THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1911 EVENING EDITION . .n n ft M i r .r- Iki i " i v . : It i' ' M irf! tm a -iV i i COOS BAY TIMES or it n)K, tiik kia Lntcrcd .it th H(mrp l lrs! Ilo (I, Ori'K'in, fur trNtisratoljn Ih rou bIi Hit' malls g second class ninll matt r m. imaloi:v dax k. .mamixkv A dd reus nil communications to COOS IIAV DAIIA TIM ItS. MfiroliOitl :: :: :: :: Oregon W" linnil nr.lst. hut they often hnvo to stand nsldo nml o him got nwuy n good with tho goods. ' eomliiR i A In" inn ii can novor Joy of n woll on r nod rest. Icimw thi' A It It xoIuk to hear deal about Wes this ummr. In previous season crusades ajmlnet thw pernlolnus lit -, He disease cmrriw hnve been prone- Killtor nml Pull, cutetl with more or lorn vigor, hut Xei Ktlltor thin 'r the war In to ho wnRcd lit - a systematic, sclonttllc inmiuur. Down South they hnvo nl ready started swatting the Ily. Tho honlth nuthur- ti. ..r mmmIu i t ( iivn ui vinin,in, r km lull null I.IHIinm-i . An Independent Itepnhllcan news- r putting up posters iloplctliiKf The difference between n rut mul pnper published eury evening except t'1" habits of the house Ily nml Its the grave is the width nml the depth Sunday, nml Weekly by proclivity for KMtherlitR and dlssoml- only. The Cimii liny Times Publishing Co. natlng dlsoase norm. Tljo principle i r or "the fouor lllos the loss Blcknoss" Dedicated to the service of tho , ,,,,, mrwwi.(, on 8C,10ol ch. people, thnt no good cause shall lack (Iron n8 wo n8 ,U)Uscwlvos Tho a chnmplon, nml that evil shall not ...... r,,01i nii .inn? rninminaimi A perfect nlm dnosti't has the game iiiiIom you pull the trigger. "It Is easy to umlortake, hut more dinicult to Hnlsh." Stick to your Job. thrlvo unopposed. sunsntivTiox katks. DAIIA'. Ono year $0.00 Per month , GO WKKKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In ndvnnro tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per year or $2. CO for six months. Official Pnper of Coos Comity i .-. OI'TICIAIi PAPUIt OF TIIK CITY' OF MAKSIIKIKMl. A OltKATiHl COOS DAY'. TIIK HACIIKI.OU 011th SAY'S: J Alas! Why Is It that any woinnn i of TonnoHtoo hns offered two Bold on earth would rather ho In lovo with J niednls to school pupils for the boat n mnn she can't got than to get n man I essays on the houso Ily as n mennco that she can't lovo! to health. Down In Cnllfomtn tho ' women hnvo organized for tho good I Xovndn Is tho mntrlmonlnl "trans light. Tho Toxns health olllclnls nro fer desk" at which old wives nro c Issulng bulletins warning tho public changed for new mid old husbnnds against their subtle foe. Tho Mor- nro "enshed In" for alimony, chnnts' Association of Xow York hns Issued "Utiles for Dealing With tho i Fly Xulsnnco." A llttlo pamphlet written by W. D. Ulggors of Detroit, whllo It contains ninny stntoments scarcely sultablo for uruiiKinsi-inuie pcrusni, iiesorves a wldo circulation for Its plain portny- nl of tho evils that follow In tho. 'train of the Ily. Tho Indictment Is n! D R A P E R " 1 n fa? (V iPbr E S SAVE MONEY BY BUYING GOOD FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES 1 F L O O R C O V E R 1 N G S TIIK Ql'IKT OIISKItYKH SAYS: A CITY Is whnt Its cillzona miiko It no grcnter or loss, no hot ter or worse. Xuturnl nd vnntnges, It Is true, dotornilne very largely the Industrial possibilities of many cities. Hut In the mnkliiK of an Ideal city, where prosperity Joins hands with morality, where Industry work In harmony with huninnlty, where rcrrentlon Is nssoelntcd with I'oinmon decency, much deiiemls upon tho Ideals of tho citizens composing thnt municipality. Frothy leformors i Some of us nro mighty keen to find the cancellation clnuso In tho good conduct contrnctl They'll novor abolish (logging lengthy one, but It Is n truo hill. Tho from the school of experience! Ily Is put In tho snmo clnss with tho Tho braggart forgets thnt ndver- "mnd dog, the sunko in tho grass and Using novcr pays unless the goods nre the wild nnlninl roaming nt will," right! for tho Ily , is Insidious. Ho lurks In . every comor. He plnnts his dlsonsoj What n dllToronio hotwoen what germs on your brend. Ho buries them you expect nml whnt you actually In your butter. Ho drowns them In get! your bnby's milk bottle. Tlioro Is no oscnpo If ho onco enters your homo." x0 gh-1 over creatd lasting domes The lesson Is obvious; got busy early, tic ties by keeping hor beau on a Don't wnlt until tho onomy Is legion, "string nml thou trying n "not" In hut Blurt tho hnttlo whllo tlioro Is the snrlnir. nro Just as much n hano ns rod-Hand- "ol,l (,,,,u,co r wl"'8- Tho fly Ann Hocknrs Xlcely Finished nml Durable Sewing Hochcrs Guar antced to Diot . . $2.50 :$1 .75 Kltrlien Cabinets and Dnse. . . Morris Chairs Slip Scats. . . ".':$9.oo $12.50 China Cabinets, lnrgo bIzo. . Dining Chnlrs, djd values. . $20.00 $1.50 Bplen Best Bargains Best Selections Best Place to Buy PERRY, MONTGOMERY (i& COMPANY PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY yyi. a. yv. JjKsmu? Osteopathic l'liyslcluti Ornduato of tho Amorhnn school ol Osteopathy at Klrksvllle, Mo. Ofllu In Eldorado Ulk. Hour3 10 to 12; 1 to 1; Phono 1G1-J; Marshilold; Oregon. od lawbreakers. Tho latter may transgress property or porsonnl rights; tho former cheapens nml brings Into disrepute those very mu nicipal Ideals that are absolutely es oontlal to tho making n livable, do clrnblo city. u n I There are, It Is true, uumorous lumber, mining, agricultural or powor cities greatly exceed lug our moagro population in the United Sta tes; It Ih doubtful, howovor, If tlioro nro a half dozen cities of any slzo that nre blest with such a combination of all theso natural advantages as Is Coos Day. Added to those thoro Is a ollmato which Is romnrknhly health ful nml pleasant. Furthermore, thoro nre hero virgin opportunities, ho to speak, for factories of almost nil kinds which would ho hard to equal anywhere. It behooves the people, howovor, not to overlook tho duties and dan gers, tho needs and obligations now d volvliiK upon everyone who really hns tho clt'n welfttiH nt, himrt. Conservatism, furthermore. Is tru ly n virtue, hut n hldobrunil, hon bonded spirit of smallueM, an Incli nation to be nctimted by petty Jtwl oiiBleg, nml nu Indifference to the nohlevemeutH and atruKKles of others, will do moifl to letai'il snd prevaut the growth of any city thmi tho oc casional lustaucet of loss through over-coulhleuco nml unwurrnntod nn gulneiieiM. In thnt transitional period through 'which Coos Hay Is now an many mistakes may easily bo mado thnt It will bo dlllluult to ovorcomo lator. Tho lllbllcnl Injunction that whim a limn becomes a man he should aot ns a mnn, applies Just as forcibly to 1 n city. It must take on the dlgnltv. the methods, the spirit commensurate with Its added liuportaiue. Xow is: tho'tinio to provide for such Improve ments ns public parks, boulevards, I tho widening of thoroughfareM, the creation of avenues, etc., the cost o( wl loh will Increase with every pass ing year. Coos Hay should he and It Is to be hoped soon will be growing by leaps nml bounds. She bus the natural ad vantages not only to entitle hor to be In tho running hut to enable her to set tho paco In many Instances. This can only be done, however, If pro gresslveness obtains ami not provin cialism; if men have the courage of tholr conviction, ami act accordingly, nml if )ho spirit of helpfulness ami not solflshness pievnlls. Hero Is to those who have made tho city what It Is, as well as to those, who, by their brains, tholr ' - t () and their stubborn ile mtlon. may make poaslble and l i llc ed to take part lu a cele biation of a 100.000 Coos Uay. must go, t WITH THE I i TOASTANDTEA'J, OOOI) KVKXIXO. - "Tho suhstnnco of n mnn Is not In whnt ho measures himself to ho hut In whnt ho Is. Tho collatornl of n man Is not In his porlshnblo conquests hut In his Imperishable loyalty, For tho only ronl victory of nil victories coming to n mnn Is tho victory of truth though It Is n victory of defont. Soloctcd. Tho tonic of n sunny smllo I Is springtime's safest euro; Tho purging of tho clouded mind WM.1i (ntnln. I Itm.rvl, lo n , ,1 . ,,n 4 , III! IVIIUUI fcllUllf)lllO ll lliu. nut hotter for our own sako oft Tho carrying to somo honrt Of that small beauty and sweet chucr Which Is of us n part. Tako thus tho tonic of tho sun To those who have It not,- And lo, In sweetness It reacts Upon tho common lot. A Coos nny woman pnssod a bar ber shop. Xo customers being pro out, tho thrco barbers woro sitting nrouud. "Tho lazy things!" tho wo man said. AS IT ll.MM'KNS ACCOKIH.VO TO IIOWK. .iay:." May time Is play time, Skloa of tender hluo; Cheerful notes from fonthor.l throa.s All tho woodland through. Winds blow and stars glow, niotwoms nod and swny, Heart o' mine, tho world's divine, When It's May May -Mny! May time Is Joy time, Streamlet dancing by, Rinoralil glmlott and orchard shndoe And mountains green and high, Waves loap, and eaves keep Shells they toss In piny, Heart o' mine, whnt treasure thlno? Whon It's Mny .May -Mny! A mnn who Is nonrly 80 years old Is sick and says ho can't Imagine what tho trouble Is. I can toll him; ho was born too ryt. j. yv. ixoiu.m, I'lijslcluu and Surgeon. L'O'J-Slfj Coko Uulidmg Phones: Olllce KI1M; IIcmIiIciico HI'-'t. j. YV. 1JKXXKTT, Lawyer. "I will not let my wife or my niothor risk (heir lives cooking with a gasoline stove." This was Ihc declaration of I To was amazed to learn that a line appearing young man we not only give the range in our olliee a lew days ago. 'away, hut run all the pipes, connections, etc., free. inquire Olllco over Flnnngnn & Dennett nnnk Mnrshfleld Oregon ry. j. t. mccohmac, J- Physician nml Surgeon Mnrshlleld, Oregon. Olllco: Lockhurt Building, opposlto Post Olllco. Phono 10S-J - w-j I wish ovorythlng was ns ensy securing slgnnturos to n petition. ns A man loafs around tho broad road n good donl, but when it comos to going nil tho way nml living tho rost of his llfo with tho devil ho usually I balks. May time Is play time, 'Tli the gift or Spring; Hero's n smile, that's worth while, I lore's a song to slug, Flout not, doubt not, flrlofs have gone to stay, Heart o' mine, now garlands twluo, When It's Mny Mny May! Lalli Mitchell, Plain-spoken men dosplso the gild- I Cvoryono sympathizes with that Indian chief who died In Wnshlngtoii last week after drinking hair tonic. , It must hnvo been a hair-owing I donth. i!0v rills ,, i in oner uiiu ii'i iiir i i imr i.i'iv ri mr 1110 Hiii um til 1'ulntrli llml cumin lie rlirnl li Hull'. I'niiirr.' rim' V. J. rUKSKV A. CO . Tolulo, O. Wo, IIioiiihWOkiumI. he Vuoun P. J. die um (nr llii' lt 1J wr. mul liolUni1 lilm inr Uvt) lui oralilo In nil luitlnikr irxiikiu'tlon. ami lliiHiiclMlh nlK turirr out nny ebllpi. tiiuiK iiimU' 1 hi linn. UtilMI. Kinvs & Mikviv, wimi alo nrniiKlM-.TKlKlo.ii. Hull'. Cntiirrli fiir L tnUt'ii iuterimlb . net linjillnilh upon tho miuniu sure .urn o( tiiu .jxttin. 1VUmnltiU tout (ns, rti'O 7cuit-i)r Imllle. Salil h nil iliticKftt, lTnlclliiU VKiunll) I'llUtoroi'iittlimtlon. We Work And Advertise To hrlni: u customer here the llit time, after that he conies of his own accord. Von know why. ICK.MKMHKIl There is no I.Irilr. or cue thnt we can't ilo. "T II I X IC IT O V K It M A It YV Coos Bay Steam Laundry He had called to about our limited free gas Within 30 seconds his sig range otter. Me wanted to nature went on an agreement see the stove. to take and use the range. Will you let tho women of your household run the danger of gasoline this summer? "irOREGOX POWER COMPANY PIIOXK MA1X 7.J Blanchard's Livery ,Wo hnvo secured tno livery busl, uess cf L, 11. Holsnor and are pre fared to render excellent sorvlco ti tho poople of Coos liny. Careful (!rlvor8, good rigs nnd ovorythlnp thnt will monn satisfactory sorvlco to (ho public. Phono us for n driving horse, a rig or anything needed in tho hvory lino. Wo also do a 'rucking business of nil kinds. WjAXCIIAHI) HltOTIIKHS. Art Hlanchnrd, Mgr. I.I very, Feed nml Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Street Phono 138-J First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid. $100,000,00 in- MO', i-uiue has resumed prae th in l.ockhart bulldlug opjuwlte postorllc0. If you hnvo unytning to boll, trada, rent or want holp, try a want ml. CONCERT CHAMINADE CLUB MUS. W.M, HOItSrALL, Jit. PltKSKXTIXG lmir.CToit, J Mrs. Elfrida Heller Weinstein, tSoprano AXl) Mrs. Delphine Pylarx. Contralto Or POltTLAXO AT Masonic Opera House, May 17th AT 8:30 P. M. SAFK IXVKSMEXTS. For Information concerning high-class bond Investments, bearing Wo Interest net, write O. B. Hlnsdnlo, enro J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California, Surplus 0,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President. Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Win, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, FOIt coon YVORK Olng your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty, by experienced nien. Satisfaction guaranteed IHiAXCHARl) Ai noi). SOX, Alliance Rld. Front St. M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, SKATS OX SAM. AT TIIK "lU'SV CORX1JR". SKATS $1.00. CKXKRAIj ADMISSIOX SO CKXTS. RKSKRVKl) WATCH! NOTICE! Homor Mnuzey, one cf tho drivers and the solicitor for us is out for Taundry. Watch him! he ts liable to sop you on the stroet and explain j all detal's of Lnundry and also to b at your iomo eny time. He knows Laundry buslnoss from A to 2. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PIIOXL 220-J ' Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over . . . . Assets Over . . . $100,000 $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits I "-M"i,inuJjm,IMm1--,MM,MS TRY A WANT AD IN TIMES IF YOU WANT QUICK RESULTS WL jfrfer'fl-L . . i jtk.(j;