'"V If ONE'S CONTENT TO TAKE THE WORST Of IT, IT'S USAGE TO HUMOR HIM I YOUR. ADS CARRYING l,..,r M ,,,,'", dinuM nppenr in S0ME0N2 HAS SAID: " Mmr'n nilxn lining spnco In n tnHiMT, rompHtrd tclt (la1 binno uvd It) nihil More, ihntiltl dHtno us iiiiiiNMii(hr InifMirtiiiKf In (lie ininmli)! IHm-k yntir nUirv't Ml u iiNltiu HIT ito Htm? tltt i (iiiiii.il mi Imc now - i i !' " weighty h fpr. . iini IImM m iiiIkIiI rain I not Im' KhI nt.pHr. MKMItKtt OK AKSOriATKI) IMtlWK KMiiIiIImIihI In I NTH iim The Conttt Mull Vl!.. aXXIV MARSKFIELD. OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911 -EVENING EDITION-EIGHT PAGES. A CnliMilltlnlli.il of TIiiicm, Cwnt Mull nnd Coos liny AdwitNer. No. 91. (E002 Jll ll It V J IflWYER ASS ALLEGED Gives Out Statement That Mc- Manigal Admitted Lie and Is Termed Liar. OTHER WITNESSES TERM STATEMENT FAKE Claim That McManigal Refused to Talk to McNamara's Lawyer.' (By Associated Press to Coos Bnv Times.) 1.0S ANGELES, Cnl., April 2D. Ortlc Mc.Manlgnl, who Is nlleged to have ninde a complete confession In the dynamiting case mndo another rbanRO of fronts todny. Despite his declaration to the district attorney he would see none of the coiiiiboI for defence, he held nn Interview with Attorney 0. N. Hilton this morning Hilton said afterward that MeMunl- gal admitted he had mode Htatemcnt ( to the district attorney and gnvo roa-j tons for doing so which Hilton until erc eminently satisfactory to tho defense. McMnnlgal. according to Hilton aid nothing to him about not want- log to see any one connected with tho defense, and then freely ndmltted ho had lied when ho declnrd Thursday a ttia flllnrnnl In thn tirrkninn nf wll- hmbci that he had not mndo n fetilon nnd did not Intend to ninko one. Hilton snld "Whntover hns boon uld to the district attorney will not hurt the defenre in vlow of tho state ment McManigal has nia'do to .lie." "Does that moan McManigal has not turned state's evidence." "I hnve not snld so," replied Hil ton. "I cannot lx more explicit, but 1 lll tell you thai McMnnlgnl's ex planation of why ho lied to us Thurs day and mndo the statement to tho district attorney Is eminently satis factory to us." Call Attorney Prevaricator. Practlcnlly all the statements! made by Hilton with reference to hisj conference with McMnnlgal in tho i county Jail wero llatly denied a short I time later by Georgo Gnllaghor, tho Jailer and Oscnr Norell, tho turnkey, ho brought McManigal from his coll ana were presont during tho Intor Tlcw. According to Gallagher and Norell, McMnnlgal mado but ono sta tement to Hilton which was, "I don't nt an nttorney. I don't want to ee )on.' McMnnlgal is snld to have ' turned on his heel flnnlly and walked ay from Hilton. SAYS MeXAMAHA IS II11YCK. Ml Hop from Snn Francisco Iden tities Accused. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 29. Trebor McCnchrcn, n bell hop, om P'oyed last September nt tho hotel Argonaut In Snn Francisco, today wntlfled James B. McNnmora. ono ' the prisoners nt the county jail, ns 'J- H. Bryco" who registered at tho Afgonaut nt that time, and who was e of the trio alleged to havo pur thel the dynamite and dono tho "tual work of blowing up Tho Times, Mcmaxirat nrcwxEs aid. y Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) J-OS ANGELES. Pal., April 28. ur,'e McManigal Friday absolutely lihWd t0 hnVe nny consuUatlon8 " attorneys connected with tho Joh n?8, accord,ns l0 a statement by b Harrlmnn. one of tho lawyers jPresentlng the accused men. Al- Mh Fredericks snld Harrlman "ld not bo allowed to see McMr- w. Shorjff Hammel himself 08ht the accused from his cell into office where Harrlman interview. 14 "im. xffoii jh j .i ,y of any of the lawyers engag-1 i w HIP f1nf I iiiiltWli tiii'ii initiiiiiiifi" iW i'iHL TO BE FALSIFYING BEGIN EIGHT Rebels Said to Have Opened Fire On Mexican City Tliic Mnrninn I """ '"" a (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) TUCS0N Arz A 29 A ., ', " Bii'uuii iruiu .unzuuau says wic rcucia .boRnn their attack on thut city early this morning. No Americans were killed or wounded so far ns can bo , learned. WIMj not suhhexdeil lYtlciiil Forces Dc(-i-inlticd to lloltl , MllMltlllll. (By Associated Press to Coos "Day Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 29. The State Department has been nd- vlsrd thnt the Federal forces at Mazn tlnn linvo refused to surrender thnt city In response to n demand from tho lnsurrectos and in consequence an attack Is oxpected at any moment. I V - CORRAL on carpet. con-'Mexican VIce-PreHldciit Questioned About Attack. Associated Press to Coos Bay (By Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 29. Tho Mexican government has cabled Vleo-presldent CorrnI who is travel ing In Spain to ascertain whether or not he wns correctly quoted as criti cising Amerlcnns In connection with ; tho Mexican revolution. SHIPS THOOPH .NORTH. ., . r. . a .. , .... , , ' Me. leu n Government Send I'Oivew to Juarez. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) CHIHUAHUA, Mex., April. 29. More than ono hundred freight enrs loaded with Federal troops nnd equlpmont for henvy action left hero today for Juaroz. MHXICAN PKACK COXKKHKNCK (By Associated Press to Coos Bny Times.) EL PASO, Mex., April 28. The government penco commissioner left the City of Moxlco Inst night. It U agreed that tho penco conference will bo held here. THREE SHUTOUT LI Some Fast Ball In Coast Lea guePortland Wins In Eleven Innings. Associated Press to Coos Bay (By rrimoo PORTLAND, Ore., April 29. J Portland took an even Inning game ,.. , nnbinnH i,v n Kpnro yt'bieiuu; iiM uiv. -i (-- of 1 to 0. Tho scores In the coast League wero as follows: At Portland R H Sacramento 0 0 Portland 9 (Eleven Innings). At Vernon R H Los Angeles 0 Vernon 3 At Snn Francisco Oakland. . . R 2 Uj". r. San Francisco 0 4 O. K. CHOP House Is now OPEN, NIGHTS until 1 o'( 'ock. VlfiHTS until 1 O'f OCK. . W OK MAZATLAN CIS u oir.num rnn inuoiLLomr run Tentative Agreement Formed to Straighten Affairs With out Bankruptcy Proceed ings. A tentative agreement has been ef fected In the bankruptcy proceedings against Major L. D. Kinney or his companies whereby trusteeship pro ceedings nre to supply bankruptcy as a means of straightening out his affairs to the satisfaction of his prin cipal creditors. All of the principal parties affected nro said to liavo agreed to It although it Is understood thnt the final papers of tho agree ment hnve not yet been signed by all. The agreement Is Bald to provide for the appointment of V. J. Rust 'ofMarshlleldns trustee of all tho is authoritative, I iwwwwwvwwwvwwmwww,wwwmvw 'I LS Three Killed and Nine Badly Injured In Accident In New York. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) NBW VOItK, N. Y., April 29. Three were Instnntly killed, nlno more arc believed to liavo been mor tally Injured when n gang of lnborcrs putting down a telegraph polo drop- B uy Jr , na,"8t ,a "li,rd irnt of tho New York Central railroad at Spuyten Diiyvll. Fifteen men had hold of tho wire. BUI SHIP IS LAUNCHED. it HI l Prln aH Itoynl, Largt-ht In Navy, Underway. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay i Times.) BARROW IN FURNESS, England, April 29. Tho Princess Itoynl, tho largest cruiser battleship built by tho British Navy, was launched today ." ' Ij T O Upheld By French Court Which Declares Science of Flying is too New For Final Decision (By Associated Press to Coos ,Bay T,me8:J PAHIS, France, April 29. In a decision todny in the suit of Wright Brothers against several French aoro plane manufacturers for Infringe ment of patents, the court upheld tho contention of the plnlntlffs In prln- clple but declnrcd that It did not wish nt present to rendor a decision ns tho science of aviation Is too now I to admit of nn nrbltrary finding in 'such n case. Therefore the court appointed three experts to Investigate whether there existed aviation discoveries cal culated to disprove tho piiorltyoftho 'American aviators' Inventions and natents. The WrlglU suit ngainsi Santos Dumont, however wns dls - missed on wie gruuiiua mui mo uC-, fondant constructed neronlanes only! for his personal use. GETS BIG COXTUACT. Pioneer Hardware Conipuny Fur nishes Material for Gardiner Hotel. mv, mnn.F uarAvmrn finmnnnv has taken the contract to furnish tho ' IGTS W RI1ITQ 7 'has taken tho contract to rurnisn tno H' builders hardware for tho new Oar- .,. ., . ..,i. nnn Minur itiiihi tiL iitiiuiuui , uru - . ..-.-. -. . - Corbln hardware being used through- out. rn, n. iim iiAon ninrfld with Baker & Hamilton of San Fran hug ii ijitittisitMtaiitliMaiuinyii., ..-.. nn nn uitin mMUun mmi Klmuy properties with run power to ; iokc me necessary actions to stralght- en out the affairs of Major L. D. Kin ney personally and his companies. This Is presumed to carry with It tho power to remove the clouds from deeds to certain property, dlsposo of it, etc. Next Monday marks the last day ot the extension granted Major Kinney by the federal court in which to mako n showing thnt he is not insolvent, but it Is understood thnt as soon as the necessary papers In the trustee ship proceedings nre signed, the bankruptcy proceedings are to bo stayed. Owing to nil the papers not being signed, the attorneys In the proceed ings would not give out any official 'statement todny. However, the nbovo COUNCIL WILL BE KEPT BUSY Blake Franchise Extension May Come Up Next Tuesday Building Ordinance. According to reports, next Tues day evening's session of tho Mnrah field city council will be ono of the busiest thnt body has known in n long time. It wns reported that Ja cob M. Blake wns planning to pre sent his application to it for a further! extension of his franchise for tho construction of a street enr lino in Mnrshtlold. His present franchise provides thnt he is to liavo a mtlo of lino completed nnd in operation by July 1, next. Thnt he docs not hopo t0 1)0 nl)lu to con,rI)' wKh this wns expressed by him sometlmo ago to 'parties of whom ho solicited stock , subscriptions In the project. Yesterdny one of the railroad beta In Mnrshlleld which hinged on hU project wns abruptly ended. A parly who had wagered two hats that i street car line would be In operation with n mile of trnck In Marshllold by July 4 terminated tho wager by ad mitting his lobs and telling tho mu with whom hf had wagered to conu around and get the hrts.. At the last time Mr. Blake was granted an extension of his fran chise some opposition was In evi dence and It Is not unllkoly that it will bo shown ngnln. To Amend Ordinance. , It is understood thnt D. A. Curry 'nnd others will endeavor to hnvi tin present building ordinance am' ndi bo thnt a building permit will nut be nnmsKnrv wlmrn thf PMfct nf Ml" lll- ,rovcinet doe8 not exceed n cvtnlr. amount. Mr. Curry was recontlv .ir- rested for erecting i chicken liuuro 'rn his property In South MarshMd i without hnvlng hecuro tho necossnry penult. He is contnsting tlu cn, v hich Is sot for hear1'!!? n.xt week Among tho other mnttors oxpocto. to come up are the Market avenue Improvement project, tho application of tho liquor denlers to cancol tho Increase saloon licenses and possibly tho waterworks proposition which' purchases at a local store. There Is; ... r,i 1 . l. X'...l. T,l 'uoiru In.llnntlnn Mint film Rt Til L'L'll'll 'Mayor Simpson and the isortn nona council has been considering, OPPOSED TO LOAN. Clilneho Ilostllo Against Terms of i'tirviKm-m, ,(By Associated Press Times.) to Coos Bay PEKING, China, April JK. ino hostility towards foreign loana la as suming n serious phase. Members of both the national and provisional as- 'semblles are holding meotlngs hero and elsewhere demanding an Imme- dlato summoning of tho national body .Samuel Gompers, president of tho nuy your tickets at the Busy Cor and Insisting that tho government no American Federation of Labor, Is nor or Don Hamlro Cigar Stand and longer has tho right to contract loans going to Indianapolis tonight to par- FOLIX)W THE BAND TO HAXROtf loncer has tho right to coniraci loans I In other countries without tho ap- in owier cuumrico muiuk i r proval of representatives of tho peo- ni Th Hukuan railway loan which i'vi - the bankers ana government is nrenared to sign is oemg neiu iu abeyance because of the popular op-' position. Mm . Mi jJI-j a. . YiTWEMTY-FIVE REPORTED OEft R'S CANTON RIOT IS STILL ON Two Prominent Chinamen Slain and Large Number of Revolutionists Killed. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bny Times.) H0NCJ K0NC1, Chlun, April 20. The news from Canton is thnt him- dreds of rebels wero killed or wound- ed In the lighting which began with an attack on tho viceroy's palace Thursday. Brlgadlor General Chung who was mortally wounded while at tempting to suppress tho revolt, died yesterday. Two British torpedo boit destroyers were sent to Canton from here. s::xi GUNBOAT THERE. United State Will Protect Clllen nt Canton. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Aprjl.20.-- Tlio United States gunboat Wilmlng- ton snllcd today from Hong Kong for Canton to render any assistance no- ccssnry to American citizens on nc- count of tho disturbance conditions at tho latter place. OFFICIAL 1H ASSASSINATED. (By Associated Press to Cooa Bay Times.) HONG KONG, April 29. LI, the Tnotlo of Canton, has been assassi nated by tho rebels. Posses Search Woods for Slay er of Wife of Employe of Geo. Gould Estate. (By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay Times.) LAKEWOOD, N. J., April 29. All this section of tho stnto Is being searched for tho slayer of Mr3. Charles Turner, who was found club bed to death In the woods nenr hero Wl w yesterday. The Utlcn teachers who wero on Mrs. Turner was an attractive wo- board tho train wero to bo ontor mnn of middle ngo urn', tho wlfo of n ' talnod when they reachod Wushlng responsible employe of tho estnto of ton by Vlco-presldont nnd Mrs. Shor George Gould. She wns tnklng n ninn. Jshort cut through tho woods to mnkO every indication that alio struggled desperately with her assailant. Ho waUt wus partly torn, her neck and Xy jour tickets at tho Busy Cor bosom scratched nnd lacerated and m.r 0r Don Hamlro Cigar Stand and her finger nails torn. VOLLOW THE HAND TO IIAXDON A negro Is suspected. Ono negro, si'XDAV, May 7. who waB arrested, was released. GO.MPEHS (JETS BUSY. Federation of Labor Leader to Con ference. (Ey Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 29. tlclpato In a conference with tho na- - - tlonal labor leaders on the subject of tho McNamara nrrests and tho Los j..,HIi, nnca b. ,........ -... . The COST of mvi.nu is i-Aiaanu as IIAINEH is selling uiiir. . ;rnAfajA 0 SON I Passenger Train Ditched Near Easton, Penn., Claims Many Victims. DETAILS ARE LACKING REPORT CONFLICTING First Report Indicated That 100 Were Dead and Injured. ? bulletin. 29. (By Associated Press.) i . PHILADELPHIA, April Tho. Pennsylvania Hallroad Company linn n report which 4 cannot bo confirmed because of wire trouble Haying 2G persona were killed In tho wreck. (By Associated Press to Coos Raj Times.) EASTON, Pa., April 29. A Dola wore, Lackawanna and Westorn ex cursion train running over tho Penn sylvania trnekH was wrecked nt Mar tin's Creek, N. .1., eight miles from here. Quo hundred nre reported to havo been killed but this Is not vorlflod. Itallrond olllclals nro summonlns doctors from nil points, They ndmlt n sorlous wreck but , give no estimate of tho killed and Injured, Tho wires nro down, v Twenty-five wero taken from tho wrecked enra frightfully lnjurod. Twenty-ftvo moro nro roported dead. Tho train Jumped tlio tracks. It wns n scliool tencWa excursion from Utlcn, N. Y to Atlantic City. Thoro nre conlllctlug reports" ro gnrdlug the number of killed, run ning from twenty-llvo down to nona nil. Accounts ngreo that somo woro Injured nnd probably will dlo. Threo cara wero burned. Tho trnln wns traveling fifty mllea an hour when tho crash came. KlllvltMA.V IX WltECK. Itepoit That Vlci'-Pivsldent Wna Oa Train Ik Denied. (By Associated Press to Coos Day Times.) SCHANTON, Pn., April 29. It Is reported thnt Vice-president Shor- mnn was aboard tho wrecked train. (By Associated Presn to Cooa Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 29. According to Vice-president Sher man's bccretary, Mr. Sherman Is In Utlea. photo gooda and novelties and plc- .. I.mli,i, , U'l.llni- fllllllln. ture framing nt Walker Studio. Fresh photo supplies nnd finishing nt Walker Studio. See tho EXLAItGED PICTURES of the "HAZEL DOLLAR" and SASS SMITH" In tho RED CROSS 'JEWELRY WIXDOW. J SL'XDAY, May 7. !! your Job printing dose The Times office. I . - J .-!.. ...U. tub Times wm a i rem or wnm umy, . . 'MKk.KUk'mtAtliiv.ln,, -. y i