rrx$ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911- EVENING EDITION i -wgmyppp imwrfWMF' i A (i H ai a nr i ! IK f :iii r.i i mvf , i n 2 1 il .is I IB I '8 i. i' M --H f( ,.'l I. COOS BAY TIMES to tl hurtful talk about other, mndo by Inventor who have nctol the opening of prlvnto lot upon tho atlvlco of tonl ontntc men ami tho rnnsaekltiK of personal while, some have been lout, and many ! North Bend News l?ntnrwt nt flirt twitttrifflnn nl Mnrali. Held Oregon for transmission Rnrimnt"' nothing Is sacred from tho lives hnvo been saved by tnkliiR the Tom Jlnll went to Coqullle tlirougu tho malls as second class """ ". - - .... ,..v...... ....-. ..,moI1I1B UII 0m..,, mall matlor n l",nc0 or Bouieom? else; u is a not linen saved. , '. ...- . species of Insanity and certainly an No thoughtful man wi'l dlscrlml- M. C .MALONKY I'd Km and I'ub. nborratlon. and owes Its only protec- nate against an entire class became this Mrs. I.nwronce Mllebo was visiting friends here yesterday. DAN K. MALONI'V Addross all communications to COOS HAY DA MA TIMES. Mnrxliflcld :: :: :: :: Oregon Sewn Editor Hon to the soclnl conuuiinticM of the of some striking failures. evil nnd Its universal liniilt in Rreator The writer uellevt tint the res or lesser degree; Indeed It takes u pectablo real estate man I as re strong nature to resist the luro of an spectnblo as the respectable dry offensive secret touching tho life and goods man and that there are men of honor of another nnd only the shield magnlflcont character, beiinllclent In nu.l An Independent Hcpnlillcan news pnpor published every evening excopt of the law- which has been Justly nnd disposition, generous nt heart C. I MeKnUht left this afternoon for Coqullle on btulnes. I. It. Tower expects to leave to morrow for Portland on business. Sunday, and Weekly by righteously Invoked In this cose mny Tho Coos Day Time I'libllslilng Co. effectually repel Its Insinuating lie " - and llnr. Dudlcatod to tho scrvlco of the , people, that no good causo shall lack now a champion, and that evil shall not thrlvo unopposed. j AllOl'T IT CAUTHIfJ MARSHAL strnlgltt lnnll their acts who arc j Chns. Hriiner of Ten Mile was In dealing In dirt, and In connection (Mnrshlleld today on route to Coqullle. with whose business there Is no dirty j dealing. Mrs. K. T. Wagner nn'l chlldieii It Is desirous that the Ight kind win loavo soon to make tlHr homo In of men engage In the business SUBSCRIPTION It ATI'S. DAMA. One yoar $C.OO Por month 50 WEEKLY. Ono yoar $1.50 When paid strictly In advauco tho subscription prlco of tho Coos Hay Tlmos Is $5.00 por yenr or $2.50 for bIx months. Olllclnl Paper of Coot County he who spoaks disparagingly of real ORTI.ANIVS chief of police has ostato men erects a barrhr between Issued strict orders for tho on- that business and many of the noble forcing of the curfew laws and youth of the land. Real estnte men further bronklng up of the "street hnve been the means, to n vast ex- mashers' nuisance. Tlils Is decided- tent, of bringing up communities. nnd portlnnd. Mnyor I.. J. Simpson, who has boon attending to business In Coqullle, re turned yesterday. official paper ok Tin: city OK MARSIIFIEI.B. AN IMPORTANT CASK. TII13 ACTION of J ml go Coko lit reinstating on the court calendar tho caso of P. A. Sandborg ngnlmit M. E. Whltmoro for slnudor in ono that will commend Itself to tho pooplo gouernlly. American courts hnvo fallen from their high estnto In tho public mind Imcnuso of tholr novor undlng twisting and bend ing to technicalities and quibbles Hint In no wny affect the vital features of tho caso nt law. The Times Is p!ot cd to unto it breaking nwny from this fotlch of technicalities nnd quibbling by tho administers of Justice nnd Is ly the right step In tho right direc tion. And. by the way, what has be come of Mnrshflold's curfew laws? tins It boon repealed or Is It being observed In tho breach? I According to somo stories that are being told there Is abundant demand either for a ro-ennctinent of the ordl- nnnco or Its more rigid enforcement. 1 Hoys and girls of lender years on j tho streets at nil hours of the night 'are not conducive to good citizenship In the coming generation or hnppy hoihes In this. It Is uscloss to say that this Is something for parents themselves to regulate. Tho fart Is that It Is not done and society must enact and en force laws for Its own protection nnd bettormont. , Wo should begin with the boys and girls. Miss Pcnrl Itlggs expects to leave tomorrow for Idaho to visit her brother who Is located there. Miss Florence Ruth, win has been visiting friends here, returned to her home In North Inlet yescjrdny. ony many nre being of groat service to leave tomorrow to tholr day nnd generation by oti gnglng lit the business. An honest I real estate in nn Is ns honest as an honest minister of tho gospel. Hut It Is the dishonest denier of this class who does tho mischief. He enres nought for the buyer or for the wel fare of the community. It Is this hu man hog who Is responslb'e to some extent for tho opprohlum cast upon the real estate business. The real estate llnr and deceiver Is ait uudeslr- iahlo cltlren, as Is the fake doctor or tho shyster lawyer or tin hypocriti cal minister. I To the haste to Invest In rent estnto on tho pnrt of tho "hope to get rich quick" buyer Is to be charg ed much of the blnmo for the odium which rests upon the real estate mnii I In some quarters. Without due con sideration risks hnvo boon taken, tho Mrs. Kckheff and daughters expect for Portland nnd other northern polnti. The schooner Daisy Freeman, which llnlshed taking on her cargo, sailed yesterday for Redondo, Cnl. Mrs. Siiuford, who has been visit ing nt tho homo of Mrs. John Free land, lias returned to her homo at North Inlet. I TDK ODD FELLOWS, gambling spirit has prevailed nnd i consequent Iohsob resulting, the howl THi: recent celebration nt North has gone out against "tho renl ostato Rend by Coos countv Odd Kel- shnrpor." i lows of the 92nd anniversary of i A renl ostato broker recently show- glad Hint Judge Coke Is aligned with tho founilliiK of the order In America ed some property to a religiously In tho ndvnncod thinkers. Pnl8 nttentlon to this popular and cllned prospect who upon looking nt oi iouk iiku mwjer milium io oxcccnt frntornnl society. Today tho lots remarked that ho "would there nro Odd Fellows everywhere, i hnvo to talk with tho Lord about It Kstnbllshod at tho Globo tavern. Lon- before deciding." Tho ngo.it remark don, In 1748, tho Independent order. ed, disappointedly, as ho rubbed his has spread to America, normally, Itu-.noso, "In that caso I guess tho deal Is ly, Chile, Porn, Cuba, Japan, Don- off." It Is suggestive of the nood on mark, Holland, until tho emblem of, tho part of real ostato men of manl tho three links may truly bo said to resting it thnorough willingness to hnvo an Indlctmont quniihed In Judge Frank Qormnn'n court In Cincinnati, Ohio, bocnusc of a merely technlctl defect, but tho Judge ruled against tho motion nnd sot forth his position in this manner: "In this onllghtenod ngo of pro gress, mo court nnu counsel must enclrclo tho world. havo tho deal thoroughly consldorod keep paco with tho modern advance-1 Tho outgrowth of tho English by tho prospective buyer, nud not bo mont of tho science of law. It was Worklngmnn's Doneflolal soclotles. causo ho cannot help himself, but bo ovor Intontlod as n shlold to protect tho spirit of tho order has grown nnd causo ho wishes It, If his business Is tho Innocent and n flnmlug sword to nourished In tho United States as no- to hnvo the ostlmato duo It. niriKo (town mo guiu. whero olso, nnd tho fact rollects credit In buying real estato It Is bettor No quibbling or caviling Hhould unon tho country an well as unon tho to use ono's own judemont. hut If tho order that an organization based buyor hns nn Intelligent confidence upon such worthy nlms should hnvo In tho seller, tho lnttor's word should mndo such a conspicuous success. ,lu:vo somo weight, but only when tho nouenth tho exalted trilogy of confidence Is Intelligent. A safo plan friendship, lovo nud truth, which In buying real estnto Is to bellovo In stands ns tho ordor'a emblem, much yourself, bollovo In tho proposition, practical and unnssunilng bonovo- nnd bollove In your ngent, nnd If you lonco Iiiib been done. Distress hits nro wenk on any of thoso, bettor, per- been rolloved, suffering has been lea-.haps, got out of tho mark-it sened. Tho organization certnlnly.lus reason to congratulate itself that for bo tolerated by tho court. The an cient prnctlco of evading the tolls of tho lnw bocauso tho To wore not crossod or tho 'IV not dottod can havo no plnco In practice that should bo appllod to a modern crlmlnnl trial. "Cortnlnty, colorlty nnd simplicity of prnctlco and procedure should bo tho hnndmnlds of the crlmlnnl trials, to tho end that speedy Justice should tin mntnri nnf tn nil nffitnilnpu n,il B ""- "'- ...... ., ....I, u" Vthnt no guilty ono shall ny Innocent ono suffer." escnpo nor This nlnndor enso of Snndborg been so woll sustained nnd nowhe.-o against Whltmoro Is ono In which bettor than In Coos county. i - tho Coos county public In gfnoral nnd Mnrshflold people lit particular nro dooply Intorostod. P. A. Sand- borg was a paid olllclnl of tho City of Marshflold. Whltmoro charged him with dnmnudl Is tho climate of tho country chan- 02 years In the United States the fun- gB? It 80wm, , vicksburg. Miss . (iiuuenini principles or tno order Hnvo on Wodn ADVKItTISKI) MST. List of unclaimed letters remain ing In the Mnrshflold, Oregon Post jollloce. May 1, 1011. PersonR call ting for the mime will please say ad vertised and pay ono cent" for onch ndvertlsod letter cnlled fyr. Otto Anderson, A. II. Hrown, Mrs. Hnrrott, John Hruuotto, Jds. Raines, Tom Hcnznltls, J. A. Hoi;dan, L. A. Dunch, Honry Carlson, Tent Cottb, A. O. Curtis, Clnrenco Ctinnlnghnm, Mrs. Amelia Dodgo, Walter Dugan, B. Kills, Alex Evans. Wm. Oall, W. E. Garrett, Edward Olllesplo, C. E. Hamilton, T. Holland, Mrs. Thos. Holland, R. T. Hutching, Mrs. Inez Jnnsen, .Too Jonos, Amll Johnson, Mrs F. P. Johnson, Jan Knpnnk, Mrs. Em ma J. KottrlnB'. Andy IColloy, Frank MoLnughlln, Hugh McNnll, Chas. Mlccl, Onnl Mntson, Billy Morrow, L. Olson, Robert Parks. J. S. Shuck, A. W. Sanderlln, C. F. Stem:, P. D. Slteohnn, h, Taussig, Chancy Urn phry. F. Wnlky. Mr. Wiggins. .Mr. Wltzol, Chns. Woodworth, Edward Th. Zlska, Graham Youngmnn. W. B. CURTIS. Postmnstor. il of tho City of .pOME pi o, It Is alleged, J V ostato unndlng nnd n-- ' nKont odnosdny for tho first tlmo In tho history of tho world, and tho worst that Coos Bny has suffered this spring Is a frost which did little If any serious harm. Thoy ntiy that 'n prehistoric times tho hlp'to wnllow- OME pooplo have no faith In real ed In the Hudson rlvor. nnd nolar men. Why the teal ostnto boars snorted nbout tho Amazon. At TIIK SOMETIMES MAMCNKD. any rate nil tho good climate scorns to bo coming this way nnd the bnd Kent should bo ehnrT3il with 1U coptlng brlbo money to pass on cor- honesty any moro than those encniro,! tain public Improvements being mnd.j 0thor lines of business, the writer climate going somewhere e'.so. , ,....t.,..,.u (.o ,, viuiiiiiL-iur. i no uoos not know. The wrlUr bolloves. roports wore In general circulation, .however, that ho who taboos all real Tho pooplo are entitled to know thel- ostato men Is in error, to put It mild truth or falsity. Thero should bo no y. nillhhllni nt Mitlnv mul tm tnnliiiln.'. iiHillini l'tu; It It 1 lit UUIIDIVll ItleB tolorntod. Thoro has A NKW OLD IIOTKTi. Old patrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, Sui Francisco, will bo glad to hoar that this famous house Is now open In a lino now six story building right down town. Now furniture, new car- pots, stentn boat, hot wntor and tele phone In every room. Cnfo In con nection. Notice theso rates: Room with private bath $1 a day, $5 nwceK. All cars pass tho door. Select family hotel, Windsor Hotel. 23S Edd street, San Francisco. LAFKKKTY HAS PLAN. FOLLOW tho HAND to HANDON, Stiudny, MAY' 7. KOH KIRK PROTKCriON. been too m,uch cnroless talking on Coos Hay; too many are willing to cast aspor slon on a man's roputntlon and a wo man's chnractor as a mnttor of Idlo gossip. TI.1IA la nn nttnailnn ,l.n, .t.m.A ,- dishonest men engaged In that busi ness. Somo men nro crooks natural ly, It would seem, nnd whother en gaged In real estate, law or modlclne the crookedness will come out. Itatlicr Tlinn Koivst Reserves Would Hnvo Railroad Keep Property. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 1. "Should the Supremo Court declaro forfeiture In tho Oregon & Califor nia Railroad land caso, and hold thnt tho lands revert to tho govornmont, Men nro not bnd bocauso of tho Tho ordlnnry gossip Is Invnrlnbly a business thoy nro In tintoss It is tho I will Intrnduen n hill nrnvmino- fnr liar, and n common llnr Is tho utter burglary business, but bectuso thoy tholr sale to sottlors," said Reproson Hmlt of social infliction without re- thomsolves wore bad before thoy won: tatlvo Lafforty. "The pooplo of Ore gard to nnythlng olso In the lino of Into tho business. ' BOn do not want this land to revert troublo. Tho male gossip. Is, for-j Those who havo no uso for real to the govornmont; thoy want It sold tunntoly. rarer than his running mato estnto men are In n class with thojo to sottlers. tho fomalo gad and gnbblor, but ho who consider all mining p-oposltlonj I "Thoro Is a strong probability that, la manifestly tho worst when ho to bo fnkos. all doctors to bo attacks, should the land bo deIamd fnrfAitd wants to bo on account of the coarse- all lawyers liars, and that no minis-.the Forest Sorvlco would make a , llaiulon Arranges For Hlg .Main h Dtislness Section, Tho Bandon Recordor says: "At n special meeting of tho city council nisi mum u was ueciaeo. to put In six Inch main to bo attached to tho pump of the Geo. W. Moo-e Lumber Co. and to extend tho full longth of First St. for flro protection In tho business district, and tho flro com mittee was Instructed to tako imme diate steps toward providing means for the same. "The council also ordered all hy drants on tho hill that had been taken out to bo replaced." strong fight to havo It Incorporated into a forest roservo. Such a move would bo resisted and, in my opinion, tho peoplo of Orogon would prefer noss of his work; ho fomnlo slander-Iter bolloves what ho preaches. No or retains n hnlf-foar of consequences .doubt thero nro crooked men engag. and does her sharo of tho character- ed in all lines of work, but why Jud blnstlng stunt tn secrecy and with ges tho entire clnss. or the genoral buoiio nianomonnff wnoiiy m unison run of that class, by n few? It is to havo this aroa remain In tho hands with her nature; and to aid horcam-Jtruo that men have lost mouey In of the railroad rather than Incorpo palgn alio makes no conlldnnts out-, mines, but many mining propositions rated within forest reserves, whom I Bldo her own sex savo within her own In which men have lost money wero it would pay no taxes to the state family; tho art of gossiping snfoly 'a logltlmato from tho ground up, and and remain unproductive. We want very npo anu it n snrea or credit foil ( tho loss came In somo cnss In error tho land sold, so that It may bo Im in that direction It would got It, but. of conscientious Judgment Lv promo- proved, nnd contribute its sharo to ward taxation," Lafforty has discussed this matter with members of tho public lands committee and has been assured of favorablo consideration In caso legis lation becomes necessary. Huuiciuu u unman uauiro is to tno tors, or nu erroneous conxptlon of Indulgonco. mildly, or invetorntoly, tho matter by outsiders which pro thp custom hnyo novor achieved any- vented tho proposition fro.it sotting thine but universal co.ntompt. Your, tho backing It had to havo to mako true gossip will stoop to anything It a success. Not all are wild-cat that may yield food for, speculative, schemes. Many fortunes have boon HOW'S THIS V offer One Hundred DolUti Reward tor any rase o( Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Caturrn Cure. ' F. J. CHENEY i. CO.. Toledo. O. W'e, the undersigned, h e known p j, Che ney for the lat 15 ear, and believe him per fectly hoi orable in all bulnes tratiiactlon. and nnarulally able to carry out any obllga. tloni made by lilt Arm. Walpiso. Kiknan A Marvin, t,., , . WJ1?U" ItrugeUu, Toledo, O- HallV Catarrh Cure U taken iiiternalty, act. Ingdlreclly upon the blood and mucous sure fate of the sjHera. Testimonial sent free. 1'rlc 75centper bottlo. Sold byall druKKfit. Tak. Hall family I'llU forcon.tlpatlon. "A WELL-LIGHTED STORE IS A HUMAN BEE-HIVE" ipany ( This expression conies from the Katsung Cigar of Fort Smith, Arkansas Read what a successful firm lias to say; "What effect do we think a well-Iighlod store properly illuminated windows and electric sins have upon the upbuilding of a progressive mercha.it' busi ness? "We can say that there cannot be too much light used. A well -lighted btore with properly illuminated windows is a human bee-hive, It commands atten . tion. ' "As to electric signs, a live wire merchant can't be without one, An electric sign pertaining to his parti cular line of merchandise will Increase his sales and prove to the public that he is up-to-date," Let our New Business Department assist YOU, TELEPHONE 178 OREGON POWER COMPANY First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 0,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John P, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over $100,000 $500,000 IntereStjPaid on Time Deposits Don't Buy your Duttor, Cream or mill: from tho Coos Day Ico ana Cold Storago company un le8s you want only tho Best PHONE 73-J Delivery 8 a. nt. a p. m. BEAN HOT CHEESE Try It. Good Livery Service Fancy now rigs, good horses anil careful drivers aro now at tho dis posal of tho Coos Bay public at lU'MSONAllLl- KATES. nigs or rigs with drivers ready for any trip anywhoro any time. How boarded and rigs cared for. Now hearso nnd special accommo dations provided for funeral parties,. W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AND PEED STABLES PHONE 27 -J FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to us. Cleaning. pressing and repairing a specialty, by experienced men, Satisfaction guaranteed. ULAKCHAKD & DOD BON, AHlaac BIdg. Froat St, Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phouo 3121 imtnwwm FAinLYttHOTEL THE LLOVD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75o and 11.00; week-2.00 to JB.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges nOM to 118.00 per month. FREE BATHS-K. W. SULLIVAN, Prop, We Work And Advertise To bring u customer hero the first time, after that ho comes of nil own accord. You know why. REMEMBER Thero Is no kink, or cue that we can't do. "THINK IT OVER MABY." Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 87-J SAFE INVESMENTS. For information concerniag high-class bond investments, bearing 6 interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angeles, California. :lBm1Kii1, . R HA fciUJ .r...