FRIENDSHIP SHOULD NOT MEAN A WARRANT TO PUT ONE'S FRIENDS IN BAD YOUR. ADS CARRYING niir M'i'iievN, fliouhl iippcm in r,uliily in " I''" newspaper. If ,i inMiiip'r imilMoil mi Ihhi now mill I Inn for m mighty ivii ,,,, it retiring l"" 'Blu mhi it wuiilil mil lio ii pun', newspaper. SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A MoirN HitwitMng space In n Ht'MMH'r. iMIWI1'(l wllli (ho pnco iiril li ollivi sluiva, should uYflno lit 'itimfrtthc luipiirliiurt lu I ho coitiininili)! Dim'n your Kioto's ml wrlMiiK nmv (to llinlV OTOttW MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED IMtlCSH VOL XXXIV IMiilillshcil In 1878 iii The Const Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1911 EVEWING EDITION A Connolliliii Ion of Times, t'otut Mull nml Coos ltit Advert Uer. No. 93, flfflFtlt 110 GRID JURY WILL PROBE LEGISLATIVE SCANDAL Gov. Harmon Urges Action In stead of Investigation By Legislature. NO IMMUNITY BATH . TO BE GIVEN IN IT i Large Number of Witnesses Summoned In Alleged Bribery Cases. J By Associated rrcss 10 coos nay Associated Press Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y., Mny . Clins. Hlrnm Hyde, city chnmborlnln, np- lioarcd In court tills afternoon and plcndcd not guilty to an Indictment charging him with bribery In connec- tlon with the affairs of the siiHpendod Carnegie Trust Company. During Hyde's absence In the ih. Uif. Pnrnoclo Trust Comnany In which the city was n heavy depo- eltor, went down nnd n storm of criti cism nrotfc against hlni. Investiga tion brought out n bntch of Indlc: men's agnlust those controlling tlio bank affairs, nnd who nlso are said to have bonsted of their friendship with Hyde. i Various city depositories wero shown to have inn do lonns to the Car lisle Trust Compnny directly before or after they received tho city depo sits nnd the prosecution .11 attempt Henry BjOfqilist SUCS SilTlOn to show thnt promises of tbeso depo- sits were used as n club to force loans to the crippled Cnrneglo Trust Company, then tottering. About tho tlmo these lonnB began to como In, tho Chnmberlnln's sccretnry, John V. Smith got 114,000 from tho Carne gie In tho form or cnshlors' checkH which he deposited to his private nc count. Shortly nftor this ho drow against this nccount $13,800 In four checks., two of them paynblo to "cash" and two to tho city chamber lain. The district nttorney will try to prove this trnnsnctlon covered a payment ror services rendered. Hyde Issued n statement today that no ofllclnl act or his was Influ enced by any impropor motive. TBILL AFTER MAY 13 I Senate Finance Committee I End Canadian Reciprocity Hearing On That Date. (By Associated Press to- Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 2. The Senate Committee on Finance today decided to devote tho tlmo be tween now and Saturday, May 13, to hearings on tho Canadian reciprocity bill and Immediately after that date it Is expected tho bill will be report ed to the Senate. Dancing Clnss Tonight. There are a number of new pupils Joining, set In line now and secure the lasting benefit or the entire course. "The GO.IIOMK.U.W,Y DANCING CLUB" has been organized and a rew more desirable couples will be admitted of "or further information see any the dancing class or Prof. Hepburn. The first dance will be given Friday evening, dancing rrom 9 to 1J p m. Parents aro especially requested to he present. ' FOLLOW the DAND to BANIION, Sunday, SIAY 7.' PnONE I. 8. KAUFMAN & CO XOUB OALORDKRS $4:50TER TOK. 1 After the show try a Turkish bat IF Rumor That Mexican Federal Troops Were Slaughtered By Rebels. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times j NOGALES, Ariz.. Mny 2. It Is reported thnt n force of Federals un- r Luis Eatrolln which !.ft Magdn- lenn, state of Sonorn, Suturdny was nnnlhllnted In a bnttle with Itcbels flt 0,aU,gi tW(J lnll(,8 eMt o MuK. ,, . '8tel two hours. Estrelln and three f ' hclng the only ones who escaped. Liljroth of Beaver Hill As Result of Fracas. As a result of fight nt Beaver Hill n tow months ngo, Henry RJorqulst Is! arranging to begin suit In the circuit court ngalnst Simon , Llijroth for dnmnges for personal Injuries. The case was onco before Justlco C. L. Ponnock when nssault nnd bnttory charges wero preferred but at tint tlmo Liljroth appeared and pleaded guilty nnd was fined $10 r.nd costs. There nro two dlfforont versions of the fight as thoro alwas nro. Bo tho circumstances as thoy mny, BJor qulst received nn awful lick over tho eye thnt Indicted n deep wound. He was dissatisfied when he heard thnt Liljroth was lined on." $10, sny- Ing It Bhould hnvo been $100. Now 'justice Pennock hns been requesteU by BJorqulst's Inwyor to prepare an abstract of tho assault ni.d 'battery case preliminary to tho filing of tho 'suit for personal Injuries. LOCAL OVERFLOW. L. J. SIMPSON or North Menu is a Mnrshfleld business visitor today. MRS. W. T .MERCHANT arrived homo yesterday from an extended visit In Cnlirornla. L. H. HAZARD, tho Coqullle bank er, was a Mnrshfleld business visit or today. MRS If. H. McPHERSON nnd son, .,.. v.nvn lmon Knendlntr the win ter In Snn Francisco, arrived homo vpsterday ' jesieraa). JOHN MESSERLB nnd wife and ramllv. who recently left ror Coeur ,1'AionP. returned on tho Break - d'Alene. returnea water today, Htm Scailet Fever. A young son , of lrand Mrs. AUredy Johnson or Bunker Hill has been quaru.u.i.v.. for scarlet fever, fcf' MRS. OL1VA EDfSwwUl leave ORE WANTS DAMAGE FOR INJURIES to-'of morrow morning ror Chicago, where she will spend some time Sho gocJ via Drain. JOE WILLIAMS returnea yMwruy from San Francisco whore he has been attending school ano naa taken a Dosltlon In the Flanagan & Bennetfbank during bU vaca- 'LET US TALK IT OVER w HY not hnve a genuine, good old tion on Coos liny this year? It has been years since the forcefully observed In Marshflold. Let us make It a good one. It should be no half henrted halt and lame celebration but a genuine 24-cnrnt, all gold good time. There are cnrnlvnls of roses and carnivals of strawberries nnd carnl vals of salesmen and carnivals of prize pigs nnd pumpkins but who would not acclaim Coos Uny's carnival of patriotism tho best carnival of all? Thcro must be pink lemonade, and peanuts but it will be no pennat celebrntlon. There must be an old fashioned parade, and n goddess of liberty, and tho little girls with white dresses nnd blue sashes to repre sent the states, Industrial floats, and nil tho paraphernalia that go to make up nn old time celebrntlon. Then we should ndd to it all the modern methods for fun mid amuse ment nnd entertainment. There should be boat races and onseball; foot races and a greased pig, potato races and pie races. There should be a barbecue and n bowery dance. There thould bo "rnggy-mulllns" nnd "plug-uglies." Let's turn bnck the cycle of the years and mnko It n round up of the pioneers with pioneer pa Ut linos nnd pioneer playfulness. All Coos county, nil southwest Oregon should ho invited to be our spe cial guests for one, two or three days. They should be mndc welcome In the good old fashioned 'ny a greeting with lienrt In It. TRIAL MAY NOT BE Formal Court Procedure In Dy namiting Case May Be De layed' a Week and Change of Venue Sought. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cnl Mny 2. Formal court proceeduro In tho enso of tho McNnmnra brothers, chnrg'.-d wiiii iiviinmlMnir. mnv be delayed untll tho end of tho ,pruwnt weolc. Leo Ilnppnport, nttorney for the In- temntlonnl Association of Bridge nnd Structural Iron Workers hns arrived here nnd Is fnmlllnrlzlng himself with tnQ int08t developments. W. Josoirtt' Stsamsnip In From Portland But Is Delayed by Shoal In Lower Bay. Tho Breakwater arrived In eniiy todny from Portland with n largo passenger list and a good enrgo of coal. She enme In nbout low wntor and In coming up tho Bny struck on a shoal ror n while. Tho Breakwater Is scheduled to jsnll nt 1 o'clock Wednesday ror Port- jnn(j( Among those arriving on tho Breakwater wore the rollowlng: James Wray. Jno. FrlsK, B. Mis- slrls, Mrs. Bnrgelt, It. K. Matson, F. C Ilnrdy, G. Wilson, W. S. Miller, .Mrs. Mlllei, Jno Messerlo, Mrs. Me3-J sorle, Mss M. Messerlo, Miss R. Mes- serle, Geo. Messerle C. Hoops, Aug.' Carlson, T. Frleger, C. Soymour, Mrs. Seymour, .Geo. Gervns, B. Grnnvls, J. Chlsonvos.' J.'R. McGee, J. G. Scott, S. J. Shouds, E. W. Flrley. E. If. , Fish. W. Hatfield, Mrs. Browning, J. V. Ingram, C. S. Crutchfleld, C. L. Stevensen, N. Margany, Jno. Thomo son, S. Razan, L. Gakut, If. Paul, S. .Swanson, P. Curovox. T. Morlg.' T. , ,f ). n. Knthnut, M. Bales, H. Angolos, NVonv. T. Bradley. II. E. Glbbard, P. E. D, Rankin. G. Smith. C Huddle ton, C. W. Meyers, R. Meyers, J. It. McDonald, F. Wilson. SCREEN DOORS, Window screens and Fly Killers at MILNER'S. lvoiTitAVrK is PAID. Geo. e! Cook has received orders rail payment or Benefit Certificate No. 183898 on tho death of Josepu- Ine Cook lato a Neighbor in Pride or OcT-P 2771 Neighbors or America, located at MarshlleU 0re0D' u..fc-. - nAvI)0v ""!'", ' aunaay, . MANY ARRIVE PEACE ENVOY ON BREAKWATER IS DELAYED i fashioned Fourth of July celebra nntlonnl holiday hns been fittingly and AT LOS ANGELES Ford, nsslstnut district Attorney this county, Is expected to .i.tIvo from tho east tomorrow. Formal proceo duro may be xlelnyod until the end of tho present week. By thnt time It Is bulloved some dellnlto pronounce ment will hnve been mndo whether tho defense favors n chnngo of venue. District Attorney Fredericks says ho will not oppose such nn application if he Is convinced that It Ib Just. j Following n conference with tho McNamarn brothers. Rnppnnort an- nounced tho defense was not greatly Interested In n chnngo or vonuo butj do deslro with nil possible speed n , trial. Bnppaport said Clarenco Dnr- row would bo hero na ono of tho counsel for the defense. Mexican Government Fails to Reach El Paso For Nego tiations With Rebels. (By Associated PresH to Coos Bay Times.) KL PASO, Tex., May 2. Jinlo Francisco uiruiiijm, mincou.,.-.. or tho Mexlcnn government nt tho penco conference, fulled to arrive to- day nnd considerable- nnvloty Is folt by Rebel lenders ' regarding bis - rf-i... 1 nni.AiAiiinMi'a wuereauoiiis. mo iimiimiiunn that an extension or the ormlstlco Is Inevitable Negotiations, should Ca- rnbjnl nrrlvo today, can hurdly bo concluded before tho prosant nrmls- tlco expires Thursday nlg'it. ARK LEAVINCJ MEXICO. .Mirny Ainerlcnii Fiiiullles Are I'iivliiK Tluiv Dully. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NOGALES, Ariz., May 2 Hlgli olllclals of tho Southern Pacific lines In Mexico arriving from the'MexIcan interior say they have received no- tlco from the Rebels advising all' Americans to remove their families; . Into tho United States. Tho lleUois - tDH .'envin,r that if there is 141 V) iuvwi "v" "r Thursday no peace agreement by' :rBh7o7 thT. weei' they' vil, atta all Mexican border towns. Mnny leaving Mexico Amorican families are dally. Launch Side Lights, Bells and Life Preservers at .MILNER'S. NOTICi: TO ELKS. All members of Mnrshfleld Lodge, No. 1160, B. P. O. J. are J,2- "'ST 1" to be In XZTSi to stntoU 'i'I other important bus.-'tWto tlmo what has been done and 'voted upon and other important ' ne88 to come tap. i GEORGE GOODRUM, Beo. Croquet JBts a MILNER'S. NEW YORK CITY ARRESTED FOR BANK BRIBERY LIVESTOCK MEN ' FEAR TARIFF Representative Mondell Fears "Free List" Bill Will Hurt Their Interests. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON. I). C. May 2. Under democratic tariff luws, losses Times.) , of more than eight million dollars, COLUMBUS, Ohio, May 2., The wero sustained by the llkestock In- Frnuklln county grnnd Jury mot to terests of tllO United States, declared ,iv tn rnnal.lnr Mm rhnriro of hrlhft- Representative Mondell of Wyoming, todny when the House roHumcd the consideration or the "Free list" bill. He vigorously opposed thn measure ns offering opportunity for n repetl of i tlon of such losses to one of the principal Industries in his state. Mystery Surrounding DJSap pearance of' George Jacobs Cleared. COQUILLE, Ore., Mny 2. Tho mystery surrounding tho disappear anco or Georgo Jacobs, who disap peared at Lampn Creok on the Co qulllo Inst winter nnd who was sup posed to hnvo drowned In the river, wnH clenred when tho bodv was dls-j oivoriiil nl Aslitmi'H lmullnr. At thai MISSING MAN'S BODYISJOONDi tlmo or Jacob's dlsappMiance, tlio ,Mn,, wlM n,eot t,lla ovon,n indications that he was drowned wero't" tnko up various matters. Juct what practically conclusive ns hli footsteps "' will tnko up tho attention of the wero followed In tho snow to tho,'""" '8 ot 'xncl,y known tatl( river bank. Whether ho fell In or UIlr f ',u,r8 havo bMn roPort' V whether It was suicide Is net known.,1-"1 ? to be brought up. Tho body wns discovered by tho crow of tho steamer Fnvorltowhllogo-; lug down tho river. It was near Ashton'a landing, two miles from tho mouth of Lampn Creek. But llttlo Is known of Jacobs here. IS TO Jacob M. Blake Makes State ment Concerniny His Street Car Plans. Jacob M. Blako today lesiied tho following statemont: "A meeting of the KUckhoIdors I . .. . ... ...-.. rn ... and directors or mo uiiiu,. and .Terminal Company or Coos Bay was held ut tho olllco or tho company in tho Flanagan & Bennett : lin IM'ng -a. ...i.i.i. ilnm T IT Trlnima yepieruay, hi which w...u - 1 .. Ran and Arno Mereon wore auueu v, the board; other members of the board are J. M. Blake. G. W. K.N man aim u. w. "- ..-. -... T II Triniin 'gan was elected treasurer or t'i enn- pany nnd Mr. Blake remains Its pres ident. Work will begin nt once nnd material has already been omereu. P. A. Baniluerg nas ueeii nmnuvu resident engineer to tnko charge or construction. Mr. Tnggart Aston of San Francisco Is tho consulting en- ,. ,., t,ni. iiPBt for tho ,., ,m i. f. oinm nollcv Of the company with respect to giving out Information for publication In regard to these matters." , 5 W BEGIN S OFFICIALS Chamberlain Hyde Pleads Not Guilty to Indictment Against Him. CHARGES GROW OUT OF TRUST FAILURE Damaging Evidence Reported Found In Carnegie Trust Company Case. (u' Associated Press to Coos Day ry Involving about forty nieniborn of the Ohio legislature. Tho mnttor was referred to the grand Jury Instond of a legislative probe cammltteo on the advlco of Governor Harmon nnd oth ers lu their effort to prevent any of. the accused members escaping through au Immunity bath. Scores of witnesses were summoned. AI,().N(! TIIK WATERFRONT. Tho Gleaner sailed today for Gar diner, having come down for mer chandise. . The schooner Oregon urilvod In ut Handon yesterday to load with lum ber on the Coqullle. Tho trchooner Advent nirlvod In todny from the south and will I dad with lumber nt North Bend. Tho President, tho Gasoline schooner, which Is to ply botwoeit hero nnd tho Coqullle, arrived In this morning from San Francisco. Sho made n fine trip from Snn Fran cisco here. Council Tonight. Tho Mnrshflold MANY DIE IN Grave Developments In Out break Near Canton Are Anticipated, (Ey Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) HONG KONG, China, May 2. Ao cordjug to the best Information ob tainable, tho rorelgn missionaries have not been molested by tho rebolB, Sorvlco on the Canton-Kowloon sec tion of tho railway leading from Can ton Jo Iong Kong has boon abandon ed. Vessels nro making rrequont trips between Hong Kpng nnd Can ton bringing refugees horo. The feeling here Is thnt furthor grave ; developments are qulto possiuie. t UA Himiimtio rt ilick rntmta have ...!, ..,.,uw . .- been killed and a number or govern- ment oq.d.1. assassinated. FOREIGNERS ARE PROTECTED. Chinese Mobs nt Clinton Kept 'Aw? By (itiiihuuts. ( By Associated Press to tho Cojr 17 Times.) 4m.t iiont. KONG. China. May 2, Tha day's ndvicps from Canton whoro the revolutionary movement originate! SSirti'TS-b-pJ, barn, The foreign residence seoi' I. sola ed on an .rtWhW, which is protected uy KuuUi .loyal troops, Tho rebels tru maklMC 'raids and a number of tewca wen attach u .uo. rr'w.vv'""-'"