Slonn rend nnd rerend tho note, nnd to hlmsolf said: I I lllto illldn nnd I bollovo she will tnko mo. 111 try It nt nny rate." Ho drove back to tho ofllco of tho If you have anytning to soil, trade, rent or wnnt holp, try n want ml od of Boiling whisky nnd tho throo ",0Pk nml utlt l ""' nuthorlz others nro charged with soiling both. lug him to wed Miss Hilda Daldwln. Each indictment names Deputy Shor- Thci ""'" nck to tho Baldwin iff Sam W. Stnrmor as tho prosecut- "suicnco no torn tuo young woman ing witness. Stnrmor has boon con- of tno ""M'Poaranco of his brother, ducting n quiet luvcstlgntlon of all of Bml n8kotl her t0 mnrr' Mm remark- . - luir Mint tlin nnnmnnv M nil linrn nml I tno local nenr-ucor oBtaulisiimoutB ror " ' n month past, and from each of thorn U wo,1,d bo a 8lmmo t0 soppoliit tho ho secured liquor thnt will appear ns 8Uua'8' Always iiiKMi ii nu iiesi, MIbs Unldwln studied n moment, nnd ns tho biuIIcs chased nway tho tears alio said: "Harry, I always did llko you, and if you had been tho ono to ask mo llrst I would have chosen you instead PoillAK NIVCR fAILINO REMEDY 30 YEARS THE STANDARD PILCO, CHILBLAINS. PTLON9. OURNS, CTC All OKUOOIITS M1VCIT0H WIIL OBTAIN ON RCMCST ACC1.PT NU VUD3TIIIJIIB. us (.eirjr. rrfce UNBltVAMICMAtLSCO SANfRANCISCO ovldonco for the stato in enso of trials. Such real beor as ho has In his possession, in bottlod form, bears tho mutilated labels of tho Mt. Hood Browing Company nnd tho North Pu ciflo Browing Company, both of Pjrt- laud. Prominent aninnir tho accused men of 'oup brot,10r' Xmv ho 1,ns K" 1 Mux WoIsh, ono of tho operators ""' ino w ,B I'ecuy c.enr, nun u of tho Rosoburg Cold Storage Compa- "ou wn,,t mo J'011 cnu tnll mo'" ny's plant. Ho was convicted of soil- An ""-aco ana Kisses semou tno; Ing intoxicating liquor nt tho Jnnu- l)ar,lln' nf,or wl,,ch slo,m cnl10'1 Mr-' nry term of court nnd wns heavily nnu Mr8' j0,, nln. father and fined nnd sentenced to Jnll for four 10thur of tno ynn woman. Thoy months. His enso la now ponding on we,u "Patalrs, whero Harry told thorn nnnonl to tho Supremo Court. Two "' l"u i'"'" ' o....Uu, . IUUi othor Indictments from tho January term still hang over his head, both rotating to tho alleged presence of minors in his place of business. Tho chnrgo tiled against YVoIsb Friday ovo nlug was that ho sold n dozen bot tloo of renl beer to H. V. Cochran, n reputed "spotter," who hna been em ployed n8 a cook in locnl restaurants. J, 11. Olllmni, tho foreman of the. Indicting grand Jury, kept n saloon In Rosoburg twenty years ngo. Ho Is now a prosperous farmer of Onles villo. "Mr. Ollliam Is nn honest nuti prohlbitlonlst," said District Attor ney Brown. "Ho bolloves. as ho. hlmsolf has done. In soiling whisky, w,l" t"1' BmU looked on but ho Is opposed Just ns omphaltcnl ly to Boiling It In violation of law." nftor n 1.1-mlnuto courtship ho nnd their daughter had become engaged and that, "now, after an engagement of live minutes wo are ready to bo. married, proviuou you givo your consent." The consont wns given, nnd. going back downstatrB, John Baldwin nn uouucod that tho bridegroom had arrived and that tho wedding pnrty would Immediately innko Its appear ance. To strains of tho wedding march Hnrry Sloan nnd Miss Bald win marched downstairs and took their positions In tho parlor, whero the Rev. James Howo read the lines, in nstoiv ishmeut ges Chan iiv Time Henceforth tho HOXITA will lkavi: MAitsiirii:r,) AT 7:05 A. M. instead of 7:15 ns in tho past. With tho exception of tilts change, tho O'Kelly boats wi:l run on tho old schedules nnd pntrotm nro kindly reqnostoJ to tnko heed of this notice. J. A. O'KKLLV, 1'iop. TAMALKS on salo at tho MCTIl ODIST pnrsonago TOMORROW at I 1 .M. XOTICK TO Sl'ORTSMIJN. A meeting of the Marshlleld Oun club will bo held nt tho Chandlor hotel Tuesday evonlng, May 1C, nt S o'clock. All committees will report. All sportsmen desirous of Joining nro also Invited to nttond. W. N. KKBLAD. Sec. Tho Times Want Ads bring results IS YOUR SKIN ON FIRE? Does It seom to you thnt you can't etaud another mlnuto of that awful, burning itch? That It MUST bo coolod? That you MUST huvo rolief? Get n mlxturo of Oil of Wluter Breon, Thymol, and othor soothing 'Ingredients as compounded only in D. D. D. Prescription. Tho very llrst drops STOP thnt mvful burning Instantly! Tho first drops soothe nnd heal I '1)o You MV0 u, 1IW Klni, of IIeIp? D. D. D. gives you comfort clean- Foley Kldnoy Pills furnish you tho cos tho skin of nil Impurities nnd right kind of holp to neutralize and washes nway pimples nnd blotches reinovo tho poisons that cause back " , . .ache, hondacho, nervousness, nnd over night! 'othor kidney nnd bladder ailments." Tnko our word on it as your local red CROSS Drug Store, druggist. s Get a 11.00 or a 35 cent bottle to-' It you have anything to sell, trade. 4ay. -Red Cross Drug Store, rent or wont help, try a wnt nd. Good Livery Service Faucy now rigs, good horses and enroful drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos Bny public nt REASONABLE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip nnywhoro nuy tlmo. Horser boarded and rigs cared for. New henrse nnd spoclal nccommo dntlons provided for fnnernl parties W. L. CONDRON'S LrVERT AND FEED STAnLES rnotfn 27n.j WATCH! NOTICE! Homer Mauzey, one of tho driver and tho solicitor for us is out for .nuiulry. Watch him! ho is liable to stop you on tho streot and explnln all details of Laundry and alsorto be at your home any tlmo. He knows IMIOXE I. S. KAUFMAN & CO YOUR Laundry business from A to Z. COAL ORDERS St.flO PER TON. Marshfteld nana and Steam Laundry PHOXi 220-J "Our baby cries for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T, B. Kendrlek, Rasaca, Ga. "It is the bMt rough remedy on the market for coughs, colds and croup." For sale y all dealers. i ysavooi. swots Ny. I " jj 3C 1 jit When Your Children ROMP and PLAY vnEAI'TIIY children nro hnrd on shoos. But shoos l nro chenper t'inn doctors' bills. " But wo stnrted to tell you nbout those now "Toss nnd Ted" School Shoos. These shoes for hoys nnd girls iro something now In tho history of shoemnklng. Heretofore children's shoes linvo been mostly henvy, clumsy nffnlrs. They wore mado that way to resist wear. Tho lighter weight "dress" shoes woro out In u hurry couldn't Btnnd tlio wear to which they would bo subjected by a good healthy young American. Folks never thought of tho ill-comfort somctltnntf suffering they cnused tho young folks by cramping their feet In lll-llttlng, clumsy shoes., And fow of us know until lately that nearly all tho foot troubles In later llfo wero duo to Just such shoos worn In youth. Put Their Feet in Comfortable "TESS and TED" Shces These now school shoes nro tho result of years of ex periments. Thoy nro not clumsy they aro light, pretty, even dainty, yet thoy wear longer thnn tho out-of-dnto clumsy things. That's first of all becauso thoy aro mado of honest mntorlals, and becauso tho mon who make them know how to so equally dlvldo tho strain thnt each pair will glvo tho greatest posslblo amount of service. Wo toll you thoy aro up-to-dato, scientific school shoes. Thoro nro chenpor uhoes, wo know, but If you'll buy "Toss nnd Ted" School Shoos for nil your children for n wholo yenr wo know you'll decreaso your shoo bill. Lot us provo it to you. Prices ran go nccordlng to size from $1.90 to $3.25 "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. MAR.SHFIELI) BANDON "the fbm:m OF COOS-BAV" S. S. ALLIANCE CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND Sails for Por'dand ftflonday, May 15th NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PHONE It ( F. McGEOHGE, Agent STEAHf. OLD RELIABLE BRHKWATH ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS FRO.M PORTLAND AT I) A. M., ON .MAY 1, 0, II, 10, 21, 20 AND 31. FRO.M COOS BAY AT SERVICE OF TIDE MAV !J, , lit, 18, 2!J, 28. RESERVATIONS HELD ONLY UNTIL NOON OF DAY PREV1 OUS TO SAILING. L. II. KEATING, AGENT PHONE MAIN H.VL THE FAST AND I'OMMOIMOUS Steamer R.edondo (Equipped vlil Wireless) Will make regular trips carrying passengers both ways nnd freight between Coos Bay and San Francisco. All rvserviitloiisfnr passengers made nt Alliance Dock, Mnrtinld nnd Inter-Ocenn Trump. Co. Union Street Wlmrf No. 2. inn Francisco. For Information, phone 1 -J or 285. .Will sail for San Francisco at 12 o'clock Sunday. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. ! Don't :! Electric Portable Lamps at Cost Wo must move these goods to glvo room for changes wo will make this spring. Now la the time to get a bargain. Cos lay Wiring Co. ,, PHONB J7-J. Jl Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 8121 FOR GOOD ITORK Bring your clothes to us. Cleanlac, rawing and repairing a apMHaHy, fcy exjterleHMd men. 8AUtfeMo rsrtwte4 LANOMA A 0 ON, AlVMoe Btdfe. Frot IU Buy your lliuter. p.. ' """ from U,0 Coo, Dl;,J "l Cold Storage com,uji less you Wat only tt, !l eest WIOXE 7W l Dcllery 8 n. m. . a . BEAN POT CKEESE-tj, -l PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR QR. U. W. L1.HUK, 1-y Olcopiillilc rilMlclin I Uradunto of Uiu Amerhaa idati Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Cij, In Eldorndo Blk, HourslOtoll;j ? 1'1'onu 1 C 1-J ; MarshDclJ; oj R. .1. W. INGRAM, Physician and SnrgKw. 209-210 Coko DulMln. Pltone.i: Onice 102.1; Hcsldcnce 1Q. D' I W. BENNETT, j Iinv)cr. J Ofllco over Flanagan & Dennett BkI Mnrshfleld Qrfri TJl. iJ. T. .llct.-tJIMI.lU, t - Physlclnn nnd 8urgcon Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Ofllco: Lockhnrt Building, oiiposlte FottOSci Phono 10S-J Union Oils GASOLINE DISTILLATE bi:nini: kecosdi samson gas iixcixes .ir.c CENTRIFUGAL TUMI'S Coos Bay Oil ASupplybj Mnrshfleld. Ore. l'HOXEUtt, Mall Orders 8dltA. Blanchard's Liveij Wo have sveured tne Ilrory la noss of L. II. llolsner and irp pared to roudcr excellent terrlceii the peoplo of Coos lis;. Curt driverB, good rigs and evjtiSf thnt will mean satlsfactorj da tho nubile. Phono us lor ini horso, a rig or anything "M I tho livery lino. Vo all ' trucking business of all ki' i. IJLANCIIARI) IinOTIlUlS. Art Dlancuard, Mgt. Iiivery, Feed wid SaloSnl 141 First nnd Alder Sir Phono 1S8-J FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOYD innanPll'l.n'S POPULAR Rntes reduced to: Dny 56c, tkU $1.00; week 18.00 to IS.1' kMplng npartmenta with g $10.00 $18.00 lr MlV" i. rr. wjw'. nnvn Frcncnury nnd Steam CteB-l ladles and gents' sulU. Coo od for nnd dellrered. Priwig nble. ROSE CITY DTK AJJ INflnORKS-R.E.PlN Foot of MnrXet Ato w" Try my vncuura icarpeic. Real Estafe Bargain pn, i,.rmln in City, B"""' and Farm .Property. See Rcl Eto and Ir" 08 Oentrnl Atc, Mns .TvairrVT3. For information J nlgh-class bond I bearing Yc ,Bl' r,j. write O. B. HlM' fw H. Adams and uo Angeles, CaHform We Work And Advert To bring a eastM" ' tlmo, tMt he co own accord. YoakW REMEMUER fset" Thero is no kink, or rc iut Ska U ,Jmt!l u...