THE COOS BAY TIMES, HARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1911 EVENING EDITION . 1 . .....iiii..ii-....i. i ii.,- 1 scat COOS BAY TIMES Kntcrcd nt tho pnstofllco nt .Marsh Held, Oregon, tor trnnimlRilon throuRh tho malls as second class mnll matter. fingers, la tho child's teacher, and let ter of cardboard or snndpnpor aro the solid stuff nt which Its lessons nnd hooks aro made. The way of working. In brief, is this: Tho fingers arc first trained to con trol pens nnd pencils by having tho children fill In flguros of triangles, squares, ovals or circles on inpor un derneath the cut-out 11k tiros. When An Independent Iteptibllonn news- the pupil can fill In tho figure correct papcr published every evening oxcopt ,,. l0 g FOt to nlnt , KUrofl Uiut Bundny, nnd weekly by Tho Coos liny Timet Publishing Co. Ml V. I.V MALONIIV K. MALONKV Kill lor nml Pub. Noma IMIlor Address nil coinniunloatlons to (XK).S HAY IJAlliY TI.MIIS. Mnnditiolil t: s: :: :t Oregon are merely outllnud In pencil. When he fills this outline without lotting UodUated to tho sorvlco of tho ,fl ornyon gl,, boyond tho outline ho people, that no good cause, shall lack I. . . , ,. , . 1 ' ' , 7 ., . ,, i ,. , ihas innBterod poncll nnd pen nnd can u cwiuipiun, nuu mm uvu muni uui Ihrlvo unopposed. Little Talks on Advertising TALK No. 16 I'ltltHISTKXtT. XHCKKSAUV XHl HITCKSS KAYS MAX WHO MADK MILLIONS II V ADYHUTISIXtJ &?r BimscniPTio.v iiatks. DAILY. Ono year JG.00 Per month. .50 WKKKLY. I Ono yosr (1.50 Whoa ald strictly In ndvanco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Day Times Is fl.61 per year or $2.60 for six months. OfleUl rnfoi of Coos County ' a OITICIAIj PAPHIt OF T1IK CITY OF MAHSIIKIKLD. NO CITIZEN' SHOULD UK A 1)110X12 U tO CITIZUN," said Cnrdlnnl Olbbouu nt tho golden jubllco of his ordluntlon ns n prleHt nnd tho silver Jubllco of his elevation to tho cnrdlnnl ship,, "should bo n drone In tho soclnl beohlvo, no mnn mi lndlfforent spectator of questions tlint affect tho wolfnro of tho couimon wenlth." Grandly snldl No mere common place platitudes those, but tho proc lamation by n man of world-wldo In iluonco, of etomnl verities that nro chnrgod and driven by tho weight of hla noblo personality. Tho commemoration of tho cardi nal's Jubllco Is a matter of national iutorcst. Churchmen of ovory com munion and Amorlcnn cltlzons with- wrlto without cramping tho fingers. Tho child bns already learned Its letters, olther previously or simulta neously, by touch nnd sight of tho shnpo of each. Now writing-letters of largo slzo and of conrso black- sandpaper aro pasted on smooth, squaro whlto cards. A guldo at tho back of each letter, whoro a guldo llno would bo drnwn on writing pa per, provents tho Ilttlo ono from put ting tho bottom of a "g" on a lovol with tho bnso of nn "o." Thcso lec tors aro lonrnod by touch, nnd form ing thorn Is achieved by filling In tholr cut-out outlines. Thus tho miiBclos, tho eyes and tho brain (unawares) havo loarnod to wrlto without taking sot lossons in writing. Tho process has been syn thetic instond of analytic, using wholes instond of parts; spontane ous instead of forced; and in tho na turo of piny, rather than of work. Chlldrou of four, without strain on themselves, tench thomsolvos to wrlto within six weoks. Porhnps this appears, n olilldlsh thing for ndults to consldor. In reality, howover, it Is of fundamen tal Importance to parents nnd edu cators. It doiuonstrntofl tho unron- sonnblonoss of tho ordinary mcthoJ. It may havo initiated n revolution in tho teaching of vory Ilttlo children. 1 113 It 12 Is no ndvortlslng vuluo In one-llmo Insertions." says Tru mnn A. Do Wosso, for ninny yenrs director of publicity for the Shredded Wheat Co., ono of tho most successful advertisers In tho country. "It Is tho keeping ovorlnstlngly at It which brings results In nd vortlslng. It Is tho consecutive, persistent pounding nwny that does tho trick In advertising, nnd tho advertiser that does this year after year Is tho mnn who knows that advertising pays. With him it Is not nn ex periment, noithcr Is It an expense. It Is n part of his investment, tho same as tho cost of raw matorlal nnd tho cost of production." Tho Coos liny Times offers tho best possible opportunity to got tho full ndvantngo of tho cumulatlvo valuo of advertising because it roaches tho pormanont earning classes who readily become continuous customers nnd buy goods in substantial quantities. WITH TEA AND TOAST ledgo on tho chap whoso wlfo wants good i:vi-:xixg. MI8PIT8. If you chooso to represent tho various parts In life by holes upon n table of different shapes, some clrculnr, some trlaugulnr, somo square, some oblong, nnd tho persons acting thcso pnrts by bits of wood of similar shapes, wo shall generally II nd that the trlnngulur person has got Into the square hole, tho ol long Into tho triangular nnd n square person has squeezed him self Into the round hole. The oflleer and the olllee, the dour nnd the thing done, seldom lit so exactly that we can say they were almost made for each oth er. Sydney Smith. him to explain what neutrality is. TAKK HACK YOUR GOLD. CONCERT CHAMINADE CLUB JIHS. WM. IIOItSKALL, Jit., DIUKCTOIt, PHKSKXTIXG Mrs. Flfrida Heller Weinstein, Soprano AXD Mrs. Delphine Marx, ConHfn OK PORTLAND AT Masonic Opera House, May 17A AT 8:30 P. M. si:ats ox saw: at tiik "nusv coitxinr SI3ATS 91.0. GKXKHAIj ADMISSION GO OKXTS. HISKIIVQI "I will not let my wife or in)- mother risk heir lives cooking with a gasoline stove." onsnitvATioxs. 4V V t. Donvor'fl clty-ownod auditorium Is said to havo put $3,000 profit Into out regnrd to religious beliefs or nf- tho public treasury from rontnls Inst filiations tnko prldo In Cnrdlnnl Gib- winter. Portland's commorclnl club bona n,H a roprcHoutntho America.! 1ms had an ngont Investigating tho and nn exponent of Americanism to public nudltorlums of tho cities of tho European authorities In his tho contrnl west. As tho outcomo of church. his report tho club has launched a Cnrdlnnl GIbbonB roso to tho op- cnmpnlgn for Portlnnd to Issuo portunlty offerod to him by tho public $000,000 of bonds nnd build a muni-. honprH rendored by tho Cnthollcs of cipal auditorium. Now York. i Ho preached tho responsibilities H Is novor too lato to voto. Two nnd dutlos of good citizenship to tho women of Sonttlo, aged 71 and 73 inembors of his church Unit clnlms respectively, recently applied for 3 C, 000,000 communicants in tho Unit- tllol" cltlsoiiHhlp pnpors so thoy could od Stntes. Thoy, he snld nnd tho oxorolso tholr recontly granted frnu Btntoment holds good for tho mom- c,ll8t- Sllcl Bplrlt could well bo hern of all American churches nro followed with profit by votors of nil protected by the government. They rkos nml oltlior sex. should, ns Aaron the priest hold up tho hnnds of Moses the statesman, -rue DPAF1I DC PAmiRAI hold up tho hnnds of tho ndmlnlstrn- I SlL I tlf It J rUilUIVl toi-B of tho Amorlcnn commonwealth. SWAT1 Friends of Swcotness nnd of Light, Possibly wo can unite On nn Issuo tlint will win In this town of slush nnd sin. Porndventuro wo enn pick Somo roform nnd mnko It stick. There, for lnstnnco, Is tho fly: Wo will 8wnt him, you nnd I Swat tho fly! Join our snfo nnd sano crusade. 'Twill not spoil tho graftor'8 trndo; VIco and crimo will not bo curbed; Duslncss will not bo disturbed; 'Twill in no wlso Intorforo With tho knockors who nro horo Friends of Progress and Roform, On this Issuo let us Bwnrm: "Swat tho fly!" Tnko back your gold, For gold will novor buy Tako back your coin, Homovo It from my vlow, Don't bo so raw, You'll suroly mortify mo. Sond mo n check, That's all I nsk of you. me. This was the declaration of a fine appearing young man Jin our oilicc a few days ago. lie had called to inquire about our limited free gas range offer. lie wanted to see the stove. Talk original hole. about degeneration in its form tho doughnut had no Ho was ftiimwjd to learn that we not only give tho range away, but run all tho pip connections, etc., free. Within 30 seconds his sig nature went on an agreement to take and use the rouge. MY PENMANSHIP. (With opologlos) Tho hours I spent with theo, old pen, Aro dark ns ink I dally dip, count tho A'b each ono ngnln, My penmanship 1 My penmanship 1 Ench word a drill, each drill n lino, I sond in tears of rainbow hue; Had I a heart 'twould not bo thlno Oh, Spencer Man, enough of you. Oh, Sponcor E, oh, Spcncor O, Oh, Sponcor gain, oh, papor loss, My 8leovo Is worn, my speed is slow I turn my pngo and wrlto across. Will you let the women of your household run the danger of gasoline this summer? OREGON POWER COMPANY Thoro was nn old mnn from Eugone' .... - wnoso mnnnors woro rtnio ami tin elenn. IIo chewed and ho snuffed And his countonnuco stuffed Llko n giddy old sausage machine. First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsoy Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, Tho cnrdlnnl duos well to bo de voutly thankful tlint tho Roman church llvos whoro thoro Is llborty without llcenso, authority without despotism nnd protection from tho government without Intorforenco with the rights of cnuwclence. His church is n conserving forco In Amorlcnn life Among Its sons and dnughtei-j luivc been many of tho worthiest citi zens of tho United State. Hut It is indebted In turn to Amoilcnn demo cracy. , INVOLUTION IX TKACIIINfl. Tho Tlmos will bo pleased to pub lish letters from ito renders on nil questions of publlo luterost. Ench letter must bo signed by tho wrltor, tnd bo fur ns posslhlo bo limited to .'00 words. In publishing those let 'rs It must ho undei stood that The Tlmos does not indorse the views ox pressod therein ; It Is simply nffordlng a moans for tho voicing of dlfforont opinions on nil quostlons affecting the public welfare. You, good sir, who chooso to stny With tho knockers ovory day You, who chiefly aro to blamo For our city's lack of famo, You, by whom wo nro botrayod I You may Join In this critBado: Evon you may havo a shot: You can stay nt homo and swnt Swat tho fly! Epochs In n girl's existence Jior first long dress, hor first "pnt up" hair nnd hor first stoady. SUNDAY CI.OSIXO. Tho first ilny Wannmnkor oponod .Ills storo in Philadelphia CO years ago, ho took in $2-1.07. Ho kopt tho C7 iconts for chnngo nnd spent tho $21 'f-r nowspnpor ndvortlslng. With what ho now knows, John would to ,dny put tho wholo $2 1.07 Into ads and borrow nnothor $24.07 to put Into ! nowspnpor ndvortlslng, so ns to got Tho sontlmontnl suitor mnkos tho rich twlco na quick. exacting husband. THE ISTS. Tho girl thnt-'s hnrd to ploaso Islothor Is n suffragist, worth trying for. w IY IS It tlint normnl children. v 1th n good degreo of mental nuwer, have such dlfllculty in learning to rend and wilto ovou nt tho ngo of sovon? Tho experience of Itnrd, physician to tho national Institution of Prance for tho deaf and dumb; of Edounrd Editor Times: Oh! fnthor, dear father, como homo with mo now, Tho clock In tho steeplo strikes ton. You've broken tho Sabbath nnd mothor's heart, And baby won't know you ngaln! Thnnkloss tnsk ontortnlnlng girl ongnged to tho other follow. l'ISHIXG PAXTASY Seguln, u successful s pedal ht In the nil, .,, . ... , . . ..,,.,,,,, , 'l! w'in' lo wo caro for tho salo of troatmont of defect ho chl dron, nnd toothbrush, n stnmp or n pill? uur auuonys wunoiit you nro awfully sad Anil mother, I fenr, will bo ill. of Mnrla Montessorl, professor m chnrgo of tho Talamo schools In Itome, npponrs to indicate tho reason. Professor Montossorl holds that normnl children nro hampered by tho public schools In their development nnd tlint If tho special education which develops fooble-mlndod chil dren into equnllty with normnl chil dren woro nppllod to tho latter they would lonm to load nnd write with oaso. This special education is based on tho bellof that all education worth having Is golf-oducnttou, that the ten der brain of tho child should not he strained, nnd tlint tho seuso of touch, which Is tho groat guide to aconraoy of porcoptlon, can bo so cultivated that it will stnrt roflex or automatic actions in tho nervous systom tlint do not tax tho child's mind, but form tho habit of writing and rondlng. Touch, tho sensitive ims 'n tho A reel, n creol, A rod, a lino; A hook, a brook, A ilny that's lino; A bunch of lunch, A harmless flask. What moro, Lonoie, Could mortal nsk? Ilrothor Is an ntholst, Sister's n ThoosophUt, a Oraudpn Is a pessimist, JGrnndmn's a Christina sclontlst, iUnclo mil's n ultrnmontnnlst, Aunt Jnno is a pantholst, Cousin Joo's nn optimist, I Cousin Suo Is nn nrtlst, Tho bnby Is nn oppositionist, Tho hired man Is nn nnnrchlst, Tho hired girl Is a socialist In fact, Evorybody Is an "1st" Dut father. DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and upperyoar, -FRANK LAISE. Tho lawyers nro saying thero'a grounds for divorce And I'll havo n stopfather then So ploaso look up tho drug storo each Stindny And mnko us all happy again. A DRUGGIST. A stronm, a gleam Of burning rnys; A boat, n throat That soems to hlnzo; ' A quaff, a laugh Of liquid joy. Tho halt Is gront Old stuff, my boy. DOC STRAW. Puck. HOW'S THIS o offer line lluavlrcvl Dollars Howard for jn ihh (i'trili Unit numot b i-uml b) Hull . t aturiri Tun- K 1 i IIKS'KY.vrO Toledo, O Mo Hie uiiiUr.lKiUHl, have known y ; oiil )! iir ilie U 1 iur and brlli o lilin iwr- K.l luinorablo In all biiMmu irHiiMiilon ml Sua- i ill c i.iiiri) i ut nuj obllk'U- llouc uiadt l) hla tlrm HUIMI, KlNMN A MUIMN, Wl'ol ! I'' k"i i- ThUhJo.O- Hull ai'niMii-t cure U inVon tutornU, mt niLiltri'i U upo l lie Idoml a ul muioiu mro if ii. a f the Bint in liit,n ln! umii (rco. ' I rlrc7- '"- P "''l -'' I bnillilrucsftL ruL.Uall'a iull itlUfMicvnitlpatlon, All day you stay Pont in n punt And hoar tho glaro Without n grunt. No bito by night, Sunsonrod your skin, A fry you buy Then Ho llko sin. DAVE STAFFORD. A NEW OLD HOTEL. Old pntrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, Sui Francisco, will bo glad to hear that this famous house Is now open in a flno now six story building right down town. New furnlturo, now car pets, steam hoat, hot water and telo- pnono in overy room. Cafo In con nection. Notlco these rates: Room with prlvnto bath $1 aday, $5 nweoK. All cars pass the door. Select family iHiiui, wmasor mtol, 238 street, San Francisco. Flanagan k Bennett Bank Established 1889 Eddv Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over . $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid onTime Deposits 1 " """.MM . Don't forget I'HOXK HI 1..T. tho Turkish Baths And nt that, most of us havo tho dealprs For soroness of tho muscles whoth or Induced by vlolont exorcise or in jury. Chamberlain's Liniment Is ex cellont. This liniment is nlso highly esteemed for tho rollof it affords in cases of rheumatism. Sold bv nil Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 4X1) JOSSOX CEJIENT. Tho best Domtttlc and Imported brands. Plaster, Llmo, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR uICE, SOUTH IHtOAPWAY. PHOXfi 201 A Want Ad will sell it for -jJM"t- jiijn i mi wmrMiiti -v