1 1 mMpmm mw IT TAKES A HARD f ROST TO BlMf THE 'TRUTH WHEN IT STARTS TO BUD YOUR. ADS CARRYING ow Mori-m'MH, liitll nttponr m ri'iiutrtil)' " '"'' ls ih'W-I'"!"' 'f a n. uiil,,r "milled ' l"Mi now nml iIh-ii ' I"'1' "' wolRltty iw vi im rtNiiiiiK Hint tt mlitlit win It u.nild nut lf n Hwm'. iii'WitHM'r. SOMEONE HAS SAID: " lnif ndn lining upaco In a ii.'hMhi i niiiiiiri'il wltlt the opaco MHd li iillifl lntv, hlioulil (li'lllio lit foitiiuiriiilxt- lniitiii r In tlio i mmuiiiilt) ! Vtn-s yiv miu uil i'ii li im inn tin ihiU .' mi Mm u or ssotin:i phls VOL XXXIV IMaltllilictl In IH7H an Tin Co'"!! Mull MARSHFIEL9. OREGON MONDAY, MAY 1, 1911 EVENING EDITION A CoiiMtllilHtlnn of Times, IdH-l Mull mill Ccmh liny Adu-rtNei'. No. 92. ffl titles 511 MILLION-DOLLAR FIRE LOSS AI Retail and Business Districts of City Wiped Out by Conflagration. THIRD OF CITIZENS HOMELESS IN STORM Two Lives Lost In Flames That Were Unchecked For Seven Hours. (Dy Associated Press to Cooh Day j Times.) TiAN'noil. Maine. May 1. Home- less, wet, hungry and exhausted Dy tho long light against names which mo ioiih i.h Inst night destroyed virtually one- third of Hnngor, thousands faced the problem today of providing themsel- ves with food, shelter and clothing, Although tho rain brought dlscom- . , 1H fort, It means the bringing under con- trol of the groat conflagration which hnd raged for moro than sovon hours Inst night nnd destroyed six million dollars worth of property. Tho only public building saved wnH tho city hall. Tho greator part of the retail nnd business sections wero destroyed together with hundredB of 11911108 m tnc pntn oi 1110 uaiiieti. Two liven wore lost In tho fire. STATE LAWS DO NOT APPLY . , , . Federal Government's Kigilt lO Create Reserves Upheld By Supreme Court. (Ey Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) r .WASHINGTON, D. C, May 1. ny holding thnt tlio fcdornl government without consent of tho stato affected may set nsldo vast areas of public lands as fovodt reserves and thnt such resolves nro not subject to Btato fencing laws, tho supreme court of tho United States today settled two Important western Issues. Stockmen Lose Stilt. SlocUmcn of tho West lost a hard fought Contest today when tho U. S. Supreme Court decided thnt Indict - ments could bo brought ngnlnst per - sons grazing stock on forest resorves without permits. Tho court held tho regulations of tho Secretary of Agrl- culture requiring permits was not nn unconstitutional exorcise of execu- live power. Hullo Smeller Cm. The government suit against tho Annconda Copper Company wna com- promised by agreement of the com- pany that its smelters in Dutte, Ana- conda and Great Falls will be equip- ped to nrpvont th omission of gases Which tho unvprnmnnt claims do great damnge to tho nntlonal forests. Justice Lamar announced the opi nion of the court ns to the constitu tionality of tho forest reserves. He said tho United Stntes had the abso lute right to do what It pleased with Its own property, tho constitution having given It such power. This control, the Justice said, was not a rieht InMfiAnt tfi envm-atfrntv US claimed hv tiiA nnnnnAMto of the re ' rain . nervations but was the exercise of a fight which every citizen possessed. "AH the public land is held by the I'nlted States in trust for tho whole t.oi . .. . . .- At- -... tn W how that trust shall be admlnls- rvviue una 11 is not ior llie ' tered, that Is for Congress to say." -T-n 1 THERE IS a IHO PICTURE on at the OIUHEUM tfONJGHT. - - mm MIL TODAY vwvwwN, DIRECT VOIE Judiciary Committee Will Re port House Resolution to Senate. FOR SENATORS I , . . , , n 'quoted from their home towns ns de- (Dy Associated Press to Coos Hay,' Three detectives, Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C May 1. Tin. Konntn rnmtnltteo on Judlclnry bv n vote of 7 to fi agreed to report the House resolutions for the direct' election or unueu iuit senai .. Following tho favorable action of Conunlcll Jmclnry, Sen. ntm. ornn of ,lnll0 t0(lny rc,,0rted t() the Senate the House resolution for the direct election of United States senators. Heyburn asserting the resolution had been prematurely committee Indicated , . . fm. 8 recommittal but took no action today to that ef fect. He declared that under n re solution of the Senate, action by n now committee hnd not become effec tive until noon today. Culbertson called attention to tho fact that tho ()1(J commttC(.B 0f u,o Senato old committees of tho Senato linil been continued nnd nornh contended .1.- -...1.... i.n n.imniltliin wna nnr. IIIU Utliuil Ul III" I.V.H...I.V.VU ..-- ,- fectly regular. Heyburn, however, would not hnvo it so. "Thero was no committee authorized to sit," ho snld. "Whatever tho meeting held was n meeting of Individual Benntors nnd they hnd no authority to report tho resolution. j resolution." All tho democrats present, nnd ee progressive republicans voted three progressive republicans voted for tho resolution. They wore ben- ntors Chlleon, Ivermnn, Culbertson, nncon, Cummins, Hornh and nrown. The nogntivo sonntors wero wum m I Wyoming, Dillingham, Sutherland, nrlndegeo nnd Root. IS , I L .1 1 ' ' Qflnramnnto Takes Final Game . of SeHeS by SCOre 01 . - , I WO 10 Ulie. ' (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day TlmoB.) p0RTIAND, Oro., May 1. Tho ftnd Sundny "reB Ior u,u games In the Coast League wero as follows: I Summy s u.... At Portland Sacramento Portland At Vernon Los Angeles Vernon n o 1 n c 8 (First game.) Los Angeles jj Vernon At San Francisco Oakland San Francisco 1 (First game.) . 0 Oakland. . . San Francisco. . . Saturday's Guiues. 1 17 4 10 At Portland H 11 - i Portland. . Sacramento. . . , At Vernon Los Angeles. . , Vernon. . , . At Run Francisco w """ o San Francisco. . . y OaKiana After the show try a Turkish bath phone 2J4 . PORTLAND OSER SUNDAY jBIG SCANDAL II Several Arrests Made Charges Of Bribery Of State Senators and Representa tives. (Dy Associated Pross to Coos Day Associated Press Times.) COLUMDUS, Ohio, May 1. The newB that detectives had unearthed lnlniB to havo stenographic copies M the "worst scandal In tho history of every word that passed between Nyo the Ohio goneral nssembly" brought ' and tho other men Involved In th'3 members here early today. Tho matter. The evidence wiib secured Senators nnd Representatives, who by means of n dictaphone, a hidden are dpenly charged with having ac- dovlco for recording human voices, copted money, have not reached tho' The arrested men. who wero em .it or. tiutir vnrainna nrr. not known nlnvoi! liv Hie Manufacturers' Abbo- at first hand although sovoral are Judge Coke Dismisses ContN nuance Granted M. E. Whitmore In Suit. Afler hearing the statements nnd telegrams stating thnt thero was no lllness In the family of M. E. Whit- .i., wIiIMi nrnvont- SLANDER CASE ,SAYS $600 A YEAR IS REINSTATED' ENOUGH FOR 5 decently support n family of flvo -" "n nnn , , qullle so that tho $10,000 Blander D..lt nr n A cinndlinrcr could bo trlod aim w. . . ... --. ra thj8 (erm ,iu,ige Coke Saturday tils-, ,.. ,,, .,,- nr rontlnunnco missed tho order for n continuance In the case nnd reinstated It on tho ono or two dollars a weeK woum oniy calendar. .Increase their economic wastefulness ' Telegrams nnd other messages' "From my own Investigation I worn nri.nirii to tho court by At- venturo to Btnto thnt tho greatest torney Selby, representing Mr. Sand- Jn wJich ,t WflB dccirod that l,ir.ntntlon of -Mr. Whltmoro ronrcsentntlon of .Mr. Whltmoro cQuti wng jncorrect. Aftor . them Ju,lK0 Co)0 stated ,d rolnBtftto tho caso on tho docket and if another contlnuanco In tho case wns granted, It would hnvo to bo on account of a good nnd BUlIlclent showing. The Jury in tho personal injury damago case of Swenson vs. tho Geo. W. Mooro Lumber Company of Dnn- don brought In a verdict for tho do - feme Saturday. ' ' HrVOLUTION IS Sl'WKAWIXn. hi., iw. ..v......u v...... enmese cJ' . . ...... 11 - rna nm (Ur A..C, W. HONG KONG China. May 1. - mg rapmiy. i three Important towns which they looted. Murder and plUago aro ra- ported from ninny places. STHIKKS IN NKW VOHIC. a.... . . ' - A-.. Mi., (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK, N. Y.. May 1. Labor H: leaders today declare that nearly 9 nine thousand machinists quit work ' I today. They demand an eight-hour 11 day and unless It is granted It Is as- Uned bv the leaders that 200,000 H allied workers of this district might sympathetic 1 in palled OUt On a strike. A number of miners- siriKua are also incident to May uay FROM DOUGLAS COUNTY. Two former Douglas county resi dents wero married at North Dond, 'nnnB county. Ono Is Dr. Georgo a. h Cathey. who spent his boyhood at I .. . nMMM,f.liifv mnrll- n Riddle ana is now iiii.v-i..t 7,hiouio mm 20.e van iie. w. .-..-. " near tne r " "" .. UA.tnn AdOT III IIIIHH 1 Kn rntnnr imuiii i.uiu. UU1&, v. ....-. " jjlje. Roseburg R,ovIew. Big tragic photography Orpheui 01 ASSEILYilNY On P. S. Harrison, A. C. Unllcy nnd Dn i vli! Pnrrv were arraigned In court for -idleged bribery of Representative Gooo. H. Nye. unrriBon nnmeB iour senators to whom lie declares lie paid money. The Legislature will appoint an Investigating committee. Tho de tectives were bound oer to the grand Jury but wero released on bondB sign ed by a surety company. Harrison elation, admit they offered and paid bribes to gain evidence against as .onblymcn. Massachusetts Official Says Workmen Should Learn to Spend Wisely. nOSTON, Mass., May 1. Magnus .Alexander, Massachusetts' comtnlB- sloner on worklngmen'n componsn- inn. snld recently the average man on $000 yearly, and that If ho can- ignorant of wnsto- . . jy Mri Alexander further snld thnt to innronun tho wnces of workmen bv increase tho wages of workmen bv cnuso of poverty nnd suffering thnt may exist among working people In their absoluto Ignorance of how lo their absoluto Ignorance of how lo llvo nnd spend wisely. Should U-nrn lo Speml Wlwly. I "if we could teach them how to spend wlsoly nnd mnko tholr present dollar go farther wo should build up certain characteristics of thrift. "Ten thousand persons employed at tho General Electric works at Lynn I found living comfortably nnd decently on from 110.00 to $12.ir ' a. week as an avetngo wage. Of this, ,$3 and If. a week wonl for rent. CE 'cents for Dent ami ngni uhu uu IH.2B to $C for food, it seems hard , nnilcrgtnn(1 ,l0W ,t ,B ,,on0i but tho fncts remain; those folks llvo do- ;cently and brlnB up their children de- ffMitlv. I 'S()uo nniil I)ny Kll(lMSI. ' "We can coH,c.de then with .John fnrturlnB Industr es In MnsBachu- ""'", ,ierSonnlly. I .. " ' .. . ,hn ... nave lounu mm - lly is receiving In many cases moro than $G00. "However, the rope, leather, rub- ?- ?."d. S?-Ef?2LK ineir ihcii km ....... ....- - n Hvlng wage. ALFONSO HAS CONSUM1TION? , Heport Tlmt SpanMi King Is In Scrl- oun Condlllou. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) PARIS. France. May 1. Tho L'ln- translgcant claims Jtlng Alfonso s ill of tuberculosis. graveiy 20 STATKS FAVOR IT. Only Six More Nccohsiiiy to Foico Income Tov Amendment. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) NEW YORK. N. Y.. May 1. Twenty-nine states have ratlfiod the . . . x,ta,,nrna fnY amendment to the fed - , - . - - - - or hree. ;. "a nt tho whole 46. Arkansas I HIT UUiilUUI - - 'f . and Tennessee were the only states that ratified It In April. ind get prices. HAINES. THOUSAND W0BK1EN 60 OUT ON M STRIKES ROT FIGHTS IN OLD MEXICO Rebels Reported Defeated at Two Places In Sonora By Federals. (lly Assoclnted Press to Coos liny TltllllB.. DOUGLAS, Ariz., May 1. Reports from Pltlciulto nnd Coborcn, In tho! Btnto of Sonorn, Mexico, hnvo been J -nn.iK.n,! t..iii,.r nt ii..itiinrnt'. flehtlni! ........, there yesterday nnd Saturday be- tweon tho Mexican Federals and Re- bels, 300 each side. Tho Federals' used machine guns nnd defeated tho rebels In both plnces after hot fights. Tho rebols retreated, leaving twenty dead and many wounded. DENIES Till: INTERVIEW. Vlrv-l'rcNlilent Corral Kiijh He Didn't Actum AiiutIciiiih. (ny Associated Press to tho Coos Dny Times.) ....n t l.. 1 'l... president' Corra, of Mexico "arrived . horo today. In a Htntement to tho Assoclnted Press, ho denied tho Inter- , view In which no wnB croiiueu wn .... ... ...i.i. 1 criticising Amerlcnns for having fo-l montcd tho revolution In Mexico. HKsoiATio.v is hi:fi:hhi:i). Loi-lmer Investigation Mailer (iocH 111 Committer. (Ey Associated Pross to Coos Hay Times.) WASHINGTON, 1). C. May 1. Sonntor LnFolletto's resolution for rolnqulry Into tho caso of Senator Lorlmor wns referred to tho Commit too on Contingent exponso. ALLIANCE IN u:' Many Passengers Arrive On Steamship From Port land Today. Tho Alllanco arrived In today from Portland. She had n big pas- sengor list, many being bound through to Eureka. Sho will load somo frolght horo nnd nt North Hend nnd sail nbout noon tomorrow for Eureka. Among tho Coos Day passengers arriving from Portland on her. were tho following: H. M. llurlingamo. Mrs. R. M. Lay- ton, G. W. Thornell, W. A. Smith, G. Dunbar. F. Cook, W. ltolln, 8. T. Mc Coy, E. R. Freeman, L Dameson, E. Johnson, D. O. Robinson, C. Plovers, A. Nelson. N. Nllson, W. C. Sopp. J. V. McDonald, M. A. Graham, Miss J. Teoko. HUILDING 7HO VKKT HIGH. New York Structure to Hnvo Stories. NEW YORK, N. Y., May 1. Plans wero nied by tho Broadway Park Place comnany for tho construction at Broadway and Park Plnco of tho highest building In tho world, from the curb to tho apex of tho tower It will stand 750 feet. There will bo 30 stories In tho main building and an additional 25 In the tower 55 in nil Th hlchest building In tho world now standing Is the Metropolitan tower, 700 feet 3 Inches. If you, have anything to sell, trade. rnt or want help, try a wani FROM NDRIR Several Thousand Railroad Machinists In and Near Pittsburg Walk Out. NEW YORK UNIONS ALSO JOIN STRUGGLE Los Angeles Carpenters Quit Today to Force Increase In Wages. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Day Times.) PITT8HURG. Pa., May 1. About U00 Pennsylvania railroad Bhop- men struck today In this city ana at Altonnn. Some of the train crows Joined Hi" striken at Pltcnlrn while I" this city other employes besides the men Involved In tho dlsputo with me- rnnronu ruiiipany iuhu weiu uui. A. K. Irelnud, genornl organlrer ot tho rnllrond department of tho Am erican Federation of Labor, asserts .i.000 will bo nnVrtcd, Tho Btrlkors claim that other employes of the company to the number of ton thou sand will go out In sympathy today or tonight. , Tho grievance of tho shopmen Is "mc l.? cny has n dlscluc. " "'" """ v ' - " with the company many yean UPCIlUHfl UllY UUIllllklTU J fcliu uuiuui -- - - - Thero is no excitement. KTHIKi: IN LOS ANGRLKS. Cni-IH'ntrrii-WtTlIc Out to (let Wage liirrense. (Dy Associated Press to Coos Day Tlmos.) LOS ANOKLKS, Cnl., May 1, A. general carpentor'a atrlko was or dered today to securo J L00 instead of 3.50 n day. About 600 men walked out. Tho union lcndors deny they Intend to call n gonoral labor strike In Los Angeles nt tho prosont time. ..v1"' ' Steamship Arrives In From San Francisco After Good Trip. Tho Redondo arrived In today from San Francisco nftor a good trip up tho const. Sho had a big cargo, of freight and a good passonger list. Tho Redondo will sail Wodnoaday for San Francisco. Among those arriving on ber were tho following: Arthur McKeown, Mrs. A. Mo- Keown, Qrace McKeown, Joseph Mc Keown, W. V. Ogren, J. J. OJoda, R. Forgle, Miss Hazel Dement, Mrs. II. H. McPhorson, A. llerlng, L. Graf, D. O. Gibson, J. L. Herney, Capt. Joa. ifimwinnii. II. It. Reed. Mrs. W. T. Merchant, J. F. Williams, Jos Malo. Robt. Albo, Mrs. Malo aud child, V. Matoo, G. H. Wugner, C. A. Wagner. '.'rntiif Avlewnrd. Mrs. Josslo Hnrt,. Frank A. Jse. G. Olson. David II 'Norman, T. J. Randolph, J. Karplaln,. R. Saftus, J. Howie. FIRK IN SAN FRANCISCO. Illluulh-I'iicllk :ia.K Works Sustains' SiiMiiIiih $1100,000 I)w. (Ry Associated Press to Coos B Times.) i bv pniMniflPO. Cal.. May 1 The plnnt of the Illlnols-Paclfto H'p Works In this city was damns;'"! M" nre todny. The loss la eattoip J300.000." MANY ARRIVE ON REDONDO COLOR photography and errW M i.i.,n-in.i .ipialin.i OHihnim tonleht,, i """""" -1 lii COAL ORDKIW f4JM VKR XOK. Sunday, 'MAY T. Pliow T a .. m VOUR ' FOLLOW the BAND to Auu, .toniKht. TKLL YOUR Fiii. COME IN a