pBP-I!J!wWWWW THECOOSIAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. 0RE6QN. TUESDAY, MAY 9, 1911 -EVENING EDITION p-""' "" mi MiflMMflHLfliHHkWHHHEGEfiflLMHfi9 W Here Is Your Chance As a Special Inducement To Introduce High Art Clothiiv We Are Going to Give With. Every Suit oi Clothes Pur chased in This Store $5.00 NKWH OK KLMNER. Prod Hanson made a buslnots trip to Mnrshfluld yesterday. WORTH OF w'lich include MERCHANDISE tho Packard Shoos, Kincrsbtii'V or Stotsou Huts, Cluelt Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, etc. Besides this wo are going to give away one suit free in a guessing con test, and a guess costs you nothing. See the Toggery window for parti culars. High Art clothes are the best to bo had in style, fit and quality guaran teed by the maker and by ourselves personally. SuitsFrom $20.00 To $32.50 Take advantage of this offer now -it won't be open for long. 0MmmmBm I JiaKSjKcsTii V? tlM W vlV"l Hv Suinnor wns represented at llan- d.ui Sunday by Jnmos Stock nnd Jny Richards. iV? N 1 1 &1 1 1 'rU fO I a lir'i (ft . ?AW MG& I vjvu.yu-ua juii NviiUay a i bt wishes for n happy futuro for 'him nnd his bride. Miss Hazel Peterson of Kontuck lti.et attended the "big time" hero Saturday evening. It. Hnlslnger Intends to go to Loon Lake to run the engine In the saw mill for Jack McDonnld. Miss Grace Terry nnd .Mr. Drown son of McKlnley nttended tho play nnd dance hero Saturday evening. Archie Phillips nnd family of North Hend visited over Sundny nt tho homo of Cnpt. A. D. Uoone. O. E. Uurford, who has been vlslt- lng at the home of his brother, Otis, tho past week, returned to MnrshfloM yesterday. LOCAL TKMI'Klt.Vrriir. UIC POUT. For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:15 p. in.. Mny S. by Mrs. 13. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Maximum r.2 Minimum 41 At -i : -13 p. in PI Precipitation GG Wind, Southwest; cloudy. T1IK WEATHER. Mrs. It. It. Watson nnd children of Coqulllo returned homo yesterday, after spending a week hero visiting relatives and friends. 1 1 .uibs Annie uvernoitzer, wno s teaching at Lee, returned home Sun dny after nttendlng tho play and dance Saturday evening. (ny Associated Press.) OREGON, May 9. Fair to night with light frost, Wednes day fair. 1m III. Claud Stutsninn, engineer of tho Mnrshflold Flro Department is 111 nt his homo. Geo. Campbell Is attending to his duties ns engineer during hit Illness. Suney Evidence. This mornlnj, P. A. Sandborg took some levels nnd data fqr evidence In the three-cornered ense between tho C. A. Smith company, tho Merchant estate and the Southern Pnclllc over tho boundary of some property nt Broadway and Curtis, their claims conflicting. Some one snld that It is tho first mtrvoy for tho street car lino nnd 't cnused much comment until tho truo object of his work was ascertained. Personal Notes Change Meeting Tho A. N. W. club will meet with Mrs. F. P. Nor ton Thursday afternoon Instead of with Mrs. W. P. Murphy. Miss Myrtle Hodson returned to her home on Coos IUver yostordny nfter an ovor-Sundny visit with her grnndmother, Sirs. 13. 51. Lnwhorne. Mcgsrs. Alfred Miller, Chns. 1 Mr locker, Shnrkey Dunham and tho Misses Edna Gtlkey, Winnie Spires nnd Lctn Mast of Coqulllo took in tho dance Snturday evening. Ik Trnln Auditor. 13. Irving Chan dler, well-known on Coos liny, is now n Southern Pnclllc trnln auditor with headquarters In San Francisco. New Egg Itecoitl. Mrs. A. II. Mc Kny of Rniignr has fourteen hens tlui. produced G1G eggs in threo montns n record which she does not bolUvu many poultry owners can equal. Tho Ladles' Aid society of tho Is Coming. Prof. A. Dnwklns of Sherldnn, Oregon, who Is planning to stnrt a business collego hero, wrltos to the Clinmber of Commerce that ho will conio hero about Juno 1 T. D. L. PIIKLAN of Myrtlo Point Is In Mnrshflold on business. H. J. MONTGOMERY left this morn ing for Wlltnmetto valley polnta. MRS. P. I). I1LAKE of Catching In let Is n Mnrshflold shopper today. A. 0. THRIFT of rtandou wnB a Mnrshflold business visitor yesterday. MR. ALEX McLEAN of Now York City Is visiting nt the homo of Mrs. Win. Iluck. J. II. DUNCAN of Snn Francisco wnB In Marshflcld today en routo to Curry county. Will Saw Tien. J. F. Conklln of COURT REPORTER RIDDLE camo over from Coqulllo Inst night and will leavo tonight or in tho morn ing for Ills homo In Roseburg. Swedish Lutheran church, will bo on-Soutn InIot i,n8 ,)Urchnsed n new saw Ihe Toggery tertnlncd by Mrs. Chns. Sclnndor nnd Mrs. Mntt Mattson at the Chas. So .lander homo next Thursdny. Formerly Geo. Goodrum. GSHHS35SOTEI J. J. McDonnld left hero with his saw mill Sundny morning for Alle gany, from which plnco ho will movo It to Loon Lnko to cut lumber for tho road and tho fnrmors In that vicinity. J. M. Darker has taken tho contract to haul tho mill from Allegany to Loon Lnko. to Have the Solution of Your Razor Troubles Does it pull. Does it hold its edge? The secret of good shaving is a good razor inarp. WE Have It kept lee Our New $5.00 Absolutely Guaranteed Blue Steel Razor It is a Dandy Our lino of Safety .Razors includes : ILLETTE DURHAM DUPLEX GEM JR. FOR SALE AT THE .BUSY CORNER. PHONE 298 Wart-Parsons Drag Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. BADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. j Lnrks a comedy In threo nets, wns played by homo tnlcnt In Sumner Hall Saturday ovoulng to n Inrgo and enthusiastic nudlcnco. Tho Misses Ruth nnd Wlldn Harris sang solos be tween acts, also n duot by Mrs. R. It. Wo hnvo Just received nn Import Wnt8m nnd Miss Ruth Harris. Alter tno play wns over tno oasicotB worn nnotlnnni! Thn mat f tlin ulclit. China. We nro going to soil this nt wn sont a dnncng Mug,0 WB tho sumo prices as ordinary crockery, 'furnlshod by Anderson's Orchestra of Ten Cups and SnucorB Set 70e North Bond. Coffee Cups nnd Saucers. . .Set 85c Everybody went homo happy nnd fl Inch Plate Set .Wc,vo,od ll tho bc8t t,mo of U, 8enaon- (I Inch Plate Set (Wc 7 Inch Plates Set 73o New Arrivals In Crockery of Puro Whito, Thin, Soml-Porcolnlno mill ntul will saw rnllrond ties and other lumber on tho Henry Sengstnc ltcn land on South Inlet. Ho stands In with n Binnll coutrnct from Coob Ray Roseburg and Eastern Railroad Compnny. .Move Traps. Yostordny tho traps of tho North Rend Gun club were moved to tho Mnrshflold race track grounds nnd tho local gunners tried out for tho first time. Thoro nro now nbout twonty-llvo members In tho locnl club ntul n series of shots Is bolng nrrnnged. VERNON DARKER of Fnlrvlow was In Marshflcld today. Ho Is assist ing In moving tho mill which ho recently sold to Jnck McDonald to Loon Lake. I'. M. PARSONS has recovered suffi ciently from his protrnctod slogo of the grip to bo bnck at tho "Ilusy Corner" nnd receive congratula tions from his many friends over his successful tussle with tho com mon ciiomy. North Bend News K inch Plates Set 83c It Pieces Set 83.30 Tho lino 1b complete Call and got1 o traco has yet luiiua uu mi j- iiruciu. ,Tnm Postlov. tlio " - ..wV, ... r'OOS BAY VASH STORE i been found of Gardiner-North nond mall carrlor, who disappeared a 'week ago Sunday. Nonrly nvory ono jhoro believes that Postloy foil in tho Day and wns drowned. Nothing has Tho Store That Saves You Money, been found to confirm any of tho ru GEO. N. HOLT, . - Slannger. m0rs of foul play that woro clrculnt Front Street, 3IarshfleI(L t(j. Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Before Decoration Day '"Id do Well to roll of tVia Tf,fn Mnnnmnntnl Works. South ,roiiar flnd mako eelectlon from tho largo stock now on hand. ""son has in hia employ tho only practical raarblo and gra lcatter m Coos county. And none but tho best work is turned buRo of rooms with uso of kitchen I if deslrod. Also two sleeping rooms with or without board. Call at 163 So. Second or phono 28-L. Do you know that of all minor nll monts colds are by far tho most dan gerous? It Is not tho cold Itself you need to fear, but tho serious diseases thnt It often leads to. Most of those aro known as germ diseases. 1IASE HALLS, Mitts, gloves HATS at MILXKK'S. and It you havo troublo In gottlng rid Pnou- of your cold you may know that you monla nnd consumntlon nro among aro not treating It proporly. Thoro Ib thorn. Why not tnko Chnmborlnln'a no reason why a cold should hang on Cough Remedy nnd euro your cold for weeks nnd It will not If you tnko while you can? For salo by all deal- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For crB. sale by all dealers. 'm 0 room house In South r e'J. Modem imnrnvnmnnto. ., .-.. Per month. Inquire at Coos uh Store. WANTED Dining Chandler hotel. room girl tor tinie, anywhere. i -' iatps Iten- Pllnno nintinn lineal "Residence 2S.t - - RtT. ITn,lt. i . y... -"'"" rooms, corner ret and Ponn.,,1 oc o- ' A T """""I " OKV irtfl" d at 12th nnd Com- NOTICE TO SUHSCRIHERS. Times subscribers who do not receive their papers rogulnrly nro requested to notify' Tho ' Times oflloco of any Irregularity In delivery. Thb Is tho only means Tho Times hns of know- lng when subscribers miss their papers, nnd consequently tho only means of remedying tho Citrus Washing Powder The Modern Cleanser Is composed of the entire lemon, ground up with oth er ingredients to form a washing compound. Everyone knows that lemons are a splendid skin tonic, neutralizing tho harsh effects of ordinary washing powders; therefore CITRUS' WAS! UNO POWDER is the one cleanser that is actually good for the skin. This, together with its cleansing prop erties, makes it tho best all around washing powder on the market. Packages 15c and 25c Order a package tomorrow from Lockhart's Grocery Two Private Phones 85 and 305 Weds In Chicago Announcements woro received hero todny of tho mnr rlago of Frank S. Lnniborton nnd Miss Ethel Grace Clnrk which was Bolomnlzed In Chicago May 3. Thoy will bo nt homo in Rolso, Idaho, nftor Juno 1C. Mr. Lnniborton was former ly located In Mnrshflold and his mnn friends hero will unlto In extending Rlrd Cages at MIL.VKH'S. gnirpS Tho farmers toll us It Is n "back ward" spring and our spoiling re cognizes tho fact. Thoro'B notn Ing bnckwnrd about our methods or our confectionery. Wo try ut all times to llvo up to our mott' : "Always something now nt Staf ford's. Don't bo "backward" In com ing forward to And tho vory latest in cholco confectionery nt our two stores. Puro and delicious candy nt rensonablo prices always. mnclj TWO jSTOKKB. U:iO Trout St. 11U Central Ave. A Muddy Complexion A muddy, sallow look ing complexion is a sure sign that your liver is not working properly. Do not ily this signal in the faco of your friends. Don't let others see that you aro negligent as to your health. Put yourself in shape. Tho good tonic niedicino that you really can't afford io be without is BROWN'S LLTTLE LIVER PILLS. 25CENTS A BOTTLE. Brown Drug Co. Graduate Chemists 71 Market Ave. Coos Bldg. Phono 141 V I MaHMMMNMHMMMIIMMHMMr iiW i a mmm THE HAM OF QUALI rY x i trouble. Jne nicely furnished .