The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 29, 1911, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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galoot - ' ., :,;I;S- 4
oclnl linpiiciiltiKs, Intended for
publication In thy noclnty depart
inont of Tho Tltnos. nniBt bo sub
tnlttod to tho editor not later
than 6 o'clock p. m. Frldny of
oacu week. Exception" will bo
allowed only In caaos where
events occur tutor than the tun
home. If It were but known, tho
"cnnnotl dlnncra" nucl the hurriedly
concocted menlH thnt man hna willy
nllly fallen heir to In these matlncc-cluh-shopplng
sticntiotis dajs have
been the real co-renpondents In the
null for separation.
Delicatessen food may bo joyous
fcnBtfl at tlnicB but their time la not
i all the time. For bo It known, man,
porchnnce, wnntH but little here be
llow, but wnntH that little hot!
PnitKONAt. iintlrea of visitor"
In the city, or .)f Coon Hay people
who lslt In ther cities, togothor
with notices of social arfakx. itr.
gladly recelvod In the social do
parttnen.. Tolophono 13:M. No
tires of cKib meetings will bo pub
lished and secretaries are kindly
requested to furnish sume
PUTIliU HASTE, (low, but wnntH that little hot! WatklnH will havo tho opportunity
Three times a week she writes to mo So no ono may gainsay that this to complete her education along tho
And I must ever Head replies. Is a duty that must fall to tho lot of line In which sho has displayed such
joii cier) woman who wants to boa lonl.n maikod natural ability will bo a
I wife and In the course of human boiiicc of gratification to her many
lovonts proHono tho domestic peace friends and admirers In this section.
to of whluh Alio Is pnrt and p.ncol.
.Shu Is the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
DecaiiBO she would be pained,
If I proceeded otherwise;
She Booms to have much tlmo
waste, The woman who does tho rooking, George Wntklns.
O'er mnny Bheets Bho spronds her herself, the lad with tho maid, the j q
Rcrawi, J expounder of woman's rights, all, all j mis. P. M. Paraons la expected to
And always winds up: "Yours in must realize that hero la the one return In a week or so from her cx-
liasto," I thing which she date not t irn over tended trio. A sad feature of the
Although aho la not mine, at all. in man, no matter how muuh hIio be- tilp was tho lecelpt of tho uowb of
jllovos In tho "Hide by side" eia. the death or her father while 8he
She writes to mo concerning those Then' nio coitaln things for which 'was en route homo, it was lmnos-
Wliotn I have never met nor seen, our daughters of live by heritage nre'nlble for her to return east for tho
mH xfM?Jf?JS'J'JSF-' WM0WffifflWirvt ' ix$-iZmVC!L 'S? SK 'M
fwaafirasu Wni wffMM.imvr(, i'ta ra,M&sawm
mmwmmmnm mm, w vsmmmMjfo
araw 3 am. mmmsmsm
fSffl'ti.I TX'LT.V fvVV'. Wtfi ll'1.d.
As. If, Indeed, she might mippotte
My Interest In tlwm wan keoir,
Oft linn her crunt father chnsod
Me from bin fair auetrnl holl;
Yet her last word are "Your in
Illtod. and this Is one of them. And .luneinl hut her grlnf will doubtless
In tho matter of looking aft-r tho he Homowhnt mollillud by the fact
monls. hen Is ono cane where everv that sho had the visit with him.
man will yield tho palm to her and '
refer It to the "Minim. " I
There may be the exceptional
Mian Kdlth McOrw. who hai lief it
a giieit at tlm home of hor ulster.
Though ihe may ne'er bo mine at txwy pHonal) Individual who Mri, llnry NMllHPg for ,e aHl fow
It ner nerve to make me Kind
To hear about her cousin Jauo;
Hut yesterday, ihe wrote, her dad
ha been areredlte.1 with cooking ht wwkgi iefl thlg wwk for her llom,
wires breakfast and earrylng It up at Oakland, Cat,
to her. Hut If the lady but knew It
Wa trleken with the gout again; ,r0i
ahe will later Iibvh. her "up
downs" In keeping up the
I wish Bho might have cat ad
A hundrod BheetH, and tilled thorn
Ero aha had written: "Yours In
And hurried to oboy his call.
The wise wife will noo to It thnt
he fares well In UiIh matter of food.
Mrs. .1. T. McCoimnr ntertilMid
,,l,c1' the Altar Oulltl of the Maralillcld
Kplucojinl ohuroh at her homo Tuos-
doy. Xeedlo work and church nf-
i fairs were taken im. Xot TiipxiIuv.
Por. without the physical welfare. M ,, s Cok w, entcrUl .,'
Mrs. V. P. Squire leaves soon for
California whoro she will visit for
sovoral weeks.
Mra. H. Mlngus entertained tho
A. N. W. Club nt hor homo In Wot
Marshfleld Thursday afternoon.
nil other things fade,
I It's always pleasant to hear n girl,
when ahe comes homo from a social
Urn KNOW tint a goon dinner wh,r)i sho tc8 taIo of t,10 R0Wns
W turnoth nway wrath. H)C HIUV of tho )int8 of m nn(l tll0
Por mnny a depression has ,1(l(H of Htraw. nm, MrB Jlnka wn8 n
lost Its expression nt n tablo of good ,,ronn, , whl0( ,, MrB Wnx wn ft
cheer and good food. nnrrut filirlit. Wnnlil nnonln llnton
It must havo been a woman who ,f , ,,, t0 of tho rnR mon woro Nccdlo work was tho principal dlvor
nrat wroto "You rnn reach a man's , n ,.,.. .., oi.i rni. v. 8lon' nollcloiw refreshments were
ni'ituii, iiiu uuBiuno uuiiik usiiuu in
fiorvlng by Mrs. H. K. Hooth and
MUb Jesslo Chaso. Hesldes the
twonty-threo club mombora present,
Mrs. Mlngus hnd as guests, Mra.
Norman Nelson of San Francisco,
Mrs. IX. K. Hooth and Miss Jessie
Chaso. Tho club will meet next
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. M. C.
heart through IiIh Btomnch." Sho vo kn0W wn8 thorC( ,, ho nmilo
wna a wlso woman, saya Sophlo Loob. n ,,.,, wUo ho (lv0(, ,,, lin,ri An,,
She know whoreof sho spoko. No ,,, , noBR8 wa nnothor KUPSt.
doubt Bho was a wife. Por hor de- ,,0 ,,,, ,,,,,,, 0IU0 0RR 0 h,8 cnn.
duetlon bronthoB oxpeilence. It mny vn8 VP8ti ,, ,,, tr0UBPr8 bagged In
bo trim that you cannot reach nil tho flBj,tfM wny, n,i ll0 woro hnt
men all tho tlmo In n,glen way, but thnt wnH ,,,,, ton Rnv Am, nzrn
this way Is given to being sanely S,,u wn8 nnonR tho cr0W(j( wU a
BftfO nlinnn nrnvn f hn u'nt tnv inn Inml
AVhy, when we ronio to think of It, ,, ,,, iunloon8 wero n totlU loss. . Mn,0noy
many, many or the unportnni tilings nm, ,,, WllBKorg inol(P(, Uke some
orlglnnto at the festal board rather ,,.,,, nu,aR 01(, Alir0M ningbat. tho
than In tho strictly business onlce. K,y ,rt wn thoro wrn,0(, ,, ,
Thero'B n reason, unespressed though chpnp ,,, shrti wlth pInto R,nS8
It be. The Inner man Iuih n voice lu Rom ,,, mnl. ,,rPn8t) ,, ,hrpo
nil matters and fiuqnently It Is tho ,ultt011B ni88,m from off his vest.
still small voice thnt balancos tho The host, who stood In cheap cowhide Iwvo In tho nenr future for her old
Bcnlo In tho way It should or should l)()0tBi rRntnj j,B pPgt8 with somo nomo In Kentucky whoro she will
not go. ,m Pj,10otgi nn,i Boarched out spond sovernl months. S'ie epect-
Thereforo every wife knows that p()nt, ,, 0r tmuBerloons. through ? thnt hor parents would be able
oneit or our lonts or oreotion nceas a im(10.m,ri, fonr t!int wp 8W,,eij j,i8 to como hero for the sumtnor. but
Mrs. II. S. Tower Is tho hostoss at
one of n series.' of brldgo parties
which she Is giving this afternoon.
Mrs. John I.nfon Is planning to
the stlmiiliiH of Ratlxfylng food nt tho
right time lu order to be the tranquil
outer man uhe would huo him. Sho
knows that IiIb lew of hor Is meas
ured times without number ns to how
ho feels which may be tho result of n
bad dinner.
As Helen Rowland puts It, "One
reason why n woman's beauty Is so
variable Is thnt a man always looks
nt hor straight through' hU digestion."
There Is nothing so mnrs tho se
they had to change their plans o
0 jbIui will go back there. Mr. Lafon
It. n. Shine and family passed 'wl 8,01,a h'8 vacation the.e. prob-
through heio this week en louto to
Coqulllo fiom Southern Cnlirornla
where thoy have spent tho winter.
Mrs. W. T. Morohant, who h.ia
Mr. Shine will erect a lino resldonco ho spending sovoral weeks with rel-
at Coqullle where ho will mnVo his nt,V03 ""'' friends In California, is
home In tho future. expected homo on tho next HedomU).
Tho Progress club held a special
moetlng at tho homo of Mrs. M O
The social session of the celebra
tlon o'f tho nnnlversnry of Odd Pel
.i.. i it f -. Mnlnnnv lnaf f rt1 o tv n Ind ntv t. .
rono tenor of a man's wns as to iosnip ny ine louges or uoos coumy ; ... , . .,... ,, lllu
ronio homo nnd wait for his dinner N'" 'nd Wednesday evening , iorujoiomenaa
wns one of the most delightful tunc-
longer than tho time he expects it
One of tho things that jais on n man ,lo8 of Uw Ul",, t,,at 'ins l,0n l0,(
most Is to ariio theie and llnd the Coos ""' ln " ,0K tUn0- Abo"t
lady of the bouse "not at home " olielity members of tho Odd Fellows
No mnttor If be knows all about aml Kouoknh lodges of Marshfleld
that aftomoon brldgo or tho mooting wro In attendance nnd tho ntten-
of tho phllnnthiople elub no matter """ nt ,ll ovoning session exceed-
(Continued on page S.)
how angelle a disposition he mny
ed 150. Tho early part of the eve-
have deoloned under the training of IB was devoted to n musical pro
tho "lady of tho house," nnd ho may K"1- which was followed by cards.
not omxoss It In ho many words M- Iando of Marshtlold won tho Aro manufactured right here on Coos
Is n good slogan. Buy homo mado
articles Is n better one.
Coos Girl Chocolates
yot for tho moment ho feels the dls- '"'' t prize, u. M. Hyier or
Interest In him. North Hond, tho gentleman's and tho
A little woman who has found tho consolation prizes wont to Mrs. J. A.
hunting ground of bapplnes. In the Moi8 nml w- s- Covey, Mrs. R. J.
ovory day romniked reeontly. "I Co,u1 ,,,a,"K tho Indies' consolation
mako It an Invariable rule to arrive l,r,!t0 tno c"t- Refreshments wero
homo before my husband, no matter wvod nnd tho balance of tho ovo-
whore I nm going I ma hae the "l"K dovotod to dancing,
host maid possible, yet oven If 1 o
take only a peep at the dinner to goo Miss Ponrl Wntklns left on tho
that It is Just right and that thluas Hreakw titer. She will spond a few
may bo ready I am satisfied qulto for dajs with relathos In Portland, then
myself." lenvo for Seattle to lslt hor aged
Somo of tho great tragodios that grandpaionts, thence to noston,
loom up boforo tho public and have Mass., whore sho will enter tho school
tholr airing In tho divorce court orU of expression to tnxo n three years
glnato lu tho culluary corner of tho courso ln dramatic art.
That Miss
Hay. They are delicious In tasto and
pure in quality and no higher In
prlco. Huy n bo.x today and see how
good thoy nrq. You can get them
at tho following denlors In Marsh
tlold: Till: HAZAH
riant cioah stork
7c ti.'c d.owins the very latest models of the Red
Crooo Shoe. Co:ne in today nnd let uo fit you.
Year r.fter year, other women rjet olyle and comfort
nnd every time we fit a woman in the Red 'Croro Shoo, she
trlfiiuscho can ncx-sr lhnnku3 enough for tal!i:"r her about it.
jVfr- i& 'V " iX''y'X$ tclliiusche can'rlhnnlcu3 enough tortal.i:": hcrubo
A'c- 'WXW Grt u .-I..' rr. 1 ro-nfert, Get bath Oxfordn 03.5 J
i. ii&
Sold Exclusively By
Magnes (& Matson
Marshfield's Leading Outfitters
Buy in
Coos Bay
Mm lEfl B
Jul BK bv
Evojy time you buy jour goods away from Coos Hay you aro knocking the
props out from under your property. Jf Iarshiioid is a good business town
you aro the ono to reap tho benefit. The merchants of Marshfleld are pushing
for tho good of the town. The result is that business is better and property in
creases in value. Thoy are doing their shave. It's strictly up to the people of
this city as a whole. If they will get together and buy at homo, property val
ues will go up. If they do not wire or if each one shifts tho responsibility to
some one else, there is no way on earth for the town to grow. Just f top before
you buy that suit, coat, dress, hat or piece of furniture or stationery awav from
home, and think. If you do that you will hardly go ahead and 'deliberately
injure Marshfield.
Patronize Those
Who Pay the
Taxes and Keep
Up the City
Don't Kick About
Business in Your
Line if You Buy
Away from Home
r'sS-'irrc z'm --
ono scum-TEii, ABt, 0, P. BAn:MRD
.0 MARKET AV., MtaMrtd. Asc,, ROSmJTOo"'o
'uu.lfl IX
French Dry nnd Steam
.. .ill-
ladles and gents' suits. Gooa
od for nnd delivered. PrleesJy.
able. HOSE CIT1' I)YB A' T
Foot of Bfarket Ave W
Try my vacuum carpet cleao
'" M Lmmmmmmlmmmimmmg