The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 08, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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lour Mort-iit'MXi should nppcnr in
nKtilnrly "H ,",,K'1' ",'SI tiinnirr. If
i mrvMmPer mull (oil mi Ushc now
mill Ilw-n even for on weighty n m
.mi iin frnHtiK !' ft mljtlil rain
it w until mil tn h ('. newspaper.
"A MittvN Milvi'tdnliiK i patio lit it
tHWopaprri tompiirnl with the pnco
uimI Ii) otlni kimi , UxuW 0 il'io
lit Miniitiuti.- ti,iituuir In the
' niiiiiiMll)! Dimh vr store's n.I
MrMig ,inti ilo that?
.MKMltltlt Or ASSOCIATKl) I'llliSS
IMnlitlticl In 1H7H
as The Const Mull
A Consolidation of Time. Const Mall
and Coos May dvoriUer.
No. 9a
Makes Official ."Announcement
vof Conditions on Which
He Will JResign.
Sensational Developments In
Declares He Is Ready to Do Sandberg-Whitmore Case
What Is Best For His i Are Intimated.
CoilritrV I 'Mtornuy Sotby nntl Gobs, nttor-
. . -iicyH for P. A. Sandborg In tho $10,-
(IJy Associated Press to Coos Tiny
Times.) l'000 B,nmIor 80 ngnlnut M. K .Whlt-
WASH1NGTON, U'C, May 3. Dr- more which was decided Saturday by
flclal coilllnnntlon of "President Diaz's nJury In fervor of the -defendant, ox-
lntcntton to rotlro was rccolvcd lo-'Pt to mahe n motion for i now
dny by Sonor Zeamticonn. Mexican 'Inl- tomorrow. An -extension until
ambassador, In tho following delayed tlion was granted by JuUge Colcofor
dispatch: "TonlKht Tr tomorrow a th",nol,"- ,,,. .
Tho outcomo and testimony In tho
declaration oT General Diaz will bo CMQ ( 8l,n tho nrlndim, topIo of
published In which ho addresses tho conversation tn Mnrshlle Id, In fact It
nation on tho actual -political confll-! -j,c,jnK ciEciiB80d on illl sides. A
tlon of tho country and efforts mndq , Brnmi Jury Investigation -of tho whole
by tho government to ro-estatillsli nrfjUr add of tho evldenco given
peace. Trcfttdent Dlaz-fitatcs therein tj10 trial Is being urgCcl ! many.
The Tangled Trail rf TnA I ALASKA GOAL LAID CASE
"ll 'la seemly that wo do '.Ratines welsh one ngnlnst the tether
theuleeds of men that we may know which Is of good -anil which
r rvil." PLINY.
"Truth crushed 'to earth will rise again
For the eternal years of God aro hers
While Error wounded writhes tn pain
And dies nntlciBt her worshipped."
AT1D Is credited with "Buying In hnsto nt one time aMl men am
Tmrs." Detestable as lying Is, It must bo neluiowto'dveil that It Is
an nil too common fenturo of modern life and latter drey civilization.
In wmrts of Justice whore tho truth Is always desired nuil expected It Is
not ulwnys found. "With many men the truth seems to be a crust or
veneer, a garment to be put on nnd off nt will. Lying Is their habitual
hubrt to bo worn -whonover clrcumstnneo calls lor Its grtcoless display.
In business nnd In social life lying has becomo so common that !t
seoinn to call for nnuglit oIbo than a smile or sneer. In courts of Justice
however, where inon 'cull on high lieaven to witness
the truth thoy toll, Ihu spoken word Bhoiild possess u
greater slgnlflcniice and sacredncss. Tho nttltudo of tho liar Is contemp
tible of his assumption of tho truth. Ills Btudle'd nnd ndaptatte
employment of fnluuhood irrid Its utter transparency nt times mnkes It
dlfignutlng and this Ib whore tho llrr falls and falls. Tho liar do 03 nut
seem "to realize the -ohnllowness of tils assumed virtue. Ho Is tho victim
of a -wanton nnd foolish nrroganco iccognlzcd nnd gungcil on the Instant
by tivury senslblo nnd Blncere porsc.n about them, hut 'tho worst of lt'ls
that -uome of the so-called bust people with an nhundnnco of tho flnor and
wholcsomor attributes aro -prono to tho Indulgence
A Coos county court lias lust had a most dlsgrncofdl and disgusting
oxhiu'ltlon of the growing 'disregard for tho BacrcdncBB of an oath. It
was dlsgrncoful because It Involved not tho lower strnta of humanity but
nt I tho no-called higher. Men of -prominence nnd somo of -pormnnonco In the
1 community got on tho stnrfd nnd aworo to dtnmotrlcally opposed Btate-
tbo reasons which prompted him to, jt is llkoly thnt there -will bo romo ments. 'Let us not hngglo or'hector about wonts or terms. Somcoii
refuse Iho domnndH of Tlio Insurrec- HensntIonnl dcrolopnientB 'In tho mat- hns lied. Somcono has perjured himself. There Ib no -causo or call for
tos to resign, Jointly with tho vice- tor. I hairsplitting In this enso. SI. K. Whltmoro got on tho witness stand
president. Theso reason nro basetl
on tho consider ntlon ol hnvlng hi
Court Xenrly Over.
It 'Is oxpected tlint Uudgo
and sworo thnt ho nevor said ho paid P. A. Sandborg monoy or chargud
Coke J him with bolng n grnltor, but that to said ho loaned anil told others ho
vlow tho welfare of tho -nation ana WII1 ronclitdo U10 Jury cases of tho loaned "P.. A. Snndborg threo hundred nnd fifty dollnrs. "P. A. Sandborg
the dllllcnltles oT tho government ,prji tonn 0f circuit court nt Co-jBOt on the stnnd nnd sworo honovor recolvod a cent of monoy In excess
Gonornl niaz f urrner nfnrniH his will- ql,nio trtday. llowovor, -court will of three Mollnrs nnd fifty conts Trom Mr. Whltmoro nnu this buih
Ingncss to rotlro from power ob soon probaKly bo In fcesslon. for n day or was paid htm for making a city map. Somcono Ib lying
as ho Ib convinced tliorc la no fenr two to clean up tho busbwss of'tlit) and lying under oath. Tat Honnessy, P. S. Dow, W. P. Murphy, II. J. Mo
ot tho coirntry being plunged Into .terni, jKoown, Frank Frame, eword that they never heard Whltmoro any ho
annrchy by bis net. Ho fhllshes by Jm Coko win adjourn 'tho term pnld Sandhorg monoy. M. C. Mnlonoy nnd R. O. Graves uworo thnt Whlt
making an enrnest appeal to tho ,intn jmi0 r whon somo canity cases -moro dld-vny ho paid Sandborg monoy: Pnt. Tully sworo ho heard Whlt
wholo nation tohetji townrtl tho ro- wjj )Q trjc,i hcloro htm. Menu- moro say something nbout olther pnylng or giving Sanllborg money,
storntlon of ponce. TIiIb manifesto -njdio n number of t-nsos will 'bo hoard 'Somcono' has lied. Somcono litis perjured himself. Either Whltmoro hint
wns Inspired liy tho highest sontl- vy him hi chambers In Mirrshnold..jiald ho palu money to Sandberg or ho did not sny It. Thoro Is worlc
mont, patriotism nnxl .slncorlty:" I Tho tenn was not ns- long -as many horo for Prosecuting Attorney Llljeqvlst. Whltmoro has charged Santl
A distinct reeling uf optimism ro-u.uctod, -JuiIko Coko expediting Hwrg with being n grnftor or ho has never bo Intimated. Tjnndborg Ib
Kn riling tho "Moxlcnn situation pro-lns miich n possible to'keep downletther ontltWil to a clean nnd clear bill of mornl henltli and character
vails In .admlrtlstrntlon circles tiidoy.lconrt expoiwes. Thnro woroiio do-jor ho deserves punishment commensurate with his crime. Whltmoro
' 'lnyt ns wai ovldencvd by ttw fact lm been mnltgned nnd In entltlod to a vindication or If guilty of making-
that seven Jury cases woro tiiJvoseu j fan.o chnrgea'no should uo punisiicu. A verdict unseu on someones iniso
'AniKMiuri-iin'iit tf Dlaz'h Stntemmit '
PrevenU-l Atlrtfe. '
tDy Associated Press to Coos Ii.?
'EL PASO. Tex., May S. Resident
of CI nil nil 3uarez awoko to And thnt
tlll. 'linri 'liiin a.init1 n n (vll t ,tl Pn
v . WWII OJflil KU . ...D. ....... w .
of Twl bullotti. Tho'JiiBurrecto army'
Is no' supposedly on-vny soutti south J
becniiM It feared American liruerven-
tlon II 'it attncKod Juaroz, was about j
o.' luit week.
AR s wnm
hcKft Is not wi hpnest verdict. Prrr.-cutlng Attorney LHJitVlst Is tho
man In whose s:hargo nnd keoping la tho honor and Bocrednt-ss of our
courts. Ills dnty Is plain. 1
tn-tho courfteiOf our constwit tomh svlth legal elements onbuslnosa In
every day life men nro cabled upon to eubscrlbo their onth In testimony
so often thnt they hecomo habituated to It to a degree that Is reacting
upon nho real jsanctlty of the custom. It has attained nn -almost fllp
pnnt hislnce-Uy thnt Is utterly -foreign to tho nnturo and necessity of tho
act. It Is regarded na a moro -Incidental thing, n part of the curront re
cord, and tho oflicer administering It ts often as callous to Its weight
and vnhio as tho nenornt run of his folio b who lend their bivath and
.tslgn mauual to -th binding oblli;nt!on. H'Ib timo thnt this were chang-
to dolhr n telling blow nt tho FwHQaa GlllOVSOn and MiSSllvrtle'0'1, J,on B,,ou,l, bo maiio to ino nnd fe61 tno ncredness and algnlu
eral etrunghold 'Inst niglit when ani
Acc aIaI-j) nAru itlnniiili tvnrn '
Mehico Ctt-y stnrhig that President
Diaz had announced his intention to
resign was carried to tho Itont. The
dispatch chauged the situation from
Vincent Surprise Friends
and Relatives.
Georgo Gulovton nnd Wlsa Myrt'o
Vincent of Mnrshflotd were mr-
csinco or ttielr solemn pledge to aiwafc tho truth. It Is tip to tho Tiosociit
Ing attorney to do his duty in tho piemlscs.
Iln addition to the ituty of a awoicn oflicer of tho court there 1s nlso
In this affair a lesson for ovoryona. Aa a man lives bo lives hit, con
science. It It) tho one 'thing 'that miiy not be -placated by environment,
by tho possession of comforts and Braces nnd delights; tt will not auc-
one of great gravity to one of fes- ' . . Conull0 ywterday ThenewB'cumb to any Itirp, to nwy schomo of eradication nor route of escape-, It Is
tivo hilarity. Jf tno mJ,tals camo ns a decided 'always on tho ob; only physical and mt'iital innonsclousness given ino
Today. memUers of iho Mndero' . ' ,,, tr.MI,a nnH -itIv.- imentan' relief from the -play of Its deathless prodding, and Its work
.. . uariiiioo w m ...v....- ..- ...... ,,., , . .... , .h ...,.n ry
lamuy nro sending messnges to vres-, .. colJnle not eYen the most ln-(Be8 on unimpoaea, umuuiuuu, mm proiouuu.j- Uiit:.Biuu..,
Idpnt Dlnz tolling Jilm whnt fine man h ,. ' been tnUen , on the ,eal of Coath is stamped atross tho face of nnturo. Tho murdorer, th
they think ho Is and how he has gecre
isaved his country. I ,...j... y- rinnr, nnri fia
" I PHIIUIIIIV ll. UH UIPW" .... ...-- . m
Negotiations have been hegun r , ft for wnnt wn8 8Uppo8ed ls aJlvo win, the nbsoluto ana accurate knowledge or sin aim sname.
traitor, the thief, tho liar, tho trargressor of any and all degrees, never
rests, never Is nt pico, never is freo from tho Irk of a conscionco thnt
another arrafstlcp, for the resurap'
tlim hero of the peace conference
to be a ride. However, tho rido was
In our social, business or professional dealings with our fellows what
.. .! thiii. wniilil lin If . nnM lint Irann thn rnnl insnlra-
... ., . , wmoanx. .if UM iniCllllllB Hl.Uft " "wm. ..v. .. ,.v -wu... .. ....w ... .
"- .-"-t . - rt I' aviihth ill liiu iti.''Hvu ... . . .... . t.
Tim general opinion of Doth fafttons ' "ri'p"' Ie Mtnds tho ceremony tlon in each individual lirewhat tho compelling force, wnor tno nuraci
Is Hint complete tranquility Ja Mexico a ;.,;" ,,v t1t nov Mr Mnce.l'ns magnet, what tho alluring phautom. Why lo men 1le?
complete tranquility
Is le sight.
woe performed by tho Rev. Mr. Mace.j1
They returned here last evening
Western Union Nearly Out of
Commission to Roseburg
Necessity, natural predilection, solflshnees all play a part in our nves,
. ... .1 . ,,- nniiiivini lniiii-nnn wlmt hn rlfllnir In tho bar-
and have been busy receiving con- concussion in the breech that drives the bullet to-
gratulnttons from thejr many friends. insnlratlon. be It what it may. affected of course by
Are Married Today. '..... .,. ,. .i, .i fnr n,0 0nPtninP mir Individual
tho eagerness with
and tho
greatest heights to which aoula may rise, as woll as our ability to pafs
through tho obstacles that stand In our path. It Is tho great rorce anu
power In the lives of all of us. It ts thf3 which determines whether the bulls
eye of tho target shall bo rung or whother the life shall fall far short of
its mark whether our lives shall be lives of truth and honor or living
lies. When that Inspiration truly takes possession and is given full
Bway even granting the effect of prenatal Influence, early environment,
and where it is they have been uu- natural predilection .or -stem n: mJZ
determine nis course anu 10 Dimiio ua chuo is mib ..v.... -
glnation, if not of the validity of tho individual.
The merchant, for instance, struggles and aaves. wearing out nis neann
..1 ?k llors at' these other factors, is the real force that determines
At Tho Chandler hotel parlors a trajectory and penetratlon-or. in other words, tl
2 o clock tn a ""... Y:jWhlch wo seek to accomplish our ends, the course wo travel
not n and Miss. Valentino M. Laitiiwr , . , , . . ., ... ... . ,,. , ,, nt,i
both of South Inlet, were united In
marriage by the Rev. Father F. T.
Springer of North Dend. Members
of the bride's family were In at
tendance. They will reside on 'South
able to ascertain,
It was only by hours of nerve-
.TH- ... . . . -J.MAM tlint tVioV WftTA
ue western Union wire ueiween wracKing eueui -;- --- '..,...,, ,.. ,, ,,, tu ) mir i n rarl
Coos Ray and Ro.pbur has been able to get a small portion of The.and depriving .. ui "" ' to oTn insn ration 0 which tht, world
-rklngatntfnl infervats today and T,mes' regular Assoctated Press re- g -Jj re t re ?JZJ
a result Manager 'Schetter end po.rt, VpJo. 4 o'clock. knows not wng. u m y m(iBM .. ..
Operator Carleton have been able to It Is expected that the trounie win
handle only a Bmall portfon of the be remedied soon as linemen are out
hni it la rarely merely the money obtained,
Again, the soldier In battle bravea all dapger, endures all privations.
' iw.niiH
Final Decision In Cunningham
Claims Controversy
Expected Soon.
Steamship Sails Early This
Morning For Portland
Arrived Sunday.
Tho llronkwator sailed early to
day for Portland with a fair Blzed
Possible That Appeal May Bell
Tnlnn ITmah Pnmiviii. "1
urtbii i iuiii uuiiiiino-
sioner Dennet.
' ' "" " "" B"V .(Hy Associated Press to Coos Day, i
pnssengor list. Sho arrived in early i Times ) 1
ycsieruny wuu n iarf,-(t uai
Sho Is scheduled to return
Tho Cunnlughnm-Alnskan conl land
next Friday and will Ball Saturday !C,"I,,,B w,1,c" bro,,Kht about lho DaI
for Portland llngor-Plnchot congressional Invostt-
Among th'oso sailing today forlKin,,0' to,,ny "I'Pronchod tormina-
Hrfln.,,1 ..r... i""1" iHm.iiv) iur ura uuuniuBum
clalmnntB, K. C. Ilughos of Spnttle. "I
nnd John II. Gray of Waltaco, Ida.,
proceeded to place tliolr case betoro
Secretary of tho Interior Fisher,
land Commissioner Dennet nnd mem
bers of tho board of law rovlow of the ,
II. II. Unit, D. W. Carpenter, Mrs.
II. A. Wells, Mrs. Jnslo Hazes,
Shannon Mitchell, John Mltcholl, J.
L. Mints, Mrs. J. L. Mints, W. I. Gur
plc, Mrs. A. N. Alplnst, Wm. Asplund,
Mm Aanlnnil V T Tl'ninnM .T Tl.
M-nnl.l M T. TMrn V. V. ni,n,l. aCIICrnl Lnni1 0I"C' U '8 "POCted 1
. . ,, r. tn if tho hearing will conclude tomorrow. I
lor C. Stevenson, A. M. Orny, C. Hldd-' . J
viiiiiiiiiDoiuiiur iuiiiiuit win 4inuu
teston, G. G. Smith, E. A. Solnx, Mike
McKcown, Everot Young, Mrs. Win.
Hlcklng, Mrs. Thrush, A. Knutson,
Clnudo Clark, Mtb. C. Clark. Miss
Lonn Goodln, J. Auppret, .T. It.
nnkcr, E. A. Nelson, J. L. Garrett,
Mrs. Lctghton, Mrs. II. E. Durmtstcr.
Incoming LUt.
Among those 'arriving on tho
Drenkwator yesterday woro tho fol
lowing: Miss Edna Davis, James Chur.iklJ,
E. Sklanlo, Jomy Mllos, Andrez
Zohqs, Emmn Slovens, J. M. Johnson,
A. Rnrrott, MIbb Edna Smith, Mrs. E. ;
Smith, E. N. Smith, II. C. Vnnnls
trum, Miss Penrl Volz, Amolla Volz,
pirs. D. M. StovenB, Mrs. E. 0. Lnwr
Jonco, MrB. Nlnn Olson, Victor Drown,
J Mrs. V. Drown. A. A. Hull, Fred
'Marx, Homer Hunt, G. A. Smith,
Chns. Domsch, Jns Slestreon, J. II.
fDnldwIn, Androw Anderson, Kntio
down nn opinion and If appeal i
mado, Secretary Fisher will roriovr
thocaso. ,,j ?fj-
Ways and Means Committee
. So Decide New Free
List Bill.
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Bay
WASHINGTON, D. C, May 8. m
Sogont, F. D. Carrlngton, Y. Nngaro, Another "freo list bill" was In
Sudurk Ilnlozo, J 13. Perrott. Ed.trodiiced tn the Houho today by
Tllllcary, Geo. Levis, Martin Lovls, I Morso of Wisconsin, a republican In
TJnvlil E. Peck, Tony Levis, Joe Levis, Biirgent. It would oxempt from Uuty
Atlolph Nowhmlng, Jerry Horron, M. nrtlcles Imported for uso In tho con- t
McLenn, Mrs. Marj' Wright, W. r. struction of pulp nnd papor mllla and
Irish, Mrs. Irish, E. F. Anderson, . tho manufacture of pulp and paper.
Miss Gortrudo Robinson, T. Miitson,' Thnt tho wnys and moans commit-jj
II. -Slorgnny, Wm. Vail, O. Hedblom, loo will rut rnw wool on tho freo lit ;
TorX Donco nnd Martin Donco. , the revising of Bchodulo IC. D. was4
declared to bo practically cortalti to
Iiiik 7vpeelel Kdlrt IsmkmI at l'ckln
(Dy Atwoclatod Press to Coos Bay argued against It
dny nnd resulted In n caucus of tha
dolegntion from Now York at whl eh,'
eight mombers declared thoniselvnii
In favor of freo raw wool and four ,1
All pledged them-
PEKIN, China, May 8. Tho long
awaited edict abolishing tho grand
council and substituting n constitu
tional cabinta of ton members war. Is
sued today.
solves to abldo by tho decision of tliar
f till caucus of the democrats.
Thoro aro Coos Day men vho
would'nt mind going to Jail for a lit
tle whllo for violating tho speed limit
or telling a lie, but would ' regard
If you have nnythlng to sell, trndo stealing something to eat as a bolnl-
rent or want lujlp. try a want ad oub crime.
devotion to a cause, evon hatred of his onomy, but somowhoro thoro la
nn Inspiration to thnt soldier, strougor, moro potent than thorn nil. It
may be love for n nwectheart, it may bo a fondness of prnlso, but it la
certainly true that fow mon go to war because thoy lovo to kilt
Tho painter, the imiBlctnn, tho writer may work yon re nnd years to at
tain and improvo tho techniqiio of his work; ho deprives himself of ne
cessities, he overlooks opportunities tor Imincdlnto remuneration nud for
what reason? It may bo a dobtro for tho plaudits of his follows, tt
may bo tho alluring Grand Prlzo, I lit It Is moro llkoly to bo lovo for hta
art, his work or his profession.
Tho morchnnt struggles, tho soldlor Biiffors, nnd tho artist donles bo
causo thnt particular Inspiration that has entered his life compels him to
do so. We prldo oursolvos upon our will but whonco thnt wlllt Wo
pride oursolves upon our Judgment, but a disordered liver sots It all at
naught. We fix our goal, but wo trip over a thousand shadows in tho
Whatever our work, whatever our capacity, whatover our hopes it U
well for us to look to our Inspirations, to prlzo ultimate truth, study
real beauty and cherish true lovo. It will pay us to contomplate then
until they becomo our vory own, until thoy dominnto us, until thoy become
tho final measure of all our inspirations. For having done so, those
Inspirations which shall rulo us whether thoy find their embodiment In
Individuals or ambitions, will determine for our life a trajectory whleb
cannot fall to help us reach the goal of a rounded character, which, aft
er" all, Ib tho only adequate compensation for tho struggles aud rnvu-taohea
of our troublous sojourn here.