THE MOST USEFUL TRICK Of THE MIND IS REMEMBERING WHAT TO FORGf YOUR. ADS CARRYING lour !HrMirM. Iiouhl nppcnr an rrjjulnrly 1h Ihl nrwfmnT. If h impnHT iimllU'il nn Wmio now , iIk-ii ''" ',,r ''') n rvii run n frlnK l,,lt " '"'Hhl ruin ,i niititil '"' w n pxwl noUM'tipcr. i VOL. (tas lag tttra MHMHHH OF ASSOCIATED PUKSH $ SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A More' mlvcrlUIng cpnco J u n iicKmH'r, t-ompmvtl vtltlt tlto kpnco " ') tHlu-r Mori', olmulil ilulluo In niiiiMiiitlw liiiHii'tiuiro In the (HtiHimiitllyt IWh )ur nturo's ud wilMng mn On Hint? XXXIV IMnblUliod In 1H7H iin Tin Count Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1911 EVENING EDITION EPORT REiffi OF ASARCHI OF N I A Coiiftollrinf Ion of Time, Comt Mnll nnd Ccmi Hny AilvorlNor. No. 102 IBM Revolutionists Surround Sev eral Cities and Attacks Are Feared. NEWS IS SENT OUT BY AUTO MESSENGER Chihuahua, Torreon, Durango and Other Important Places Threatened. (Tlio following Chlhunliun dlHpntc'i MARTAl GESJAMRO Mexicans Displeased With Ac tions of Defender of Juarez. VIS PASSENGER STEAiER 15 801 Over 200 Aboard the Mcrida n,on whon t,int vopo, upeared on the scene. The Farragut carried ono Rescued Few Hours Before 'imaacnRor.. sin. was somewhat dam- aged In the collision but was able to rutum to Philadelphia. The Mcrlda Hank live hours after the collision. Tho following wireless message vn rocolvcd from the Farragut nt 3:30 this afternoon: "We nre bonded for shonl wnter, Vessel Sinks Off Cape Char les After Collision. (Ily Assoclnted Press to Coos naj Times.) NEW YOUK, N. Y., May 12. Tho PORTLAND IS LEADER AGAIN ( Ily ABsoclnteil Press to tho Coos Dny Times.) i Jui.MLu umi, .May iz. u incers was sent by nn nuto messenger to of tho War Department decline to El pnso. nil wires being down. Tho comment on nny notion Hint Is to be auto traveled 225 miles In two dnya.) tulcn toward Gonornl Navarro as n ...... ,, ,. .. ., result of his surrendor nt JnnVoz, but CHIHUAHUA. Mox.. Mny 12. - lt ,B oxpoctcd bolmvlop of tho Podoral Two thousand Insurrcctos, part of tho onlcor (11(1 not rccoVO ti, commendn liand operating In districts nouth of tlon of his superiors. Ho probably hero nro reported mnrchlng on Chi- will bo court, mnrtlnled, tho court slt- hunhun. Alrendy tho ndvnnco guards ting nt Chihuahua within a week or Jumps Back Into First Place OV arc encamped about tho city. An ton days. It Is expected, howovor, army mob nt daylight entered Nombro thnt when tho full dotnlls nro gono uuiudimij oun rranCISCO Do Dcos, a Btiburb, looted nil tho Into, his conduct will bo approved, stores, and escaped without reals- tanco from tho l.r.00 Federal troops stationed In tho bnrrnckH near. This city has long beon In dread of nn nt tack and now grentor fenr Is felt than over bccntiBO of tho cxtromo vlolcnro shown by tho Insurrectoa In this ro glono. Tho wholo district is In n state nppronchlng nnnrchy. I Torreon, which has 20,000 populn tlon Including numerous Amorlcnnn, stenmshlti Merlda of tho Ward line, bol"K covoyed by tho United Stntos with 207 passengers from Havana for "" P 1wn; Condition of Far- fnifllf In aitnlt Mint ii'.i . tMA..l . "ft" UltU V ill U Ull tuu IU Now ork, was rammed by tho kee 8ten, t0 Ul(J runlng B0(l9 stenmor Farragut. from Phllndolphla vc havo reinforced tho pnrt damoged ror l'ort Antonio, off Capo Charlos In tho collision with a bulkhead and early this morning. Tho Morlda'H 8halt mnko an nttempt to get Into passengers and crow werp transferred Chesapeako Hay. Our position at to the Fnrrngul nnd Inter from tho noon was 1S3 miles south of Sandy Farragut to Old Dominion llnor Ham- Hook." it REEF TRUST" PROSECUTION By GOVERNMENT IS UPHELD TODAY RI1FIGRT ENDED TODAY IIG CROWO AT FIELD MEET Western Federation of Miners . Admitted to American Federation. (Uy Assoclnted Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C. Mny 12. Tho Western Federation of Miners has been granted full nlllllntlon with tho American Federation of Labor. Tho ndmlttnuce comes ns n se quence to nn old controversy, nd mlttnnco of tho Western Federation Judge Carpenters Overrules Demurrers to Indictments of Packers. SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST LAW UPHELD BY HIM Says That Indictments Plainly Show Plan to Control Business. (Ily Associated Proas to Coos Hay Times.) CHICAGO, 111., May 12. Domur- rera of the Chlrngo Packers in tho "Hoof Trust" case woro ovorruled to day by J ml go Cnrponter In tho Untod Stntos District Court. In his ruling, Yesterday. Wet Grounds Detracts Some tcr- But Events Are Being Closely Contested. AMMUNITION TO I nonce DnoncD! STANDING OF CLUBS. i or (( nmi promises to bo ono of tho best WOU LOSt Cent ntlil.iHn nn.ifnulu linl.t lw.rn Tim mill ... V. .... ..V.ll .J.V. .IV ...... I i no uoos uoimiy nigu scuooi r icki meet nt the Mnrshdcld Fnlr Grounds this nftcrnoon Is being lnrgely attend- is surrounded by tho insurrcctos nmi United States Will Not Inter- the Inhabitants fenr nn nttnek. Lire-, fere With Shipments Into Mexico. Portland 23 17 L Ont Iiiniinl.Kifi l I fl it uu i- iiuivinLu, ..I lit Oakland. . . .21 22 Vernon 10 22 Sacramento. . . .20 20 Los Angoles. . .17 24 of Miners having been opposed on nc- Judo Cnrponter declnrod tho Shor- j count of tho radical policy of tho lat- "inn anti-trust law, which has beon nttnckod by tho packers, Is constitu tional. He nlao held thnt tho Indict ments chnrglng J. Ogdon Armour nnd other packers with violating Its pro visions Is vnlld. Carponter'H decision may havo nn Indirect homing on all anti-trust liti gation In upholding tho completeness nnd stability of tho Shormnn nntl--tniBt Inw. Of theao fenturoa, tho court said, "CougroBH alined effectual ly to prevent tho restraint of trade C. C- ECKHOFF IS STRICKEN (By do Is In the hands of tin Nebcin. Durnngo with 32,000 population, Is snrrotiniled by Insurrcctos nnd there Is fear of nn nttnek. Sencntn Cas Is protected by n smnll garrison and also Is surrounded by Insurroctos while AKuas Callontcs Dcb Cnlontls Is described ns a hot bed of revolution ist.. Pnrrnl has sent out distress 1 Steovor nt El Paso, Tox., was In sIedbIb. Flftcon hundred rovolutl.m- "tructod by tho Secrotnry of Wnr to Ists nro In that vicinity nnd have nl- Pwralt nil rogulnr shlpmonts pnsslng ready captured Minns Elovns, n bu'j urb, Assoclnted Press to Coos Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. Alter il cauiuui iiicuiiiik iuuu( v.uiu-i. At Loa Angoles Los Angoles. . Oakland. . . through tho Custom Houso to ontor At Snn Francisco Juarez. This means tho authorities; .fi70 nRt night nnd this morning did not .558 lenvo tho grounds In condition for rc- 488 cor(l breaking work In tho various COOS Bay Resident for Fifty- ,n ltortnto rnmmorco, It had power .403 OV01l(a i,.lt n,ogt of .horn will bo close-! . to accomplish this by making tho ro- .CC0 jy contested, .410 Tho North I lireC Years raSSeS AWay strnlnt of trado n criminal net or by . , . empowering tho United States as oUUuCniy. complainant and to eecurolnJunctlonB Chns Eckhoff, a resident of tho against tho nets which constitute ro- (By ABSoclntod Press to Coos Day ;nmj quto n m,mbor of rooters nccom- Coos Hay section for llfty-threo years, Btrnlnts of trndo or by both. By pass- Dond, Myrtlo Point, nandon and Coqulllo schools hnvo teams entered In tho various events Times.) I - A . . . . A -At. t nnnled each tenm. dlod suddenly nt his homo In North "B o auormnn net, u um ooin. PORTLAND, Ore, Mny 12. Port- Tonight nt tho Odd Follows hnll n'llond about 11 o'clock last night. Yes- l tho mattor of tho Indictments land Jumped back Into Hrst plnco yes- reception will bo tendored tho visitors tordny noon ho was down town, but tho colirt rillo,,t "' nm of tll opinion torday by defeating San Francisco liy tno Marshnold High school stu- In tho nftcrnoon wns tnkon with vlo- thnt tho fncts stnted Jntholndlctinont' six to two. Tho scores yestorday fol- dents. ilont pnlns In tho stomach. Ho had Bnow clearly n plnn or schomo or- I This nftornoon, tho Mnrshnold stu- boon suffering from stomach trouble Rnnliod and put In operation by tho donts nro enjoying a hnlf holldny to nt Intervals for somo years. A phy- ofondniits ultlmato purposo of which H enablo nil who so dcslro to nttond tho alclnn wns called but could glvo him w"a ' control production, salo nnd 0 moot. no rollof. distribution of fresh meat throughout H Mr. Kcijhonr wns born In Schleswlg. n "" action of tho country, nnd is Portland . . Seven hundred men entered Gundn- " nt mtorroro witn nny 8uppiios San prnnc8C0. lupo Cnlro, killed sovornl olllclnls nnd clenrod nt tho Custom Houso whether At Sncrnmonto IS OPEItATED ON. looted the stores. tlloy uo nri"B nmmuniuon or ioou. August Hcckmnn, nn Amorlcan of Luckonbnck, Tox., wns pulled oft h!s horso while trying to cecnpo nnd was ordered executed. Several shots woro ' 1)l'ck'8 s,"r,,,,s Vram At,Mck of fired but ho escaped nftor bolus ApiK'iulIcItls. wounded In tho scalp nnd hand. D' Assorted Press to Coos Bay Rosnro is bolloved to bo In tho Times.) band of tho Rebels. At Endeo, South LONDON, England, May 12-Lady of Rosarlo, twenty persons havo beon eclos- wll boforo her nnrrlaBe to killed. The Insurrcctos hnvo Infest- Lord Decl3 wn8 Mls9 "0,on V,v,nn ed tho entire region nnd nro com- 0oul11 Iorwont nn operation for witting all sorts of depredations. Tho appendicitis today. Tho result was feign of nnnrchy seems to hnvo got Bninuaciorj. beyond control of tho authorities and Sacramento. Vornon. . '. (10 Innings,) It 0 1 R G o R 4 5 m uiiaiiii'.u n i. w.i i. mi, nc i', .MiritK G Germain-. Julv 21. 1830. nnd would mciuonini to inni to control jowor A' meeting of tho Executive Com- , , ftI,ltv ..... t ...... prices to tho producer of raw mnto- jj mltteo of tho Mnrshfleld Chambor of jj8 nctjvo fo on Co08 Day was as rm,s nml rn,so U10 prices to tho con 10 Commorco will bo hold Friday afto.- a rancher during which ho nccumulnt- 'Minor of tho llnlahed products." v 10 noon nt 4:30 and all members nro requosted to bo present. VIOLET HENDERSON, Soc, ray ARRIVE idoIoin ON BREAKWATER EARLY TODAY further deeds of desperation nro ex pected. Numerous towns hnvo beon cut oft from tolegrnphlc or telephonic communication. Chihuahua City la, Poorly prepared to withstand pro longed Isolation. No reliable nows o' the peaco negotiations has beon llowfii to reach this city. ALLIANCE TO TYPHOID AT JUAREZ. EUREKA TODAY San Francisco After Good Trip. The Redondo arrived In this morn- KlRld nnd Ono Denth Are Re- ported. (By Assoclnted Press to Coos Bav Times.1! Steamship Sails South at Noon Today Will Return Here Sunday. Tho Alllnnco sailed today noon for , Steamship In Early This Morn ing From Portland After Good Trip. Tho Breakwater arrived In oarly this morning from Portland after n jng from San Francisco with n full 'good trip down tho const. Sho had list of pnssongers nnd n goo'd enrgo n largo Wsengor list. ' of freight. Sho had a fairly good trip Tho Breakwater will sail Saturday U'- for Portand. . I Cant- Hanson and Purser Roynolds Among those nrrlvlng on tho Bay inoro is no iruwi wmuuvur iu i Breakwater woro: report thnt n child wns born nt sen on R. L. Wells, Henry Block, P. D. their last trip down. Jarman, Mrs. Jnrmnn. O. Knnpp, D. Tho Redondo will sail from hero Hannas, Mrs. Hariiias, Mrs. M. G, Sunday noon for San Francisco. Pnlomnn. E. A. Lee. J. S, Dennen. Among ihobo arriving uu wiu ti ed qulto n fortune hits WOMAN SUFFRAGE Ho Is survived by n wlfo nnd sev-j WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 11.. oral children, tho latter being Mrs, "So long as n woman buttons hop Lottlo Uakor of Myrtlo Point, Mrs. rlothoa up tho back sho cortalnly ' Robert Naglo of Astoria, Chas. Eck- hasn't souse onough to vote." Thla hoff, Jr., of Gardlnor, Mrs. E ,R. For- dictum vnuchod by Dr. Cyrus Town 'rcst of Portland, nnd Mrs. John Mes- Hond Brady boforo tho Episcopal con serle, John Eckhoff, Mrs. C. A. Pain- gross hero has caused n storm nmong tor, Mrs. Thomns Rooko, Mrs. Wm. tho fnshlonablo dovoteos of Waab F. Forrost, Miss Annlo EokhofT, Ml3a ington. Other speakers had urged (Lllllo Eckhoff nnd Miss Frlodn Eok- woman stiff rngo. Hrndy howovor, holt of Coos Hny nnd vicinity, 'ino Wont iiirthar still ns ho tnlked ovor ; three latter girls woro In Portland other "nbsurdltloH" of woman's drobS. Manv Arrive On Steamer Fromiv,Blt,nK tll0lr B,8tor iRo then caimiy ion tho platform. All tho mombors of tho family nre en route hero nnd tho dnto of tho fu neral will not bo fixed until their nr-rival. 'ADD ECKHOFF DEATH I A. 11. SMITH DEAD. to CMS AND OTIS 00 FREE Jl'AREZ, Mex., May 12. Six "ses of typhoid with two of typhoid Eureka. Sho had many through pas- McLenn. R. C. Bishop, Ed. Sam- dondo woro: 'ung tno soldiers rmy are reported. Ono aid the others quarantined. turn horo Sunday or early Monday .nnd sail Monday for Portlnnd North Itfiul Mini .Hiimimhs CntlmiTli of StomiH'li Today. A II. R in I Hi nt Vnrtli Timid (Had nt his homo thoro early today nftor - Publishers of LOS Angeles long illness of catarrh of tho stoninoh. I x:.. n:,:,i n I :ul Ho was about fifty years old and U Times DlmiSSed On Libel survived by n wlfo and four children. J PhnrrlP'? TO PnnTPfrr T.nfirrvr,s. Amnnc those sailing from Coos of tho Federal sengers from Portland and took on a qtnrks Mrs T Mrs. Wm. Rohrer, Miss Gamble, i Dno man Is dead, number hero. She is scheduled to re- Q Brown w M ji. Mndlck, S. Sevenson. J. M. Nyo, William, Mrs. William, Ethol Van Jr- rH' " - "".. '" ' -7.110. p. imhoff. J. E. Culver. S. Wil- tadt, D. L. Scrlbnor. Mrs. D. L. Scrlb- 1 Coos Uv n w. rnrnntfir. V. O. Dalr. I. ner, R- Scrlbner, E. O. Hodborg. F. Bay for Eureka on her were tho fol- w nicken. Mrs. E. A. Marry, G. W. n It. lower, U1DB l. s, liitn, vi. . iiownmient Cannot Ito Flml Or Re- lowing: 'imhoff W Robinson, Mrs. L. Dress- Buali, M. Dllh. J. Snydor. S. Vlstla, durod for Testimony. ' i Louis Knnpp. P. T. Syron, Fred,,or Jn'0 prnzler L Hass, Robt. " Grant, P. II. Plnkerton. J. Ander- By Associated Press to the Coos Bay Hoosler, Dr. McDermltt, Mrs. McDer- 'og jIr8 M ' Rankln Mi8Mam-'Bon. J- L- Dunham. W. Beverley, C. Times.) mitt. H, Shotwell. O. erbloom. W. nn ' 0eoJHansen, T. Hooberhnnk, P. Hnnsen, WASHINGTON', n. f!.. Mav 12. Rvan. Sam Hensol, Mrs. A. Simon- ,, TTi . w . A. Lino. F. Peterson. J. W. Smith. - - - w ------ -- w , i t r ii u i ii ri. n u niiuiii. . x . i u t i Representative Bathrlck of Ohio has son. Anna SImonson. Martha S"0"' M. Totteili Ann,eRllnkln. Robt. -:..uucea a resolution to protect son. .Mrs. i. . ...u.o, ....- .Warwick, N. S. Pattorson. Goo. Wei o-'cuunent employes who may oe nonaorson, w. huuiuwu, wiled on to testify before Investlgat- . 8 committees In nonera. It nro- Tho NAVAD RESERVE RAND J'"es that no employes shall be re- presents Its local comPa"yiTONIGIITvich(- jnQ Q gkln; -u in rating or discharged because tno ino ui-iwwv a . .... nvm t ,rn,Q t. Wa testimony. AROON. . S - W PAINT at MILNHR'S. den, D. S. Ames, J. W. Coach, L. J. Cody, D". B. Irving. R. C. Coffee, Mrs. A. C. Kurtz, J. F. Powers, Jno, Ca- 8EIS those IVER JOHNSON RI CYCIJES at MUner's "SIIAU.V AnOON" TONIGHT at tho Ol'RA HOUSE should bo greet ed with a large audience as tho pro ceeds Ltfro for the benefit of the Band, Mrs. Porcy Pcot, formorly of Mnrsh fleld but now of Enstsldo, Is a daugn- ter of tho dlsoasod. Tho funoral arrangomonts hnvo not beon announced. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 12. Harrison Oray Otis nnd Hnrry Chan dler, prosldont nnd vlco-prosldent ro- I'LAN FOR FESTIVAL. spoctlvoly of tho company which pub- PORTLAND, Oro., May 12. Deco- llshes Tho L03 Angolos Times, charg rntlons for Portland's nnnunl Roso od with hnvlng llbolod Androw J, Festival, Juno 5-10, will bo moro ola- Galllgor and other labor lendors of borate than ever boforo, according to San Francisco, woro ordered dls plans now being mado by tho busl- cbargod today by Judge Willis of tho ness houses for brightening up tho Superior Court. Tho mon Invoked down-town streets. Tho festival col- hnboas corpus proceedings In order ors are leaf greon and potal pink, but to koop from answering tho charge, this year the national colors will bo Judge Willis granted tho petition on used extensively as well. Paint Brushes at MILNER'S. 'SIIAUN AROON" tonight. tho ground that tho fnots stated In tho complaint woro Insufficient to con istltuto n crime, and thnt tho police court whoro tlio warrants wore Issued had uo Jurisdiction. .tf.!lJ&ukWi .tdL, kiuv-.x . ..: M tmriT-tltlifiii