1 'WMfF"'-'' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911 -EVENING EDITION PW HU MU ll4t3MSnlf9nMMHVpH b Honest Advertisement Must: Be a Truthful Advertisement And, ttlu'ii wo put advertisement in the newspaper or wIumi wo put it on a - it i. ...... ii i . i . ... 1,111 board no niaum- wnv UK- iiu in, yon wain 10 reinciiiDcr tins ; that nrat. last nmlnll the timo wo are going after the confidence of the people wo intend 0 sprvft This is tho only way wo cannot tho confidence of our customers by Urn absolutely square WJT1I TIIEM. Friday and Saturday Specials In our dress goods department we will offer hundreds of yards of figured lawns, dimities and figured mulls at bargain prices. Beautiful sheer, dainty sninmer materials arc underprieed in time that you may take advantage dur.- ing the height of tho season. Regular fiOc Materials for Fri- A ry , day and Saturday HJ-6L Regular 50c Materials for Fri-TQ day and Saturday J wJL Regular '10c Materials for Fri-'l J dayaiidSaturdiy Jfoj Regular 33c Mate -ials for Fri-) ) dav and Saturday &Jj 19c Regular 25c Materials for Fri day and Saturday Regular 20c Materials for Frj-4 A day and Saturday S rt, Regular 15c Materials for li day and Saturday. . . , Regular 10c Materials for Fri day and Saturday '":10c 7c Also a Xow special ntlnictioiis in embroideries and laces. OUR SHOE SALE STILL CONTINUES. ALL ODD LOTS AND SINGLE PAIRS ARE BEING CLOSED OUT AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. lagnes & Matson ft mwL fflfilK V AT Till: THEATRE. Slmun Anwn" In n high cln 1-lrh comody-drnmn. refined nnd nr HMlc It I Mot n cflrN, lp stl.k lor-pUy ilrnmn but n rnnlly meri torious prwlNrtliin. Under the can- v -f """ZHUGSy -J Mo dlrerttoti of Prof. Hepburn the 44. $ :i Personal Notes W H II A INKS Mi ywtwlny Mjrtlo Point on bnnlHwu. tor p'y I being rehenrml thoroughly nnd tho production will bo well 4 rounded nnd flnhthed. '4 Don't full to eeeure your tickets onrly nnd bv mi doing yon will twlt TIIIC WEATHER. (lly AimwIMed Pre. I OltKGON. May It. Fnlr to night ntul Friday. II A. HODSON of CutrklHK Il wna n bMMMi 1Mtor In Mnr)if)e)il today. n good eue ami get your money's worth In an ecellont evening's 011 tettnlnmont. Tickets now on snlo at tho Iltwy Corner. I hihhfs or handox. Xous of City lly the Sen ns Told by Tlio Heeonler. W. N. McKny hns completed tho work of building the big scow for Coos county, nt the Unndon shlpynrd, ) nnd the scow hna been accepted nnd Is now In use nt Coqmllc. LOCAL TKMPUKATUHH PORT. UK Tor twenty-four hours ending nt 1:43 p. m.. Mny 10. by Mrs. E. Mingus, ttpeclnl government moteorologlcnl observer: Maximum 55 Minimum 37 At 1: 13 p. m. r.t Precipitation 15 Wind, Northwest; cloudy. MK8. ICltQlINK Crt08TIIW.lT Is re lmrtod III at tor home In bt Mthnld. WALT1CH POOTK, the elvll engineer, left last night fur his homo In South Dakota. RUSSELL I)lt.M ISN'T of Myrtle Point returned home today nfter n short Jiusluoss visit bore. J. AM1I3UT MATSON nnd Herbert Lockhnrt hmo returned from n fow dnys flshltiR In Coos Iltver. A man, whoso nnmo wo did not learn, was badly hurt In the Cody loRRln camp, having two of his ribs broken and his back hurt. Dr. Hous ton went up to bring him to Unndon for treatment. . C. W. Gatchel had the misfortune I to got tho ends of two of his toes .mnshed by a loaded wagon running over them and It will consequently lny him up for repnlrs for some time. oaK -. . MOORE'S rufsoiM NIVCR TAILING riLCS, CMIIDLAIH9, FCLONS, OURNS.CTC ail osuoaitn xivcitoh wiiLOornw on ntautir ACCtPT NO JUDJTITUTCS. freeSS Cents. ' HWClCVlMICMAttSCO SANrPANCISCO REMEDY THEPN0HR0 - L. o, SHOUT of CnmnB Valley Is Court In Juno. Judge Coke ad journed tho April term of Circuit court until .Tuiyo C when ho will hold an equity term nt Coqullle. Moot In Juno. The Coos County Commissioners wilt hold their next regular session nt Coqullle Juno 13, when road matters, furnishing tho now pnrtB of tho court houso and other matters will como up. llutlnoxx llooning. Nels P. Nel son reports business booming nt hln ship yard nt Prospor. IIo has four contracts on hand and now wants nioro ship carpenters to rush tho work. IIo advertises In Tho Times want columns for nddltlonnl men. itop and Think Are j on using tho snmo caution In tho selection of tho medicines uii are taking for tho protection of your honlth, that you would itrclso In selecting n trusteo for tho protection of your cash? If )ou do, select SOAP IAKi: SALTS for Ilhoumntlsm, Inllnm- titory and Mimculnr, Sclntle nnd nil othor Ulood Dlscasos. Price 75 Cents fonsALi: at Tin: nusv conxi:n. phonk an.s lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "TUN BUSY COJlXEli" l'llllSCItlPTIOXS ACCL'IJATKI.V COMPOl'NI)i:i). EADIXCf DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. New Arrivals In Crockery Wo hnvo Just received an Import of Puro Whlto, Thin, Soml-Porcolnlno China. Wo nro going to soil this nt tho snmo prices as ordinary crockory. Ten Cups nnd Snucors Set 70c Coireo CupH nnd Saucers. . .Set K.le WAXTr.D Olrl wnnls iux.ll Ion In prlvnto faintly to do light house work or hnvo enro of children. Ad dross P. 0. Ilox 75. WANTKD Ship cnrpentorH untl men experienced In shlpynrd work. Steady employment. Good wngos. Apply nt XoIboh'b Ship Ynrd, Pros por, Oregon. FOIl SAI-r, Itnngc, bnignlii !?li:.()(. Iuqulro nilcrby Fish Mnrkot. LOST Key ling nnd Icojh. Iteunrd for return to Tlmos' ofllco. 'V t t HAUfmmyrytaUaJM8'SiA Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance fitle Guarantee and Abstract Co. HF.XHV SFXGSTACKn.V, Mgi1. faille 0m"o Phono 191 Mnrshflold Ofllco 1-l-J. irms-p Timber Coal nnd Platting Lands a specialty. General Agents "EASTSIDE" Set "e Set one Set 73c Set 83c ..$3.30 3 inch Plntes (I inch Plulos , 7 Inch Plutos K Inch Platen II Pieces Set Tho lino Is complete Call nnd got prlcos on any nrtlclc. OOS BAY Vash store Tlio Store That Saves 1011 Money. fJUO. X. HOLT, " . - Mnimger. Front Street, MnrlillohI. FOIl SAIiH Vlclor Talking Mnchlnii nnd 30 records nt bargain. Phono 209, North Ilond. WAXTKD An upright Cnll 132-J. plnuo bov, ' PASniiT nOTEL THE LLOVn NSHFIELD'S POPULAR E-- - MM uvu, iuu uuu :e-?2.00 to J5.00. House- 1 -j-armieniB wltU ga ranges tin '--"v jv4 UJUUVU. I'UCiU K;W. SUIiLIVAN, Prop. DVI'IXG fcllca ury and Steam Clennlng of : " gents' suits. Goods call ' 'm delivered. Prices reason- 1... 'ni.y if ur..i.- lURRS- R e. PINEGOR, Prop Market in ii. ,..,. in;i L'ac"Jm carpet cleaner. ?e lhat Roof Fixed NOW h CORTHELL Phone 3121 Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses nnd careful drivers are now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at REASOXAHLK HATES. Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhere any time. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearso and special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVHHV AXD FEED STAHLES PIIOXE 27S-J Constipation brings many nllmonts In Its train nnd Is tho primary cniiho of much slcknoss. Keep your bowols rogulnr mndnm, nnd you will escapol ninny of tho nllmonts to which women nro subject. Constipation Is a very simple thing, but like many simple, things, It may lead to sorlous conso quonces. Naturo ofton neods n llttlo assistance nnd when Chamberlain's Tablots nro given nt the first lndlca-l tlon, much distress nnd suffering mny! bo avoided . Sold by all dealers. WANTED 2,000 ncios of liiiul nenr Coos Hay not to oxcood $10 or $12 por aero. This land Is wanted for cnttlo nnd gont rnnch. . Amu don, 210 Lowls Dldg., Portland, Orogon. FOIl HEXT One nicely fiin:lsho(l sulto of rooms with use of kitchen if doslrcd. Also two sleoplng rooms with or without board. Call at 103 So. Second or phono 2S-L. AUTO Anytime, anywhere. Hon sonnhlo rates. Phono Hlnnco hotel 40 or Resldenco 2S-J. When you hnvo rheumntlsm In your foot or lustop npply Chamber lain's Liniment and you will got quick rollof. It costs hut n quarter. Why suffor? For snlo by all doalors. Real Estate Bargains For bargain In City, Hunker Hill and Farm Property. See AUG. FHIZEEX Real Estate nnd Insurance Agent. 08 Central Ave., Mnrshfield, Ore. Purity Counts As 22 carat gold is to 14carat gold, so Is EHMAXX'S OLIVE OIL to othor ollvo oils. Purity counts In all things. $1.00 Invested In EHMAXX'S OLIVE OIL will go as far as $1.33 In any other Olive Oil. It Is economy to uso Ehmann's; don't hesitate, ordor now. In 25c, 60c and $ 5 Sizes Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Anlxos In llo.Nton. A telogrnm re ceived yestordnj stated that Miss Watklns reached Doston Tuosdny night nftor ft delightful trip across tho continent. Sho will enter school next Mondny for tho summer term. MIfb Watklns will recelvo her mall nt fi33 Newbury streot. spoudlug n few days In Mnrshflold ns the guest of Cell Ireland mid other friends, LEW GILLESPIE of Kansas City nnd his wnrd, tho Iroquois Indian girl, Prlnco W'nthn Wnsa, nro cxpectod horo tomorrow to snond tho sum mer nt tho Lew Price rnnch oil Catching Inlet. CHAS. COLEMAN, who has spent tho pnBt three years In Wyoming, re turned today nnd will move bnck on to his ranch nt Ten Mllo. Ho snys that Coos county In fnr nhoad of nny other section ho has visited. Wedded Today. Chns. Hrnlnnrd and Miss Llzzlo Pinko woro married today at tho homo of tho bride's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. I). Illnko, on Catching Inlet. Mr. Hrnlnnrd is u prosperous young rancher of that vlcllnty. Sees Revolution. "Sunny Jim" Rodgors, n trnvollng mnn woll-known on Coos liny, Is now nt El Pnso nnd has hnd an opportunity to seo tho revolution. IIo has sent post cards showing tho lunurrectn camps nnd soldlors to Frank Pnrsons, Geo. X Holt nnd othor Coos Hay friends. CHAMHEH OF COMMERCE NOTICE A meeting of tho Executive Com- mltteo of the Mnrshflold Clmmbor of Commerco will bo lujld Friday nftoi- noon nt -1:30 and nil mombors nre requested to bo prosont. VIOLET HENDERSON, So Candies Yotf Bijoy Tho condition of enndy Is nlwavs Importnnt. Not only do Stafford's candy ensos contain tho very cream of Hnost confections but nlso overy morsol of candy In thorn Is in porfeH condition nnd positively frosh from our own swoot, sunny, sanitary enndy kltchon whoro nn oxpert eandymnkor supervises tho work. Next tlmo you nro buying n box of candy hotter try "COOS filKL CHOCOLATES." Always Souiothtiig Now nt MR. nnd MRS. AHRA1IAM VA ZILE of North llond nro hnppy nn tlclpnttng tho return of tholr dnughtor, Miss Ethol, who In ex pected to arrlvo Friday on tho Ilronkwator from Mount Anglo col logo, whoro sho hns boon for tho' pnst year taktng n business courso, bookkeeping, law nnd vocal music. Miss Ethol expects to romnln nt homo with hor pnronts until tho fall term opons In Soptombor, when sho will return to resume- hor studies. ACREAGE For nil kinds of Acrongo seo us. Wo hnvo tho goods and enn mnko you prlcoa Hint will Interest you. TITLE GUARANTEE AXI AHSTRACT COMPAXV. (gf&ftdj ' Change Your Face Not so hard to do either, in fact it's very easy to take care of yourself and have the best com plexion and health y skin. The daily use of i & S. ANTTSEPTIC COLD CKEAM will prove to yon how valuable this pnro and exquisite cold cream is! LTso it for all toilet purposes. Use it for massage, for chapped hands and rough skin. Makes co in p 1 e x i o n s good, makes faces good. 25c AND 50c PER JAR Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos Dldg. Phono 141 TWO STORES THE HAM OF QUALITY I 1 E.fljfc.frfciijj&f ' .kJaiiJ jyvtj