OJSJETTffiTO LHAVEJEARNEDANDTORGOnEN THAN NOT TO HAVE KNOWN YOUR. ADS CARRYING your More-news, hIiouUI npcnr in rcpilnrly Jw" ,,lls "ewspniX-T. If ncHPpniHT oinlltotl nn Imuo now And ihcit ecn for no Molality n rca m n fwriiift thnt It might rain H would not le w Kwxl newspaper. (Eoos lag tm?js VOL. XXXIV Established In 187H m The Const Mall MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED IMtKSB SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Mow's mlvrrtMng pitco In n ni'unpaiMT, minpnm! llh (Im opnee uel by oilier miiivii, Miould Kftu Hi rotiitaratlu lniortuico In tlie roniinuiili)-! IHh'h )our Moro's od i erf Mug cpnro do that? MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 9," 1911 EVENING EDITION FIERCE BATTLE IS RAGING TODAY ACROSS FROM EL PASO Believe That Rebels Will Over whelm Federal Force at Juarez. MADERO'S TROOPS ENTERING THE TOWN First Effort to Stop Hostilities Thwarted by Inability to Control Rebels. (Bv Associated Press to Coos Day FATAL QUARREL OVER A OIRL A Consolidation of Timer. Coast Mall and Ooo Hay Advert ler. No. 99. wo BUR EO TO OEATH ON COAT Three Dead and Fourth Seri ously Wounded In Mil waukee Brawl. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) EL PASO, Tex., May 9. A gener al engagement between tho revolu tionary forces of Gcnernl Mndero nnd tbo Federals under tlio command of General Navarro at Juarez Ib raging today under a burning sun nnd with cj tn0 Bh0otlng. a heavy fusilndo of miiBkotry nnd will recover. Times.) MILWAUKEE, Wis., Mny 9. Em mn Nelson nnd Mabel Gllmoro wero Bhot dend nnd Joseph Younger wus seriously wounded In a resort horo todny by Chns. Ynnco, a stntionnry onglncor of Ilnclno, who then killed hlmsolf. A quarrel between Youngor nnd Ynnco over tho Nolson girl caus- STEAMEH WHIDIIY DESTROYED IIV FIRE AT DOCK IX OAK IIAIt- HOH, PUOET SOUND TWO EMNiOYns CREMATED. (Dy AsBocInted Press to Coos Bay Times.) EVERETT. Wnsh., Mny 9. In a SHINGLE MILL T flro which destroyed the wooden Btonmcr Wlildby nt her wharf nt OjU Harbor, Camnno Islnnd, early todny, Fireman Joseph Pnrker of Seattle, and Manuel Sllva, a wharf hand who were nsleep In tho hold wero burn ed to death. The cnptnln nnd purser wero nsleep on tho upper deck nnd wero snved. Tho loss Is $45,000. S ODA r ASK CHANGES IN PROVISIONS MEXICAN REBELS lERIELM MD SLAUGHTER FEDERAL FORCES PETITIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS Manager Allen Resumes Qper- statehood for New Mexico an(l ations For Four or Five Months Run. By Arizona Is Discussed In Congress. to Coos Bay canon. Tho outlro Rebel nrmy broko camp last night nnd nt noon today cro swnrmlng Into tho town. Tho prospects of n Robol victory nro de pendent on tho ability of tho Fed erals to U80 their twolvo mnchlno guns mounted within tho town. Tho iDsurrcctoB, It wns roportcd, lind silenced somo of thorn but this report Is verified only by tho nrtillory flro of tho Federals being not so heavy an It was earlier In tho morning. Efforts of go-botweena to stop tho fighting have- fnllod through tho in ability to linndlo tho Insurrcctos who already had entered Junroz. All tho leaders hnve been acting under Ma dero's orders. They linvo surroundud Juarez with their mon nnd tho pros pects are tho bnttlo will contlnuo throughout tho day. Madero's loaders nro confident nf victory. An Assoclntcd Press correspondent who returned from Junroz enily this afternoon reports tho Rebels nro (lowly Raining possession of tho town. Tho Federals nro keeping up a continuous flro from tholr position In the center of tho town while tho fire has slackened at other points. The Federals nro gnthorlng not only In the church but behind tho huge sas tank. Telegraph and telephone lines hnvo been cut by artillery flro. An American named Kelly, with the Rebels' has boon killed nnd tho uebels aro swarming tho town in treat numbers. They wero forced flnnlly to conso firing nold pieces for fear of hitting their own mon. Bullets hnvo been pouring into El Paw slnco tho nttnek begun nt 4:40 m. today but tho American sol diers hnve been keoplng nlghtseerB three blocks from tho river front. Report Heavy Losses. The Privates Garcia and Cnssldy " the American Loglon with tho In urrectos, came Into El Paso to gat 'od. They stated thnt fifteen Amer icans wore killed nnd wounded, nnd toe Insurrectos loss would probably ach 150 killed nnd wounded, and that the Federals had lost more than double that numbor. "In one trench I counted 47 dead Federals and In another 38, Theso ere stripped of most their clothing," !&ld Cassldy. Col. Steever, In charge of thd Am erican troops Issued orders not to Prrnlt any provisions to be taken acros8 to the Insurrectos. Ceneral Madoro admitted today thlt he had given his consent to a neral attack on Juarez but explaln- the various circumstances that m Participated It. He declared re lets reached him that the Federals enedopened flro flrst and that tho ' who hod been reported as revolt- Tho North Bend Shlnglo Mill, which has been closed down for somo time, stnrtod operations this morn ing. Mnnngor Jas. Allen BnyB thnt lis Youngor probably has enough orders on hand nnd In sight for a continuous run of four nr Ovn mnntlta nml I. lu l.....r..l lirliltrn n Amnrlrnn cnll i.rm-l.ln.l , ' "'" " " "wl'u'" u' . .. ,,.U,.UVU W.U ,... nl.l.ln.. .... 1. .,. Moxlcnn counsel horo consents. koon tho mill rolng all tho tlmo t0r'8 Wh,Ch m0t nrl' ,n th d"y "ml have tnken rofugo Is being bombard- or "teen hands exclusive of tho men torrltorIe8 rtcr thoy ,, ,mvo votcll ed constantly and plainly show tho,u,,,"rc" lo KOt oul Ul "lur "r it so uini us resumption win moan tlio restoration of a considerable payroll Assoclntcd Press Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 0. Stntoliood for Mexico nnd Arizona held tho nttcntlon of tho House to dny. Reports wero received from tho Commlttco on Rcsnolutlons of In quiry nnd tho Commlttco on Terr! Port Commission Wants Ex pressions on Harbor Inlet Work. In order to facilitate matters, tho Port of Coos liny Commission nt Its meeting yeaterdny decided to urgo nil pnrtles who deslro spcclnl Improve ments of tho hnrbor or InletB or tho work to bo done In a certnln way to Illo petitions with tho commission bo foro Juno 1st, setting forth their de sires. It Is further stated that nil Surprise Diaz's Troops In Tia Juana Early This Morning. ARE SHOT DOWN As THEY TRY TO ESCAPE Large Church and Many Other Buildings Burned by Victorious Troops. (By Arsoclntod Press to Coos Bay Times.) SAN DIEGO, Cnl., May 9. Tift Juana was captured by tho Robola at C o'clock this morning after it short hut aavago fight. Thoro woro such petitions must bo slgi od by all mnny ,U,n,, nml wo"nded on both pnrtles desiring tho work as specified. H,(,0,' A 8inaU mrt' of F-,llm!u la Thcso potltlonB to recclvo consider- Htl" no,tUl,K the Mexican customa tlon must bo (lied bv Juno l. .nouso. .Many utillillngu In tho town Tho object of this Is to get ovory thlng In readiness for Cnpt. Polho niiis who has written thnt ho will bo horo nbout Juno 1 ready to com- woro fired by tho Rebels nnd tho dead aro visible through flold glnssus In streets nnd nenr tho Catholic church' which wns burned. Tho nttnek thin morning enmo un- offects of tho Rebels' fire. Tho Re hols havo addressed a domnnd for tho nt North Bond. surrender of Juarez to Judgo Carba Jnl ns tho spcclnl envoy of tho gov ernment of Dlnz. Carbnjnl said ho would consuU nbout tho matter with General Nnvar- ro. nn mrtnin .n,cH,itimini ,. i nieiico woric on plans for iinrboi 10- . -.. lovnnclnillv nt 1nvllitit A (InnMnn merits. Arizona Is nskod to resubmit' iupmcnis. mo rort uommission ; '.,;.. """'" tho recall provision, voting on nn .,n8 ' vo all projects and dntn," ont l 'nst nihi conslstlns . 1 . ...1.1-1. , ,. obtalnnblo roadv tn nrnn.,n t,i iiim !"f fort' Federals wns supposed ta Consldernblo dredging should bo jdcnry. Now Moxlco ls n8lcoil rojWhon ho bcglni tho work. In tlio ,mvo ,orcc,, tl10 ,lobo,B to rot,ro- T,in vote on nn nmondmont which ollml-!." tl10 commission hns received I ",',, ' V. . . . . . If la 11(11 InVAtl ffri Mnl'A linnn iinnnHml- nates tho ludlclnrr. Now Moxlcn ia Innn suggestions nna reauostB for." . .""" "' ."""" i - dono nround tho mill but for tho pro Bent Manager Allen expects to bo SHOT TltUCH 1IEA11KR. Pence Kml8iiry of IiiMinvctos Shot I'Yoiu Horse. (By Assoclntcd Press to Coos Bay Times.) EL PASO, Tox., Mny 9. Whllo a ling of truco messenger yestordny was approaching tho lighting squadron, Insurrectos had got Into Juarez and n forco of them surrounded tho bull ring. Tho Fedornls returned to tholr quarters leaving two doad or wound ed In tho streets. Tho messenger bearing tho white flag from Mndoro'o camp was shot from horse ns ho nenred tho fighters nnd tho Insurrec nblo to cut n tompornry channol with ..,,n,i tn vntn ,..,, ,Jlmiirovoinonts of tho vnrlous InlotH1'' y,otX ollt "' tho ouo forcoa a bucket drodgo. Tho latter started mnUlnB ,t8 constitution more easily, nn t s tho Intention to havo tho,ft "ri sKlrmlsli. work yestorday. nmendnblo. .projectors of thoso sot forth tholr do- In t"'8 "K,lt Sn sires In petitions to havo tf.o matter M E TICKET A. G. Rushlight Wins Repub lican Nomination for Mayor of Rose City. PORTLAND, Ore., May 9. A. 0. TO TRY TO GET MA L DL Marshfield Chamber of Com merce to Take It Up at Once Inspector Here. s In nccurato shnpo. Llttlo work was dono nt yester dny's meeting nstdo from tho Inform al discussion of tho harbor and at tending to detail work Sam Prlco, oloctod by tho Rebels to succeed Jack Mosby in commnud nnd his negro nldo, woro killed. A scouting pnrty was unable to find any trnco of tho flanking party. Tho Federals woro uupropnrod for Tho N'orth Inlet Imi.rnvnmnnt rn. "" ",,nck this momlllg nnd Woro UH- Joct, for which Engineer Robinson "J"'"'0, rCH,,8t tho "8,, of tho R,,bo,n wns requested to furnish plans nnd TQ lfeU to(,,k rp,"K ,n tho Cftth ostlmatos. wns roforrn.1 lo n nnolnl :ollc C,,Urch nml Customs HoilSO OP committee for further Investlgntlo-i. w'oro ,flhot dmvn "H " Th Tho Cooston wharf matter was also '' ' ' ' ... "" ' " . """' 5 . men win) Illinois, nmi uioso ii,::io niiHlillclif rnHrlntr Pnnnpllmnn frmn tho linstnlllro iloiinrtniont. . ..-. tos then in a do n dnsh tn tho direction .tho Seventh Wnrd was nomlnatod for, checking up tho ofllces mnyor In tho republican primary no-' of tho Juarez Jail. ItKUULS ARE 1JLAMKD. tnknn nn nunln. Wm. R. Ilnmmn nml tho supporters of his faction In tho ho 8?"R1,,t c8cnpo h? controversy thoro woro roquosted to furnish tho commission with wrltton O. Wynne, n special Inspector oi permits from prlvato proporty own- Is horo ors whoso proporty might bo affected In carrying out tho project tho wny mlnntlng eloctlon, defcntlng Gay Lombard and J. E. Werloln. Tho vote on Mnyor was: Lombard, Federal Lender Censures Insurrectos "317; Rushlight, C4S0; Worloln, In Statement. i7J. In this sec tion. 'Ho makes his hendqunrters Ht Spoknno but wns designated to como horo to n8stst Inspector Morso of this district. dashing through tho flames woro shot ns thoy omerged. Two othor buildings ntu tho bull ring wero burned but It is thought tho rest of tho town will bo spnrod thnt Mr. Hommo nnd his supporters I"0 v'?l"r8- .T"'0 Amo',c.B1n8 T.oro ninuii. it in iiiii niiuwii wuuiuur inuy desire. QUESTION DIAZ'S PROMISE. wero citizens or mombers of tho Re bel bnnd. Tho Rohols Inter captured tho cus toms house driving from tho abodo building n small bnnd of Fodornln who had taken rofugo In it. Thoy woro shot as thoy mndo a dash for McxIniiiH Tliluu It Is -Full of Loop- Ho hns been checking up tho of-i Holes, (By Associated Press to Coos Bay uusnugni wns especially sirong :n flees In tho Coqullle Vnlloy but today (By Associated Pross to Coos Bay Times.) tho rsorth End and In somo sections uognn work herei Ho expect8 to I Times.) EL PASO. Tex., Mny 9. General .on tho East Sldo, whllo Lombard pol- Comploto tho work this week and will MEXICO CITY, Mny 8. Francisco lihorty nnd only hnlf of thorn ninn Navarro Is authority for tho state-, led a tremendous vote in tho rosl- g0 out Va Drain. jcnrbajnl, tho government commls-'nBOtj to roach tho school houso on ment thnt tho Rebels opened flro yes- denco districts, In several Instances mB trlp Is moroly for Inspecting slonor nt Junroz, hns been ordered to tho Moxlcnn nldo of tho lino. Later tordny whllo ho nnd Mndero woro outdistancing Rushlight by n voto of nmj checking up. Somo local par- return to tho capltnl, It ls snld. U(they reached tho Amorlcan sldo In negotiating for an armistice. Madoro from C to 1 to 10 to 1. Tho support ties took up the question of securing thero nro overtures for n now con- unfoty. mado offorts to stop tho fighting but his own men flred on tho messengor he sent with n white flag. Mndero wns unnblo to control his mon and at midnight ho announced ho had given permission for an attack and a few hours lator a general assault Juarez began. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. PUZZLE TO DIAZ. "(By Associated Press to tho Cooa Bny Times.) MEXICO CITY, Mny 9. President Diaz and his advisors nro grently puzzled over tho condition nt Jua rez and ns to whether Madoro has lost control of his mon. At the for eign ofllca It Is still regarded prov able that .Madero's counsel will pre vail and further conferences will b held. of Werloln, as shown by tho voto, was froo mnj delivery In Mnrshflold with forenco, they must como from tho distributed generally throughout tho htm. Ho said that ho believed It other side, although tho government city, although ho carrlod several pro- cuia bo obtained but thnt first ft ofllclnls maintain as boforo a willing- clncts by a good margin over both would havo to bo taken up direct ness to listen to any proposition -pho Nnnn Smith roachod Buy of his oppononts. with the Department at Washington which does not Include tho point over Point early yestordny. In nddttlon to tho almost solid sup- ftn(j then an Inspector will bo sent In which tho recent nogotlntlona broko j Tho Redondo biiIIb from San Fran- on port of tho anloons and breweries, hero to Investigate the matter. Ho and which was answorod by Presldont clsco today nnd should ronoh horo Rushlight had tho Indorsement of a not empowered to do anything Diaz last night In the concluding, early Thnisday. organized labor and wns largely sup- about it now. Tho Marshfield Cham- lines of his manifesto. Tho executive , Tho Excolslor arrived In yestorday" ported by thoso mombers of trndis bor of Commerce will probably tako stated clearly tho government's posl- from San Dlogo and Is loading at the unions whoso employment enablod it up at onco. tlon when ho said, "Tho failure of sinjth mill for Lowor California mar- thom to get to the polls and vote. This ls Mr, Wynno's first trip Into peaco negotiations will perhaps en- ota. The complete republican ticket as this section. Ho says that although tall a renewal and aggravation of Tho Broakwntcr's wlreloss oqulp-J HAIL IS REFUSED. ag against his leartnrsliln hint nur- W them and they could not now reiuiniii.i. .l.i ,"" uieir position. nomlnatod follows: Mayor A. G. Rushlight. Auditor A. L. Barbur. Treasurer William Adams. City Attorney Frank S. Grant. Municipal Judges Georgo Tazwell. Councllman-at-Iargo Georgo L. Baker, William H. Daly and J. J. Jennings. ho has taken many stage trips In tho tho revolution activity. If unfortu- nient is working now, Oporator Swolt work, his rldo In over the Myrtle natoly such should bo tho case tho zor Bonding In his first messago Inst Point road was ono of tho worst In government on Its sldo will redoublo ovenlng, stating tho Brenkwater was his experience, the road being In fear-Its offorts, rolylng on the loyalty of 0ff tho Sluslaw. ful shape our heroic army to quoll tho rebal- Pnrsor McColliim, who recontly ro- Illon." signed on tho Breakwater, was miss- TO IMPROVE UMPQUA. Tho posting of bulletins last night Cd by his many friends whnn tho C. L. Pnrker, editor of tho Drain sotting forth that Diaz would roslgn Breakwater camo In Sunday. In tho Jndgo IJonlwell Will Not Fix Honil For MeNumarn. (By Associated Press to Coos Bav Times,) t LOS ANGELES. Cal., May 9 Tho S. Mann, Demand it Kunwrnim. nnniifntinn of John J. McNamara for Commander Colster of U". S. Cav- fixing ball upon tho charge of dyna JJ announced this afternoon that mlting was disallowed today without would permit the transportation (prejudice and with leave to renew wounded from Juarez across 'the J it at any time by Judge Bordwell. Nonpareil, was hero on business this nt tho dato which ho deemed auspl- Bx or soven years ho had been on tho Councllman-at-large (to succeed morning. Thnt section Is taking up clous created much excltomont. To- Broakwator, ho never missed a trip. Thomas C. Devlin) John H. Bur- a movement for establishing tho Port day the sentiment of the people of tho it Is understood that ho plans to go gnrd. of Umpqua at tho mouth of tho Ump- capital who by largo majority aio on tho San Francisco-Panama run. Councllman-at-largo (to succeed qua River. Roseburg Review. .revolutionary was that Diaz's prom- Gay Lombard) Ralph C. Clyde. Wan! Councllmen. First Ward Jordan V. Zan and T. tie. lso with the reservations, whllo Food CHOPPERS at MILKER'S. Fourth Ward Henry A. Beldlng. an eye to business when they secur Seventh Ward William R.'Lako. ed Prof. Hepburn to direct "SHAUN Eighth Ward K. K. Kubll. AROON." Don't MISS It, if you en- MITCIIELL Wagons at MILKER'S, technically scorning to meet tho revo- ' lutlonary demands fell short nnd of- Tho NAVAL RESERVE HAND had forod too many loop-holes for post poning the mooting. WORTH .MORE COSTS LESS Hninos' FLOUR. "8IIAUN AROON" at tlio Opera Houso FRIDAY evening, MAY 12TH. Try Th Times' Want Ad. Dancing class tonight. Single les Joy a good play, OPERA HOUSE, son 11.00. Tho waltz, two step, and Reserved seats at the Busy Corner Friday, May 12th, three step tonight. drug store, Thursday. M I 1 A.A..i. . .-k.-Tfrm .j, JLtu ljtl-(L.a . u& iMsr ' , Hrifiim) ttt rtiftHi