T If YOU WISH TO PROFIT BY THEFUTURE, BE SURE AND ACCUMULATE A PAST YOUR. ADS CARRYING Your ntnnewR, rtmuhl appear in rc-gulnrly nn (Ukh this newspaper. If ni'Hncr omitted nil l8ue now nnil then ctoii for w weighty a rcn- n foHrlng hnt ! ruin- (EflflS Stows SOMEONE HAS SAID: " Mutv'it ndtertUlit,; apac lit tii'WinHr, voiupntvd nllh m oaee hmmI by iithor htncf, nbouW dcil&o It-. -uiupnrntl lniMrtAuc lu lite t'oimminlt)! DiN'f) your Uire'a id mtIIhIhh hjmro Ui that? It MOIIUl not IW n kmh; m-w rinicr. MEMBER Of ASSOCIATE) PRESH VOL XXXIV Established In 1H7H m The Const Moll MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1911 EVENING EDITION A Consolidation if Times, Count Mall nnd Coon liny AtlvertLcr. No. 100 fw" Smt JUAREZ FALLS BEFORE HEAVY ONSLAUGHTS Of REBELS TODAY Mexican City Across From El Paso Captured After Heavy Loss of Life. DYNAMITE, FIRE AND SHOT RUIN BUILDINGS General Madero's Force Strug gles Fiercely Against Barricades. ' II HAW LOSS OK LIFE. fnv Associated Press.) EL PASO, Tex, Mny 10 Tho O 4 Rebel victory nt Junroz wns so- cured nt the coat of n torrlblo loss of llfo on tho Amorlcnn sldo of tho lino ns well ns on tho V bnttlcflcltl. Tho death list mny rench eighty whllo nearly 150 woro wounded. Mnny fatally. Pour AmorlcnnB wcro killed nnd sixteen wcro wounded. Scoros of phyBlclnnu nro treating both the Fedorals and IiiBiirrcctos wounded. General Navarro nnd IiIb stnff surrendered to Colonol Gnrlbnl- dl of tho Insurrecto'a nrmy. Gnrlbnldl congratulated Nnvar- ro on tho splendid fight ho put up. fBy Associated Pross to Coos Bar Times.) EL PASO, Tox., May 10. Tho white flag was hoisted ovor tho bar racks at 12:35 o'clock nnd tho enp turo of Juarez by tho Rebel forco Is prnctlcnlly complete Thero wns still Homo firing In tho outskirts of tho town but great clouds of dust and snioko mndo It dlfllcult to ascer tain tho situation of tho Federal forco. At noon tho Insurrectos plncod n cannon lu position to bombnrd tho barracks. Tho first shot from tho InsurrcetOB' cannon was a tolling ono and threo or" four moro shots toro great holes In tho barracks and fin ally when roslBtorico no longor count ed, tho token of surrender was run up. The main street of Juarez Is lu ruins. Sonio of tho houses nro rid dled with bullets whllo others woro demcllshed by dynamite bombs and shells store windows nro broken and viiilo sonio of tho stores nro guarded by tho Rebels, thore has been considerable looting. Ameri can n'ombors of tho Insurrecto forco are reported to linvo been tho chief offenders. In this work. Gerral Madoro has started for tho town to establish his headquarters there Tho Rebols are swarming Into the streets and tho residents of tho town, ppparently satisfied that tho fighting Is ovor, are coming out from their Fholter and shouts- of- victory can be heard on tho American sldo. Tho sun Is burning fiercely and tho revolutinlsts who have been fighting for hours without food or water nro being given refreshments by tho resi dents of tho town among whom there aro many Insui recto sympa thizers. Dr Wilson, tho Insurrecto field surgeon, declared tho total wounded on both sldea nuumbered over one hundred. He added that ho knew Positively that threo Americans of the Insurrecto army had been killed. Dr. Kunlga, In charge of the Fed eral hospital for tho last three days, said he had treated over ono hundred Federal wounded"' and around tho Customs House, church and Jail be tween 35 and: 40' Federal dead are Wag In tho streets, ho said, Colonel Talmar, commander of Part of tho Juarez garrison, whoso taunts to tho Insurrectos were lar gely responsible, for the, attack, Js re- Ported killed. W. F. Kelly of Stockton, Cal., who EARLY ST0R1 OF THEJATTLE Juarez Presents Pitiful Evi dence of Struggle Between Armies. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.). EL PASO, Tex., Mny 10. Junroz, the objective point of tho Mexlcnn revolutionists for ninny months, be cause It Ib tho port of entry to tho United States, fell Into tho bands of General Francisco I. Madcro, Jr., early today. Though General Navarro, with a small command long hold out In tho barrackB near tho contor of town, tho rebels had taken most of bis cannons and since noon directed tholr flro nt tho Inst Federal stronghold. Just boforo noon, Knout Mndoro, ono of tho youngest Inaurreoto lend ors, who gallopod past the Santa Fo hrldgo on his way to Goncrnl Madcro, roportod that Gonornl Navarro hnd been locntod within tho barracks and was Burroundod by Robol forces. Story of Fighting. General Navarro, tho Federal com mnndor nt Junroz, contlnuod his dos porato rcslstanco to tho onslaughts of tho Robols under Francisco I. Mn doro, Jr., early today. Tho onga goment was rcsumod In onrnest it 8:25 o'clock this morning. Throughout tho smoking town which was swopt by flames last night, tho Federals modo despornto stnndB behind tholr bnrrlcades. Tho Rebols pushod tho fighting. Tho Federals, who had found ro fugo In tho church and nt tho dia toms Hpuso woro driven frob both theso buildings nftor torrllc fight ing. Tho Rebels used dynnmlto bombs and both sides used machlno guns. It was lnrgoly Btreot fighting, each aldo taking advnntngo of tho protec tion of tho buildings. Gonornl Navarro said last night ho would fight to death. Ho then ex pected rolnforcomonts but lator re ports showed his succor to bo moro distant than n weok's march. Tho Robols oxpectod rolnforce monts of 300 men this nftornon. was standing on tho Amorlcnn sldo, was wounded In tho shouldor. The dvnnmlto bombs, sholls. bul lets nnd flro thnt rnged for hours Inst night and early today transformed Junrez from Its usual tranquil, peace ful stato Into a mass of ruins. Nu merous abode houses have been razod and other buildings practically min ed. As soon as tho whlto flng was hoisted over tho barracks nnd the surrender of the Federals complete, Mexican flags woro unfurled on houso topa nnd church bells woro rung In celebration. CASeTsBEING TRIED. Hngqulst nnd IlJorqnlt Suo For Pay , mont for Fill. This afternoon beforo a Jury In .Tustjre Pennock's court, tho case of Hat(1ulst and DJorqulst vs. Antonio Mlquel for $72 for C00 yards of dirt which they claim they dumped on his lot In South Marshgeld is being tried. Tho lurv consists of Jaa. Watts. II. A. Wells. W. N. Ekblad. J. C. Mer chant, A. D. Wolcott nnd Warren Bachtel. CHAMBER OF COM.MERCE NOTICE A meeting of tho Executive Com mittee of the Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce will be held Friday after noon at 4:30 and all -members are requested to .bo present VIOLET HENDERSON, Sec. NORTH BEND UN UNDER ARREST Lewis Whitney Charged With Selling Horse He Had Hired From Pointer Livery In Co quille. LowIb Whitney of North Dend, nbout twenty years old, was arrested here by Sheriff Gago yesterday as ho wns about to tako n boat for North Dend. He Is charged with soiling a horso which ho hnd hired from Poin ter's livery nt Coqulllo and confiscat ing tho money to tits own use. Whitney wns tnken to Coqulllo yesterdny by Sheriff Gngo. Tho evi dence obtained ngatnst him so far 1b not conclusive, .ho not bolng posi tively Identified as tho man who hnd hired tho horse. Dep uty Sheriff Gago stated this nftor- WVSVVVVVrfrf,WVV,VNVSWVVSSVWNSVSVVVS'aW,VVVSVNVV'W THINK THE? Mexican Loyalists Express Confidence In Outcome of Revolution. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bnj Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mny 10. Notwith standing tho success of tho Rebols at Juarez, tho loyalists hero appear con fident of thojiltlmtno success of tho Fodorol army. TO PROTECT -AMERICANS. Senator 'Stone Protests Against Inactivity of United StnfcH. (By Assoriatcd Press to Cooa Bay ' Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. Characterizing tho killing of Ameri cans on tho border as "murdor," Sonator Stono of Missouri mndo a second bpcech protesting against the inactivity of tho United 8tat In tho protection of cltlzons on tho Mexican bordor. Stono declared tho United States govornmout should bo moro con cerned for tho welfnro of Its own pcoplo than for tho sonsltlvonesa if Moxlcans. ALL OF F. Casey Vanlieron of Luther, Mich., Murders Three and Himself. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CADILAC, Mich., May 10. Casoy Vanlloron,. a .farmer . living noar Luther, Mich., shot and killed his wlfo and his two children, himself. Domestic trouble was tho cause. AFTER SUGAR TRUST. , i . , House ProvldesFor Invebtlgntlon of Allegtnl Combine. (By Associated Prose to Coos Bay TlmesJ WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. The Houso formally passed the Hard- wick resolution for an investigation of tho American Sugar Refining Com pany and other sugar concerns. BILL REACHES SENATE. (By Associated Pres3 to C003 Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. Tho Houso "free list" bill reached tho Senate Tuesday and was referroa to the Finance Committee, "SHAUX AROOX" OPERA HOUSE FniDAY, MAY 12TH. Reserved Beats now on sale at the Busy Corner drug store. Hi WN FARMER KILLS 1 'noou thnt nddttlonnl evidence wns being obtained which would probnbly hold Whitney. It scorns thnt a man, alleged to be Whitney went to tho Pointer Livery In Coqulllo nbout a week ago nnd hired a horse for two days. Neither ho or tho horso returned. ' Now It Is claimed that ho took tho horso to somo placo In Curry county and sold It. I Whitney whon arrested hnd n now suit of clothes and othor now wear lng apparel, and a new revolver. Ho denied his guilt. Whitney has n brother at North .Bond, his father, John Whitney, lived on IContuck Inlet for n long tlino. Ho wns an old miner and la supposed to bo mining In tho Salmon Mountain section now. LOST LIFE IN Lieut. Kelly Falls to Death While Making Flight Near San Antonio. (By Associated Press to Coos U.iy Times.) SAN ANTONIO, Tex., May 10. Llout. Georgo M. Kelly of tho Thtr jteonth Infantry, U. S. A., was killed this morning by a fall In i Curtlss noroplano nt Fort Sam Houston. Ho was making a (light nnd whon nbout fifty feet from tho ground shot for ward from his scat, landing on his head. ifo dlod In a few minutes. PORTLAND IS LOSERJUESDAT Drops First Game to San Francisco by Score of Two to Three. $ STAXDIXfi OF CLUBS. Per Won Lost cont Portland. ... 22 10 .571) San Francisco. 23 18 .501 Oakland .... 20 21 ,488 Vernon. ... 10 20 .187 Sacramento . . 18 20 .474 Los Angeles. . 1C 23 .410 (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 10. Leading tho Coast Leaguo with n good porcontngo, Portland opened away from homo yesterday nt San Francisco nnd dropped tho first gamo by a Bcoro of two to threo. Tho games Tuesday resulted as follows: At San Francisco II Portland. . . San Francisco. At Sacramento Vornon. . . 9 13 II 11 8 H 13 13 t t Sacramonto, , At Los Angeles Oakland, , . i t Los Angeles Sunday Annies. Sunday's games resulted as fol- lows: 'At Portland I Portland. . . Vernon, At Oakland R 3 4 R 8 2 4 8 R G 13 II 8 ib H 13 4 8 11 Sacramento, . Oakland. . . Sacramento. . Oakland,. . . At Loa Angelea Los Angeles, . San Francisco- H 7 17 After tbe show try a TurkUh bath Phone 214-1 J. I EX-GOV. GLOVER RIES SUDDENLY IN PORTLAND IS Mexican Federal Force Aban dons Town Across Line from Douglas, Ariz. (By Associated Press to tho Coon Day Times.) DOUGLAS, Ariz., Mny 10. Tho Fedornl nrmy evacuated Agun Prle.n today, tho entire garrison marching BOUtllWCBt. Tho Federals nro marching In tho direction of Hcrmoslllo. All the gov ernment olllces nt Agun Prlctn nro closed and many American mining companies will be obliged to suspend because tho Custom Houso Is closed. Between Agun Prlotn and Hormo alio, n Inrgo Robol forco Ib concen trntcd nnd It Is unlikely tho Federals will rench Hermoslllo without bnttlo. Hormostllo Is surrounded by n largo bnnd of Robcls Including 800 woll armod Ynqul IndtniiB. LOSS AT S.VLTILLO. Mexican l-VdernlH Reported to'Ilnve JiHt Over Fifty. (By Associated Press to Coos Pav Times.)' LAREDO, Tex., May 10. Kollablo Information Is thnt ovor fifty Feder als, wero killed nt Snltlllo In n fight with Insurrectos yesterday. Tho Fed erals wero drawn Into a trap. RAD THEATRE FIRE. HodleH of INglit Performers Recover ed from Edinburgh Music Hull. (By Associated Press to Coos Ba Times.) EDINBURGH, Scotland, Mny 10. Eight bodies woro recovered from tho ruins or the Empire Music Hall which burned Inst night. Nearly all wovo identified as performers. Has Strong Team for County High School Field Meet Here Friday. According to advlcos from tho Co qulllo vnlloy, tho Ilandon, Coqullle 'and Myrtlo Point High school track teams WW uo accompanied rr,ro iwi Friday by largo contingents of "root ers" for tho Coob County Field moot which will bo pulled off nt tha Marsh fleld Fair Grounds Friday aflornoon. North Bend wilt also sond a big dele gation. All of tho teams aro protty woll .matched but Bandon, according to I local "dopestors" has tho host pros pects of winning tho meet. Concorn Ing its prospects, tho following state ment was made today: "In Bandon hope Is running high, nnd ihn Iml lent ImiH nre that tho oth- jor teams In tho county will havo to go somo to provont thorn from ro peatlng laBt year's victory. "The team, with a few excoplton3, will bo tho Bnmo as last year and nvrv ono Is showltiE bettor form. Tho sprlutors and dlstanco men havo been clawing tho cinders for wheels. Tho Jumpers and tho weight mon aro fully na good If not bettor than last year's and the relay team will hold Its own." In E.VERY HOME Bhould be HAINES" FLOUR. RANIN HOPES TO WIN AGAIN OF OREGON Was National Figure In Memo rable Struggle Between Hayes and Tilden. HE TRIED TO AID TILDEN WIN CONTEST Electoral Votes From This State Decided Presidency of United States. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 10. Lnfu yotto Grovor, tho fourth governor of Oregon, died suddenly nt bis homo In thlH city today. Ho wnH born In Maine In 1823, and wns governor oC Oregon from 1870 to 1877. Ho wan a democrat, lie beenmo a natlon.il llguro In the HnyoH-Tlldon presiden tial contest. It was whon tho repub lican party was confronted with de feat lu tho effort to elect Hayes that the national Irbuo wns placed lu tho ; hniulH of tho governor of Qrogon. 'Tho votes of the electors of this stato decided to contest. Threo oloctora wero chosen. It wns found that ono of tholr numhor wns Josoph Watts, postmnstor nt Lafayette, nnd tho do mocrntH produced n constitutional provision that forbade any man hold ing a lucrative nfllco bofhg -chosen as elector. They maintained that Wntta wns Ineligible becnuso of this fact. Groyor'lssued a certificate of election, to n mnn named Cronln, a Portland domocrnt who had received tho high est democratic vote, In tho Btoad ot Watts. Whether Cronln or Watts sohuld bo recognized hung tho fate of Issuo. Tho two republicans refus ed to recognlzo Cronln nnd Watts ro slgnod his pfllro and these threo ro-' publicans cnt tho voto which put Hnycs In ollloco. And thou nftor that Watts was again glvon his postofilco. ASIC FOR FUNDS. .'fc Subscriptions For Defenso of Sic XiuunriiN. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 10. Tho Amorlcnn Fodorntlon of Labor .has Isauod an appeal for funds for tho . .. av-- t...,t ... UOienso oi mo Aicvuuuni bruwiura In Jnll at Los Augolos for dynamiting. Tho oxocutlvo council of tho Federa tion will receive tho funds nnd dis tribute thorn. THE WHEAT MARKET. (By Associated Pross to Cooa Bay Times.) CHICAGO, III., Mny 10. May wheat, ft I 1-Ro: July wheat, 87 3-4o; ' a 1 . t. .... A O 1 J t AAA t lak Bopiemuur wnuai, 01741 uuwmuvi wheat, 89 l-8c. (Ey Assoolatod Prosa to Coos Bay Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., May 10. Wheat unchanged. (By Associated Pros- to Coos Bay Times.) TACOMA, Wash., May 10. Whoat unchanged, QUIET IX rOXORESS. No Meeting Today Evcept of Con IlllttCON. (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. D. C. May 10. Neither branch of Congress Is In ses sion todny but thero Ib moro or less activity of commlttocs. interest la centored In the hearings on Canadlaa reciprocity In tho Senato Commute on Finance. ACREAGH For all kinds of Acreage sea u. ,Wo have tho goods and can make yo I prices that will Interest you. TITLE GUARANTEE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY. Ifti .. l--r .i-fru.; ijWti .. A- J- '' ifiirttMHWIMMMBMBMBl f