THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1911 -EVENING EDITION 'm&im timisz iiKiii st nnoii i.imt.Mtv. r HUN TB rrr-:. oestion? IS BGOSIING Have you had a look at that swell line of Shirts ? the kind with detachable collars and every other kind, at "The Toggery" MBI-' I" III III ill i In "' HI" '' '" ! .'i lit! I' lllirltll' lit Itilllll' .mii , r i nr- tnlnnu' oT i.illlr il'tcn mtnf from lit- . ...t' miVirnm til :i! War I In-tiiin. MU'i wim drtrt'r'K " ! (1 Oxi ;r ..tit Hawley recent l Well Known Marshfiefd Man -.-,u,MitiK n.t document ir sent nur lllirai and rMiKKWlii further thnt he wild anything els of mill that could be utilised In nur school work. 11 responded by hmiiI ItifC eleven mail sacks full. Included In the collection In n nonrly enmptetc pot of reports of the CommlMloner of Education; this one set of documents, nlonc Is very vahmblc. A Shop for Men. Formerly G;o. Goodrum's. l FAR EXHIBIT AT SIM me I neglects financial side. College Evrcrt on IIiisIiun Mnuiigc nient Snys Few Know How .Much Crops ('out. COHVALL1S. Ore., Mny 1. The financial side of farming, the world's greatest Industry, In nlinoBt entirely Tells Portlanders What Is Doing Merc. The Portland Journal prints the following: "Firm In the assertion thnt Mnrshfleld and the adjacent Coos Uny district nro on tho map more than ever, Hugh McLnln, of that place Is a visitor In tho city. Mr. McLnln extended his acquaint ance throughout the state last fall when ho was a candidate for Rail road Commissioner on tho Demo cratic ticket, and now that the sensoii for stnto politicians Is closed he Is eagerly spreading tho gospel of Coos nay In n convincing manner. "Spring finds conditions In Marsh field most satisfactory," stated Mr. McLnln, "an Instance of which In Illustrated by the fact that during tho month of March the C. A. Smith Lumber Company cut 12.000,000 !feet at Its Cons liny mills. "A recent event of great signifi cance to Mnrshfleld, however," con tinued Mr. M"Lnln, "was the nrrlvnl of the Hazel Dollar, the largest ocean freighter to load In Coos Hay. This boat Is 3510 feet In length nnd clrnwn 20 feet, and Is engaged In the Orient al trnde. She arrived In Mnrshfleld 'during the second week In April, loaded 2.2."0.000 feet of lumber In ten days and deonrtcd for Grn"i Har bor to complete her enrgo. Her nr rlvnl wns mil do possible by the ef fective hnrbor Improvements mndo bv the government dredge that Ins been at work for the pnst five months HOMK IlAKEllALL MAXIMS. i 't's n wise child thnt knows how to keep a scoro card. Pitchers with glass arms shouldn't throw curves. 1 A fly In the hand Is worth two In 'the nlr. Inflolders, like outfielders, come 'home to roost on tho umpire's neck. Mnke first while the sun shines In the fielder's eye. I A line drive cuts no grass. A word to the wise Is sufficient, hut a club for tho umpire. e He who hits nnd runs nwny mny J get n hit another day. If nt first you don't succeed, slide ngnln. To err Is human, to hit .300 divine U'h u poor bnt that won't work both ways. Hit nnd the world laughs with you. strike out nnd you mourn nlonc. It's a punk curve thnt has no turning. IH . u a w" M. JAJL V Alfred B - BT ATHALIAII, Queen of .luden, Or phoum TONIGHT. SAME PRICES. ' neglected by both the farmer nnd tho F. B. TJChenOr SayS That COOS ,"i'." " J. A. Hexell of accordance with the $r,0.000 Co-.i ,uio Oregon Agricultural uoiicgo, RrPslonn1 appropriation. I author of n volume on "Fnrm Ac- "When the Hazel Dollar left Coos counting nnd Huslness Methods" now nny HM( wnB inn,icti to n depth of In Its sixth thousnud. "Professor Unlley of Now York snld, In discussing the matter of his own state, 'In visiting practically bo caHlly carried out and menn much every fnrm In one of tho counties of without tho nld of n tug. Ilefore lone to tho County of Coos. You prob- the state, wo did not find ono man i w im possible for such bonis, and ably uro nwnro thnt Coos county ox- who knew how much It cost him to 0V(, jnrger ones, to load to cnpacltv hlblta nt tho Oregon Stnto Fnlr lmvo produce milk or to rnlso nny of his t Mnrshlleld, for In addition lo tho FOLLOW the HAND to IIANDO.N, Sunday. MAY 7. -:-il t .Label Assures you of style, fit and quality the utmost value your money can buy. Men of al ages thoroughly rely on Benja min Clothes for the absolute satisfaction they give Guarantee. If Front of Coat Breaks in One Year's Customer can Have a New Suit Free Suits $20.00 to $40.00 Let Us Show You New Spring Styles Hub Clothing and Shoe Marshficld County Should Have Building at Salem. SALEM, Ore., April 20. Keillor Coos Hay Times 1 nm going to sug gest to you ti proposition which could nearly 1S feet. The captain told me thnt this wns tho first time thnt the Hn7ol Dollar had ever entered n hnr bor. docked, loaded and depnrtd Federal nppronrlatlon for harbor Im provements, the citizens of the nnrt by nonulnr vote recently subcrlbnd n $.150,000 bond Issue for this pur pose. While the Issue Ih hoW nn f" the Mine helnc by n frlendlv su't imniiT'it n woMlo certain oolntri li dispute, tho lit tent ton enn In no been smnll. Coos county has moro crops,' different things to exhibit than uny "Tim Secretary or Agriculture, In other county In the state. recent Year Hooks, points out the Tho proposition thnt I suggest to remarkable prosperity of tho fnrmer; you nnd hope thnt you will boost It thnt tho export of fnrm products In until It Ih there In fnct, Is for Cooa vastly In excess of all other exports county to erect a nent bungnlow, or combined; thnt n million ngrlculturil nny other suitable building, on tho debtors hnvc been' transformed dur- Oregon 8tato I-nlr grounds. Some- lug tho last ten years Into tho snmo nffort tho ultlmnto Improvement of thing permanent where Coos county number of surplus depositors; thnt (ho hnrbor. can exhibit Its minerals, lumber, 'contrary to IiIh reputation, tho fnrm frult, otc. It Ih true thnt tho veget- or Is a great organizer, nnd ho linn allies could not be on exhibit with achieved remnrkablo nnd enormous much success, but the minerals, wood, successes In in nny Hues of economic canned and preserved 'vegetubles and cooperation In which the people of fruits could be dlspluyed ench year, other orcupntloiiH lmvo either innde 1 have tnken this up with the sec- no beginning or have uenrlv, If not THK FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Equipped with Wireless) Will nmku regular trips carrying pusHcngeni both wiiys tuul freight tretween Coos Uny nnd San Francisco. AlIrvNerviitlonNforpariHeiigora iimile nt Alliance Dock, Mnrshlleld nnd Inter-Oeeaii Trnnsp. Co. Union Street Wluirf No. 2, Sin Francisco. For Information, phone M..I or 2H.1. Will sail for Hun Francisco WcdneMluy nfternoon, Mny slid. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION COM PAX V. PROFESSIONAL DIRECI Ttt. o. w. li-slik, '-' Osteopathic I'hjildJ Jrndtinto of tho Araerlan Osteopathy nt Klrkirllle. Xtl In Kldorndo Ulk. Hounllul i', Phono 161-J; UmbbU, rn. j. ixoilvm, - Fliynlclnu nd Serf 200-210 CokeEt Flioncs: Otllcc 102J) Mk rotnry of the State Fnlr Honnl nnd he Is very nuxlous to have Coos County erect such a building and will give n siiltablo location on tho grounds. I have nlso tnken It up with ono of the editors of tho Portland Tele gram nnd they have promised lo boost. Tho expense of erecting this build ing would be smnll nnd be worth much to Coos county. Oo nhend and boost It from your end of tho lino nnd I will do my part at this end. There Is plenty of time between now and September 11 to erect this building. Let Coos County bo the first ns others nre sure to follow. Yours very truly, F. H. TICHK.NOH. completely, failed.' He points out t1(.gln. "Within ten dnys nctunl work Is to bo begun on tho electric street rnll wnv thnt Is to connect Mnrshlleld with N'rirtli nend. Tbe lino will ho tliroo miles lntlT. ntwl I 'ipvn If on eooil nutborltv thnt It fl'inriood n'vl thnt artunl construction Is nbout to I OLD ItKLIAIJLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS O.N TIME SAILS FltOM POUTLAXD AT I) A. SI., OX .MAY 1, l, 11, 1. sji. (1 AXD .11. ' FKOM CODS DAY AT HKItVU'li OF TIDK MAY .1, H, lil, IH, :J. 1-. II. KKATIXO, ACFXT W. DKXXKTT, Lairjtr. thnt most farmers live better than the average merchant or mechanle. "It Is doubtless true thnt the fnrm er Is becoming a factor to be reckon ed with In the business world: thnt the averago farmer knows vastly more nbout scientific fnrmlng thnn his father did. He understunds more PIIOVI.'! MAIV -1S.T. I "Of course Mnrshfleld's irr-eeti iiood w rnllroad fncllltles, nnd M"rh fleld Ih still hopeful. (h rel''nts feollnc thnt the ndvnnlnge Its locn tlmi offers nH a terminal point will not bo dlsregnrded much loncor. es poolnllv by some road nt present without n Pnclfle thoroughly the value of proper eul- r-onst terminal. It Is claimed that bv Till? SOl'XD SLKFI' OF GOOD ni:.irif. Can not be over estimated and ny ailment that prevents it la a me nace to health. J. L. Southers, Kauj Clalro, Wis., says: "I have been nn- ' nblo to sleep soundly nights, becnuso eiiMon. of fortHWntlon of otatlmi. of crops, nnd of diversified funning. Hut It can not bo said that ho owes his success to Improved business methods. Ho hns been successful rather In spite of IiIh Ignorance In his respect, and because of the lavish generosity of mother nature." The college Is now giving courses In fnrm business mnnncement by mall for the benefit of those who can not attend the courses nt the college. Some fifty hnve nlrendy completed the course. maki: good. hi:xxi:ssi:y. i From Kugene Register.) A Coos county grower will send the July work Ih to be stnrted on the liffiMoHO'l Coos Hnv and Holso rnM rood. nnd east and west lino that Is projected from Holse west ncross Central Oregon, through llosehurg and over the Coast Flange Into Mnrsh lleld. Whether this season will see any actual rnllroad construction work undertnken remains to be seen, hut no less n sum thnn $20,000 nlrendy has been expended on surveys for the line. "However. Mnrshfleld Is to hnve Improved overlnnd cmuniunlcntlon wth Portlnnd within three weeks when nn nntomohlle stnge lino from Mnrshfleld to Itoseburg Is to be In- "THK FIUKND OF COOS DAY" S. S. ALLIANCE COXXF.CTIXG WITH THK XOUTH HAXK HOAD AT POUTLAXD Sails for Eureka Tuesday May 2 ...mvn .?0IlTI1 PAC,F,03"MSIUP COMPANY. UiONh '" C F. McOKOHQB, Agent I COOS BAY-ROStBURG STAf i im Dally Htago between lloscburg nnd Marshficld. Stage leaves diWlv and Sumlnys nt 7 ji. in. Fare, $0.00. y OTTO SCHKTTKrt, Agent, 0. P nAnviim i0 .MARKCT AV., Marshflcld. Agent. HOSEDURg! Oro. iiiujve 11 Ofllco over Flanagan & Si Marshflold v. M. S. TUHPE.V, W ArcWlect ' Over Chamber of Cox-i C00S BAY III Wo havo secured it 1"" uoss cf L. II. Helmet u.. j pnred to render euw' (he neonle of Cool BlT diivors, good rigs 1 'J thnt will mean satliia"7'! tho public. Phone uiiort' horso, a rig or anrtniJl'"' tho livery line. We ' ' trucking bualnesi of ill U- I1L.4XCHAIU) Dliui" Livery, FccdndSl! 141 First and Aiaer Phone UN . I niiKiirateri. Tho trln will hko nlfii l r ... I. ....... f mi ' !- or pains ncross my back nnd soreness '" ioiuuiib imm nis or- or nine hours, nnd there will ho ono or my kidneys. My appetite wns voryjchard tllls vonr J"8 ,0 convlnco thnt Ftng0 concll oaph wnv ,,ncn (lnri Thus poor nnd my general condition wns'""'u'r '" 'pwonn do grow In Oregon it will be possible for Mnrshfleld resl niuch run down. I havo been tnking! KI1CK XFAK DHAIX. , dents to leave homo at 7 o'clock In Foley Kidney Pills but a short tlmo the morning nnd reach Itoseburg In nnd now sleep ns sound ns n rock, my DHAIX, Ore.. May 1. Tho snwmlll "' to cntch the 1:50 o'clock train general condition Is greatly liuprov-nlant and lumberyards of the Leona f(,r Portland, nrrlvlng nt the latter ed, and I know thnt Foley Kidney rills havo cured me." For sale by lied Cross Drug Store. A XKW OLD IIOTKL. Old patrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, San Francisco, will bo glnd to hear that this famous houso Is now open In a fine now six story building right down town. Now furniture, now car oeta, steam heat, hot water nnd tele phone in every room. Cafo In con nection. Notice theso rates: Room h prlvnto bath 1 1 ft day, JC nweoK, All cars pass the door. Select family hotel, Windsor Hotel, 238 Kddv ttreet, San Francisco. Mills Lumber Company, at Leona, P'nf0 nt Ive miles north of Drain, were com- nlng." jlotoly destroyed by lire Satnrdnv At i o'clock the flro was not under control nnd the residences nnd store near the plnnt wero still in dnnger. The origin of tho fire wns not learned. The saw mill was worth approxi 10 o'clock the same eve- non't fnrcot PHOXK 21 1..I. the Turkish Dafhs Foley Kidney Pills contain in con- centrnted form Ingredients of estab-' llshed thorageutlc value for tho! mntely $40,000, nnd there was nbout prompt nllovlatlon of all kidney nnd tio.i.vw worm oi nimDcr in the ad- bladder ailments. Folov KlHnov phi. nro nntlseptlc, tonic nnd restorative. Do not allow your kidney trouble to progress beyond tho reach of medi cine, but start taking Foley Kidney Pills at once. Refuse substitutes. For sale by Red Cross Drug Store. Joining yards. There Is some Insur ance, but how much Is not known. Tho plant was ownod by J. J. Ken ney and Bon. W. H, Kenney. A branch yard Is maintained at Rose Business Directory Following Is n list of Reliable Business Firms thnt It will Pay to Patronize. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heatinq Mnrshfleld, Ore., Phono 773 STADDEN All hinds of photograph work, bromldo enlarging and kodak finishing. J. J.. KOONTZ Machine nnd Repair Shops GEXKHAL MACHINIST Steam and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop, Front street, Marshflold, Ore. 11 t. n . . Laurie rortame Lamps at Cost Wo nlust move these goods to give room for changes wo will make this spring. Now Is the time to get n bargain. Coos Bay Wiring Co. PHOXK 237-J. , WATCH! NO! Homer Mnuzey, ome of tit nnrt fhA solicitor fOf M "' laundry. Watch Mm! t to stop you on theiUMi nil rtMrnllB nt LaundrX at your nome any tlae. w Laundry business fron"T Marshficld Hand i Steam la saw FOR GOOD WORK Bring your clothes to us. mBnin pressing and renalrlne a n,io!. by experienced men. Batlsfactlot guaranteed MjANCHAKI) & DOD SOX, Alliance Rldg. Front St, Keal Estate Bargains For bargain In City, punker Hill and Farm Property. See , AUG. FRIZEEN Real Estate and Insurance Agent, 68 Central Ave., Marsfaaefcl, Ore, Ann TTUP NESTED PLYJIOUTH ROC ... ,i iiAve rro!9c I .. V. A ona.lmpng Ol ' quality with records of J 1 eggs In 365 days. n,.. m.inira ml E '" ' uu, w... , t..i. ...... m-Hprg BO" " heavy laying stock for Is .. . PinllrT ' I'lyreouin i-iatT. . FRED. DACHMA'i Marshficld, P 45, hi DYJSJJiu Frencn try and 8teo ,-J. j -. suit. ' ed for and delivered. P 1 ow- nrwaHfllTVDltB' ING WORKS R. E- FII Port of Market Ave Try my vacuum eirl i'? -