THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION t t V IMO . V ' v m (. ft. v t ,( ' 't i i. 7 B ! era on tho sea nnd lakes nro already nipplled. Within tho past year the . 1 1 telcRrnph has wivoil nearly $12. imM). 000 nnd thousands of lives that were in Jeopardy. It linn become one of tlio oMontlnli of pnwimer steamers nnd tho con- M. ('. MAI.6.NKV Kdltomnd Pub. nectod story of whnt tho wlroloss hns WAV 15. MAI.OXKV Nous lCilltor been to disabled shlpB In tho pnst two ers. would make inoro fascinating AUdrCFS nil commuuicnuuns iu ,.,,, ,,, n flrv mln Ami mnn iitun ""' ..... - .. COOS BAY TIMES hulcrcd nt tho )ostolllco nt Marsh Hotel, Oregon, for transmission through tha malls as bocoihI class mall matter. COOS 1JAV Mm Mitk'ld : : DAIIiV TIMIJS. I The Story of the Short Ballot Cities A Series of Articles on the New Commission Form of Municipal Government By RICHARD 5. CHILD5 nro tcnltiltiie moro nnd moro contra! 0rt'K" over It ovary yonr, ami tho messagou An Independent Itoimbllcnn nows- nro bolus sent nml received over Inr pnper published every evonlug oxcopt Kr nnd longer dtaUincos. And still Sunday, and Weekly by there Ib tin Instinct which Is growing Tho Coo Tiny 'rimes Publishing Co. stronger and stronger In tho souls -f men Hint wlrolww tolegrnphy Is as Dedicated to tho servlco of tho yt,tf not lnlr developed. It may bo people, that no good cnuso shall lack n fooling that grows out of hope only, a chnmplon, and that evil shall not Mlt it , n vury BWcot ono. It may Ihrlvo unopposed. sunsntirriox hatks. DAILY. Ono year JC.00 Por month CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvnnco tho come of the growing bollof that this world nnd tho noxt nro not so very fnr apart, and that as electricity !n tho very life of tho world and at tho same time the perfect conductor of the mcssngcfl that tho wireless lllngs Into space; who knows that It will not sometime send n messngo that will strike on Hint other shore and m. The Secret of the Success of the Commission Plan N Official Paper of Coos County aiiliaxrlnlliin nrlrn nf thn Cons IlnV Times is f Me per year or $2.C0 for t,ltlt nn nn8W0r mn' como back ovor -i- ..,- itho soundless waste and bo recorded six months. In somo station hero? It has n volco which tho roar of ntiiMrml ftnniia nnntint aflll If linn n OIWICTATj PAPKK OF Till CITY """"" "-" -" - , substance which tho hurrlcnno ennnot OP MAHSIIMELI). i 4 i i i. i i i i i , . boat back It haH wings which defy storm and cold nnd hent, nnd wlilcti I brings messages tied to tlioso wings; THE WOHK OP Till: WOULD. Mnny tho drenmor, with viol i WH" should It not conquer spneo nUo? ir wo nut Know tlio cunrnctors or tno into, ninny with dance nnd song; nIplnI)0t 1B0I, 01l tll0 othor 8ld0( who Mnny tho builder, with brawn of ,noWB 1)Ut vvo Bi,0uld bo gottlng thoso brute, helping tho world along, mossngos now? "A groat nnd strong Mnny who wonrlly loaf and groan, wind rent tho mountains nnd broko helpless as knlghtR,of rest, I" "loces tho rocks nnd nftor tho wind Whllo ovor tho note of tho morning an onrthqunko and nftor tho enrtli- horn Is echoing over tho crost: qunko n lire," but tho Lord was In neither, but "nftor tho flro n still, Mon must bo doing the work of tho small volco." world, l our modern world tho wlroloss Hnmmor nnd mnllot nnd steam; defies tho wind, tho onrthqunko and Tolling nnd trouhlo till tlmo Is the lire, hut when shnll wo hoar Its furled Htlll. small voice tolling us of whnt In tho folds of n dreamless bus boon, nnd whnt Is to bo? Nothing dream I olso Is bo wonderful ns what tho wire less has nlrendy rovenled nnd It Is "Why, I would wander In field nnd but ton yenrs slnco Its mnnlfostntlons wood nnd hldo in tho dcop green bognn to bo rocordod. Whnt do tho places, years hold In rcsorvo for men through Whoro only tho thing thnt you soo la thnt Miurco, when human onra be good, and nil Is n grnco of como ndjustcd to henr nnd liiimnn graces. brnliiR to lutorprot its "still, smnll Many hnvo wonrlod of smoko nnd volco?" dust nnd longed for rost nnd tho rlvor, But ovor nnd out of tho chimneys tnll Is tho roar of tho echo for- ovor: ui: ciip.p.upul. Mon must bo doing tho world, 0 laugh and bo Joyous! Don't fret nnd annoy us by telling your troubles wo'vo Homo of our own; wo don't tho work of wnnt to nurse thoin or pet or rohoano them nnd dronry old grouches should And It must bo dono to tho end, lot us nlonol Wo try to keop smiling With only tho Joy of Its doing tor ninnner beguiling, nnd Just when I'" our facos are strotchod Into shnpo, And only Its hardship for friend! Homo gloomy old duffer starts making j us suffor by telling us stories of Thus, whon tho spirit to loaf nnd to hoarsen and crapo. Wo try to bo sing comes ovor mo heart and ,,. nnd cheery nnd funny, wo'd B0U'i kick up our heels llko ns many bay And I long for tho freodom to tnko stoors, but always somo hoary old tlio rond ami go to tlio clovor Hkato with a story of trouhlo and nnd roll, niigulsh Inys slogo to our oars. Our I buckle my brnln to tho brawn and woos we'd forget 'om; no moro blood or tho honrt thnt beata W(,uld wo wet 'em with streams of with raro, tho briny from sorrowing eyes, If thoy Aud I hear tho roar of tho whistle wore oxcluslvo; but people ohtruslvo or work tliiiuilorlng over mo Bre loading us down with tholr own ( U n public servant, but there In noth more; HtooK of sighs. Wo'd boar our own , mg (lemocrnue burden and strlvo for tho guerdon of Men must bo doing tho work of tho ,,0,,ee that should como when tho bat tle Is o'or; but always somo dub'll como up with his trouhlo and stand and oxpotnid It until wo nro soro. WALT MASON. O mere form of government will uutomntlcnlly produce oomt government. Hut forms can be devised thnt will automat ically give popular government. The pcoplo's will can be balllod or facili tated by tho form of government. The pcoplo's work nt tho pells can be made obscure, complex mid dltllcult, or It can bo made clear, simple nnd easy. Under tho commission plan, with Its short ballot, tho people's work la very clear, very simple, very easy. And that In nil tho secret there Is to the success of tho plan. In theory citizenship Is tho business of every citizen. But In our old style city governments cffectlvo citizenship Is ono of the learned professions. To vote intelligently n citizen must "go Into politics." That tnonnrf work, nnd tho average mnn can't afford to do much unpaid work. So politics be comes dominated by a few men, nnd tho people nt largo helplessly leave the bulk of the ticket to the party poli ticians to do ns they plenso with. In our old fashioned city govern ments, wo hnvo committed two seri ous errors. First, we hnvo scnttcrcd the lowers of government among so many petty ofllclnls that It is quite Impossible fnr the peoplo to watch aud control them nil. Second, wo havo subdivided tho power In such small fragments that no iilnglc part is really worth wntchlng. A member of the city council, for In stance, under tho old form of govern ment, hns so Httlo power that it is really not wort- while for the people of tho town to become ngltnted over the question of who shnll get the Job. The typical old stylo city govern ment of this country consists of a mayor, with fairly largo power, n string of minor udmlulstnttlvo ofll clnls also chosen by popular vote, nnd a council which sometimes consists of two legislative bodies. The featuro of this plan Is the distribution of power, based on our nucleut fear of kings. Wo hnvo nlwnys had n superstitious dread of giving to any elected ofllclnl power enough to do nnythlng for us without getting tho consent of several others. Wo have overlooked tho fact that to mnkc the former otllclal obey our wishes wo Imd also to exert simul taneous compulsion over the latter, whoso consent be needed, nnd that pepulnr control beenmo thus nnythlng but the simple matter it ought to bo. Tho politicians can always get their own wny if they make tho council Inrgo enough. A council of tlfteen men might occaslonnlly feel personally the pressure of public opinion, but triple the size of tho council, nnd the Individ unl members become so Inslgnlllcnnt and publicity so subdivided that each member Is safely "lost In the shiillle." Those who promoted the Idea of hav ing n host of elective otllcials In the government havo alwaya taken It for granted thnt there was something democratic nbout this procedure. De mocracy, however, does not consist In electing everybody, but In controlling everybody. Tho mayor's olllce bov. for Instance, mny be appointed by tho mnvor. or elected by popular vote He unique. It Is so short that every citi zen known what he Is doing and Is not relying on n party label or mi tho guidance of n iwlltlclan. The "nvnrnBe man," "the innn in the street." or tlio "plain people," whatever you choose to call them, nro In complete control of tho government. Tho short ballet has left no work for the politician to do; the people arrange the whole mat ter directly with the candidates with out the politicians' help. The politician Is a specialist In cit izenship, and In the commission gov erned cities citizenship Is so simple that thcro is nothing to bo a specialist In. Tho mo3t marked phenomenon of commission government hns been the Increased interest of tho people In their city government. All eyes have been focused on the city hall mouth after mouth without Interruption. Tho nets of the commission nro tlio topic of conversation for the street car and the business men's luncheon. CONCERT CHAMINADE CLUB .MUH. W.M. IIOUSFALL, .lit., DIUKCTOU, PUKSKXTIXa Mrs. Klfrida Heller Weinstein, Soprano AXD Mrs. Delphine Marx, Contralto OP POIITLAXI) AT Masoni c Opera House, May 17th AT 8:30 P. M. SKATS OX SALF. AT T1IK "UUSY COItXKU". SKATS $1.00. OKXKUAL ADMISSION r.( OKXTS. ksijuvi:i) "I will not let my wife or my mother risk their lives cooking with a gasoline stove." This was the declaration of Criticism is plentiful, nnd-better yet II fillO appearing VOUllg 1I1IU1 a lew days ago. knowledge or tno facta is wide-,!.. ..., QfYJm uco tho government. Tho forco of public opinion has been rcpentcdly Illustrated In the commis sion governed cities. Few men. good or bad, would have the strength to re sist popular demand when It Is so in tensively concentrated upon tin in. Knch commissioner knows ins respon sibility for what Is done, and isuows that everybody else In town Knows tt too. Politicians of the average sort have been elected to olllce mnny times In commission governed cities, hut their conspicuous responsibility lias brought about a remarkable respon siveness to the oplnlmi r the prop.e. The Initiative, ivfeiendum anil re call are considered Important leuiuivs of the plan by many people, itut tint veston and Houston made a hiI(t"s of the commission plan netorc any ot Humo features were tliouuln of eul their charters to this day do not pro vide for them. Furthermore, thece cities do not feel the need ot Illume devices ami there U no demand toi their Introduction. He had called to inquire about our limit oil free gns range offer, lie wanted to see the stove. ITc was amazed to learn that we not only givo tlio range away, but run all the pipes, connections, etc., free. Within 30 seconds his sig nature went on an agreement to lake and use the range. Will you let the women of your household run (he danger of gasoline this summer? OREO OX POWER COMPANY world, And no one must stop to play, For thero Isn't n inlnuto to loso in II fo, And tho sphcros woro not made in a day! A I'ltAVKU. Mfi OA.MK PUF.SKUVi:. Clear Lake Section President PORTLAND. Oro.. lly Set Aside Tft. May lfi. Wild y-lVK me, 0 Lord, thnt qulotnoss - of henrt that makes tho most of birds of tho state may heroaftor tnko - labor und rest. Save mo from rofugo In Clcnr Lnko and tho sur- pnsslonnto oxcltoniont, potulnnt frot- rounding lands, for President Tnft fulness and idlo fear, keeping mo over has doclarod this a government bird lu tho restful prosenco of Thy lovo. prosorve. Clear Lnko lies near tho Teach mo to bo nlert nnd wlso In California lino and tho rosorvo I nil responsibilities without hurry nnd, eludes 25,000 acres. It was purcha! without neglect. Tamo Thou nndjed by the government as a reservoir rule my tongue, that I may not trans- nlto tlvo years ago. Kress Thy law of lovo. When othora Clear Lake hna boon ono of tho conBiiro may I sook Thine liungo In best known breeding spots for wild onch follow man, Judging with elm-' birds for years and Is second only to rlty na ono who shall be Judged. tlio Lower Klamath Lako regions. Dnulsh onvy from my thought and Millions of ducks nest thero each lintrod from my lips. .spring. The lake Is from 12 to 15 Holp mo to bo content, amid tho miles across at Its widest point, strlfo of tonguos, with my unspokon j The action of Prosldont Tnft In sot thought. "Whon anxious cares throat- ting aside tho Clear Lako rcsorvo Is on my penco, help mo to run to Thso believed to bo tho first stop toward that I may find my rest and be made establishing an Immenso gnino re etrong for calm onduranco and vail- servo In Southern Orogon south of nnt service. Soloctod. T1II1 WOXDKUFPL WIUP.LKSS. A' Klamath Falls nnd including tho lava bed country along tho California lino. For n yoar an offort has been mndo to have the prosldont sot nsldo tho lava beds as a rofugo for mule tall deor. This has been fought by tho Btock Intorests but Is still being considered FTRU July no pnssenmev steanwr tarrying fifty or moro pnsson 'crs to anil as far as two hun dred mllep. will be p-rniltted to leave at Washington, port unless oqulppod with wireless! telegraph apparatus. This Is a law , Aftor tho uhovr try a Turkish bath ft of congross, Most of tho largo steam- Phono 214- J. In electing him win n he can Just as well bo appointed. Tho vital thing Is thnt ho shall be con trolled by the peoplo, nnd If ho will bo under better control through ap pointment than through election, It Is more democratic to appoint him. Tho commission plan of government Is based on no fnlso Idea that tho peo plo want to elect everybody. It gives I tlio iiower to nvo men, who inereuj- becomo conspicuously responslblo be fore all the people of the city. Knch one of them Is Important enough to mako It worth while for tho cltlzeus to Inquire concerning bis record nnd character. Kach candldnto for tho of flee can attract n crowd t hear hi in speak, whereas an old time councilman would havo been utterly unablo to get n hearing beforo tho people. There are not ao mnny of theso ottlclnls but what every citizen can And out about all of them and vote Intelligently on election day Thero are not so many as to cause a citizen to depend upon tickets put together for him by polit ical specialists. Each citizen can nnd does make up his own ticket, and tho function of tho professional ticket mnklug machines is thereby entirely disposed of. If tho commission wero composed of ten men Instead of tlvo the list of names would be louger than the arer ago citizen would bo likely to remoiu her for himself, and wo should seo a natural grouping of candidates and their election by groups Instead of singly. Some "good government asso ciation" or some party machine, even on a nonpartisan ballot, would be sure to advertise tickets for tho guidance of tho voters, and In accepting these tick ets tho peoplo would bo sharing their power with tho ticket makers. The Short Ballot. Tho commlsslou plan succeeds there , foro because It puts tho power where wiu n-,,iiv iuu ecu ii, xiiu viini tea- turo Is not the method of organization, but tho method of popular control. It Is tho b-.llot on election day which Is I somo changes! A Chnnco Tor Mlaisikes. A few suggestions for the Improve ment of the plan have been made rath er persistently, based not upon an. dis aster that has happened In the pusi. but rather on the fear that there might j be trouble lu the future. It Ii.ih lifi'ii noted, for example, that the city ik-ru ! lu Des Moines, who passes Uhhi the correctness of petitions for the recall of commissioners. Is himself a eieatuiv of tho commission and that lu tuts work he ought to be ludepeudfiil. It Is also pointed out that there Is no In dependent auditing of the city's ac counts. The commission uiullts Its own books. In both cases tt hns been Mig gested that these otllces be tilled liy popular vote. In the language of thoo who propose theso changes, "hnvo tliciu Independently elected by the people and responsible to the peoplo." This familiar argument Involves an error, the avoidance of which constitutes the (.rent value of the commlsslou plan. It Is easy enough to create a now olllce and mako It elect I vo by popular vote, but It Is not so easy to "havo" such an lullcer "responslblo to the peoplo." He will not bo responslblo to tho peoplo If he Is elected in obscurity with no lime-1 light directed on his olllce. To be sure, he may be legally responsible and the responsibility In law may bo very clear ly established, but the people cannot and will not hold htm to account uu loss ho stands out conspicuously beforo thorn. An officer whoso funetlous nro purely executlvo and not of great Im portnuco cannot possibly bo conspicu ous. If tho city clerk or city nudltor wero made eleetlvo In Des Moines it would be n llttlo otllce, overshadowed by the rest of tho ticket, down at the bottom of tho ballot. There would be very llttlo publicity regarding the can dldates, very llttlo of the purifying limelight which Is responslblo for the present good pollticnl sanitation In tho higher otllces, and any group of schem ers might put through a successful con spiracy to capturo tho Job, Tho desirability of an Independent audit and an Independent Judgment ou recall potltlous Is nevertheless obvious. It should, however, be secured In some other wny than by attempting to mako tho people) chooso tho otllcers. The snmo effect can bo obtained by having tho state nssnmo theso duties. Let an appolnteo of tho governor bo charged with tho duty of auditing tho books of all tho cities In tho state, with tho right to prescrlbo a uniform method of keeping them. There Is no difficulty la lotting some state officer, such as tho secretary of state, pass upon the gen uineness and validity of recall peti tions. Tho remoteuess of such nn offi cor from tho disputants makes It reasonably certain that his position will be fair. If all false "Improvements" can bo avoided tho future of tho commission plan will continue to bo full of suc cess, nnd Its fundamental prluelple, when once understood, will be extend ejl to stntes and counties. Already a national association, called the Short Uallot Organization, with Woodrow Wilson at Its bead, Is In tho Held. Wo are on the evo of vast and whole- First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus. 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M n ij..- n i-!, i ivii u, nullum uuiaoy ruuiueii President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Win, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Norton. Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, Flanagan k Bennett Banl i Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over . $100,000 .$500,000 Interest Paid on .Time Deposits I '""--M--M Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT WAI1LO 1X1) JOSSOX CEMENT. The best Domestic and Imported brands, blaster, Lime, Brick and all kinds of builders material HUGH McLAIN . GENERAL CONTRACTOR ""-. BU-TH HHOADWAY. PHONE 201 A Want Ad will sell it for you jUmlMJ enRis it MM J Jyfs ivv