THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION Oopjrisht Hart Scnannor & Mirx VOU want clothes to fit all around; more important, you want them to stay fit. That means good tailoring and all-wool fabrics. That means Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; and that means, come herp to get them. We'll sec that you get what's right. Suits $20.00 and Up The Woolen Mill Store Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. ARCH LIVER SALTS COMni.VATIO.V OP SALINE LAXATIVES AND TOXICS FOR RHEUMATISM AND UIUO ACID AILMENTS, RELIEVES. ALL INTESTINAL DISORDERS DUE TO EXCESS OF URIO ACID IN 1HE SYSTEM. PRICE I'ER nOTTLE 00 CENTS. For Solo nt Tho "Rusy Comer" PHONE 208. iockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED. w LEADING DRUG STORE' IN COOS COUNTY. Personal Notes l 1. 8EI.IIY wont to I'uqullle thin morning to attend court. for some tlmo, hns sufficiently re covered to bo nblo to bo about ngnln. Ho wns In Mnrshllcld to dny for the first tlmo In month. WM. CANDLIN of Coqulllo Is In Mnrshllcld on business. PKTKR SCOTT. Jr., loft today for Portlnnd on business. Hit. STEMMI.ISR of Myrtle Point, im n Mnrshlleld hutfhuM visitor todny CAPT. HAHUIS of Sumner Is n Mil rah Hold business visitor today. A. S. HAMMOND of Coqulllo wns a Mnrshllcld business visitor yoster-day. T. C. UUSSELL nnil wife of Denver. Hill were Marshficld visitors yes terday. V. U. MILltURY. wife of the govern nient forest ranger In Curry conn ty. pasted through liero today eit route to Portlnnd. Postpone Hearing. Owing to At torneys Cuun nnd McKnlght being In nttemlnnce nt the circuit court nt Co qulllo toilny. City Recorder Hutler Its postponed the hearing of Dr. Geo. E. Dlx, chnrged with exceeding the speed limit In his nuto, one week, it was scheduled for today. mdNM mil flUMNNGS SCREEN DOORS, Window screens nnd Fly Killers nt MILNER'S. A. E. NEFF returned yesterdny from Coqulllo where ho hns been doing Jury service. T. A. WALKER, the well-known Co qulllo Insurnnre man. Is spending n few days on thevUny on business. PHONE I. S. KAUFMAN CO VOUR COAL ORDERS $1.50 PER TON. LOCAL TKMPERATUtE RE-PORT. FOLLOW tho RAND to RANDOX, Sunday, .MAY 7. Croquet Sots nt MILNER'S. Beaver Hill Coal MOUNT DIAIJLO XD JOSSON CEMENT. The best Dbmettlc and Imported brands. l4ster, Lime, Drlck and all kinds of builders m'aterlal WGM NcLAIN .... MNERAT contractor "irK. boitii nnoAiiwAV. imioxk aoi i toes Want Ads Bring Results NORMAN JOHNSON arrived homo this week from Snn Frnnclsco where .ho hns boon attending school. I RICHMOND "PITTSIJURG OF THE GREAT WEST." MRS. HOFFMAN nnd sons returned to Marshfleld yesterdny to mnko their home after nn extended trip south. FRED HOLLISTER of North Dond was In Mnrshllcld on' mnttcrs con corning the Kinney bankruptcy, ensos. DON L. GREEN pnssod through hero todny en routo from Myrtlo Point to Alaska whore ho will spend tho summer ns n member of tho U. S. Const Geodetic survey. C. H. CODDING is In from Milling ton toilny. An eclipse of tho sun wns scheduled for 3 o'clock this aft ernoon nnd ho thought ho might get n bettor view of It from hero. F. C. TRUE of Coqulllo wns n Marsh Hold business visitor yesterday. Ho wns nominated for councllmnn In Coqulllo this wcok nnd well likely become one of tho "city dads" thero. JOE WILLIAMS, who hns been at tending school nt San Francisco for the past year, Is expected hero shortly to spend tho vacation it tho homo of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Williams. P. L. CIMINO, of Lakeside, who has boon seriously 111 with pneumonia "There comes n tide In tho nffalrs of men Which, taken nt tho Hood, lends on to fortune; Omitted, nil tho voyngo of their lives Is wrnppod In shnllows nnd In miseries." i Opporunlty! When within our rench we tuny grnsp It, or Idly allow It to pnss us by. And In the great majority of enses wo nllow It to pnss by. Your opportunity for Invest ment In n Richmond lot Is now nt Hood tide. Business and resilience lots In that thriving municipality will never bo cheaper thnn they aro todny. Accept tho opportunity offer ed todny nnd buy a lot thero for only $25 down; $5 por month; no Inter est; no taxes; no assessments; overy city stroot Improvement put In nt tho oxpenso of seller Including n com ploto system of water mains, mncn dnmlzod streets, concroto curbs nnd coment sldownlks; nnd best of all It you aro sick or out of employment your payments aro suspended during tho perod of such sickness or. lack of employment. What can bo fairer to tho purchasor than such terms? Now Is the nccopted tlmo; now Is tho opportunity. It Is only up to you to tnko advantago of it by calling upon or writing to C. P. Wilcox, room 307 Coos Dldg. I havo a now tract which hns Just been put upon tho market and which Is within a fow minutes walk of tho "hoart of Richmond." For twenty-four hours ending at 4:43 p. m., April ST. by Mrs. E. Mlngus, special government meteorological observer: Mnxlmum 51 Minimum 37 At 4:43 p. m 4J Precipitation 06 Wind, Northwest; cloudy. I I THE WEATHER. (Dy Associated Press.) OREGON. April 28. Fnlr to night nnd Saturday, cooler. Piny nt Sumner. Tho Enstsldo basebnll team will go to Sumner Sun day to piny the team there. Meet Tonight Tho D. Y. II. club of tho Haptlst church will meet this evening nt the home of Mr. Ernest Hnrrlugtou, South Fifth street near Hall avenue. A till attendance Is requested. Nnme McCniiy. The Coos county commissioners havo reappointed Den nis McCnrty as head cruiser to cruise tho timber of tho county so that It can bo equitably nssossod. The as sistant cruisers will be named later. Huys Auto. II. S. Tower has bouuht an Hudson "33-tornedo" nnd i . ' . . . . is toilny experimenting wun tuo manipulation of the now machine. He promises not to brenk any speed records for awhllo If E. D. McArthur doesn't "nag" lilm too much. Willi In Cull font In. Word has been received here of tho marriage (of Honry Welder, son of Mr. and Mrs. .11. M. Welder and n formor well known Coos Dny boy, nnd Miss May Crowley which took placo in San Francisco last Sunday. Thoy will jrcsldo at Hanford, Cal and Coos Day frlonua win nnston to extent! congratulations. FIELD MEET Marshficld High School Boys Preparing For Big Event Here In May. The Marshflotd High school track training for the annual trnck meet of the county schools hns boon In pro gress for some time. It Is tho Inten tion or the Marshficld High school, which litis chargo of the big event, to mnko It the most successful one lit the history of Coos county athletics. As heretofore the meet will be held on the Mnrshllcld trnck, nnd will come off on cither tho 12th or 19tll of May. There will bo twelve eVenU the 100. 220 nnd 110 yard dnshes, the mile nnd half-mile uus, 220 yd. hurdle rnce, nnd tho running broad, standing broad nnd high Jumps, as well ns the pole vault, shot put nnil hnlf-mlle relny. Guy Stiitsmnn, rnptnln of thfi Mnrshlleld team, expects to mnko a good showing with his men desplto tho fnct that some of Mnrshflold'a best sprinters were unnblo to qunllfy In their studies nnd will not bo nt lowed to compete. "Curloy" Larson, who is n now man on tho Athletic ftold hns shown good form In tho SSO, 140 nnd 220 yard runs ns well as In tho brond Jump. S. Clnrke, who took first plnce for Mnrshlleld last year. In the high Jump, has bosu training faithfully and will probably enter the polo vault nnd high Jump this year. In tho sprints nnd hur dles, Torrey nnd Stiitsmnn hnvo inndo n good showing so fnr. Hnrrlugtou will represent tho school In tho tnllo nnd running brond Jump nnd Dolt will put the shot nnd will polo vault. Joe Dennett Is training faltlifull for the half-mile run and other men who are on tho training tnblo nre Murch, McCormlck, Cooloy, Hortou and Trlbboy. Prof. Hewitt, who hns been going out with tho boys nnd putting thorn thus tholr stunts Is woll plensod with the progress thoy aro making. FORM (1UX CLUR. Eat Raisins Special Prices 8 to 20c Per Pound At, Lockhart's Grocery A PARTICULAR STORE FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE. PHONE 85-J Get Dig Engine. The Ureal; water yesterday brought In two largo log ging engines. Ono was for tho Laropa Logging company which will got out logs for tho Randolph mill on tho Coqulllo. Tho other wns for tho Smlth-Powors company and Is ono of tho biggest over soon hero. Its "spool" will carry about a mile and a quarter of heavy cable. Father Demi. F. M. Parsons to day rocolvod word that his wife's fathor had died suddenly at tho old (homo In Missouri. Mrs. Parsons bad beon visiting thero thls'trlp and left but a fow days ago. Sho Is now In nolso, Idaho, vlsltlug. Owing to tho great distance, it Is not llkoly that sho will go back for tho funeral. Sho will probably return huro In a fow weeks. Mr. Parsons Is still contlnod to his homo by his slego of tho grip. Local Marksmen Organize ami Plaa to Get Grounds. Tho MnrshOold Gun Club has been organized by lopal marksmen and plans to got grounds, Instal traps and pull oft a number of shoos this sum mer. Thoy aro now figuring on sot ting tho old trnp grounds from tho railroad company or tho race track grounds. Tho following officers wero olocted at tho Initial mooting: I President Frank Lnlso. Secretary W. N. Ekblad. Treasuror II. J. McKoown. Committee on location Messrs. Lnlso, Tower, McKoown, Dlx nnd Nasburg. Committee on Ry-lnws Messrs. Lnlso, Conrad, Nasburg, Dlx and Ek blad. It Is oxpectod to enroll all who llkq shooting as members. Road the Time' Want Ads. Get Ready for Raisin Day Saturday, April 29 Here Are Some Tried and Testod Raisin Recipes k WANTED Young lady stenographer for about ono week. Inquire Times' ofllco. two box ball allies, billiard tables, confectionery and soua fountain, Comploto In a good small tawn. Good business. Must soil on ac count of rheumatism. Will pay you to enqulro about this place. Ad dress C. Nadeau, Floronco, Oro. WANTED Girl to learn to dip tho colntes nt Stafford's. WANTED To buy second hum! fur niture reasonable Apply K' Times (WANTED -.Hoarders und, roomers. fSrtrwl hnmn nntlflllr TMoflRnllt' room, bath, close In. Uox 28S, WANTED Experienced woman for gonornl housework. Phono 314X1. WINDOW cleaning and floor polish lug A. Landlos. Loavo ordors, Phono 8-J. WANTED D' Mrs, Arthur Mc Koown a girl to take caro.of chil dren. Apply before May First. IFOR SALE Good workhorse, nine i years. Reasonable, Inquire Times. i FOR RENT Four roomed house,' West Marshllold, also thrco fur nished housekeeping rooms. U. E. Hampton nox 553 Marshllold. i , FOR SALE 50-ft. Iloat House. Will' tako 34-ft. launch. Also! ono mare weight 1.050. Will work singlo or double Apply A. O. Rogors. FOR SALE A first class cigar store, AUTO Anytime, anywhere. Hen J sonablo iates. Phono Ulanco hotol i 46 or Residence 2 8-J. J PRIZE RAISIN DREAD Soak ono yeast enko In ono and ono-half cups of potato wator; mix In enough flour to mnko q stiff batter; boat.llvo, minutes. Lot stand ovor night. In tho morning, scald two cups of sweot milk, Into which put ono rounded tablespoon Golden Gato Lard, 1 table spoon salt, threo tablespoons augaf. When milk Is lukowarm, mix with tho yeast; add onough flour to make a stiff batter; boat about ton minutes; lot rlso. When sulHclontly ralsod. add two cups seeded or seedless rai sins; mix; add more flour nnd knosVd until dough Is smooth; lot rlso. Mnko Into loavos and bnko ono hour. Who-i baked wot top nt lonves with sugar nnd hot wator to provont tho crust becoming hard. RAISIN SPICE CAKE Dlssolvo ono teaspoon soda In ono tnbloepoon boiling wutor'niid add to Qjio-hiilf oup molnsses. Add one cup thle'c sour ore-am, (one pup hwjwnmigar, and three ajld a half cups; flouiv Iloa't thoroughly. Add ono tableapooi each cinnamon nnd nllspico nnd ono pound California seeded or soodless raisins choppod flue nnd well dredged with flpur, Dako In modorato oven oho hour. RAISIN COOKIES Ono cup but ter, two cups white sugar, four cups Hour, ono cup each soodod nnd sood less California rnlslns, one-hnlt cup Hweot milk, four eggs, ono teaspoon onch loinon, vanilla and soda, ono fourth teaspoon salt. Crean, butter ami Biignr. Add oggs ono nt a tlmo. Doat till dough Is nlco and smooth. Add milk, lemou and vanilla. Sift soda and salt In one cup of Hour. Add to the mlxturo and stir until smooth. Then udd remaining threo cups of flour. Lastly, stir In rnlslns thor oughly ground through a moat chop per. Roll out on well llourod board one-qunrtor of nn Inch thick. Sprlnklu vlth sugar, bako ten nil mi tea In mo- ! derate oven. SUL.MA RAISIN PIE Wash thor oughly two cups ochaeeded an ' gaudies California ralalua; soak bc- -ernl houi-4 In cold water. Stew until ttmdur. Then add ono cup ortislu I walnut meats, oiio-hwU cup sugar, two tablespoons butter, two table spoons cornstarch; rub to a cream with Juice nnd rind of one orange and ono lomon nnd part of grated ,rlnd, and cook until slightly thickened. Cool, and bako with a doublo crust. ii in Vi vJ 7.1 I .4' i M m i I! ii y