THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 1, 1911 L EVENING EDITION fj LnfcUJncr&Marx U'LL be glad to iave folks see your llf t . -t II u s one Ul U1CSC ichaffner&Marxi fhc front of 'cm look i ThcyVC got all the ' You can get them hero. ; same as ever ; better r, 1,ouml 8ac,8- llli $-0 und upward. lob Mill Store tore is tho homo of pchiffaer & Mark clothes Let Us Talk It Over COUNTERFEITER nAS iR HILL. PHONE 208. ScxS- l-Debk space with tho use alt. See F. S. Dow. rhed with or without to homo cooking, Call toorth Btreot. In7lr . . uao roonia. cornel "let and Second, $26. Seo ' lW at 12th and Com- kta2rr?' "" Hep? nCe1B0,Ap- Plnegor, 352 First St. p"-oo.ft. Boat Hcmicu. win . "-'lunch. Also ono mr WO. win , . . .. "! worK single '"' " u. ttogers. 'tln. n... lite "'vniiero. liea-es- Phone Blanco hotel CI"ce 28.J. "Perlpni .SUNLIGHT HAD for tires. Aulo Drlteii WnniiMl Nut tit Stnn.l tnrs In Dlivrt ltn of Sun. SuntlKht linn n delertorntliiR ef fect iiimiii tiro. 0!ivloiinl u u . pOMthle In nvold cxmhIhk thorn to tho light WllOII milHlNK the HMtrhln. but when standing It I the wmt rf wlmlom to favor thejti In any pm- Bible manner. To till end don't leave ,n inr standing fur hour where the ,hot nun will strike It If you do you nmy find a llnbby the on your return, nH nn Immediate result, with the ultl mnto III effect not bo easily overcome. It la fur better to Btop in the shade and walk a hundred feet to your des tination. And In the case of tho car that Is ! run mostly at night, It should be cov ! erod through the bright hours of Urn- day when In tho garage. Tho man! with his prlvato garago can obtain thla protection by providing heavy shades for the windows. Sections of old carpet or rugs nre excellent for this purpose. FOLLOW the HAND to IIANDON, Sunday, MAV T. Read the Times' Want Ads. WHEN YOU WANT Flour get Tin: rest. White River AND Snow Drift Are two of tho host brands of high grade Patent Flours on the market. iC all-WOOl quality, the Wholo wheat Flours In 10 nnd 25 and TL- O - rcr. i nt; oazar HOUSE OF QUALITY PHONE 32. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL Phono 3181 EVER PRODUCTU) A PERFECT I IMITATOR HAS EVER EQUALED THE 11USY CORNER'S lTV OR SERVICE. Ii tho unanimous opinion of all of tlioso who havo boon pi it the Dusy Corner for years. Tho reason wo lead In tho BjiIbms of this vicinity Is becauso every ounco of energy, particle of ability, ovory mlnuto of years of oxporlonco are il to account In catering to your wnnts, pleasures, satlsfac- 4 Mfety. Buy drug and drug storo goods nt tho Uusy Cor "i get class, quality and satisfaction without extra cost. part-Parsons Drug' Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. LEADING DRUG STORE IN COOS COUNTY. I for about ono Tlmos' office. week. Inqnlro LOST Round pdrt pin with dia mond center. Howard for return to Times' oflloco. FOR SALE One 3-year-old, full blooded Jorsoy bull of Yoakum's stock. V. K. Rood. Call 133 Do you know of anything that would bo of interest to the public? Havo you any suggestions to mako relative to public affairs? Have you opinions to express that you believe would bo of general value? Do you want a Job? Do you want a hired girl? Do you want to sell something? Do you want to buy something? If any of theso things appeal to you, uso the columns of Thp Coos Day Times. WITH TEA : WITH THE : : TOAST AND 1 EA 5 . I ! t . ! . U !((! EVENING l . Justice Is Immortal, eueruul and Immutable, like Hod him self; and the development of law Is only then a progress when It Is directed towards those prin ciples which, like him, are eter nal. Kossuth. With sudden smile. winsome tears nnd Witching May doth now beguile. Lllnc blossoms scent tho nlr; ! Vernal winds blow soft and fair: Seed-tlmn wnliu wlil.m.i n... .!.. J ...,.. ...,.,,. IU V4UUI Golden harvest Ilea before. When In doubt keep pegging away "' MAY. May speakB lit the voices of brooks, In the singing of wind In the grns- tscs, From her mulling nicies, ever down ward looks On nil her dainty bowored nooks That the lnzy bumble-bee passes. May loves the little nnd helpless things She shelters each frail tiny fel low, And hovers protecting mother wlnus O'er every struggling Wo that slugs In her breezes gentle and mellow. Wo welcome you blithely with loving nrius, And the enrth her Joy confesses; You creep up daintily with your charms, With lavish giving and upturned palms, And henllng in your caresses. Ethel Hallot. April camo In llko n fool and only . ..i.. ,, Ul'KUU IU KUl W1HU IHU lUHl IWO UUJH. If men run tholr tjuslnesa tho wayj cities do there would bo bankruptcy h ' Wo are not disposed to crltlzo tho Now York woman who offored $10, 000 for a husband, but It Isn't enough. THE HONEST GROCER. I visited tho grocer's storo and met tho ownor nt tho door, and said: "Sny I Mr. Wheezo, I wish -you'd toll me, straight and true, without evasion, whether you havo got somo first class cheese?" With great distress tho grocor shrunk, and cried: "Tho 'cheese wo havo Is punk, It fairly makes mo cry; It's bilious in Us tint, ,and coarso; I wouldn't feed It to u horso; go somowhoro elso nnd buy. Of courso," tho grocor said, "I must confess I'd llko to got yourdust, and hold your trado, forsooth; but whon you nsk mo If my cheoso Is first rnto I goods and bound to ploaso, I havo to i - tell tho truth." I clasped that grocor j to my breast, and nearly squashed I him on my vest, nnd wiped away his tears. "You'll hnvo my trade," I gaily cried, "and that of nil my friends besides, for forty thousand years." And then I went Into his storo, nnd bought a ton of flour or moro, and mackerel In kegs, and can ned tobacco, beans and peas, and axlo greaso and whlfflortees, and codfish, prunes and eggs. It took tho largest village dray to haul my purchases away, and every time I pass I drop "Frou-Frou" We have just received another shipment of the World's Greatest Wafer, "FR0UFR0U," This famous wafer is manufactured in Mydrecht, Holland, and is superior to any other wafer on the market. Include some in your next order. We carry a complete line of BISCUITS and SWEET GOODS In packages. Lockharfs Grocery A PARTICULAR STORE FOR PARTICULAR -PEOPLE. PHONE 85-J I AND TOAST Int." that nrwer'n ntnre and clMp him in m brent Mine more, nnd buy I rx.i.e i den . WALT MASON On lie loukB hihmI dtml like all ot hr. The attention of Murshflold people Is called to the nommlsslun form of government, a busluess proposition, which nil cities need. Owing to adverse weather condi tions, only ouo branch, of the corner j loafers' union has been able to gather -uorum 80 tar lh'8 month. ' William Francis Uaruard says "we nrc aU ,mul'" I,ut ",nce vnrlol' ta t,u' 8,,lcu of llfo' ,ct U8 bo tl,ank"1 t,,nt we nro not nl1 hughouse on the iRnme subject. Frank A. Venderllp, tho Eastern fi nancier who visited Portland n short time ago, In a recent preachment says we should bo kind to our bankers and cultivate them. Yes, that's nil 'right to talk about, but doing It Is another matter. We've always been as ulco nu wo could be ours, nnd culti vated htm all we could, but lie seems to bo Jho only ono who gets nny pro tits out of tho transaction. Till: FARMING FEVER. Wearied and vexed nt times with business cares J. Albert Mntson sits In his olllcc overlooking the bay nnd uni.lnt? tlm Pnna TMvnt rnnr1inta ,,r , thplr , f ,, nor()8g , , , , possessed of a vnguo yearning to get ... c,MO , ......,. ., . ..... ',.,. i. riu. .n.i . iiiiij ii utitii tiiiun hi; iiidi nuuiiivii ii copy of n book with tho alluring tltlo "A Llttlo Land nnd n Living." Audi1"0 Knsoiiue scnoouer which is io v tho other day ho purchased Ivy Con- between hero nnd tho Coqulllo. was droit's launch tho Shamrock. Ills delayed at San Francisco until Snt fnrmlng Is likely to continue In tho rJn'' sho win Probably reach hero land o' dreams and now and then! morrow. Tho schooner Ruby nr- takea on tho noots vearnlnc: . ,. ,, .,., ,.,,, fm mA . wish I had n llttlo farm, Bomo acres by tho shoro; Tho country has a deal of charm wlinn nnrlntr rnliirna nnnn mnrn. r 0 not nB, for hlgh.prIcod lnndi such Is beyond my reach; And I'd be satisfied with sand, a strip along the bench. I do not enro for too much toll; wouldn't farm for dough, 1 I think I'd llko a s'andy soil; It Is n't,00'"0 Mp hard to boo, I'd gaily harrow tip tho dunes nnd clear away tho trash, And sow somo pieplant or somo prunes or olso somo succotash. HOW IT HAPPENS ACCORDING TO HOWE Ever notice, when a dog follows a woman, how sho stamps, hor foot angrily nnd snya "Go home, sir!" And tho dog pays no moro attontlon than do her husband and boys. In looking back over his past, ovc ryman must admit that the sun wns ofton bright whon ho mado no hay Do you remember nny particular saying of your father's? My father was always saying "That abomlnablo boy," meaning mo. Ever notice, whon n mnn is hurt who carries nn accident policy, how long ho Is hurt? Tho world Is full of men who want better Jobs, who nro not willing to do bettor work. asp LOCAL TEMPER ATI UK l'OUT. in:- For twenty-four hours ending nt 4:43 p. in., April SO, by Mrs. K. Mlngus. special government meteorological observer: Maximum CO Minimum 30 At 4:43 p. tn f.2 Wlud Southwest; cloudy. THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREOON, May 1. Showers tonight Tuesday. Ituyw Launch. J, Albert Mntson has purchased tho launch Shamrock from Ivy Condron. Probate Court. Judge John V. Hnll went to Coqulllo this morning to hold tho monthly session of pro bate court. Funeral Sunday. The funeral of Milton Epperson wns held yesterday from Wilson's undertaking parlor nnd was quite largely attended. Kuiiiiiiet' Wins. Hy n score of 14 to 13, Sumner defented Enstslde In a hot game there yesterday after noon. Jim Mil Hoy or .MurslilkMil wns the umpire. Give Farewell. The Royol Neigh bors will glvo ii farewell reception tomorrow evening for Mrs. V. S. row who ls ,cnvl,,B on tllL inUl f(,r Pendleton, Oregon. Ilont Movement. Tho President, i... .... .., .....I.,. i ... ..... inveu. m ni uanuon yesieruuy. Kinney Cue. Refereo McKnlght In tho Klnnoy bankruptcy proceed ings tpday ontered an order continu ing. It until 10 o'clock tomorrow. Tho contlnuanco was to portnlt final ef forts to be mado to effect tho arran gement for a trusteeship. Council TueMluy. Tbo Marshflold city council will moot Tuesday ove rling and a numbor of mattors will IUIIIU llJ. 11 IIUIMUI W..VWW .. ..... will mako application for tho exten sion of his streot car franchise, I which- ho Is quoted as desiring, now 'or Inter was not announced today. To Open Troll. Petitions to ralso $7C or $100 to open up tho old trail from Marshflold to Emplro, almost straight across the penlnsuln, nro bo ing circulated. Major Towor of Em plro Is ono of tho promoter of tho plnn. While tho trail cannot bo mado Biiltablo for wngon or nuto road without tho oxpondlturo of consider ably moro monoy It Is thought U would bo woll worth tho cost. The trail passes near tho old Indian mounds and through n natural park. Scares Dlv. -R. M. Jennings got n good ono on Dr. Dlx tho other night, ovldontly gottlng oven for a fright that Dlx had sometime caused him with an nuto. Mr. Jennings wis driving n tenm down tho streot nt a i good clip. Dr. Dlx was crossing Jiut . uhead of him but aulllclently to bo j In tho clear. Jonnlngs saw It and swerved his team In close bohlud Dlx and gave an awful yoll for him to( get out of tho way. Partlos who saw it declare that Dr. Dlx Jumped higher than anyone who has beon scared by an auto. Sails South. Tho Nann Smith snllod lato Saturday for Hay Point with a big cargo of lumbor from tho Smith mill, Capt. Olson having ro- sumed command aftor his short vaca- tlon. Capt. Olson reports that as soon as tho dredge Oregon complotos its work on tho Lono Troo shoal, mak- ing an oighteon-foot cbannol from tho mill to tho sea that ho will no ublo to tako out considerably larger FLOUR. HAS ADVANCED Now Retails $ 1 .55 Per Sack For cargoes and says that then he can take out veul like tho lintel Dollar with n CATico of over 3,000,000 feet of tuuibr. Personal Notes T'S IIAItll WORK TODAY. it's hard enough to serlbble When vagrant subjects vox; Hut the hardest writing ever Is writing monthly checks. JAY WILCOX will leave on tho next Hedondo for Snn Francisco. C. U. SELUY and C. R. Peck loft this morning for Coqulllo to attend' court. DH. J. W. INQUAM returns on tho Ureakwoter tomorrow from his trip to Spokane. A. E. NEFF returned to Coqulllo this morning to resume Jury service In circuit court there. J. W. FLANAGAN, J. C. Kendall and others composed n party who spent Sunday at Empire. WARNER OGREN returned today from n fow weeks business trip to San Francisco. GEORGE and Carl Cllnklubenrd of Daniels Creek were In Marshflold today on business. JUDGE COKE returned to Coqulllo this morning nfter spending Sun day with his family here. MRS. NORMAN NELSON returned today from nn ovor Sunday visit with friends In Empire. II. L. COLEMAN, who has been a visitor nt tho A. J. Savago home, left on tho Hreakwator for Spo kane. MRS. WILLIS KENNEDY is spend ing tho wcok nt tho homo of hor fathor, Julius Larson, on Larson's Inlet. ARTHUR McKEOWN and wlfo and children arrived homo today from a month's visit with relatives In California. E. M. ERICKSON and wlfo loavo on Wednesday for Rosoburg whoro tboy will mako an oxtondod visit with their daughter. MRS. J. II. O'DONNELL of Day Park underwent on operation nt Morcy hospital this morning and is re ported getting along nicely. JACK MEREEN left Saturday on the Nairn Smith for San Francisco and Rorkeley whoro ho will spend a fow weeks with relatives nnd friends. II. A. WELLS has returned from a varmint hunt nt Wnltor Law home's ranch near Fnlrvlow. Ho didn't got any big gnmo this trip but had an enjoynblo outing. MISS EDYTHE M. EDDY, who has beon a stenographer In J. W. Don nott's law ofllco for tho last yoar and n half, has reslgnod hor posi tion on accouut of HI health. REST PICTURE of year OHPIIEUM tonight. Queen of Judon. HAYING OF FAMOUS MEN. "Roal estate Is tho best In vestment for small savings. Moro money Is mado from tho rlso In real estato values than nil other causes combined. To speculate In stocks Is risky, and even dangorous, but whon you buy real estato you aro buying an Inhoritnnce." WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN Richmond, California, real es-t tato offers tho advantages of putting tho abovo advice Into of feet. Seo That Man Richmond, 307 Cooa Dldg. Now tract Just opened; lots $25 down; $G por month. is E d i i it IO I- K Ik V ,t 5' a !: i i IS t- !-, i re 8. t re r )t 1 w: n is l. " iunn ror M liuiiM .1 a x i 'W mm . fct is IK r steaogmphei Call 133 Sperry's Best Drifted Snow r , M K.V.. !? lady