THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION l' l ' o i flol- thr ma, t: M. WA Ma) J pap Bur TIM i pea a ! thf hi 0n( Po On) 1 BUt TlD elx l OF, I. '! i i Mai ami Mai Mi if. .i'l: Iff "M.i A wiS "Wfi Mat Bui 1 J ,1' TJr .M' it An I b u Au ( pn lu d ?: nit w ru Br cq n ho st) tu on til Bt nr) . i ram " yfj ' B2235S imssseSHiss ST. 'nJ2fJ y rtsTW 71 y Forget THAT Sl'IT OFFER, VU WISH TO STATU THAT VU ARE STILL CJIVIXO 9.1.00 I.N MUHCHAXRISU WITH UVUHY HKill AHT Sl'IT, COMU I.N AM) LOOK Til KM OVKII; WU WAXT TO S II O V VOU Q U A L I T Y CO U .N T S. EV IHIHM n1 1 i 1 Ul 1 Hi I 1 lull SCORES Iff Ihe loggery Marshficlcl Gun Club Will Soon j Complete Its Organiza tion. FORMERLY OHO. CJOOmil'.M XOTICU TO MILL MUX: VK CASH YOUR CHUCKS. M r&Jity$X&Wlw$M)&, mr-msmmmsm COUXTV K. I. MUETIXCJ. MANY LEAVE CA.NA.NUA. I Tho permanent organization of the Mnrshfleld Gun club will bo ef fected within a few dnys. Already ninny of tho niombors hnvo Blgned tho roll but not nearly all of those I who hnvo signified their intention of Joining; have enrolled. A mooting I will bo held nt Tho Chnndlor tomor-. 'row night nnd It Is expected that tho Fourth Annual Convention nt Myrtle lly Associated Press to Coos Bay balance- of tho prospective niombors Point. Times.) 1 will bo enrolled by that time. Tho fourth annual convention of XACO, Ariz., May 13. Through-' Ycs'oriIn' " Practlso shoot was tho seventh district of Oregon, out last night a score of uutos sent hold nt thc clu,)'s now Grounds it j Knights of PythlnB, will bo hold at from Arizona border points convoyed tho Marahnold Unco Track, Some Myrtle Point, Tuesday, .Juno Cth, nnd women and children out of Cananea ,)rotty R00d 9COr08 woro nmi,- Thoso tho local lodge Is sparing no pains Ir. In anticipation of a Hobol attack on 8llootlB yostorday nnd tho scores out -555 """-Ol --v r rrTT DUAT T 717 W7Li. . t- UIW ini wiidi a Kemart Success These Stores Have Made? Been Here Only a Few Y, and Just Look at Us. tho preparation for tho entertainment that camp. Conferences woro held of largo delegations from all thc lod- between Mayor Arnold nnd Rebel gea In tbo district, and tho officers of General Cnbral and tho news tho' tho grand lodgo who nro expected to Cananea would surrender was not a bo In attendance. A feature of tho great surprlBo here, program will bo tho parado anil tho business men will assist In placing tho town In n gala day attlro by dis playing tho lodgo colors. Tho Pythian slstors will servo dinner and supper, and n bnnquot In tho evening. Tho exercises of tbo day to which tho pub lic aro Invited will bo hold in tho Dixon grove. FEAR 1110 MASSACItU. Moscow Papers Report Plot Again.! Jews. Uy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) MOSCOW, Itussin, May IB. Pa pers report an agitation for n mns imcro of tho Jews wns poToptlblo nt Kiev where many papers stato :i inastncro appears set for tomorrow At their mooting last Thursdav evening the local lodgo Knights of Pythias olected V. F. Hendricks as nn,i thnt tho agitation followed a ru dolegnto and J. L. I.nlrd na nlternato. Im,r nlloglng tho ritualistic hilling of L. II, Pcnrco Is tho hold-over dole- ft Uoy Inst March. gnto and ho nnd Mr. Hendricks will In nil probability nttend tho meeting STI.MSO.N IS NAMED, of tho grnud lodgo to bo held nt Ah- torla, Ore., Juno 22, 1911. Myrtle President Sends Aimolnlmont to Sen. Point Enterprise. COUXTV STOCK ASSOCIATIO.N. .Myrtle ute for Continuation. (Uy Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) WASHIXOTOX. D. C, May 13. "'rpHidniit Tnft hn formnlly noiulnn: ed to tho Sonnto Henry L. Stlmson of Now York to ho Secrotnry of War, of a possible fifty birds were as fol lows: II. J. McKcown 43. F. A. Lnlso 2 1. I. II. Tower 35. V. X. Ukhlad 2 7. U. A. Weill 37. D. F. Barnard 3 S. Chns. LnChnpollc 25. E. A. Ilowltt 30. Geo. K. Dlx 27. D. L. Footo 23. Clnudc Xashtir? 20. Tom Harvey 20. .1. W. Gardiner 31. Dr. Hayes 21. A. L. HoiiROWorth only shot 25 targets nnd broko 20 out of thnt number. Thoso who hnvo already signed tho membership roll nro: W. X. Ekblnd, II. A. Wolls. H. .7. McKcown, F. A. LalRO. 13. A. Ilowltt, Geo. K. Dlx, Chns. LaChapcllo. I. It Tower. D. L. Footo. J. W. Gardlnor, Claude Xasburg, D. F. Ilnrnnrd. w earl Fundamental values quality lu cverythlne n of everything: nnd Bntlsfylng policies -smi.r,.. i era at any cost; these aro tho thlm ti,n. ... "( r.,r uil '"e tt't The clothes wo soil aro tlio best olothos , . world: If wo could find hotter ones w.. w..t . .. "H - "uuiu tcil tlta. BOYS' CLOTHES1 Hero nro In tho samo quality clnss ns our mca'i C tu, lent lii fabrics nnd tnllorln.r. corrnrf in ..,.. . . B -' iuri tjft moueis, an gouu wuuvus imu colors, i.ri0, ;i( bench mndo, 9(1 to 97.00. '"O.IIm.r c -ia tifTir fl!AfiBi.JntnCW' H.k.r or !ok 5cnjanin CIoHcs "Money Talks" Hub Clothing & Shoe Sb :ol MAltSHFIUM) AVIIST SIDU WI.NS ACJAIX. "TIII5 FHICM) OF COOS UAY" :$. S. ALLIANCE with tiiu xoinn iiaxk koad at poitTh.vxi) Sails for Portland Monday, May 15th XOHTH PACIFIC 3TUAMSIMP COMPAXY. PHOXU 1 1 C. F. McOUOKCJB, Agent I'HAIl UUVOI.T IX CAXTOX. Meeting Will lie Held ut Point to Orgnnle. On Inst Saturday, a meeting of a number of tho horHo men of Cooa vico-Secretnry Dickinson resigned. county was hold nt Myrtlo Point ;o consider ways nnd moans for tho or ganization of a stock brooders' nsso elation In this county. Preliminary plnns woro dlBcuesed and a pormnnont organization was af fected, II. II. Ilasklns being chosen temporary chairman nnd Percy Ward, temporary necrotnry. It was decided to hold tho meeting nt tho City H.v Point on Tuesday, May 2Gth. Tho main object of this meeting will ho to further go over tho plans looking to ward tho permnneut organization, nnd to tnko stops prepnrntory to tho hold ing of a stock ehown In conjunction with the dairy iustltuto to bo held hero Borne tlmo in Point Kntorprlso. Alarming Itumorw of Tomorrow! DevelopmeutN Then'. ( Hy Aesoclnted Press to tho Coos Da? Times.) HOXG KOXG, China, May 15. - There are alnrmlng rumors of n ro next volutlonnry uprising In Canton nnd Hnll in Myrtlo surrounding districts plnnncd for to- nwif couth Miu-shlleM Tenin Scon of U."5 to 10 Saturday, lly a sroro of 25 to 10, tho Weit Mnrrhflold nlno defeated tho South Mnrshfleld nlno Saturday on tho South Mnrshllold grounds. Tho line ups wero as follows: morrow. Tho restlesness hns spread and tens of thousands nro fleeing from tho disturbed section and city. South A Johnson O Johnson V Johnson Jnck Howron II Hnglund Ed nolt X Fnrrln ?; Wilson Ted Dow Pos. c P lb 2b 3b 88 r f c f 1 f West. A nuckma'.i H Johnson M Johnson J Snioaton J Smcnton II Chanmnn Joo Schilling II Xelmo X Upto.i STEAM OLD UIvl-IADLK m B A AT ALWAYS OX TIMK SAILS FHO.M POHTLAXI) AT 1) A. M., OX MAY 1, 0, 11, 1(1, HI, l!(i AM) ill. FIUIM COOS HAY AT HUItVICU OFTIDU MAY .1, 8, 111, 1H, U:J, as. ItHSnitVATIONS IIULI) t XLY U.NTIL XOOX OF DAY PltUVI OPS TO SAILIXC2. L. II. KHATI.NCJ, ACJKNT PHOXU MAIX JM-Tj WM PROFESSIONAL oil rn. a. w. Maut OMcopatliltPlipid,! Grndiinto of tho Amai, Osteopathy ut KlrkiOe, b m JJidurncIs nik. llourtlltil Pbi.iio ini-Jj MinhWiJ rit. J. W. I.NUILUI, Physician and Sufil 203-210 CokeCtCI PhoncNi Olllcc lniljiwiij $ w. iik.vxktt, Lawjtr. Ofllco over Flanagta t Bar! Mnrshdold APPLU SULLI.NO IX LOXDOX. STATU POULTUV FAHMS. j CHAM1XADU CLUll CONCUHT. I Tho dato for tho concort of tbo n V. S. Ronmilnr nenort xnv Clinmlnado club Is Wednesday May July. Myrtlo TiH, ,,0 (8 l)y fnr tno Ill08t ,mpor. 17. On this occnslon, tho stage will tnnt fruit coming to tho Ilrltlsh mnr- bo niitlfully decorated under tho ket. American nnnles nro very non- Biinorvlilon of Mrs. R. K. nooth. ulnr. led by such varieties as tho Tho nrtl3,B Mrs" Elfrldn "3P Xowtown Pippin nnd tho Hood River. w,l?n. soprano, and Mrs. Dol- OWII The onlv nbleetlon iirce.l In Mint nf P"1'10 Mlr COJltmltO. of Portland, TIIU FAST AXI) COJI.MODIOUS Streamer Redondo (Uqulpped 'villi Wireless) Will iiinlco regular trips carry lug passengers both wnys and freight between Coos liny and San Frauclnco. AllreservntlouHforpasHeugei'H nmde at AlU.tiu-t llovlc, Miirshllold and hiter-Orenu TraiiHp. C). I'nlon Street Wharf No. 2, iii I'niniNro. l-'or liifonnatlon, phono I I-.I or UH.". "Will Mill for San Francisco nt li! o'clock Sunday. LNTUIUOCUAX TRANSPORTATION COMPAXY. - CATCHIXO IXLUT XUWS I D, F. Ross and son, Georgo, nro on tho sick list. Raise size. The most popular sizes nro thoso wl arr,vo Wednesday morning on Robort Agors of Xnpn, Cnl Is vis iting relatives here. Mrs. J. A. Ward of C003 Rlvor is Oregon. Institutions to Supplies. PfHlTIiA'IV Mnv ir.Thn ntnt, .... ... . . .... tlio Rtpninor nronkwntnr. Thn fnl. -- ' - ruiiKum iniiii uu 10 iiiu u craio, - - - - n orth Bond shonnor of Oregon mny eoon bo In tho market wim. mnm nf tim nrrivnin trnm lowing notlcos Indicate tho extent of " '" for 10,000 ehlekens. Preliminary Oregon and Callforn'a run ns lnr"o noso slnfiora completo triumph lit Inquiry has been mndo us to tho pos- a8 70 nr so a erato. Tlio English ro- I'"tliincl. After 0110 of tho Holllg olbllltloH of poultry raising nt the va- tn II trade does not want tho extra Tl1,ntro concerts tho Oregonlnn said: rloiie stnto Institutions nnd it is quito inrge npple. Fruit is sold bv tho "Mi"8- Elfrhln Heller Welnstoin is probable that the various farms will pound nnd tho number of n fruit tint ono of tl10 vory l,08t nn,on'' Portlnnd'i Miss Olllo RIchnrd of Sumner Is n guest nt tho Jns. Lnndrlth homo on 'Coos Jtlvcr. 1 lly bo stocked soon. To supply tho Re form School, tho lusiuio Hospital, tho Tubercular Snnitnrlum and tho Feo blo Minded Institution with' poultry farms would requlro botweon S.00O nnd 10,000 hens, according to the es timate mndo by Prof. James Drydon, hond of tho Department of Poultiy Husbandry nt tho Oregon Agrlcul- unthnnged. turnl College, nnd thnt Institution will coopornto fully In helping thoso Institutions to raise their own poultry and eggs. enn be'contnlned In a fixed plays a large part In Its sale. weight Master Holt Bonobrnko was a Snt urdny night visitor nt his grandmoth er's, Mrs. Sarah Bonobrnko. THU WHUAT MAHKUT. Afsnclnted Press to Coos Bny Times.) PORTLAXD, Ore., May 15 Wheat Uy GOOD TUXKS AHUAI). iVssoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wash.. May 15 Whe.u unchanged. dramatic sopranos nnd her singing of the "Alda" aria "Rltorna Vlncltor" nnd tho "Rnttlo Cry" from Wagner's "Vnlkyrlo" showed tho romnrknblo tonnl beauty of her voice. Thero s a beautiful finish In her vocalization that Is n real pleasure to honr." " Sho rendored with ex-1 eollfint pffeet npntlmvnn'a " Ailolnlitn " Liszt's "Lorelei," Clark's "A Bowl of " " otlBOn family Sun noses" nnd nolohort'. "UM.on h' ,n ,,0n0r 0t lier Bia, Mrs. Ytnaaa ninm nr Mr liniiininn iinrv tim iirnna notices are eouallv ns flattering ' ' Mrs' Loul8a lIo,,son ot Co R"P. N, D. Wnllaco and son, Leonnrd, Alllo Brown. Frank nnd Guy Rois wero Marshflold Bhoppora Saturday. Mr. Sarah Bonebrnko entertnlned Changes in Time Henceforth tho HOXIT.V WILL LUAVU MARSHFIULD AT 7:05 A. M. lnstend of 7:15 as In tho past. With tho exception of this chnngo, tho O'Kolly boats will run on tho old schoJulea and patrons nro kindly requestor to tnko heed of this notice. J. A. O'KKLLY, Prop. lVlt. .1. T. McCUUMir, Physician and Strpil Mnrshfleld, Ortra Ofllco: Lockhart Dalldla opposite ?il Phone 105-J Business Diredi Following Is a list cl if Business Flrmi ttit tl Pay to Patronlw. 6ol7 WILLEY & SCHROEi for Plumbing and Hen Mnrshfleld, Ore., ItiJ STADDEl All hinds of photom" bnnnlde cnlarglaf ul m flnlshlug. I. L KOOWZ Mnrlilno snd Rfp5 OnXBnALJUCBB9 n. -.a n nriiiW OlUUUl liuu u ' 1 At nolland'l 0t Ml streot, MrhWJ - H day In honor of Louisa Hodson. I Xew York Financier Improved With frj Outlmik. PORTLAXD. Ore, May 15. Good times and geuornl prosperity voro OGHc: July. SS sx ftst(t a titil lni liinwa n .( hhAh .. ldent of tho Fourth Xntlonnl bnnk of Now York city, upon ,hls arrival in Portland from San Francisco on pn extended tour of tho Pacific coast. Associated Press to Coos Ba Ttmcp.' CHICAGO, May 15. May 7-Se: September, 37 December, S9&c. HUD KI.NO AKRF.STUI). , ".Mrs. Delphlno Mnrx, contralto soloist nt Trinity nnd Templo Belli Israel, was recalled three times nt tho recent Robort Burns colobra tlon. . , Mrs. Marx has a very pleasing voice of largo volume nnd unusually wide register." i " Mrs. Marx volco Is that of a real contralto rather a rarity thoso days and It Is mellow, finely Good Livery Service "co "m wwiiuran tnncy now rigs, good horses Bonobrnko. nrrlved Saturday nnd Is careful drivers nro now at tho visaing inuuus ana relatives. Zell, Olive, Clnreuco and Leonard Wallace and Verl Bonobrako spent tho evening Saturday nt Wl UHlggln-son'8. I THEIR ORIGIN. Bud King' of Myrtlo Point wns nr- modulated, deep, nnd In musical color rm wiBo! Soinmn Ho bnses his prophecy on crop con- rPStod ltcre Satnrdny night by Sheriff resembles the 'cello tones.' In com- oh shucks! Prodigal son dltlons, banking nnd morchnndlzing. w.'xy. 'r.age on tho charge of non- na83 Mrs- Marx s,nea very high for My eye! Polyphemus all thrco of which ho declared ho had snpnort.' preferred bv his wlfo. Ho such n docl' volced contralto. Xext! Dellln'h. found In first clnss condition, Mr. wns taken to doqnlllo this morning All aboard! Xoah Cannon Is travelling over tho coun- by Constable Qox, Sheriff Gngo hav- -NOTICE TO SPORTSMEX. Mun,.a tho word! Wllllnm Penn try to look Into business conditions. ng other 'business to look after. King A mooting of the Marshflold Gun Great guns! Krupp. so ns to be able to direct his flnjuiclal wa8 li trouble In tho samo case about club will bo hold at tho Chandler Well. I'm hanged! Hainan transactions Intelligently and from a year ago. hotel Tuesday evening. Mav 16. at S nnhher!T.n ... T .. ' hn tl dls posal of tho Coos Bay public at REASONABLE RATES. Riga or rlga with drivers ready for any trip anywhero any tlmo. Horaei boarded and rigs cared for. New hearse and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AXD FJIED STABLES rnOXB S78-J DVE1X0 Frenca iJry and StewC 1 in. Una nnd cents suit " !od for and delivered. Frfe I .... . nm fl'PV DVE A'l lNOWOIlKS-R.-.'8? JFoot of .Market to " ' Try my vacuum c; Real Estate Bn POT Uill8 i,l and Farm Property. AUG. FRIZES ...... innrss" Real ifl.ii.w-..".- DO .VIlll .- INVESJ SAFE U For Information1 iiiehlass bona bearing wrlto O H. Adams Angeles, li grt, inif- ti Hlnsli"1 and CeW-l Callfof""- Drat hand knowledge of affairs. Bo sure and got GOOD FLOUR toy siting it of IIAINBg' o'clock. All committees will report. My stars! Kepler Wanted A want ad will sell It All sportsmen desirous of Joining are For tho land Bakes! Clndnnnf,,. ahso invited to attend. ""uuaius. Tho Tltaea Want Ads bring remit W. N. EKBLAD, Sec, Read the Times' Waat Ads. PAinLY HOTEIi THE IXQYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, T 60 and 11.00; week 12.00 to 5.00. Ifeuse keeplng -apartmenta-'rUh' gas ravM ii N8.98 p,r aomtfc, JSUW "ATHa-a. W. iVUUVAX, T. We Work . And Advertise To bring time, after a colt that ho co wmfl 1 yoo - own accu" -. w ri., li no kK' w can't do. "THINK IT ovH f-oslav PHoys tf1 2MDk&3l X3 j