r 4 -wniwnnr.rv-TT THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 191 1---EVEWN6 EDITION I If- Mikes Mum Bikini; Easy Bill iVUiniyiWyrlM &AKlH5 POWDER Absolutely Pure Tha only baking mowtfer made from Royal Grape Groam of Tartar i NO ALUM.NO LIME PHOSPHATE ! Interesting Coming Events IMPORTANT AFFAIRS IN THE LOCAL SOCIAL, COMMERCIAL AND FRATERNAL LIFE OF COOS.BAY SCHEDULED FOR EARLY ATTAINMENT CHAMINADE CLUB CONCERT FIELD MEET BAND WILL GIVE CONCERT AND OBSERVATION OF MOTHER'S DAY. HELD MEET MOTHER'S DAY HERE FRIDAY NEXT SUNDAY FAKES SELLS BOGUS LINE CLUB'S PLAN FOB CONCERT Women Warned Swindler Who Is Working Coast Towns. Coob county womon aro warned ngniiiBt n smooth urn t tor who 1b working tho conflt townn selling bo gus Hnun nud shoddy rugs nnd furs. Ho recently swindled tho women of Eurckn nnd Tho llornld publishes tho following concerning his operations: "Ono of tho oldest bunco or grntt games hns boon worked with gro-it success In Eurekn during tho pnst wcok or ton days by a follow nnmod Wlntors, wjio hns been staying nt a local hotel and making n door to Coquille, Bandon, North Bend Coos Bay Modern Woodmen and Myrtle Point In Will Observe Day With Contests. Special Services. It was announced yesterday that Tho Modern Woodmen of Coos Hay tho annunl Cooa County High School aro preparing to obsorvo next Sunday Hold meet will bo hold at tho Marsh- ns "Mothers' Day," It being an annual .Hold Fair grounds next Friday, May CURtom to ol)Borvo tho BOCOnt, snday 13. It was stated a week or so ago In May. The following proclamation city: AgaitlSt that tho ovoiit would probably bo from tho head consul Is self cxplnna- Tno concort which will bo given by ... . . .. .. . .. . . Inn" caneu on owing 10 mo .Marsnnoiii . tho Cham undo club Wodnesdny ovc- Chaminade Musicale Program Promises to' Be One of Unusual Merit. Tho following announcement of tho Chamlnndo'Cltib of tho concort ar ranged for next week will bo of In terest to tho music lovers of tho tory: Slltiilnv fnv 1 .1 la Tntlint'a rim' High School Track Team going to Qn Hib QAmm ,,,,' nlng. May 17, will bo an event which pieces on account of tho action of wcnr n whUo Wowcr j llonor of n8 deserves tho pntronngo of ovory one somo of tho members. However, j0tnor nn,i wrto i,or n letter. It Is wll l'lreclates good music. Tho Mnrshflold had been solccted ns tho J,,ghly ,,ro,,or tlint t,,B (ny 8hould bo .cluU hnB Kno to Rrcat OX1,0,,BO ,n B0 j.laco of holding tho contest this year Bot nnrt ,n tho Mo(,crn Woodmon of c,,r,nK Mrs' Eltrh,tl IIollcr Woliwtoln. nnd as tho othor bcIiooIb wore propar- An,crlcn for n special sorvlco In honor ,rn,ntlc soprano, and Mrs. Dolphlno ed for It, tho final decision wns to nf .,, rntf)B. Bini forpn , ,i. Mark, contralto, of Portland. Of world-Mother. It Is most fitting t,1C8 two nrt,8tB' mnny orlnB that our society, embodying, ns It "rcM not,ccs h"vo boon olvcd. Ono does, tho very llfo nnd spirit of tho "UB u,u lu ,cuu ",B " i-i- homo and Its blessed ties, should day. No pull off tho event as scheduled. It was stated hero yestcrdny that teams from North Bond, Coqulllo nnd Dnudon will compote. It Is expected that tho contest will bo n closo ono con,n,on,0rnto this as nnnilnu hns practically tlio samo team as Inst year whtlo tho North to rcallzo tho esteem In winch theso alttirnra nrn Imlil 111 tllitll lintlln MfW man, "" - " - v ' however learned or rcnowed. how- . numuera to uo given i.y enen . , . , ..,...,.. . nrtlst. aro varied and beautiful, In- uvur iiiiiiuu iir iiuiiuiuu, milium iui iuii Hond nnd Coqulllo aggregations havo tl)0 8prU or onvronniPnt of his groat cImllS Gorman, French, Itnllan nnd been materially strengthened slnco door cnnvnBB with n horso and bug- then gy, soiling tablo linen, furs nnd othor A Mg croW(1 la expected from tho articles dear to fomlnlno henrts. vnIloy t0WIIB wnoro tho itorcRt Is Wlntors "got nway" with his graft runnB ,Kll. Wlth n track In first to tho tuno of about $100 n day whllo clllB8 C0inlltlan nnd tho Ideal weather ho was operating horo, It is undor- n crowd of ,,c()1)i0 Hioulcl bo thoro to stood, nnd unloaded n great quantity 0COurago tho boys to their utmost, of bogus goodH on unsuspoctlng Somu ot tneH0 events will undoubted houso wives and othorB. jy oxcou amllnr ovonts In most moots. Drcssod In a uniform his graft wis Somo hlRh jnu,nB win bo soon thnt to Intimate to his purchnHors thnt ho lind smuggled tho goods ho had for ln tll0 8il0t ,)Ut ,, ,inHhc8 somo first nchlevcmcntB to dull his sonsa of In creasing nbllgntlnn to tho ono who gnvo him birth. No man of wealth or poverty, no man of business or profession, no man In any station of llfo can allow either tho depressing porploxltlcs or tho enticing nllure monts of his career to lesson his Just estlmnto of tlio unsatisfied debt ho owes to his Mother, or to weaken h h dcslro for her lovo nnd benediction. Is hard to bent ln high school whllo Tmt toro mn. not bo n tlny 8ot in tho shot put and dashes somo first ..., ... ,,., ....... .... ..,.. sale, thus explaining the ridiculous cIn88 m0ll wII, compoto. 0ordlng of ' ' ' 'U IW ( k.siui u.,.,u...o ... inn i..u .uu B,.u.u nncC(, m Bha,low tho glory of around tho -10 mark whllo Hauler or Bnndon will show, n pan of hools to most In tho sprints. In tho mllo nnd n half, Laird of Ilandon Is expected English songs Ono of tho most attractive selec tions on tho progrnm. Is n duet by Strclczski, sung by Mrs. Wolnstoln nnd Mrs. Mnrx. Tho mombers of tho chorus undor tho direction of Mrs. William Hnrs fall, Jr., havo boon rehearsing for somo timo pnst preparatory to the coming concert. Tho chorus work of tho club which has always been de lightful, promises on this occasion to excol all previous efforts. low nrlcos offored and obtained. So far as Ih known Wlntora Is still op erating. Tho fnvorlto bait of tho smooth grafter Is to offer for Inspection benu tlful tablo "linen" of most fetching doslgn. Whon closo Inspection Is inndo by exports it Is learned that tills "linen" Is nothing nioro nor less than mor corlrM cotton, cleverly laundered to jjTCxent tlio nppoaranco of linen of tho JlnoHt grade. When again laun dered, this "linen" looks llko n bndly wrinkled sheet and Is utterly worth less except for duty as dish rags. It Is estimated that Winters sold nonrly 11,000 worth of goodH In this city last week alone. Several com plaints havo beon inndo but no nt tempt has been mndo yet to Institute crlmlnnl proceedings." Dr. McCormnc hns resumed prne tlco In Lockhart building opposlto postolllce. "Mother's Day." How glad will bo the multitudes to bo privileged on this second Sunday In Mnv to lift tolling hands, nnxlous fnces, nnd GIVE PLAY AS to do wonders. Ho has won tho mllo ,,cnvy hrftrtfJ from ,ho try,nB (nk, of two years in succession. It will bo f(, n( tur nBan ,Q Mothrr . worth tho price of ndmlssion to wit- , or n0(, of amQnt ,fl 10 fou. nesH this event ulono. L . f lnBn.rntloi. nnil c0,irncP. tho Tit llut tt nvonta la nu fil1rtitu ' dash Uunulng BAND BE FT yard 100 Jump. 220 yard low hurdlo Standing 220 yard dash High jump. Vi-mllo run Polo vault. 1 mllo run Shot put. 1 mllo relay. brond KAIt.MHltS, Ol'STHI) VOll (IKKKKS, AN(JIY. Home Talent Production of "Shaun Aroon" Arranged For Friday Night. "Shaun Aroon" Is tho nnmo of a I'lielr I.uIht Doi'H Xt Please tlio C'ontiactdis on .ImcUhoii County Ilonil Job. nuchorngo of hope and life, and for a day llvo over again thoso hours, when communion with her shnped tho courso and directed tho career of tho boy who now Is tho man. How very llko tho hnnglng of tho fruitage to tho vino do tho hopes nnd purposes, tho progress and lnlluonces of our llfo pretty llttlo Irish comedy drama thnt cluster nbout thnt ono porson Moth- will be put on nt tho Masonic Opera er. With her thoro was but ono great Houso on Frldny ovenlng, May 12tn thought, reaching from tho beginning undor tho auspices nnd for tho bono- of her boy's llfo on to eternity, nnd At of tho Nnvnl Resorvo Ilnnd, under thnt thought wns how best with her tho direction of Prof. Hepburn. Tho lovo nnd tears sho might mnko suro play is reploto with stirring situu- nnd smooth his pnth through nil tho tions, full of comedy, Intormlugled way. No lnlluonco In the world's pro- wun jigs nnu nances. Tho following MKDFOItn, Ore., May 9. Hostili ties may follow tho announcement by KrcB8 oxco8 thnt of tho world's Moth- Is tho enst Planet iunlor SI'MIKHS nnd CVJr TIVATOHS nt MlIiNKU'S. Everything Is In readiness for tho KVKNT OK TIIK SHASO.V, in tho Dramatic lino, "Shaun Aroon, by thu Band Hoys, Frldny evening May 12th. niCSKHVKI) S1JATS at tho II my Cornor. Maney Ilros., who havo tho contract for building 20 miles of county road p-om Derby to Itoguo rlvor, nenr Prospect, that no moro farmers In that section will bo employed by them. Tho contractors stnto that tho era. Tho great achievements of men Shaun Aroon in business, In statesmanship, In tho I-ord Hormoy professions, In literature, In poetry, In song nnd nrt nro trncablo to tho controlling spirit nnd Influence of a good Mother. It wns her llfo In nn IMIONK 1. B. KAl'FMAX CO VOUH COAL OHDKHS 8t.no PKIt TOX. A XKW OM) IIOTKL. Old pntrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, Si n Francisco, will bo glad to hoar A delegation called on tho cQimty thnt this famous houso Is now opon m,,, but wns Informed that Inns lu n flno new six story building right muc ft9 tho county road work was down town. New furniture, now car- iot by contract to Mnney Ilros., tho pots, steam hent. hot water nnd tele- commissioners had no way In which phono In ovory room. Cafe In con- to Interfere. farmers nro too prono to sit on tholr otj,pr form glorified In tho triumphs plows nud spin yarns and that In tno 0f )10r i,oy jor future Uiev will employ only outsldo pointed tho way. labor. They havo Just received Ti,rn n ,nomont and look across tho Inrw shipment of horses nnd havo 1m- ytnr8 Wo havo come. She caressed ported 100 Oreoks. tho boy at her knee, sho nourished The farmers aro showing every him until ho had strength to stand sit?n of Interference with the con- nnd prnttlo at her side; Bhe watched tractors ir tlio oraer is not resolution, over and protected him from harm . . Claud S. Tucker . ...M. W. Ilyrno Forgus Rlordnn. ..Arthur Blnnchnrl Dan O'Grady . . . .L. A. Hopburn Tom Hugh Long Hennlngs Ralph Ilatcholor Patrick ....VInco Pratt measurements Mrs. O'Grady. . Mrs. Francis Fouton Molly Laura Keating Mnggio Miss Jenotto Escott Satisfactory Service A groat deal of the business of thesi' stores en J to us, directly or indirectly, through the influen7l our customers a good indication of the satisfa? nature of the service rendered. 1 When you are ready to buy or look at Spring Clothing we trust that you will consult tvith any of our cusk mors as to the reliability of the institution and J courtesy characterizing its transactions. "Money Ta&s" and M Hubr Clothing & Shoe Co, BANDON MAKSIIFIEtD "THE FHIKNI) OF COOS HAY" S. S. ALLIANCE lOXXKCTlXfl WITH TIIK WOHTM AWK ROAD AT roniLU Sails from PorNaml Tuesday May 9 XOIITJI PACIFIC 3 riCA.MHIl IP CO.MPANT. PIIOXI5 OF. McGIOrtOI, Ajftt OLD HKLIADLK STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIMK SAILS FRO.M PORTI.AXl) AT J) A. M., OX 5I.VV I, 0, 11, 10, SI, I iX AXI 1. FROM COOS HAY AT BKUVICK OF TI1)H MAY .1, 8, 13,18, M. HICSKllYATIOXS IIKLO OXLY UXTlIi XOOX OP DAYrREftl OUS TO HAILIXO. Tj. II. KUATIXO, AOn.NT PIIOXE .UUX Ml THE PAST AXI COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (KqulppcO & WlfflfMl Will nuiko regular trlpn carrying ixuMcngcrfl both j nd(itlt lietuvcn Coos liny mid 8nn Francisco. AUreervtloiiiforpw.im mndo nt Alllnnco Dock, Murobftold and Intcr-Oconn Tra r Union Street Wluirf No. 3, Hin I-Ynnclsco. For lntonntlon &M U-J or U85. AV1H sail from San Franclwro Tuesday, My 9. IXTEOCEAN TRAXSPORTATIOX COMPANY. COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE UNE Dally stage bctneen nosebwrK nnd Mrshflcld. Stage k nnd Sundays nt 7 p. m. Faro, JO.OP. OTTO SCHETTER, Afient, O. P. HARXA11D, 120 MARKET AV., Mnrshfleld. Agent, ROSEIlUnO, Ort. pnoxic ii Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIABLO 45 JOMOX OKMKXT. Tho beat Dpiaeatte ad Import br Plaster, Lime, Brick and all klndi of bullderi anWW HUGH McLAIN GENERAL CONTRACTOR .. OFFICE, SOUTH BltOAWAY. rOX ' without a hurt: her leadership is parallel. On this day let tho significant flow er of white and tho puro lovo of nr.it.i. i an . .. whllo undor hor enro, and when ho ",,UWBU011 "" our mes w"n new wont out into tho big world a man, nnd 8tronBer 8l,lr" of courtesy, gen- her Biistnlnlnii Invn fnllnwml nnri nviMi uru8'W J'uwence, Mlianess nilU sor- nqctlon. Notice theso rates: Room wjth private bath $1 a day, $! nwoeic. Ajl cars pass tho door. Select family hcjtol, Windsor Hotel, 23S EdcW etreet, Snu Francisco. ' IF I HAD ECZEMA I'd wash It awny with that mild soothing liquid, I). D. D, tie, cleansing away tho Impurities and clearing up tho complexion ns nothing else can Yes. If I had any ktnd of skin One of the mombers of the del -31 Hon Ptnted that a delegation would call upon the contractors and deter mine whero tho farmers stood and thnt tho contractors would be given a certain time to let the Greeks go and If they did not, forco might bo used. ran abend; she rejoices in his suc cess. Ills benefits nro hor delights; she weeps nt his misfortunes; sho shares his trials and business depres sions; sho stands by him In adversity, and should he go wrong it is Mother who cannot believe bo hns dono evil. Friends mny turn tholr, bnckB, and acquaintances mny condemn, but htr lovo nnd faith surpasses all things; vice toward our fellowmen. AUTOMORILE nnd Buggy PAIXT aud .Varnish at MILXER'S. Don't forgot phoxe ai j.j. tho Turkish Baths Y.'ARXIXa TO RAILROAD MEX. 3. S. Bacon. 1 1 Bast St.. Bath, Me., sends out this warning to railroad ers: "A conductor on the railroad, my work iused a chronic Inflamma- so thnt no matter what others m.iy I Sheriff Jones stated that while ho think, say or do. sho clinns to hor bov Trial bot- (jd not expect anv trouble, his ofllco with n devotion unmatched. The re- t,on ,no kidneys, nnd 1 wns miser would be prepared to protect tho collection of such untold sympathy property or tno contractors. .and sacrifice Is a grent restraint to I aoie and all played out. A friend ad- ,visea toiey Kianey pills and from - " " -iwiu uuy cuuiRiencea taKlng them. mo nuu u Bitun(, ttujiuiBa iu virtuu. 1 1 utj,ii iu ifK'iiu in my strength Follow tho 11AXI) to tho RIO She brought tho calm In tho storms The Inflammation cleared and I nm troubles I'D USB D. D. D.Red Cross aiY, FRIDAY EVEXIXG, May 12, and tempests of our little lives; hor fnr better tnan J nav been for Drug 8oro. at tho OPERA HOUSE. touch was tho healing balm for every jJJJJJ 'ear8,' RED CR0SS Drug Blanchard's Livery We havo secured tho livery busi ness of L. H. Helsner and aro pre pared to render ellent 8eryco ti the peoplo of Coos Bay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everythl that will mean sntlsfacttry service tc tho public. Phono us fot a drlvlni horse, a rig or anything needed Jd the livery line. We also do trucking business of all kinds. RLAXCnARD nROTnERS. Art Blanchard, Mgr. Livery, Feed and Sales Service, HI First and Alder Streets. Phone 158-J DYKING J .. o...mCI(ttW Frencn wry nnu o- ladles and gents' ulU. W- od for and delivered. VtW able.nOSEaTYPYBj Foot of Market Ave - t Tr tv vneanrn carp' Union GASOLIXE FAMILY HOTEL THE LLOTB MARSHFIELD'S FOPULAJl Rates rodaood tpj bay-Sfcj, fc t.w,, Fvej ig. an tD c na - tt?iTlar.!ttrBta wl .nflTl.tlU trrROeEl .. J" SAMSOX GAS ESPKW CEXTRIFUOAL P CoosBa yomnM ntfAN'8'n ' w-n rVrdMS Boll4 trier 'the obw uf' !Pll0 814 J . " "siw. JSfrkJAj.-', h . J M.tnliifirffill! -L- jy m-iim!