THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911 EVlNINQ EDITION 4-- tes IB OF 65 VALLEY PAPEi T e WeVe Going to Sell M -J,. L C. Bargclt Sells Myrtle Three Score and Five Years do Not Always Mean "Down and Out" 'loom big In the affairs of tho city, nntlon and world who hnvo loft tno . Point Enterprise Conso lidation at Coquillc. Word hns boon received horo thnt' NBW YOHK, N. Y May 10. It la L. C. UnrKolt has sold tho Myrtto'nn easy thing to llvo to tho century Point Enterprise to a M. SchuU, nmrk- wording to some noted men ... , who nro strong for thnt flguro and who canio horo recontly from Snlom, , , . . , . ... , ... expect to como at ldnst within Bight S. D.( where ho was for yoara ldon- of lt$ TheB0 cxprCfl8on8 como from tlfled with tho Plonoor-Kogla'tor. Tho tho statement of Vico-Prcsldont snlo Is effectlvo this wcok, Mr. Schulz Stubbs of tho Southern Pacific, who j Issuing this week's pnpor. declares a man should rctlro nt 05, If, Mr. Ilnrglct has been tho editor ho expects to llvo, and publisher of Tho Entorprlso for Thcro nro n good mnny men who years nnd tins mado It an ex ccllent weekly pnpor. A year or ho ago, ho purchnscd tho Intcroit of his 5f mllo post far In tho rear nnd show pnrtner, Mr. Roberts, and has slnr.o no signs of either retirement or fnll publlBhcd and edited tho pnpor alone, nro of power. J. PIcrpont Morgnn Ho found tho work too confining nnd nnd John D. Hockofollor nro two no 1b understood to bo plnnnlng to on- tnblo ensos In point. Gonornl Roger gngo In nuothcr lino of work which A. Pryor nt S3, Is hnlo and In full ylll onnblo him to tnko in his three mentnl vigor. Jncob II. Schlff, one sons who nro now developing Into of tho big men In high finance, Is CI. manhood. Thomas It. McXoll, tho fnmous res Mr. Ilnrgolt lo n brother of B. S. tnitrnnt mnn, hns just retired from DnrGolt of Mnrshfiold. nctlvo business nt 89 nnd fully ex- Merger nt Coquillc. poets to onjoy nt lenBt 11 yenrs of Word hns nlso boon recolvod horo leisure Aaron nnncroft Is still nc that a moomont Is undorwnv which tlvo In tho stock market nnd Is will probably result in tho consolidn- young nt 87. Thomns A. Bdlson tlon of tho Sentinel nnd tho Hornld, lnugho nt tho Idea of, a man going tho two weokly papers published at ntalo at C5. Ho looks for n long pe Coqulllo. Tho Hornld wns sold somo- rlod of activity boforo ho sottlcs down tlmo ngo by Mr. Denn who hud pub- to rest. llshcd It for yenrs, to J. 13. Updlko Tho Illustrious "Mike" Donovn'n. of Portland who found It nocessnry phynlcnl instructor nt tho Now York to turn tho pnpor bnck to Mr. I) Athlotlc club, ndmlnlstorcd n fimil Inst week in order to look nfter nf- Jolt to Stubbs' philosophy. Donovan fairs In Pnrtlnud. snld ho could supply a dozen men J. C. 8avngo, publisher of tho lnBt who not only hnd rot "loat Sontlnol, Is organizing n stock com- tholr right," but who, to keep thom pany to take over tho Hornld nnd Holvon fit for bnttlo, practiced Jolta, consolldnto tho two publlcntlons. It .swings nnd upporcuto In his gymna is understood Uint bo hns nearly suf- slum. Your Clothes S T flclont stock subscribed to carry out tho project. VISIT AT UOSCIlUItG. Tho IloBoburg Nowb linn tho fol lowing cpucerulng Coos County peo ple "Mrs. William Iloruoll has return ed from Modford whoro sho wont to nttcud tho funeral of hor nophow. How nrq wo to omulnto tbeso nc tlvo "old young" mont It's simple. They nil toll the Fnmo story: propor eating, propor sleeping, propor cloth- j lug and hard work. Thon you have i tho Infallible recolpt for living to bo n hundred: What nro tho proper things In , theso times? Bnch fellow must find out thnt for himself. "IC, II. IIoiihpii and wlfo, of 0 ravel Ford, Coos county, nrrlvod In Hose- burg laBt ovonlng nnd left this morn ing for Corvnllls whoro thoy will spend n fow days In nttoudnuca nt tho mooting of tho Htnto grnnge. Mr. 51 A V HAVE HIT HOCK. Utimnge to Hir.ol Dollar In Putjet Kounil Maybe Serious. A Seattlo dispatch concerning tun Hazel Dollar, tho big lumber carrier Honson Is jjntokeopor of tho grange, which took on part of Its enrgo for - China nt tho Smith mill horo, says: "Loto Jones, of Coos Hlvor. nrrlv- "Tho big lumber stonmer Hnzol od hero yesterday to spend a fow days Dollnr. aground nt tho southorn point Visiting with friends nnd taking In of Whldby Island, hns resisted nil of tho sights at tho third straw- forts of two powerful tugs to pull her Lorry foativnl which commences on off tho snjid In which sho llos. Her Thursday. Mr. Jones In Ho- cnrjKi of tolegrnph poles nnd lumber eeburg flovoral yearH ngo, at which Is being removed. It Is feared tho tlmo his father hold tho position of steamer will bo held fast until th city marahnl." AI.OXG THI3 WATKHKHOXT. high tldo of May 12th. Water Is ris ing In tho hold, Indicating that tbe ship struck a rock." Tho Hodondo Is duo from San Francisco. In tomorrow MPS'!' DOCK VOll HKPAIHS. to Hazel Pollnr Itetiirns O Everett I'lidergo Overhauling. A Sonlt'o dlsimtch my: "T'io steamer Hnzol Dollnr, which ground- od on Whldby Island whllo bound for Plant, which la now China with n enrgo of lumber, got off , wireless, pnssod horo nt midnight nfter discharging, and proceeded to Everett. It will bo n. cesaary for her to dock for repairs." Tho San Pedro sailed today from tho Smith mill with n cargo of lumber. Tho 51. P. equipped with Inst night on touto to Seattle Tho Nnun Smith untied Inst night from Hay Point for Coos Hay nnd should reach horo early tomorrow. It la right nnd propor thnt yon 6hould hnvo Hope, but don't expect it to do tho chores. Probably women hnto llattory so nui"h bcauBo they nro suro thnt nono of tho compllmouts dliectod nt thorn nro In that class. i Head Uio Times' Want Ads. ' I American Biscuit Co. F. S. D 0 W, Distributor for Coos County. FIESTA V rfTT SUGAR . WAFERS "The more- you eatAlio better you like 'eml" Packed In 10c 25o T MR i ges Chan m Time , .illeucoforth WILL LEAVE AT 7:05 A. 51. us In the past. tho MOXIT V MAKSIiriELi) Instead of 7:15 With the exception of this change, tho O'Kolly bouts wltl run on tho old schedules nnd patrons nro kindly requested to tako heed of this notice. ooner or 5i IS life not through adrertising though we think we do effectire advertising not through exag gerated statements, for we don't make them not through any thing on earth but in AND OUAL ii ii wi v !WJR.j.MU(kN H.h.r T yorfc fcnjanin Clones Benjamin 5uifs Priced $20 to $38 VALUES When you save $4.00 to $7.00 by paying that- cash you can't deny a M osiey Talk s ifMti Pit r 1 1 it iv ,fl!H8"J'V,A,yi Mascot Clothes $8.50 to $20.0(1 We also stand lack of every suit we seil with an absolute guarantee of satii-l factory wear to you or your money back. That s why "you'll get your net at. I he u Marchfield rlotnmsi w and Shoe Compan; Bandon i WILL WITNESS B01G CR M SATURDAY NIGHT 'THK FKIICN1) OV COOS IJAT" I lMnXCSLKH. AHT PISH. j I S. S. ALLIANCI COX.VKCTING WITH THE IfQimf BANK HOAD AT rOltlW Sails from Portland Tuesday May 9 N'OIITII I'ACIFIO STEAMSHIP COJIPAXV. piio.m: -II c. r. McT,EOi:0R wl smum OLD RELIADLE BRtA (WAlt ALWAYS ON TIME SAILS KKOSI POKTLANI) AT l A. M OX MAV 1, 0. '' U AXI) 31. FltO.M mr iiav .n ai-nvmv. nw TlIlP MAY 3. 8. l'Vl 8. UKSKHVATIOXS IIELDOXLY UNTIL XOOX OP MVltfl OUS TO SAILIXCJ. L. II. KEATIXfl. AGENT PIIOXB Hl J. A. O'ICELLY, Prop. Moro Interest Is being shown In flold, Is trnlnlng Pud Noslor and tho tho boxing boilt to be pulled off nt latter Is claimed to bo In tho best iiiu .miiBiuifuj a lulling jiuik next Qi,n,, i, ., .. , , . . . . 8iiapo no has over beon In. Saturday night thnn In any event of ' ,u' 'tho kind that 1ms been billed .'or Shorty IIal1-who Is the sparring 'Mnrshfleld In n long time. This Is l"rtner of Fish, Is to meet Will Gaff- probnbly duo to tho fact that all of noy of North nend In a ten round tho boxers nro Coos county boys nnd preliminary. Gaffnoy Is being train. nlso to tho fact that Nosier and Fish ed by his brother and although aro so closely matched, four or tl'e'- heavier than Hall, lacks tho experl-' previous matches being declared enco of tho latter. It is claimed this draws and tho other two resulting will bo tho fastest preliminary evor In each being given n victory. staged on Coos Day. Art t- isn, who was scheduled to Manager Herron is nlonsp.? win. spend tho last week of his training the prospects for tho bout. The Bpo-' r" in .Marsnuoia nns oeen opportuneu uy cini train irom coqulllo will bring his frlonds there to remain at homo over n record crowd, according to nd as thoy feel that ho cau train to a vices received today. Many aro corn better ndvautngo among his frlonds lng from as far as Bandon. without being molested by the pres- Many reserved tickets have already enco of strangers. He may conjo beon sold at the Dell Cord, tho ro over later but ho Is taking no served seats bringing $2 and the gen chances. , t , :tral admission tickets selling for Jack MUlot, formerly of Marsh' $1.50. THK FAST AND COMMODIOUS r jl a a tbW' jkW>VLfci u. f5harmrao ww' i''majuuuva 4tutHkJrA4ilv w Will mnko rrxmlnr trlna nimfaJ rMHrmtrm Iwth WX' "" between OoosTIat nnd San Vtmttlaco' All reservation fr mnrin nt 4111.-.. iw.i, .. v.i - T-t.-rw-csn Tt I'nlon Ntrt'oi'uiuur No. a. H:tt Vrnnclaco. For lnfW7 44-3 or 385. Will sail from San Fmnclsco Tuesday, W ' IXTER-OOEAIf TRANSronTATlOX 00. LINt rnns v.M.uwmuuc, stage ' niiw .. i. , . , ..L..i.i Ktro I"" - 6o wincvn itoaoDRrg una flinrennou. -- - nnd Snndaya at 7 p. m. Far, ?O.0O. OTTO SCHETTEn, Agent, ' C. P. BAnWRft 120 MAnKET AV., Mnwhneld. Agent. ROSEU. WT' - pnojoa ii GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Beaver -Hill Coal r, L(Bi4 Brick and tM Wads of Wll'w " GlfMbLN . iEnKKAI CUN 1 KrV- v Plaster. OFWOa. SOOTH Jtdm