The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 01, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    piiIPQpiil0ipppwwiw ii tiii i nun j
" "'"MIIHlMrllWWlpwmBI
j ffi(
j .
Kntorrd at the poRtofllce nt Marsh-
flnl.l nrnnitn fur IrittmniiiMtntl
throimh tl.o malls as second cla ,!" r"Mt ? ". l
mall innttrr
rlated n trustee of thc Innda Involved what does It mean? Scientifically averaRe male American lookj 1cm
t - til thorn to tattlers nt $2 SO nu nUn. of courno. there! no such Pti hl wife or daughter a an In-
if thl.iK nn, and If It t xr "' MtW' r-",,1"U ,,h hu'm"
It wan. the company rotmtruwl , ,. ,, ...... , wlf. thaw aa a potential uwn w Horn
' YitAmw It ftmtlil it tilt Imi kit h nf i
had the """" " "" , may fall down ami worship to
ilht tn ink nr hold ihiMH. land mid nw. The nd corpHKClwi of the lhrtiw , .,, ,,,,, ttmhan. when hi
dlaiioaf of them nt will, or rofiiaa to ,,,0,h1 nr" ,h" ,,f ,w I""rt'nll0r , Urn, of j1Pr, tu women are
M.r.M.UIr.V ICilllor nml Pull, iln an. anil phar whatever nrleo ,lmw, ll w"" concelml that Jlict or- ..... f Mh, dwj, t j HWt
MAX Ii. ,MAlX)i:V Xowa IMIlor would ault them. In othor word, the ""' humanity were red-blooded; qnMtnH of u,r of race awkld-.
- L- rompan) looked upon Its hiiRo Kraut ,M0 l,wl"r '" wnom u w"" ""1 lWi as ThofHlore He eerelt would put It;
'an an aaaet upon which It could Iwue w,,n' M""'" " lwle "" t n question of the ntntua of wo-
1 bond or ralno money In nny innnntr workm1' Those who did not work nm, Whv hoM j nt tm, woman
In whleh It aw nt. It could, nc- w,,ro tho l"oJ". the patricians. wh work ,,p a the wiclnl
rordliiK to Ita Idon, null thooo lands. u,u """. "' '" "" quwna. ,.qun, of tll 1Bn wio work? Why
hpothocate them or do anything oth-,,hn l,,lor8 nnl "o"0 of luimnnlty. houd nnt n tt0mnn of the family
or thnn aoll them to settlers If It felt For n ''""nltlon which oxcludea work whctnor thal family be reckoned In
ao dlapoacd. Include ovory man or woman who lho KronMn or American aenao.
Wolverton knocked thnt Idea out ,,00B not ton- upnco' morKftnntIc , who worka whether alio hns n prlvato
nnd nil Rood Inwyora nro Inclined to "'""Ingea and. mcaalllnncea of leaaer lncomo of hcr own or not, whether
believe that tho nupreinc court will pKrc: hence, Indeed, the origin or.Bhc g obnRcd l0 or not, bo reRardM
ko conatrito the atntutory enactment "wn,t0 slavory." jn oxrty tj,0 same way na is a nvui
by which tho grant wna made. un ino DCR'nninB f "10 Amori- ln tho Bamo cntCRory?
Thla land wna flrat Rranted to tho "n rI'ullc nn(I " nrlatocracy of to-i Furthcr wh. 8hould not a acw
Oregon Central Railroad company ln,,me i""""-'rB aopenaeni upon mo lThnckorn y writo a ncw Dook of
ISCfi. It was stated thnt the com.,ox""ol,n"on 0I ino n0Rro' pcn 80mc'
pany ahould build n railroad from,tlme8 thc whUe B,avc' for tholr ,n'
Snn Francisco to Portland nnd na a como' U cnmo to bo recognized that
bonus therefor every odd section of ,tho ,nnn wll dld not to11 wns not no"
land not occupied on either aide of ,SBn,l- nn' '"," "" "I followa.
Mm rlirlit-nf.wnv for fnrfv n.llo, , '' prcaenuj- mere wns cvoiveu tlie
. AddrcBB nil communications to
Inndiflell t: : 8t : Oregon
it .
An Independent Itepnbllcnn nowa-
paper publlahod every evening except
l Sunday, nnd Weokly by
T1m Cooa Hay Timet Publltliliig Co.
Dedicated to thu acrvlco of tho
people, that no good cnuao ahall Inck
f champion, nnd that evil shall not
thrive unbppoaod.
Ono year JG.00
Per month CO
Ono yenr Jl.BO
When pnld strictly ln ndvnnco tho of tho Coos Bay J-IZy T.Tni taHcd '"-thnt the mnn who deaenxd most
IlT-li5,00 ,,CryCftr " ' f- -Sy wurZe'telml'lly S"r'"' "" " - "o who did
Snobs" nnd Include In his pillory thc
mnn or woman who looks down upJii
the girl who works?
ulx months.
Ofllclnl Paper of Coos County
oiwiciaij papi-ju or tiii: city
MAS8ACIIP8KTTS olllclal aava
MAUSIIPIKLD man lias hand
nil Tim Tltiifft n iKivlne nrtlnln.
In,, tl.n rnllr..n.t l.ntwnnn Hnn l,'rn,i. ! W9r,- PflniOROnltUrO 110 longer WCllt ... , I, A .... Al.n
claco nnd Portland, the Oregon Cen-,,n Ul,B co,,nt,y- ""Ko fortunes In u'Md)t , pnvnR nvornpo of 75
trnl In 1800 made over Its grant to Ke"tloii or two were split up. Even cen,8 n allnro ynrt, for lmrj 8lirfaro
tho Oregon nnd California Itnllroad ," " '""" ,""ur'1 "cnra " 1B no ,0""
compnny nnd on April 10. ISOO. con- KOr neceaaarlly considered In Anierl-
gress passed nn nineiidment coiillrni-lcn" Hncle,y n" n mn" worth whll
lug to tho Oregon nnd California lf ho loc8 not worl for lll'"BPf
Ilallrond comimnv the rlchtn hel.l hv Thorc 1b a tru,8m nB 0,d nB tlle I'nr'
nine 01 me iow TORinment. wnicii
A nT;, c sni-ort a f llv n " fr"' c'""y In tola nnd ex- '"0 of thl Testament, wl
riZT0 tu t',"'K io time, in 1S72 the Ore- ' of the talenta: Of the .
live decontly on uou n jear. ..,., . who Is ulvun ton tnlnnta inueli In
i eon nml Pnlirnrnln piimiinnv. invlnir " "" ,0 n1'-11 lL" llniB IIUILIl IS
... .. n.. ... .... 1. ........ i. " - ' " ... .. ....... . . . . ..
11.0 nmii wuu liiun i imi .t .....i, ..u f . . . . . rlln.,l 'l""c": cvo ol "" w" n l "vo;
cnya, bo Ignorant or wasteful. Pro- rmtu, n8k(( nn extension of tho niul of h,m who hnH ,,ut ono- 'ot tl,nt and then It will last Indefinitely.
streets, whero Mnrshlleld has been
putting up over 52. Tarred concrete
Is the class used. It consists of a
heavy concrcto base, and n wearing
Rtirfncc of tar and sand, which nceiU
to bo put on every two or three
yenrs, costing only 1 Mi cents per
b T 11 nro yard. It Is snld concrete Is
not satisfactory unless so protected,
one represents tno cnpltal upon
which ho must earn IiIh Interest.
Each In his own degree.
Biimnbly ho Is correct, for .lohn Mlt- grnnt and this met with much reals
choll, who knows much about labor t.ince. It was debnted for something
conditions, sayH the mime. It makes like four weeks, finally romlng to 11
considerable difference, though, showdown, and It nppenrliiK that the
whothor tho mnn who gets the $000 amendment would be lost, a enmpro
llvos In a Hiunll or a largo town mho which anved tho day for tho rull-
In Iloston or In Mnrshlleld. road company was pnssed
Tliero Is nnother Htntemeut of tho
MnnsiichttsottH olllclal to which un-
niintlflorl npumit niiiinnf In nlvi.ll. Iln till. i.ff..rt Hint Mm mllrnnil nni.i..,..,v 'l'"0 ho I Working, tills COUtltOr
.tH......w.. ...... v..v - . .... r,..v... -- .- ,..,,. ...u ,.,, .r(riiiij
fnr more domocrntlc thnn Is the case
In the Pnitod States. Whether n
I man works or not mntters llttlo In
McMliinvllle has Issued bonds to
tho nmniint of $70,000 for the pur-
miun nf Ittit.rnvlfifv nil H.r. IimqImawu
III sonio ways Kngllsh society Is ., , , , . , ., ,'
. .. ,, , ,, ' tlioroiighfares and a part of tho resi
dence district with smooth-surface
pavement. Snlem will pave ten mites
of streets this year, and plans nro Hil
lost year, nnd Is now laying tho hard
sitrfnco material as far out as the
union dopot nml tho college grounds.
Enterprising Itoaebtirg has several
h Inn 1 a t9 Im hfAi'nmnnt nlmn id mmm.
meoauro na nnasod and Cnllfnmln nml nnd ,s ccont " other reapects. his . . ,, . . . . ,
In 1848, whllo ono of tho Vermont OreKon rntlfled tho nrrnnRcmcnt ns wolRhlnB ,n tho bnlnnco la a foregone G5 b,ockB morcwhlch w lnc,ud)
CongresH.,,.,,, Itnlney, of Illinois. '""'ci"K his aoclnl status, against or wny f()r t;.pit;. mle8 Hext
offered tl.o niiiendn.eut, virtually to "l?."0? h'8 ,,'!;M .n1n,d tamHy' Corvnllls paved tl.o business dlstrl
There has been a bijj rush i'or tho limited
number of (as ranges which we are plaeina;
FREE (his Spring.
AVhen the appropriation is gone (lie free
gas ranguy will be a thhifj of lho pasl.
The Detroit .Jewel Oas Range shown above
sells I'or $20 to $2") all over tho country.
The value ran be seen in every line of this
well built stove.
Bays thnt If tho wages of workmen should be n trustee of these lands to
weight will do much for him hocI.iI-
woro Incronsod by 1 or 1! n wcok, be sold to settlors for $2.R0 nn ncre. ,y" If ho 8UCC0cd8' there Is no doubt
tho only offoct would bo to Increnso The compnny In n written contrnct
about his stntus. If a man without
tholr "economic wastefulness." That accepted this nmendmont nnd tho blr'hior fnm,l' ""ccccds ns to wealtli
Is an old story.
rallronds wns bolng built, tho pick affecting their rights ns states. Slnco
conclualon. Ho wilt not bo found
practically tho ontlro town.
anA nhnvnt mnn. who liml linnn cot. thnt. howuver. thn rnllrnml rnmnnnv. Wnnting.
ting CO conta n dny, domnnded 7R hns placed tho construction upon ' Th,S hns ROno furthor ,n thes0 .
cents. Tho wns nd- tl.o nmendmont thnt It wna n covo- dnyB of tho 8rnRetto. Tho woman NOTfCK TO 8UIIRCIUIIKKS.
vlaod by tho porson who looked after nnnt nnd not a mandate. In other ,w0r18 fs now"day8 " Great . Times subscribers who do not
thnir nirii.,ni wAifnr,. .int tn Pivn words, thnt it roniii nii im inn,, nt "rltnln In tho aamo .category. . receive tholr papers rogularly
...w.. -,........ ..w w ... . 0..w - .. ... W ..W ., ,. , ... ...
!. them tho additional quarter, becnuso. 2.r.O an ncro or regard tho aamo ns "r,u" , "l "HwrM,n 0"cn,y con aro roqueatou to notify Tho
according to him. they would spend nn asset upon which to raise tho " ' """mcri """I"5- In tni8 rre times omoco or any irregularity
It In drink. Tho phraao "economic wind. Unlted stn,C8' de8nlto tho over-to-bo In delivery. This la tho only
waatofulnesa" had not been coined Under tho terms of tho Ralnoy rvt,rcd Robort Chambers, birth means Tho Times has of know-
then. .amendment tho rnllroad has been p,ny" no v,tal part' ovon ,f ono b- ,nR wnon Bubaerlbora miss tholr
whnn n lniniir..,! mnn Pn n ri built throuch from Snn Pmnni.nn tn ,onpE to n Knickerbocker family or to papers, and consequently the
.. .. ..... w.. 0-. -,. . w . .-.... .. Al . .. I . . . .
Hovoiuiion. j onty means or remedying tho
Hut In placo 4 trouble.
of a dollar a wcok, each of them has Portland nnd In oporntlon for aomo L1!0 DnuRhtor of tho
hla own wny of dealing with tho dol twonty-threo years. In tho mean
That Is, theoretically.
tho plutocrnts nro tho nrlatocrnts of
tho now Amorlcn, on Amorlcn which
la, pcrhapa, less domocrntlc thnn tho
nrlatocracy which was abjured In
Not intentionally democratic, the
lar. Some, nnd their number la not time the compnny hns rofuaed to sell ,f nrl8tocrnc'i0' Mrth thro hns been
Inconsiderable, ndd nothing to their tho Innds to settlers nt 2.50 an aero "miulu i'""""' tt P"ocracy ot sue-
,lln vnnn.u I...I ....I M ,11. mill lm llvml tlw, nrlnn rMI.. CC8S R "'"King WCnlth. TIlO BOHS Of
f llin VIUtlULtl MIIV llfc tI tlltl "-- .... ..... tw IIV' 0V''
In tho snvlngs bnnk. OtherH llvo n variance with the stntutory enact-
llttlo hotter, but put part of the dnl- "lent. In the meantime, thousands or
lar In tho bank. Still otheis spend people hnvo undertaken to ptirchnso
fc nil, part on tholr families and pnrt these lands, .linking tenders therefor
on thomsolvcs. , nuil nppcarlng In the light of would-
Tho broad aasertlou that nn In- he actual settlors. A big regiment
croaso In wngos fosterH "erononile f wildcat lawyers has encouragod
wnstorulnosa" will not hold water. It them In this heller, tho said lawyers
doos with sonio, but not with others, taking their money on the ropreso'i-
Tho most marked effect of Ineronnod tntlon thnt they could appear ns In-
wngca, oven where thoy have hem tervpnora In n suit against the rall-
Incroased because of a genial ndvnnro road compnny by tho government nnd
In tho cost of living. Is a gain In nnv- N'ro those rights.
Iiir bank deposits. Hut even if tlie Tho opinion of .ludgo Wolvorton
wngo earnor were to spend nearly all ,!0tH nt rest that Illusion, howover,
hla additional dollar In mlulntorlng luul 111 that tho railroad having
to tho honlth nnd happiness of his " rights Is not In n position to eon
family, ho could not Justly be aeons-iv rights to luteivenors. save m
od of economic wnstomiiUHtfl. I strict accordance with tho Ilnluey
inmondniont. In short, the compnny
LAND OllAXT DHCISIOX. (Itself has no rights under the con-
.striictlon that It has placed on tho
THE doclslon of Judgo Wolvorton statute, honre third pnrtles cannot
ln tho $7R,000,000 lnnd grnnt nfQUlro rights which tho company
caso or (ho Southern Paclttc rail- ev?r held.
road, Involving ns It does 2,370.-1 The disposing or theso lands will
000 ncros of lnnd In western Oregon, I have to start from tho beginning nnd
Is by fnr tho most Important ono . the company, J, t will bo found when
ovor rondored by nny federal court In I this caso Is over, must sell tho land
tho west, possibly west or the Mis-; to applicants ror $2.50 nn ncro, nnd
Blsslppl river. It Involves the rights those who have Imagined that they
and destinies of moro people porhapa ' could force their wny In under tho
than nny slmllnr piece of lltlgntlon. wrongful understanding of Its tltlo
exceeding In tho amount or money dl-18llU81,l0t to the act of IS72 by tho
rectly or Indirectly Involved, tho fa-jHroad company, will find that they
mous hydraulic mine decision of will have tA take tholr chances along
Judge Morrow. jwlth others who may decide at this
Naturally tho final adjudication of .t,mo to purchase,
this caso Is what tho people aro In- , 7
torestod In. for tho decision of Judge; "'' """' " "" """
Wolvorton of courso Is not final, By nr HE TIMKS recently printed a lot
sitting ns n fodernl Judgo and with I tor from n correspondent slgn
conBtltutlonnl riuestlons Involved the I Inghorsolfa'Hlrod Glrl'mnklngn
enso will not go to tho circuit court plen for recognition of grenter so
of nppoals but will bo landed dlroct-,clnl equality. Whllo this does not
ly for Its next hearing In the su- moan that she desires to becomo a
promo court or tho United States, member or the family It was an ox
TI1118. tho tlmo Involvod beforo tho presslon of a souse of wrong now suf
adjudlcatlon will not cwicood possible fored because of her position. This
yar" question of caste Is a peculiar ono.
Tho persons who follow tho caso Assumod social superiority nnd In
clotoly will not bo surprised whon tho ferlorlty Is found In ovory community
decision Is hnnded down to learn that no mnttor how small.
the Southorn Pacific railroad ia do- Bluo-bloodod and red-blooded
hh MOORE'S -
POison OAK
a onussisr havcitor wiu.oor.iM oh ntogtir
accct no juoiriruTCS
First National Bank
Capital fully paid $100,000,00
Surplus 5,000,00
W, S, Chandler,.. M,C, Horton, .Dorsey Kreitzer,
President, . Vice-President, Cashier,
Suits For Men
$8.50 to $25.00
'Satisfaction or Your
Money- Back
W, S, Chandler, . John S, Coke,
W, U, Douglas, ' Wm, Grimes,
Inlin P Unll
F, S, Dow,
S, C, Rogers,
W, P, Murphy,
M, C, Horton,
Does a general banking business,
Interest paid on time and savings deposits,
Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at
53,00 and up per year.
Flanagan & Bennett Bank
Established 1889
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits Over ....
Assets Over . . .
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Beaver Hill Coal
The best Domestic and Imported brands.
Plaster, Lline, Brick and all kinds ot builders material
Good Livery Service
Fancy new rigs, good horses and
careful drivers aro now at the dis
posal of tho Cooa Bay public at
Rigs or rigs with drivers ready for
any trip anywhero any tlmo. Horses
boarded and rigs cared for.
New hearse and special accomrao-
aauons provided for funeral parties
Rates reduced to: Day 50c, 75c and
$1.00; weok-2.00 to 15.00. House
keeping apartments with gas ranges
10.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE
We Work
And Advertise
To bring u customer hero tho first
tlmo, niter Uiat ho comes of hl
own accord. You know why.
There Is no kink, or cuo thnt we
enn't do.
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
1 ' ' ' " M.'t
For Information concerning
high-class bond Investments,
bearing 6 Interest net,
write O. B. Hinsdale, care J.
H. Adams and Company, Lo8
Angeles, California.