THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 8, 1911 -EVENING EDITION miiiiiMi iiinii COOS BAY TIMES Entered .t t lit pimfflce nt Mrnnh flold, Ou-gnn. rir triinsnilsl m through (lie mall us croud clfus mall matter. erssr -' ' -i1 M. c. si Kiiinti- hihI I'uit. DAN H. MAI.OXI.V Svwi IMIItir Additim hII communications to COOS IIAV IIAILV TIMES. ! Miimlillfhl :: :; :: :: Oregon An Independent Hepnbllcnn news paper published I'vny evening except 8undn. mid Weekly by The Coos liny Times PiihllshiiiK Co. Dedicated to the mrvlce of the people, no ood cause shall lack a champion, mid that evil sbnll not thrive unopposed. SI l!S( IMITIOX RATES. DAILV. One ar ( $6.00 Per month B0 WEKICLV. j Onn year I1.R0 When paid strictly In advance the subscription prlre of the Coos lUy Times Is $" on per year or 12.50 for, BlX IllOIJtliB. I Ofllrlnl Paper of Coos County I OFFICIAL PAPKlf 0 Tlll'f CITY OK MAP.SIIFIKLP. j TIIK RECALL. ATTOUNKY General wicKorsnnm hns hud another relapso Into political pessimism. He Is now satlflflpd that tho recall Is a "npiiaino die Intervention of popular uprising." If tho attorney general would only j Btop to consldor ho would o that porlodlcal oloctlons are nlBo "spas- ( modlc IntorventloiiB of popular up-i rising." ! "Why havo any torm at nil for pub- ( lie olIlclalH If ovcry ho often tho ieo- nln nrn inlni tn 111) ni'OUBCd to II chango? Tho recall merely makes tho torm of Borvlco lndetennlnnto Instead of fixed, nnd In that reapoct Is copied after tho oldest and best form of parliamentary government wo know, hn Rncllsh houso of commons where n ministry may bo recalled within a' week nftor It In elected. It may bo admitted that tho recall should ho Intelligently used nnd to that ond nhould not bo mndo nvall- nblo to tho purposes of moro mnl contonta. It should also bo recog-j nlr.od that tho recall contomplntes a largo oxtonulon of authority In tho public offlclnls who aro thus glvon in dotormlnato Borvlco. Hut this oxton uion of authority made and the re call woll Kunrdod, why Is tho recall not tho beet Invention of tho times? I , TOPICS OF Til K TIMES . If tho rnnnmn Cnnnl can innko so flnttorlng n showing proportionately at tho end of 10 yenrs of operation oh has JiiHt been made by the Suoz B Oannl, there Is reuBon for bollovlng that It will not no ho unproiiinniu .i , venturo as hns been predicted. A re port showing tho buslnoss of tho Suez Cnnnl for 1910 has Just been tunned. i'.i tho 12 months tm cnuni dum elded tho Bum of f21.000.U00. t it Is proposed to lay n tax of n dol lar n ton on shipping passing through tho 1'nnnma ditch and undoubtedly (Vhcii commorco ouco gets to Koititf through It, It will bo a paying propc- ( Bltlon. 'Whilst tho oponlng of .the Panama Cnnnl will not probably ntTect the trado of tho port materially at once, that it will do m, to a greater or om dogrco ovontually gooa without Bay ing, nnd we, of this harbor, should . boo to providing facilities In tho wnj I of dockago, aids to navigation as soon na may bo so that wo may bo ready for what may coino to us. xww firm formed. Recti, Jancllo cV Company of Gardi ner Incorporated. I ItOSHIlURtl, Oro., Slay S. Ar ticles of Incorporation wore tiled with tho county clerk by tho Rood, Janollo & Company, of Hardlncr; capital stock $36,000. Tho stated business of tho company Is general nunehnu-, dlse, ronl o&tnto, trnusportatlou nnd irrigation. Tho Incorporators aro W. P., and J. W. Rood nnd J. A. Janollo. A NEW OLD HOTEL. Old patrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, San Francisco, will bo glad to hear tlat this famous houso Is now opou In a flno now bIx stgry building right down town, New furniture, now cur pots. Btoam heat, hot water and tole- phone in ovory room. Cafe In con liectUn Notice thoso rates: Hooin with prlvato bath $1 a day, 5 awooic. All cars pass tho door. Select family hotel, Windsor Hotol, 23S Edtfv utreot, San Francisco. i.Ti I niiwewiiijiKW'WMiii'i"'Wl,'"w'1 The Story of the Short Ballot Cities A Scries of Articles on the New Commission Form of Municipal Government By RICHARD II. The Success of the fT It no easy matter to prove con clusively nnd In true sclontltlc fMMUlun that one city is bettor gov erned thnn Hiiotlior. Nevertheless, despite the tllttlctilty of making com IMirlKoiiH. there Is nothing mure certain tlmii the fact that, whether the com lulnnlon form of government Is the Ideal form or not. It I better than the forms of government which preceded It In tlio vnrloiiH eltleH. The total Hat of cities which now have the coiiiiiiIhsIoii form of govern ment numbers slMy-elght. Many oth ers hnve voted in favor of it and an waiting for legislative action. Of these Hlxty-elght. however, many tire of very small sine Some of Ilii'ln. in fart, are mere village and do not present the problems that a city doe. Adopt lux '-Ti.lMO as a minimum imputation for 11 true city, tin list rtum as follow: JlasHiiclniM'tts uioucHHtcr, Haver hill. Tennessee Memphis. town - IliirlliigKiu. Cedar Itnplds. Dos Moines. Slniiv City. Kansas Leavenworth. Wichita. To peku Mlwnttrl St. .loseph. TexiiH Atiotln. Imil-ic. Port Worth. GulveMton. Hoiistiui, Wueo. Of these seventeen eltles nine have had the plan In uctuiil operation so short n time a year or less that ac curate comparison of the results of the new regime as compared with the old Is not yet possible. All reliable testimony regarding the commlsslou plan must therefore be based on the remaining eight titles. Hrlef as the trial has been, tho evi dence nevertheless Is startling, in every one of these cities there had been wuste. some corruption nnd much lnelllclency. In nil of them par ty machines bad been In complete con trol and had been mnlntnined In run ning order nt the public expense through political favoritism in the making of appointments. How much the "gangs" cost the cities was reveal ed wlieti the government passed Into the hnuds of men who. having obtain ed olllce without tho help of tho "gangs." could nfford to Ignore them. Galveston's experience hns already been described. Gloucester Commission plan In ef fect 11)00. The flrst year's report showed all bills paid and a reduction lu the city debt, of J 18.000. It Is claimed thnt tho roads and streets have been better kept nt $0,000 less annual expense. The city bookkeeping has been reformed, and tho commis sioners point to a reduction in tho ex pense of caring for public property. It Is still too early to demand much In the way of tangible results. Haverhill Commission plan In effect In 1000. Tho llrat year's report un der the new plan showed a saving of $97,000 In running expenses. When the commission took hold tho financial status of tho city was very bad. It had reached both Its debt limit and tax rato limit and was steadily fall ing behind In Its payments. Appeals were being made to the legislature for an extension of tho tnx rate limit, but this extension has now become unnec essary, lu addition tho city has voted no license, the revenue from tho sa loons being no longer needed. Tho commission hns been fighting n big battle against tho gas and electric light monopolies to obtain lower rates for the city and for prlvnto consumers, mill has obtained from tho people per mission to resort to municipal owner ship If necessary. There was fierce political opposition to the commission nt the expiration of Its first term, but It was re-elected. Party lines tn Hav erhill, which was formerly a Hepublle an city, have been completely broken. The commission consists of two Dem ocrats, two ltcpubllcuns and a So cialist. Cedar Itaplds, la. Commission plan In effect in 1008. Tho commlslou has reduced the tax rato and the debt, whllo making certain big Improve ments, such as the acquirement of a big island In tho river, out of current expenses Instead of bond Issues. Tho Island is for municipal buildings In a hnudsome park setting, in nccordanco with a "city beautiful" plan devised by nn expert. Tho police and tiro department forces havo been enlarged desplto tho reduced tax rate. Dos Moines, la. Commission plnn In effect lu 1007. In Its first year tho commission saved $184,000 in running expenses, ns compared with tho pre vious year under tho old government. It mailo better bargains for tho city in electric light charges, obtained inter est on city deposits for tho flrst time, cleaned streets nnd alleys better, (tho alleys had formerly not been cleaned at all) and wiped out the "red light dis trict." the effect of which has since been shown lu reduced crime. A sys tern of periodica! lines which were practically licenses levied In this dls trlet formerly brought In a huge year ly revenue nnd the financial results above noted were obtained desplto the leasing of this Illegal lucerne. Leavenworth. Kau. Commlsslou plan lu effect In 100S. Tho commlsslou has reduced the bonded Indebtedness by $U,.,,0.V). whllo tbo tax rate bns ro tualned stationary. Kansas is a proul. bltlou state, but Leavenworth had al S. CHILD5 Commission Plan ways defied the law and allowed the saloons to exist, subject to periodical fines which brought In SWi.con it year The commission cloned the saloon and disposed of this Illegal revenue with out disturbing the tux rate. Over J-).-000 was spent In special Improvement" the first year as against 1111 uvernge of SJO.000 In previous years lu the tint two years under the new system mis miles of street were puved its njniliHt twelve miles In the preceding twenty Ovo yenrs. Dallas, Tex. Commission plan In ef fect 11)07. lu Its first two years the commission wiped out 11 deficiency of $200,000 and established a credit lull mice. At tln expiration of the llrt term of tho commission, a petition sign ed by a,70U voters wus circulated timid much enthusiasm asking the commix sinners all to run for re-elertlon The cliumber of commerce advertises the commlsslou government us u desirable feature of tho city to attract new lu dustrles Houston, Tex. Commission plan lu effect In 100.". The commission reduc ed the tax rato 10 per cent and estab lished a policy of so regulating expen ditures as to further reduce tit.- iu;e It) per cent em-h year, until tin- tax be comes oue-hulf what It was under the old government. A floating debt of $100,000 was paid off and lu lint) the cash on hand was j?00O.tK)O The elty has bought a waterworks and made enormous paving additions (which are uot nssessed on property lu Houston, has acquired new parks and deepened the ship channel Instead of languishing lu the hope of a federal subsidy Tin prlco of gas has been forced down from S1X.0 to $1 l.'i per thousand.. In mlver Using herself to attract new Industrie. Houston states "her elty hall Is a busi ness house; she has mi warijs, no ward politicians and no graft" More remarkable than the fact tluu every one of these cities has betterd its financial coudltlnu-the surest proof of elllclency-ls the fact tluu In none of tho whole sixty-eight has there yet been reported n single serious al legation of graft. Any Instance of graft, whether proved or merely nl Icgcd. would hnve been seized upon triumphantly by the enemies of this typo of government nnd magnified and exploited to the utmost, but thus fai tho objections havo perforce been mainly theoretical. A type of theso theoretical objec tlons bus been the frequent statement thnt tho commission plan Is "tin Amer lean." Yes. thank Hcnveti: A city government in which grnft Is hot even suspected is decidedly un-American It looks like the splendidly udmliils tcrcd cities of Europe. The sooner we enn Amerlcnnlzo this un-American thing tho better! The phenomenon of the commission plan of government which gives the most satisfaction to many people li the complete dlsnppcaranco from in iluonco of the typlcnl ward politician Tho wholo field of "peanut politics" seems to hnve dlsnppcnred. In Gal vestou, for example, tbo nomination which nro recognized ns omnnutliig from the politicians who formerly con trolled the town, get only 20 per cent of the votes. In nil tho cities It Is claimed that the city service has been put on n nonpartisan basis, with a great increase in elllcleney. Certain It Is thnt under the commlsslou plnn, candldntes hnve repeatedly been elect ed without the help of political ma chines, whtl,o the voters are casting their ballots without relying upon tho guidance of tho machines cither. Under tho typical old stylo city gov ernment with Its multiplicity of pot ty electlvo olllces. clnborato political machines nro necessary. Tho govern meat cannot go on without them. They hnve supplied a real deficiency In our governmental plan, filling n,gnp between tho pcoplo and their public servants which bad to bo filled some how, We have no right to curse the politicians, for they havo been highly useful to us. Itather wo should pity them! Tho politician has ono of tho hardest Jobs In the world. In return for his servlco 1 applying tho neces sary cohesion to our ramshackle gov ernment nnd keeping our Impractical form of democracy from collapsing al together, we have forced him to make a catcb-ns-catch-can living, giving him sranll, insecure offices iu tho govern ment, and bouncing him without cere mony or Justice with every change of administration. Wo have put him In n position where he could acquire wealth by hnvlug an easy conscience and could earn nothing but defeat tmd discourtesy If he wcro honest. Con slderlng the power ho has had to do fvll without getting caught at It. It Is astonishing thnt he hns served us no worse. Gomlby, old friend! You havo cop trlbutod to our American life n unique type, unknown elsewhere lu the world genial, picturesque, humati and use fulbut the people are beginning to learn how to do without you, nud lu days to come they will arrange- their business directly with the candidates without your friendly Intermediation) Tho sound short ballot theory upon which the success of tho commission is based, in opposition to certain of our et political superstitious, will be dealt with in tho next paper. HOYS PMV UAI.L WeM Mrti-dillcM Iritis Pefenl South Miir.linclil Temn Sntimmy. Hy n score of 22 to 17. the t . .Marthfleld boya team defeated the SHtl Mrhllld team Saturday nft tmiiMM on t!" "South Marahfleld grounds. Clifford Ualrehilee was um pire on ball and .lens I tauten on bo. The Hnettpt of the two teams weto follow: Wot Mfd. l'o. Sn. Mfil. Amll llttekmin c JaeX llowron Kd. Johnson Oliver Johnson Harold Chapman .n. Uddle Holt iwiMUMMimnw riiijn CONCERT CHAMSaDE club MI1S. WM. IIOP.hFALI., .III., PIHICCTOlt, PIHCSPXTfXG s. Flivi'k Heller Weinstein, Soprano AXl) OF POIITLAXI) AT Masonic Opera House, May 17th AT 8:30 P. M. SKATS OX SAliI'. AT TIIK "Ill'SV COltXIIU". UKSKItVKI) SKATS SUM). (SKXKKAL AWIISSIOX .10 CKXTS. $2,000,000 , :" FOR NEW ELECTRIC SIGNS According to "Signs of the Times," the leading periodical of outdoor advertising, this was the amount Invested in one year alone 1910, Isn't this proof sufficient to the business man that electric advertising pays the advertiser? Whore $2,000,000 went into new electric signs in 1910 it is safe to say that many times this sum came out of them in business that would have gone somewhere else, Let our Now Business Department prepare SPECIAL DE SIGNS for YOU, TELEPHONE 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 0,000,00 W, S, Chandler, President, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S. Coko. W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, , M, C, Horton, Does, a general banking business, , Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over . . . ; . $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits I Milton Johnson 1 b Yerl Johnson I Jna Snieaton 2 b Norm Wilson 'I Chapman 3 b llnrold llnglund . Xelme c f Ansel Johnson 'Monroe Ppton f Norts Knrrln IC.laar Parley r f K Nordslrom Farmer Increase their crops by planting tested seeds. Mer- chant Increase buslnos by sell- lug quality merchandise nud ad- vertlslng. ' Aftor tho try n 'iurklsli bntb Phono 211- J ' mttmt,t Mrs. De!phine Marx, Contralto OFFICERS: M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, Vice-President, Cashier, .... .,.W Am Ol-llYlnr. uiiiiico, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY J fk dl ffc ft M - -.a.a. - NSNN W"nSN D' it. (i. w. liisi.ii:, Osteopathic Ph)s,lu (.raduate of the Ainu 1 iol of ! Oflka "12! Its 0 fgon. Osteopathy al Klrksvlli. In Kldorndo lllk. Hour i 4; Phono I OKI 5 MariOm rH. .1. W. IXOICAM, -' Pliyxleliiu nud Sin-j,, n, 200-210 Coke l)i e ,1 Phones: Olllce HUM; ItcMd-are insi W. HKXXKTT, Lawyer. Ofllco ovor PlnnnKan v Marsh Held i-i,tit Hank Oregon rD. .1. T. MoCOKMAt , Physician nnd Sn MurHhlleld. On Olllce: I.ockhurt',. OPpllM'i Phone 10:-1 ' o-: t WATCH! NOTICE! Honior Mntizoy, otic d u( drljeri and tho Hollcltor for in, 1 cut for .uiindry. Wnteh him! It u llablo to s'.op you on the street nnj explain nil dotal 8 of Laundry tied "iL!) to be at your nome uny time. lie khorj Laundry husInesH from A tj z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry IOO 1'KAP XKSTKI) ll.lltlti:i) PLV.MOCTH HOCKS. Our mntttiKS have produced stand-nrd-hrcd HpecItuciiR of exhibition quality with records of 2I2.227.22J eKh'B lu UG 5 days. Ilnhy Clilt'hN nml Kjjrh for Hatching Hook your ordorB now for spring doilvcry. A few cockerels from hoavy laying utock for r,,00. Plymouth Place, Poultry Yards. KKKD. DACHMAN', Prop. AlHrNhllelil, Ilov -IH.;, Phono 288 Electric Portable Lamps at Cost Wo mual movo thoao pooda to filvo room for changes vro will ninko this spring. Now Is tho tlmo to got n. bargain. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PIIONK 237-J. SAFE INVK6MENTS. For information concerning hlKh-clnsa bond investments, bearing 0 Interest net, wrlto O. 13. Hlnsdalo, caro J. II; Adams and Company, Los Angolcs, California. Real Estafe Bargains For bargain In City, Bunker Hill and Farm Property. Seo AUG. FKIZKKX Ronl i:tuto nnd Insurance Agent. (IH Central Ave., Mnrshlleld, Ore. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good homes and enroful drlvors nro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Day public at KEASOXAULB RATKS. Itlg8 or rigs with drivors ready for any trip nnywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs enrod for. Now hearso nnd special accommo dations provided for funeral parties. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVKRV AND FEED STAI1LES PHONE 27-J We Work And Advertise To bring a customer hero tho first time, niter Uint lio comes of W own nccord. You know why. REMEMBER There is no kink, or cno that we can't do. "THINK IT OVER MAR." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57-J FOR CSOOD 1VORK ' Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning, pressing and repairing a specialty. by experienced men. Satisfaction Biiaranteod 11LANCIIARD & I)0I) SOX, Alllnnco Rldg. Front St. . ... - . ' Have That Roof Fixed NOW J See CORTHELL Phono 8191 -J - ..w-isaA IwjMt'Min -l- .U?' Mtf. W . i.., u4jaut, :fclH .UiiikiiiMJ J..