MEN WHO WAITED TO BE PUSHED TO SUCCESS HAVE WAITED EOR EVER YOUR. ADS CARRYIfSG Your More-iieu. Mioulil iippi-ar iin regularly tin Own llih new ".paper. If n iirnspiiiHT omit tod mi Umic now mill then ( tor no wcIkIuj- ii rci mui iin fettling Hint II might rain It uould not o a rimmI noHnpiipcr. (&nm Sajt WimtB MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PHESH SOMECWE HAS SAID: "A Nlmv'n luhirtMug Npnrtj Jn a newspaper, coinpiitvd with (ho space ueI by other Moiv, nliould define lln roiiimiiiili Importance In the eoininuiiltyl Dock your store's ftd vritMiig Minco do Unit? VOL XXXIV Established In 1H7H iih Tlio Coast Mall MARSKFIELn. OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 15, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Coiiftolldntloii of Times, Const Mnll nnd Coos liny Advertiser. No. 104 LABGR LEADERS ESCAPE JAIL SENTEKCE II EORIEVT GASE United States Supreme Court Reverses Decision In'Noted Boycott Case. OFFENSE ONLY CIVIL INSTEAD OF CRIMINAL 3 YET CITIZENS HOPE FOR PEACE IN II 1 PROSPECTS imifiHTKH FOIl END. tlons from Mexico City to proceed 1N REVOLUTION AM) NEGO- W,,U !,,e ,,0nco "OKOtlntlons. Tho tulogrnm la believed to have been TIATIOXS WILL UK RESUMED, signed by President Diaz himself. . Wltllflltt flfttlllt 1irt fnMMtnt ..- .... (By Associated Press to Coos Bay ,, ,,..,., .V,,,,'," . ,. . .tiaions will be Immediately resumed Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mex., May 1C. STANDARD OIL COMPANY HELD IN ILLEGAL CO! RATION Shortly nfter the receipt of tho message from Mexico City, Judge Car United States Supreme Court Krcss townrd ,,oaco-" Suit Likely to Be Dropped As Holds They Are Not Yet It All Has Been Ad- I Equal to White Man. indicated. '(By Associated Press to Coos Bay TlmcB.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. Setting nsldo tho sentences of Impri sonment Imposed by tho Supremo Court of tho District of Columbia for 'By Associated Press to Coos Bav Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. Threo centuries of civilization havo not brought full blood Indians to Pence again loomed high on tho hori- imial Bot Into communication with zon of Mexico's Internal nffnlrs today Dr. Vnsnuez Gomez, confidential nennt nnd led Foreign Minister Do La Bar- of tho Maderos nnd tho latter wns In rn, us ho stnrted for tho nntlonal pal-, formed of Its nature. Steps woro nco nt an enrly hour, to romnrk, "Wo tnlten nt onco to resume in a formal bollove that wo are making great pro-j manner tho negotiations which worn Interrupted ten dnys ngo. It now ap pears probable that before night fnil negotiations will bo under way. TERMS OP PEACE. mill Bay Rebels 01 veil Half of Cabinet ((iwrimra of Stiitcx. (By Associated Press to Coos Times.) JUAREZ, Mex., Mny 15. Indirect assurances that tho Federal govern- Illollt In I II pi In ml In nrrnlif Mm nrnnnjl. point whore his rights nro equal to tonB Bll,,mlttcil ullomcally within the those of n white man. Such wns tho last two days by Insurrectos for tho HKItMOSILLO IS EVACUATED. Federal Troops Turn Capital of Ho nor Over to Ilebt'lM. (By Associated Press lo Coos Bay Timos.) HERMOSILLO. Mex., May 15. DEADLOCK IN SENATE LASTS Ballot for President Pro Tern Results In No Choice Today. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, A contlnun- Hon of the deadlock in tho attempt to elect a president pro torn of tho Senate was apparent today whon tho TIjIh place, tho capital of tho state first ballot resulted In no choice Gal of Sonorn, was evacuated today by! linger, tho republican cnucus cnnill- United States Supreme Court Sustains Decision Against It. NEW JERSEY COMBINE MUST BE DISSOLVED Charges of Conspiracy and Monopoly Are Held to Be Sustained. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, May 15. Tho Supremo Court of tho United Stntos today nlllrmod thn Standard Oil decree gWing the government a victory. By tho reorganization of tho Standard Oil Company of Now alleged disobedience to n boycott In- """ iouay oi mo supromo court esinuiisniiioiu or pence woro received tho Federal troops. A special train! (Into, polled .13 and his democratic junction, the Supremo Court of tho "' u,u u,,,lcu " noiumg con- "cro iouny uy iiaiaoi nornnnuez, one carried 500 soldiers to Gunymns. opponent, Bncon, got tho snmo nnm- Jersey, tho chlof Justlco said thoro United States hold today that Samuel B'nm mo .'n-yonr restrictions on oi mo go-uetweoiiH in tno nogotlv KlKht hundred Robel Ynquls nnd her whllo six progressive republicans w Prlnm fndo ovldenco that thore Gomopers, John Mitchell, Frank Mo.-- l" HiU0 ol imn" jn"us. rison, president, vlco-prosldont and secretary, respectively, of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor Had boon er roneously sentenced to jail on tho chnrgo of contempt of a locnl court. Tho llrst enso announced was tho contempt cases ngaliiBt Gompors, Mitchell, Morrison. Justlco Lnmnr delivered tho court's decision. Tho court held that tho only sentences that could bo Imposed on tho labor lenders woro lines. In so holding tho Has to GlVC Up BOUt After Six Supremo Court of tho United States 5 ER LOSES I TD FISR RERE iions. ino government ih ueiieveu :o;sovcrnI Jnsurrectos bnnds aro expect- voted for Clapp. uo renuy to reorganize tno cnoinet to ed to enter tho city tonight givo tno Insurrectos four members out of eight nnd to allow tho revolu tionists to name outright fourteen govomors of tho twenty-seven states and by mutunl agrcomcut select tho remaining thirteen governors. WILL SHIP CATTLE. DIAZ SKXDS MESSAGE. found that tho Court of Appeals of tho District of Columbia and tho United States nnd tho Supromo Court of tho District of Columbia erred In Rounds On Account of Broken Hand. After six lively IlcNiime Buj Ii'.HtiiictN Peace Envoy to Negotiations (By Associated Press to Coos Times.) EL PASO, Tox., May 15. Judge Carbajal, tho Fodoral poaco envoy, rounds, Art Fish today received telegraphic Instruc- treatlng tho contempt proceedings ns was declared tho victor of tho Fish a criminal and not n civil one. Tho No8lor being compollod to quit In tho effect of holding ho proceedings civil NoMor bong comilood t() qut , tho first of tho Bovonth owing to n broken hand. Tho nhrupt ending of tho match. wnn rnernttnd liv tho ernwil ns tho court expressly made It possible for mcnton8 woro tnnt tho mntch was to mnko a Jail sontonco Impoa Bible, Henco tho, jail sentonccs had to to sot aside. To correct tho error tho caso was sent bnck to tho local civil proceedings to bo Instituted would either go tho limit of twenty nnnlnnt tlin Inlmn iitim r Mm Till 1 " " l,m """" """ " ",u "'""' rounds or thero would bo a knodc- Stovo and Range Company at whow QUt nR both npeared Jn good com. Instance tho original contempt cases ton nm, onch wn tryng for B flcc. wero brought. Tho court wns lead to 8yo vjctory hold that tho contempt proceedings Roth up preUy oyoil No3. n tho case must bo civil In nature ,or bong ft ntUo H0 fnncc8t l)0Xflr 71"" iMi..v . aU1- but Fl8h ,I1(cnt,ng bettor trnnniri a. wsea uy courts to rorco persons to uo trflo quc).or n BWn(.ng nnd forc. me acts commnnueu. in tno prese-u Jg tnQ flRlltng mmi of t0 tmo IST REPAIR , APPLIANCES Itniirliera To Send Stock Into Unltt-I StntCH nt Once (Ry Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NOGALES, Ariz., May IB. A roundup of tho cattlo ranches In the vicinity of Cannnen nnd Naco has boon ordered for shipment to tho United Stntes. Fear of tho Imposi tion of a heavy tax by tho Rebels Is said to bo tho cause. It Is estimate! thnt sixty thousand cattlo will bo sent ovor tho line. FREE WOOL IS T m qiiuw un.L uiiivUfiS UH HtMl) Railroads Required to Keep New Tariff Bill May Not Put It On Free List Owing to Opposition. to Coos Bay case, tho court took tho view that labor men woro being sont to Jail not Tho men woro to havo gone twon- ty rounds, Marquis Safety Devices In Good Condition. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. Tho railroads coming within tho to make them do something tho eouit ni,ea nnd bronk cloan Steamship Leaves For San ' Francisco With Large Passenger List. Tho Redondo Balled for San Fran cisco yesterday with a cargo of linn- bor nnd n cnpnclty passongcr list. Among thoso Balling on hor wero tlio following: M. II. nilven, M. E. Whltmoro, C. J. Barnwell, Oscnr Johnson, Mrs. J. W. Johnson, Flosslo Simpson, MIjs Mnry Larson, Mra. N. Nelson, Mrs. E. Larson, Mrs. M. II. Illlvon, MIbs Fran cis Frnnso, Lottlo Crane, Mrs. 0. J. Bnrnwoll, Mrs. J. Gnmblo, Mrs. Alice Sneddon, Alton Mottor, Jny Wilcox, L. Graff, C. Hoary, W. MncDouuld, J. T. MncDonald, W. J. Slnttory, R. S. Wright, Ida Garland and child, J, M. Blako, J. Hammonln, A. F, Bllnn, Os car Leo, J. W. Mullhart, J. 0. Brown, WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. p. Hnlbort, E. W. Tumor, J. Mills, A. The democratic members of tho Ways Zahos, C. Andrews, II. Ansolmo, D. J. LI- CERTS (By Associated Press Times.) ordered but because of "somethln they hnd done." Inasmuch ns nil tho differences between tho labor mon nnd did not break clean but kept slugging In nearly evory clinch, resulting in of Queensbury , tor8 ' act , d Menus Committee of tho House of , , I n, n. Z r. A U "ro ,. However, they '" ; A 9 f 903 "Representatives today began drafting1; ,ro d J. ft Z ... !. , i nn nbsoluto duty to keep In repair I ....., . .,- ,..,.., . i ' tho automatic couplers and other ap- schcdulo on wool which will bo submitted to tho demo illn na iiinoAnltinl f In tr o A mn. ' Hin Biiiinnrtora nt lintli nroteatlnc I'""""" l"""'uuu "f "" """ ""- .nrntln rnnniiR for rnHflpntlnn. Thnt the Buck Stove nnd Rnngo Company , d, nBt Rofereo Rau for not rely to exercise reasonablo dlUgeneo tho WM, w, bo ready for cnlIcllH ,""" "'u" nojuuicaiea hiciuui.ik u.u breaklng thom moro quickly. I'" u'"'""6- out" "uo l"u " "boycott" cases out of which tho con- , BWjnt?B wnrA ,nn,PI, 'today of tho Supreme Court of tho A . . . w... .....-. ..-.- w . wmpi proceedings arose, toaay s ae- pUjor nn(, ,onco tfco mmXw of tho vision win prooaniy do tno last to do heard from this famous action. United States. DESERT LAND DECISION. KAISER VISITS LONDON. crowd when Nosler'b seconds nn nounced that ho had to quit on ac count of a broken hand. Ho has had a weak hand, having lost ono previous Hundreds of Claims Affected Uy Su- 'match with Fish on tho samo account. premo Court Decision. German lloyal Family Given Warm T,l0 prei,mnary between Will Gaff- (B ABB0C,nted Pres8 to Coos Day "v,lu"lu ) j-.h" nv of Norm uonu ana anony iviuk rrimna was a good one. Tho mon were WASHINGTON, D. C, May 15. pretty evenly matched with tho excep- HudredB of titles of desert land (ny Associated Press to Coos Bay Tlmps.) I.riVnAV Dn.L.J if.., 1t T7"m. . . .... . . ix ";';"' bu. , ; tlon that uarrney nau tno nest m c,a,mB wero nffected todny)by a decj. Peror William, Empress Auguste Vic- , reach and hoIgnth. Klng forced 8on of tho s 0 Court of the torlaand Princess Victoria Louise en- tQ flghUng ear,y a tho time and UnJtod gtate8 nod,ng Umt de80ft I7ui ?." y mtT. T"1' GalTnoy rel,ed on WS f00tWrk mr lauds entrymen obtain "rights by en o!.r I'"! fully dorn- tnan anyth,ng e,B0 to escape punish-,t wWcn be mlBaoa .. v.,,, uti,ctui d i'ui' " nient. in nearly every rounu, iiuk with tho Englishmen. The German rUBned Qaffney Into a corner nnd royal guests will visit tho king and anded n few pretty good ones but 'meen aurlng the coronation. ,,, unv,.a nvo tho steam to make an effective showing. Gaff ney did not. County Survey Cu..nlff Buys It .. .j .. nf ).la rlth hut roneh- uoniing. IIUic buuu udv) w ..o - probably within n week Is tho opinion of tho democratic leaders. Advocates of freo raw wool woro not as confi dent today as heretofore that tho re vised schedule would placo raw ma terial on tho free list. It Is belloved n compromleo bill will bo necessary to securo unanimous approval. ARRIVE TODAI OIALLIASCE OUTLOOG IS BRIGHTER. STEAMSHIP ARRIVES FROM EU REKA AND WILL SAIL LATE THIS AFTERNOON FOR PORT. IAXD. Tho AUIanco nrrlved In this after noon from Eureka after a fairly good RAILROAD TO CURRV. HARRIERS NOT DOWN. Mexican Itclivls Pleased With Last Message. (Ey Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) JUAREZ, Mex., May 13. Tho prospects of restoring peace In Mexi- trip up tho coast. She had n numbor co grow brighter when tho oxplana- of passengers for Coos Bay bosldos tlon bv Llmantour In nn Aasnclntnd n niimhnr nf thrnuch nassoncor. I Press dispatch from Mexico City last Tho Alllanco will Ball from Marsh night concerning Diaz's real Inton- field about 4:30 nnd will stop nt Em 18 tlon about continuing power was plre to tnke on n carload of salmon, 'read by officials of the provisional Among thoso arriving hero from i was an endeavor to control nnd mo nopolize, that furthor Investigation mndo HiIh n conclusive presumption of nn Intent to rostrnln trndo, that It was conspiracy nnd monopoly. Tho decreo of tho lower court wns ufllrm ed, being modified In particulars which Chlof JiiRtlco, Whlto wild, wero slight. Justice Harlan announced a dissenting opinion. Tho decision of tlio Supremo Court of tho United StntCB In tho suit ovor tlio dissolution of tho Standard Oil organization was dellvorcd by Chief Justlco White. Tlio decision covers 25,000 words but was not read In full. Chief Justice Whlto first wont Into nn oxtoimlvo recital of tho facts In tho case and tlien hold that the court had Jurisdiction In tho caso, a fact questioned by attorneys for the Standard Oil. Tho effect of tho decision, It is un derstood, will bo to require a disso lution of the noted corporation. PORTLAND IS STILL LEADER s Drops Douhlc-Hcader to San Francisco Sunday Coast League Scores. STANDING OF CLUBS. Por Won Lo3t cont Portlnnd 25 19 .508 San granclsco. ..2C 21 .653 Oakland 'U 23 .511 Vernon 21 23 .477 Sacramento.. . .21 22 .488 Los Angeles . . .18 27 .400 (. (By-AsBOP'nted Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore,, May 15. Port land dropped n double-header to San Francisco yesterday but still remains nt tho head of tho CoaBt Loaguo per centage column. Tho scores Sunday woro ns follows: At Snn Frunclsco R Ban Francisco 2 Portland 1 San Frauolsco 2 Portland 0 UU Sncrnmonto R Sacramento 9 a winir'n fnrn with his left n few Tho Gold Beach Globe says: "Coun- government. Most of tho lenders Eureka on hor were tho following: Shipments of Anns Into Mexico Ts times, having tho latter's noso bided- ty Surveyor Cunnlff. In addressing tho were Biirprlsod when thoy read thatj C. H. Greene, N. Wellnnd, II. P. Limited. Ing pretty profusely. It was declared citizens meeting sprung quite a sur- Judgo Carbajal, tho Federal envoy, Harrison, II. Lane, J. B. Numally. WASHINGTON May 15. To n draw at the end of ten rounds by prize when he made the startling nn- had been sent a message by Minister dear up any doubts as to the extent Tommy Smith. nouncement that a railroad would Llmantour when the Diaz manifesto MRS. TAFT ILL. of munitions of war that can pass There was u pretty good turnout , soon be built down tho river. Ho was issued asking tho Rebels to state Into MMlrn thm.h tho nnrt con- for the event, the crowd exceeding said "that he was not In tho habit of In what terraa they wished tho Diaz IWdenf8 Wife Reported Improved trolled by Insurrectos, officials of the the attendance at most of tho bouts. ,givfng away secrets, but It was a fact announcement to bo made The administration stated that arms and However, the attendance from the as ho had already been employed to Rebel leaders declared that had such ammunition and all supplies which Coqullle valley far exceeded that from assist in surveying out thb lino ' Wo a message reached their ears he are commercial shipments will be nl- there at any previous match here, the have no right to dispute or doubt M;-. peace negotiations would probably w., . . . .!.. ....... ,, ,! h,inin,r nvr nukfl a Cunnlff's word, and we only hope to have ben resumed. At any rato the 'nulcatlon that they aro part of any bunch of friends of Nosier and Fish, see him shoulder 61s Inptrument at an Conditions and. prospects have greatly enterprise fostered United States both of whom lire In Coqullle. .early date and start out, and be abe Improved it, connection with the ultl- to return in a runman car." mum yeutu ubieuiueui. Vernon. ........ 11 enterprise fostered 'on United 8H rigainst the Mexican governmeut t ad the Times Want Ads. pnONK I. S. KAUFMAN & COLOUR COAL ORDERS f 1.60 PKH TOX, READ TEDS TDOW' WANT ADB. Read ths Thnes' Want Ads. At New York. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, My 15. President Taft returned to Washing ton this afternoon nnd found a moi sago awaiting saying that Mrs. Taft, who was taken ill In Now York Sat- At Sacramento urday night showed a marked lmpro-1 Sacramento, , Twment, , Vernon. At Los Angoles It Los An gel oa 5 Oakland 3 Los Angoles , 2 Oakland 5 Saturday's Game. Saturday's gamps In the Const Loa gue resulted as follows: At Los Angoles Los Augelos, . . , , , Oakland.1 . At 8an Francisco San Francisco, . Portland. . . , H 8 7 13 4 U 13 ' H 8 6 8 9 I , .,. R 1 3 R 7 10 R 5 8 11 9 11 H 11 15 H 9 1