THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSIIFIELO. OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 191 1 EVENING EDITION Iff BRIQUET ORDEH sum If Or 10 tJvll i CI 1011 I.! N Southern Pacific Company Is Major Morrow Will Send En- Considering Installation of Plant. gineer Here to Make Hydro graphic Survey. In response to n letter from Chnlr- ""he Southern Pacific Is IlKurlnj? on putting In n briquet plant to briquet ninn Jennings of the executive, com- n lnrgo portion of tlio output of Its n,nlc0 0f tj,0 Mnrshnotd Chamber of local mines. The pinna for It nro Cominore0( MnJor Morrow, cimrge still In tho preliminary stage but If , , ' . ... ,, of the United States Engineering Dt- tho developments In tho matter- con- tlnuo na satisfactorily nB they hnvo pnrtment nt Portland, has written progressed so far, It Is hoped to hnvo that n new hydrogrnphlc eurvoy of tho now plant Installed as soon as tho Coos IJay harbor has boon ordered. sinking of tho now slope nt Heaver Tho suney Is to bo made of tho ci-j Hill Is completed. tiro Hay from the Smith mill to tho Dr. n. MIiibiis and II. C. DIors, who soa. Major Morrow sayB that tho hnvo boon Investigating tho matter work will begin JiiBt ns soon na ho IF PMH "il KM eoier or today, received a letter from cnHtorn hnH a mnn avnllnblo for tho work, manufacturers of brlqucttlng moch- which will probably bo about Juno lnery In which It Is stntod that nna- 1. lysis of tho samples of coal sent thoni It has been several yenrs since tho wore highly satisfactory. They found last survey of tho harbor was made the conl to bo excellent for briquet- and recently tho matter was taken ting purposes. It will bo necessary up nt n Chamber of Commerce meet to uso n special blndor In urlquottlng lug and MnJor Morrow written and It, though. urged to hnvo tho now Burvey mndo. Samples brlquotB showing tho ad- Tho survey will furnish nocurnto vantage of brlqiiottlng aro being for- mid up-to-dnto data on tho harbor wnrded. which will bo especially advantageous It Is planned to send a shipment of to tho Port Commission. Beaver Hill coal next week and hnvo It manufactured Into briquets nt tho WIMi COACH TEAM. enstom plnnt. --- (iroxei Drown of Myrtle Point to Mow to Murdilleld. MYRTLE POINT, Ore., Mny 12. " Mrs. nnd Mis. Orovor Brown will School I ton rI 0nvp .Myrti0 point the last of this Which A urn els week for Mnrshflold where they ex pect to resldo. Mr. Drown linvlng ncceptod n position with tho C. A. Rni IMi l.imilinr fn;iinnnv. Hn Ima rntrlclc's birthplace was In Scotland. n,S() UI,erlnkc1 t0 conch tll0 b8ket. st. patrick's ijirtiiplaci: squabble .settled perhaps Won est of, Miivh,, Adopt Tcvtltoolc Scotland Tlmt Distinction. WORCESTER, Mass., May 11. St. Tho controversy of ages hns been set tled. Britain. Franco, nnd othor clnlmnuts miiBt withdraw their clnlms nnd search for native saints nnd sires. Tho school committee of Worces ter hns filed Its dictum. Officially nd opted ns text books for tho youth of tho city nro tho books "Famous Men of tho Middle Ages nnd European Hero Studies," which as revised lo cnto tho blrthplnro of Erin's snlnt In tho land of tho heather. So ciuIh throo mouths of verbal warfnro over tho adoption of n toxi book to which strenuous objection Las boon mndo. ball team of tho Mnrshflcld High school for tho coming year. Tho success of tho Myrtle Point tenm during the Inot two years, under tho Instruction of Mr. Drown, has been largely duo to his effort. DANCING Crass tomorrow SAT TJRDAV evening not tonight, on nc count of Shnun Aroon. Don't miss this lesson. AKH YOU .SATISFIED With your FLOUR; If not THY II A INKS'. NO TICK. Thero will Iim n Si)eclnl Stock holdera Meeting of tho Dolt Linn Rnllwuy Company nt tho company's oflleo on Shermnn nvonuo, Pint "0", North llend,, Oregon, Juno IGth, 1011, for the purposo of passing a now set of by-laws In harmony with I tho Instructions of tho War Depart ' ment governing common user clnuso of seaport terminal railway compa nies, and for tho special purposo of 'luthorlzlng a llfty-yoar four-por cont bond Issue for one million dollars. L. I). KINNEY, President. A. M. KINNEY, Socrotnrv. k jHxpmK29jffi -- not through advertising though we think we do effective advertising not through exag gerated statements, for we don't make them not through any thing on earth but '!? JLStfil HAND (i milk 4l!AJ B.jninoiyitt M.kar' of Bcnjamjn Qotfycs henyarrAn S...V v 1 Priced $20 to $38 VALUES When you save $4.00 to $7.00 by paying cash you can't deny that a Money Talks 5? Ui wmm !f48Jlrty Mascot Clothes $8.50 to $201 We also stand be ck or every suit we sell with an absolute guarantee of 3afc faetonr wear to you cr your money back. That's why "you'll get your next suit at" The Hub Clothing and Shoe MarsShfiel ComDam Random CATCHING INLET NEWS. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will Conklln nnd family were guests of Sarah Done brake Sunday. Pore Food II. S. Bonobrnko was In Mnrshtleld on buelnc88 Tuesday. I BOXERS iff hi ( OF coin FOR SATURDAY MIGHT BOUT Ortlo lloono nnd Mr. Decker of Roseburg. visited nt .Mr. nnd Mrs. By 'ou Hodsou's Monday. iFccery Fait and Vegetable Garden I Fresh Supply of now Vegetables Mr. Frank Wnllnco and daughter n11 tho mnrkot 'rncos-Don't fail OUvn of III. Creel: nro l.orn vl.ltlmr t0 80 w,mt W0 ,mV0 for n" "PPOtlzlllg among relatives. Sunday Dinner: Fresh Dunch Carrots, Dunoh Turnips Duuch Dcets, Rndlshos, Onions, Wo wero nil very much disappoint od Wednesday when the Hotn passed I-s Angeles Head Lottuco, 1 I l-U ""TPHf I- ' "' I '""I'HWll t " mn" . in i. i.'---V-B- I I'll) NOSI.nit. i AUT l-'lSH. I (WSAAi .-iS . StSSSSSS'i nnd left no mall. This Isn't the flrit tlmu It has happened. iiaeges o I Henoeforth tho IU)IT WIM I.ICWK .tlAltSIIKdillo) AT 7:3 A. M. Instend of VH 1 5 as in tho past. , With tho exception of this change, tho O'Kelly boats will run on tho old schedules find patrons are kindly requested to tnko heed of this notice. J. A. 0'Ki:UA Prop. WVWVA -v ten , Good Livery Service T,y0m "wi iu,,,H,n c& i'unu,ki I Kveiythlng Is In readiness for tho for his twenty-round go with Pud Mg boxing enrnnval nt tho Mnrshtleld oar. Ho said today: "You can Till iiii rHinnna ihiha tlmt n . ! . . Skating Itlnk Saturday night, nnd ," "v,"", ',v l""1 "'" " ulul mncy now rigs, good 'horses and Mnnneor John Ilorron exnects tho ov- P'Mk f condU,on n,ul nm renii' nmllearoful drUers nro now nt tho Jls Manngor John He ron expects tho ov nl)( ,0 mako tho eort of my fo tJ . , lilbltlon will bo by fnr the clnsslest win." I IlKASONAMLK HATKS. ho hns eor boon able to pull of on Xoslor's supporters hnvo similar Hlgs or rigs with dnvers ready far tho liny. Tho fans are taking the reports from him and consequently any t"rlp nnyWh0ro nny timo. Horses Bnmo viow 01 u mm uioro mis uoon a isi po iroxn mo siari is ONpectert. boarded nnd rigs cared for big advance sale of tickets, Indlcnt- Tho preliminary between Shorty Now hear8Q nnd g.)eclnl UCCOninio. lug n record breaking crowd. Tho Hall and Gnffnoy will nlso bo fast and datlons provided for funeral parties woiiuiuu uuy wuia mil uu uvur uu ouuiu viaiui u niu uiuuu ut worm Hie Orogon Groon Aspnragus, Rhubarb, Parsnips, Cucumbors, Friwh Tomatoes, Coos RIvor Caullflowor, New Cabbage, Now Potatoos, Fioih Pons, Now Sweot Potatoos, Summor Squash, Spinach, Donnudn, Australian and Yollow Dnnvors Dry Onions FIIHSII FItl'lTS: Fancy Rod Applos, Ornngon, Lonioiis, Dannnns. Fancy Drlod Fruits of all kinds kept In llrht class shapo undttr Swoltzer glass covers. Also II. J. Heinz PIckloa with Glnss Covors for barrels to keop them clean, sanitary nnd appetizing. Just receded n largo shipment of National Dlscult Co.'s Ooods Fanjy Cookies and Crackors. PHONG US YOUR ORDER. OlliVANT'S WEAVER thi: punn food uockkymi:x A Good Placo to Trade. PIIOXi: 275-J "THK FIUUNI) OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE COX.NKCTIXO WITH THK NORTH HANK IU)AI AT rOHfllls Sails for Portland Monday, May 151 1 NOIIT1I PACIFIC 3TKAMSHIP COJII'AXY. PHONIC It C. F. McGEOllGE, JJI STEA1ER OLD RELIAnLE AKWA1 ft ALWAYS ON TIMR SAIIS FROM pmiTrwn it u a. m.. n.V MAY 1. 0, U,i (l AND :u. FROM COOS HAY AT SKItVICK OF TIDIJ MAY a, 8, 13'" N. RKSKRVATIOXS HFL1) ONLY UNTIL XOOX 0FI).YPBnl (! S! VI UtIT 'V5 L. II. KKATIXCi. AflKXT PIIOXKM'J THU FAST AND COMMODIOUS (KqulfH Wirelf) .1 SteQiaer Kedondo Will mako ii'L'ular tiins cnrrrlntr nmsenuers both aynl, KM between Coos Hay and San Francisco. AllreeratIoasforrs,l mini., nt in .....I. . ...,.i i i....n.iii Tr.viP' Union Street Wlmi f V.i. qm i.Vnnrls. For Informatlo11- Vm I l-J or "H.I Will sail for Sua Francl'.co at 1- o'c'0 Su IXTKR-OCEAX TRAX3POUTAT10N COMPANY COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE UNt J J'nny 6tngo betnecu Roseburg nnd Marshlleld. bi v" nnd Sundajs nt 7 p. in. Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCIIKTTER, Ageiit, O. P. IlWNAnP. 120 MARKET AV Mnrshtleld. Agent, nOSEnUlW. 0 PHONE 11 CORNER aill) AXI) CEXTRAL masse on tho speclnl train. prlco of admission. Art Flsji camo oyer from Coqullla Tickets aro now on sale at tho Bell yeatorday whoro bo -u been trstntn. Cord. W. L. CONUKON'S lilTHltT AXD FFXD STABLM I rHOXR -7S.J Real Estate Bargains For bargain In City, Bunker Hill and Farm Property. Seo AUG. FRIZREX Real Estnto and Insurance Agent. OH CVntrnl Atq., Mnrahflcld, Ore. After the how try a Turkish batk raono 114- J. Beaver Hill Coal I MOUNT DIABLO 4NB JOSSON CJOtK'11' Tho best Do-ukj aa Iaportel brft"8- , Plaster, Llmo, Brick and a-l fco of -"" HUGH McLAlN VJtTRA, VWSH 1JUW-. V- Ml r Wim' v0 ikir" Iil-?!,W if1- LL&tlll- J toajummmmmmm