THECOOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 -EVENING EDITION j j mm j' m i iim.. m , , -, WANT xi:v HOAT. Lest Yom Til VT RCIT OITKU, vn WISH KtiM, MVlXfl "?' .HIT MIT, MK IN AN MEIICHANDISI LOOK Til SHOW YOl' QUALITY Forget, TO STATU THAT WE AUK : WITH KVHUY llllill SI OYER: WE WANT Tn C () U N T S. I.-......-... . J .. r w & . ' . - SUNOS! GUI Sakl TO EASTSiDF iSlW p The Toggery Owner of Anvil I'lnn ti Put on I other Viimi'l, j PORTLAND, Ore, Slay 1C Own ers of tho gasoline schooner Anvil ( nro socking nnothcr craft to opernto ' i . ... v.. .vn luiiiiiuu uiiu OIIIBIUW, unit- , on nna ouior Oregon conBt ports. It 1r declared thnt the Anvil Is liinde- ,. .,.,.. nunto to hnrniio the growing tminc. Marshfield Beaten By Score of They nro anxious to procuro n vessel capable of handling 150 Iohb of gen ernl cargo on n draft of nine feet. FORMERLY GEO. GOODItl'M jSOTICi: TO MILL MENl WE CASH YOLK CHECKS. WE WANT You to know that wo are sparing no pains to mako It nn object for you to trade with us. We nro extremely careful In purchasing goods to bato nono but the best and most salablo to offer our trade. Consequently wo are nui overoiocKcu wim n quantity of ibop-worn goods. YOUR Interests aro our IntoresU when It comes to buying Drugs, Chemi cals, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Rubber Goods, Patent nnd propri etary Articles, Sundries, etc., and above all when It comes to fill ing your PRESCRIPTIONS lockhart-Parsons Drog Co. "Tlll'J BCSY C011NE11" PHONE 298 10 to 7 More Games Scheduled. 8 - W PAINT nt MILKER'S. We Have Been Talking CIIOCKKUY FOR THE PAST WEEK AM) WE IIAYB SOIil) LOTS OP IT. Thanks. Now, don't forget that wo have A lino of Ladles' Shirt Waists at all prices. Ladled' Whlto Linen WnlsU . .91.80 LmIIch' Whlto lawn Wnlst 73c Lmllcit' Black Waists. .$1.00 to $2.00 Call In, lot us show 'you. pOOS BAY ASH STORE TUo Btoro That Saves You Mono?. GEO. N. MOLT, - - SLiuugcr. Front Wtrnot. MarsUQoia. m ....j.... Now Is tho tlmo to got rid of your rhounmtlsm. You will find Cham berlain's Llnlmout woudorfully offoc itlve. Ono application will convlnco you of its morits. Try It. For salo by all dcalors. Mmramwi iwiiiiiurwwiin." Abstracts, Real Estate and TT"" J M,U arine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIBNUY SENGSTACKEN, SIgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 101 Marshfleld Ofllco 14-J. Farms Tlmuor uoni ana nailing i-,nnus n specially. Gonoral Agents "BASTSIDE" Bastsldu defeated Sinrshflold nt Enstsldu Sunday by n score" of 10 to 7. Tho gnmo wns ono of tho best of i 'tho sonson and was witnessed by n good Blzed crowd. I Tho Eastsldo team has Improved consldernuly nnd Is now anxious to take on any of tho tenms around hero. Thoy have scheduled a gnmo for next Sunday with tho Sinrshflold Naval Reserves team and tho follow-1 lng Sunday with Sumner. Thoy nro now trying to get a gnmo for Sunday, Juno 4, nnd SInnngcr LaPalmo is anxious to hear from somo good team. Tho lineups Sunday were as follows: Eastsldo pos Masters 1 b Wallaco ' c Tollefson c f Dryant 2 b VInoynrd p LaPalmo ss Peterson r f Krugor Sillier 3 b Hanson West 1 f Nichols TUB WBATIIKK. (By Associated Press. ) OREGON, Slay 1C Show ers tonight nnd Wednesday. LOCAL TBMPEUATt'HE POUT. UE- For twenty-four hours ondlng nt 1:43 p. m Slay IB, by Sirs. E. Sltngus, speclnl government meteorological observer: Slaxlmum G2 Minimum 40 At 4:43 p. in Gl Precipitation trnco Wind, Southwest; cloudy. Personal Notes; D. Pl'LFOUD of Slyrtlo Point Is a Slnrshlleld business visitor today. . HANRAHAN of Ilnndon Is In Slnrshlleld on business and pleas; urc. A. N. GOULD, county surveyor, Is hero from Coqulllo todny on busi SIIS3 GENEVIEVE TELLEFSON hns returned from n sovoral months stay at Coqulllo. JAS DAVIS loft yesterday for Slyr tlo Point whoro ha will spoud a few days with friends. Mdd. 0 Johnson Drlggs McQllI Mulloy N Johnson Sleet Wotlnesdny. Tho Baptist Ladles' Aid society will meot at tho 'homo of Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Wodnos- day attornoon at 2:30 p. m. Has Chlckcupox. Tho Will Hong lnnd homo In South Sinrshflold was quarantined yestordny, ono of tho Burko cn"ron oolng 111 of, tho chlckenpox. AltTHUU DEMAIIEST hns returned ' from Coos River whoro ho hns been spending n fow months on n ranch. J. G. SIULL1N, Peter Logglo nnd Supt. A. G. Rnnb of North Bond woro In Sinrshflold yesterday on business. 1 TOM HARVEY left yesterday for Gardiner to meet his wlfo who In returning from nn extended visit with relatives at Grants Pass and Rosoburg. STAGE INTO CANYON. Driver Killed nnd PiiHiongors Near Grants Pass. GRANTS PASS, Ore, Slny 10. Hurt Ilolienrsnl Early. Owing to tho Chnmlnndo Concert tomorrow ovo nlng tho choir of tho Baptist church will meot for rohenrsal nt 7:30 o'clock instead of 8 o'clock. Will WimI. Otto Wallmnrk loft , today for Coqulllo whoro ho will bo M'B9 LILABELLE JOHNSON Is ex pected hero shortly from San Francisco to spend tho summer with Sirs. CnVl Smcdburg and oth er frlonds on tho Bny. DEVELOP NEW LINES. Kruttscliiiltt WiiiiIh to See Business They Will Do. A Portland papor Bays: "Further railroad construction In Contrnl Oro- Swlnirlni! down Hnvs mil. n imir mil. ninrrlod tomorrow. Tho young lady nbovo Lovoh station, tho Crescent City rosltk's t,10ro but ,,or "n,no ,s not 0rKn ""' 00I011 Inrsoly upon tho FOR SALE Two ncro trnclH nt Bny Parle. Very cheap for cash If takon soon. O. SI. Johnson, caro Times. .MONEY TO LOAN On renl estate. Seo W. U. Douglns. COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINE I Dally itago between Iloseburg nnd Mnralilleld. Stngo leaves dirily ! and Sundays at 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCUETTEU, Agent, C. P. BARNARD, ! KO MARKET A V., Murshlleld. Agent, HOSEHURG, Ore. PHONE 11 C1& toeier'SiS r-f&yr vgcata"1 v-jiVsi Parties Desiring Momi- jfl JtllCllLd IU WSC LUCICU Inf T TT oerore uecoraoosi mciy Would ao well to cnll nt tho Pacific Monumontnl Works, South . Broadway nnd nmko selection from tho lnrgo stock now on hand. Mr. Wilson has In his omploy tho only practical marblo and gra- I nlte cuttor In Coos c:iunty, And nono but tho best work Is turned FOR RENT Three room houso on Eleventh strcot. All modern con veniences 10 por month. En qulro Stnuff's grocory. i WANTED OimhI teiiui of horsei, stage, drawn by four horses driven by John Loudon, wns thrown with Its pnsscngcrs nnd freight Into n rocky canyon, 300 feet (loop. Tho fltago driver probably wns fatally In jured, two pnssongors woro mnlm- od, ono horso was klllod, tho remaind er of tho team was Injured nnd stngo and mall bags woro demolished. Tho mishap Is attributed to tho breaking of n brnko block, precipitated tho stngo and Its lond against tho whool horses with such forco that thoy could not check Us progress. nn.i known to ncqualntnnces of tho groom pntronngo given thoso lines rcconth noro. Tnoy win resiuo in .Mnrsiiiiou. completed nnd now being built, ac cording to tho stntemontB of Julius Ih Very III Sirs. F. P. Norton Is suffering from n sovoro nttnek of ap pondlcltls nnd her condition todny was reported to bo quite critical. Sho wns taken to Storey hospital this aft llnv Auto Win. Wnilo nnd Tom which Q00(m0 i,nvo bought I. R. Tower's Bulck which thoy will put on tholr Rosoburg-Slnrshtlold auto lino. Thoy nnd Sir. Towor will lenvo tho latter part of tho month for Portland to bring down overlnnd tho two now Bulcks thoy will uso In tho sorvlco. WARNING TO RAILROAD MEN. E. S. Bncon, 11 Bast St., Bath. Slo., solids out this wnrnlng to railroad ers: "A conductor on tho railroad, my work aiumod n chronic inllaminn- wagon nnd harness nil In good tlon of tho klduoys, nnd I wns miser- condition. Horses to woIkIi from nolo nnd nil played out. A friend nd- 1,300 to 1,400 pounds. 'W' Times' ofllco. f FOH HUNT Good hIv room houso mi far bettor than I hnvo been forBrndlng nnd pnvlng. Tho council will South Fifth stroot with Kardon nnd tW0Ilty years. RED CROSS Drug also havo to arrnngo for nn onglneor Council Tonight.' city council will meet tonight. It Is likely that tho Slarket avonuo Impro KruttHchnltt, vlco-prcsldcnt nnd di rector of mntutennnco nnd operation of tho Hnrrlmnu system, who nrrlvod In Portland from a trip over tho O. W. R. & N. main lino nnd branches. "Our work of tho Inst fow yonrs roprofionls n largo Investment." snld Mr. Kruttschnltt, "nnd I think wo should seo first whnt tho country docs In tho way of rcsponso boforo plan ning nnythlng further." I Construction of nn enst nnd west lino across Oregon, which has bcon spoken of ropontcdly by various rail road ofllclals Is not Included In nny ' w . . . P'nns now under consideration, do Tho Sinrshflold c,nrod Mn KruttBchnltt.. . ' Enouh-o vl80(I Foley K,'rno' I,,1B nml from vomont will como up ns tho present ...v u.v VW......W.H.UU i.inuir. luuiii, notices of lntontlon to Improvo moro I bognn to rognln In my strength. , ., . ., ,, , . , , 'Tho Inflammation cleared and I am ft nrov,do for t,1Q Brni,lnB ln8tond 0 barn, good plnco for chickens. Will bo empty Juno 8. For particulars Store. After tho show try a Turkish bath boo P!inrlo Tlnniio Plmno .11 4 " I Phono 214- J. W.Vi W......WH -. W, ..W.SV w ... WANTED-A RIDER AGENT IN EACH TOWN and district to rlao and a snmplo Latoit Model "Rangor" blcyclo t urnblied by us. Our Ok't-nuovery whero oro inaklut; imniity iasi. inifforfullfartliultrieniHtulaltftraltMtt, tiO MONEY nnculHED until you recclvo nnd approvo of your nlcyclo. wo Mitp to auyono onyw hero In tho IT. H. uiiA.ur a ittitit In ndvanco.r,4rji. ami allow TEN DAYS' FREETRIALduriuff which tlmo you mavrldo tliohlcrcluand nut It to an v test you wish. If you nro then not perfectly MiMed or do not wbh to laHi tno I'lpyclnklilnltbiicktoutatouroxucnionndMu uiln.ii. ( '. FAOTdnV PRIRF Wo furnish tho nli'uest crado.Woycles It U a HUl uni rtf IUCO jiosslUlo to malto nt ono small prollt nlwvo actual factory cost, You aavo (10 tn e.'5 middlemen's iroilta by buy Inir director ui nnd hnvo tho manufacturer's imaranteo behind your hlCVClo. DO NOT ntJV n lilirflnnp n. nnlr of tlro fmm &t amt flu until you receive our catalogues nnd learn our uulicard of fuurj ;''? an'tr.irlr n,uif,i tn rider aeonta. Ynil Will PC ICTntilCUCn wbro)oumlTeoartutirnlraUlaroa V.'.yy "ifci. u nl uniwllbu uatuilrouriuirbniweltiuauuiiifr 'Tulltt tow fiHrtt we can make you tbU yetr. Wa wll Ida Iilf iiwt crada bicycles for BICYCLE OEiiB ,""nT otuer factory. earUinawnuii.ixii)roiiuovoicioryroi. reeotnuyidr .'!. . Iflfn)n1,onq!!tn.')lulien,n,r,ld'irourcaiisur;iriMorva, TU(oclcr out irouipciyiiiHix4 h I P Kii ?-oLL0. -lcrDtUa UnalnlliU mailoJ frca. "SvlCliUnAKES 'alawhaala.lniporlad rollrelilnanclplUfprtl,rplrana iJ, Hedge! horn Puncture-Proof M M SeIf-he.lini!Tire$r7 tM. Tl'JU r rtts It prlt ( tint ttrPTSSS&fiSSm, H m .l .---' - mw UCTnAuIaTw,,,'lMI "'"$. Si. Wired th'A'f 5. ."' . Iha.lra-t. rRlPTIONg Madalnnllsfies. It aRafl?lto na' llne'd TJSkfZK .. 'VUIllL7nrMll.l L 1 - i D- BypSr lUi Mi fWlAlI'Wl" H riww B i na XffiJ lill a B 0 LOST Strayed or nIoIoii from AUe gnny, n fox torrlor, black and whlto fomalo. Six years old. Ho ward If returned to Joo Ward, Eastsldo. WANTED A housekcciier. Good Candies Yoii'SI Enjoy Tho condition of candy Is nlwnys homo for right party. Apply 930 Importnnt. Not only do Stafford's South Broadway nftor 7:30 p. to provldo plans nnd specifications. in. candy cased contnln tho vory cronm of finest confections but also ovory WANTED Ship carpenters nml men morsol of enndy in thorn Is in porfost oxporlonced In shipyard wonc. condition nnd positively frosh from Stonily employment. Good wngos. our own sweot, sunny, snnltnry candy Apply nt Nolson's Ship Yard, Pros-kltchon whoro nn oxport enndymnker por, Oregon. 'suporvlsos tho work. . j Next tlmo you nro buying n box WANTED 2.000 ncres of Inml near of candy hotter try "COOh GIRL Coos Bay not to exceed $10 or $12 CHOCOLATES." Slstor In Dead. Goo. N. Bolt todny received word of tho donth of hln slstor, Sirs. Goo. Uoffmnn, which oc curred at hor homo In Jacksonville, Oregon, last ovonlng nftor a long Ill ness. Sho wns forty-sovon yenrs old nnd Is survived by a husbnnd nnd sov oral children, most of tho latter bolng grown. Thrco brothors, thrco sisters nnd n mothor nlso survlvo. I CORNS IIUHHY WEDDING. .. I -mi.. .' m..v 9Sr,f$?tKW& nam.1 mMsffl tttmJkti.ttttmLtmmmP.hL Li... . ,'lfBI - " ''"- -j' PaSraiiBa mmmmmKmfUf einVv'1."? of rubber, which nover ?rwVi.?.n.a.yhlch clos up small U ilVSS'rttreshavoon he ImmmimnH) nn onea U ! ."?.P"nc'MWinpa.,B . Cr;".."?'8 season. Thevwelirh no more than IPX " ' ""'I -P." ithB tSiV'P ot th'n. lclally prepared W" Her ti? T0 "ruiar Drtco of tncao Urc tires ta atrawiiait rim cuttlnc. This tlr will outlait any other, ELASTIC and EAST HIDING. MwerDiir iWr ITu,sr pneo or tneso i m.uw a . - a "hv iui nil viti ui nir win rrmajiu urit n rai . i-r. euociai f1M,;L.",:r.,":,.rr-; r".rir . ... 1.1 ..i-.n rl i;;i,""-.uu.l'Jco 10 luo rxier Ot only Il.owiierpair, All urucraauiiJi -upawu MBiinfn ..'V.1, '1 s,lP O. O. I), on approval. You do not pay a cent uutii you to.ifh,Hi foun(1 thein strictly as represented. . . . ,u uiS aa ..,1 ou? 'Prcot (Ibareby nULlai the prl084.SS per pair) If you aend PULL CASH 2"0ua 1 ,!?' l0? 11 adrertlmnant. You run no rl5 In (enillnf ui an order a Ibe tlrea may bo Jlt touV Joraajr reaaon tb.r are not aatUfaAory on examination. We are perfectly reliable hJultervi.f,f,,MlnUulc- " orilerepalrof those tlrea. you MU Had tut Ibey will ride iiT,t'troa.u,,tcr',Monieranl look finer (ban any tire you LaTeeTerumxl oraeenatanrprlce. i?'iatrt.ii".0,o,'e" SloaaeUtbatwban you want a bicycle you wlU gUe ua your order. Wewanl ' rflfaji!X1;i02ilnoathlaTemarkab!etlrooffr. . . . , .. ,V' NEED TtttKrooatbar .at klndatanyprleenntllTOuacndforapalrpf nedyetborn iUaboT.?. T e"IJGO functure-Vroot llreaonapproralandtrlalattbeaDectal lotroductory Q Vfti,'Vi'v """' t1Lu WAIT!"1 ""to u portal today. DO NOTTNINK OFOUVINQablcycleorapalr of Wj tlrea from anyone until you knowtne new and wonderful offera we are making. H E AD CYCLE COlPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. per ncro. This land Is wnntod for cattle and goat ranch, u. Amn don, 21C Lowls Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Alwuys Something New ut AUTO Anytime, nny where. Hen sonablo rates. Phono Blanco hotol 40 or Residence 2S-J. (jtwmck TWO STORES APPLE BLOSSOM HONEY From Coos River In 1 Pound Combs, . 20c Each 'barfs Grocery Not III, She TcllN Clergyman, lint HHs He Will Sfnke MiihIo With Tho Coivinony. ST. LOUIS, Slo., Sllss Adollno E. Crnycroft of Evansvlllo, Ind., wns ovldontly In pain whon tho Rov. S. R, Dlllman, pastor of tho Methodist church at Clayton, wns rondy to por form tho ceremony whloh wns 10 mnko hor Mrs. Hormnn A. Alhor. "You nro 111?" suggested tho min ister to tho brldo. "No, I nm not 111," sho ropliod, 'but mako this as short as you can, wont you? I'vo got on now shoos ind ray corns nro hurting mo." Tho coromony wns hnstonod nnd ho brldo sat down as soon as It was over. 1 May Bathing THERE IS PROBABLY NOTH ING SIORB DELIGHTFUL THAN AN INVIGORATING EARLY MORNING BATH, PROVIDED YOU HAVE THE RIGHT BATHINO REQUI SITES, AND HERE THEY ARE FOR YOU. THE BEST OE BATHING SOAPS, TOI LET WATERS, SPONGES, BATHING BRUSHES, AND WASH RAGS. STISIULATB YOUR CIRCULATION, ELISI INATE THE WASTE SIAT TER BY OPENING UP THE PORES OF THE SKIN THOR OUGHLY. GET OUR GOOD BATHING HELPS. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos Bklg. Phono 141 I j i mi mar:rawtt,--z&HXrnnr9enaxi- 9KwijwitM . mMwmm A ZJsE?k. THE HAM OF QUALITY Pe Times Does Job Printing Two Private Plioues 85 and 305 ii -jii m