THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1911 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt the postunice nt Mnnh- field, Oregon, fur through tlio ninllH ns mail matter. transmission ficcond class M. t MA I.OXI: V WAX K. MAI.OXKV - Editor anil IMilt. Xi'MM Editor Address nil coininuiilcntlons to COOS 11AV DAIIiV TIMES. ( Mnrolilteld :t :: :: :: Oregon An Independent Itcpnbllcnn news paper published every cvonlng oxcopt Sunday, nnd Weekly by Tlio Coos liny Times I'tiblKblug Co. Dedicated to the service of tho people, that no good cnime shall lnck a champion, nnd thnt evil shall not thrlvo unopposod. HUIISCIUPTIOX KATES. i).ir,Y. Ono year $0.00 Per month 50 WEEKIA'. Ono yenr $1.50 When paid strictly In advance- tho subscription price of tho Coos Ilnyil love you little lady Tlmos Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six months. Olllclnl Paper of Coos County OFFICIAL PAPEK OF THE CITV OF MAKSIIFIEM). THE DVXA.MITKItS. THE detectives engaged In tho solving of the I.os Angeles Times outrngo of October 1st, last, claim to have captured the louden and tho responsible erimlunls. TIiIh has been accomplished after months of flno nnd dogged work by tho best men in tho buslnesH In this country, and it Is to be hoped they linvo u case which will stand the test of Dual nnd florco analysis; for It will bo at tacked by ovory known expedient of technical subterfuge and legal bar rier. It is unfortunate that tho first act of tho detectives and representatives of tho majesty of tho law should bo a tcchnlcnl violation of tho Htatutcs under which their duties aro per formed. If tho suspected ones urn guilty and tho proof Is forthcoming thero wns nothing to bo lost by ;i lognl nnd orderly procedure. Aloxandor Hamilton truly says: "It In tho highest degree of Ini quity to try men by ox post fncto law, nor Indeed in any other manner than by tho letter of tho law, formally mado and Hiilllclently promulgated." Detectives have blundered tlmo and again;, nod. Justlco has faltered and fallen for tho want of great and pertinent facts Impregnnbly proven; but tho country is Justified in tho hqpo that this tlmo no mistake has boon mado and that tho spoil of im placablo corroboration will not bo brokon until tho sum of proof nnd tho uttermost measuro of penalty havo boon ovokod. Tho Issuo Is ono of tremendous import; mid nothing short of conclu sive work in and out of court, will satisfy tho American people In Its final disposition. Thoy aro not ask ing the llfo or liberty of anybody; they want no mistakes, no faults, no wrongs, In tho prosecution of these people; but they do want retributive. Justice to fall wheiu It belongs and tho weight of their rebuke to fall upon tho utter cownrds who resorted to this tho most cowardly ('ourse over taken by man In tho adjustment of man's Issues. Thoro Is something slgnlllcnnt In tho fact that ono of the highest labor officials of tho country Is bagged with tho others under suspicion. We had hoped to see this element cleared of nil such reproach, and especially In this case. Labor has enough to bear without tho shame and paralyzing of-1 feet of such u foul thing ns this. Ilut tho matter Is yet susceptible of proof In open court and wo must wait tho ovont at bar. Every man Is In nocent until ho shall havo lieon pro ven guilty, and It Is up to tho detec tives to make their unw and mako 1: stick. Why do tho Mexicans come o ehno to tho American line to light whou thoy have such u lara? country of their own. Is it poMlblo both sides would llko to have Uncle Sam Inter fere? They aro llko two men who nro spnrriiiK nwny mid both trustlug that tho police or someone ole will soon arrive to stop them. Foloy Kidney Pills uouUiu in oon coutratod form Ingitfdleuu of eetnb llshod thoragoutle value for thw prompt alleviation of all kidney and hlnddor ailments. Foloy Kidney Pills aro antiseptic, tonic nnd restorative. Do not allow your kidney troublo to progress boyond tho reach of modi- clno, but start tnklng Foley Kidney Pills' at once. Refuso substitutes. For TOAST AND TEA J COOIl EVEMNO. . "Truth In n thing linniornl nnd perpetual, nnd It gives to iib n beauty that fades not away In Mine, nor does It take away the freedom of speech which pro- ceeds from Justice; hut It gives to us the knowledge of whnt Is Just nnd lawful, separating from them the unjust- nnd refuting them." Eplctutns. WIIVJ Just because you're gentle, Just because you're true Just because you're IS months Explains why I lovo you. Just becnuso you're merry .lust because you play old .More nnd more ench day. There are many reasons Why I lovo you so, Just because with sunshine You are all aglow Just because you're tiny Just because you'ro sweet Just because, dear lady You mnke my llfo complete. What's the uso of tntklug ' Everything you do Servos to heap the measure Of my lovo for you Just because you're playful Just becnuso you're lino And I love you baby Just because you're mine. It Is n always. poor rule that won't work What Ih It that works while we 8lco"? Yeast The nverngo tax collector doesn't rldo In a tnxl-cab. Extromes meet when tlio kitten plnys with Its tall. It Is gotting pretty hard to tell ono lie from another. You will nover reach tho placo on tho wrong road. I - 1 If you aro on the dawn-hill make hnsto to get n trnnsfor. right lino Salt will keep meat, but it requires "snnd" to keep n good resolution. Mny not n marriage coromony ho Justly called a transaction In bonds? Somo Co08 ""' tc " wife's no, nnd some stand In awo ot nor kow- Tho horse Is known by Its years, but the mule Is better known by Its enrs. Unfortunately In n good ninny or chnrds tho trees nre known by their scnles. Auto means to go alone, thorcfore n feline that prowls In tho dark Is an nutocnt. The only kind of mining thnt 'a sure to produce satisfactory results Is kalsomtnlug. Generally It Is nil right to things as they come, but It Is gerous to tako a goat that way. take dan- u Klvos 8 n J0,t t0 fl"(l tl,nt tll leading citizen Is Juuigry .threo times a day nnd that he snores In his sleep. Trying to quiet a fretting baby- Is a hard task, hut trying to quiet an accusing conscience Is a harder one. A great many gates nre needed on I tlio farm. Thoro's tho propagate, tho I fumigate, the Irrigate, the subjugate, the big gate and the little gate, nml others that might he mentioned. THE SOUND SLEEP OF fiOOl) HEALTH. Can not be over ostlmnted and, any ailment that prevents It Is n mo-! unco to hoHltli. J. L. Soothers, Enu , WILCOX, agent, .'107 Coo ltiiililiut;. Clnlro. Wis., says: "1 hnvo been un- , able to sleep soundly nights, because COOS RIVER SERVICES POST uf pains across my back nnd soreness POXED. of my kidneys. My appatlto was ery . Tho locturo nnd qunrtorly moot poor and my jjeuernl condition was lug services which woro to bo held much run down. I hnvo been taking FoUn Kidney Pills but n shoit tlmo and now sleep as sound ns a rock, my general condition Is greatly linprov- ed. nud I know thnt Foley Kidney I Pills have curod mo." For salo by T I IS Dressmaker Worth of Paris Denounces the New Fashion. weaue.m's addkeks. Stand! The pants are yours, my braves; Just as whiskers arc, or shaves. Have you heard how fashion raves Of tho harem skirt? Mrs. Dloomer aimed at you; Doctor Mary Walker, too Do yo roar? Or do ye coo? Then your rights assert v Who now.wcnrs your coat nnd hat? Wears your collar, your cravat7 Wears your cuffs, and all of that? Need I ask again? Shoes and socks and clgnruts Highballs, too nnd making bets! Will ye lose tho garb which lets Folk know yo are men? Wenkllugs, put on petticoats And cast surfrnguttlsh votes, Hut, O, but, retain your gonts Lost in woo yo weep! Flee your sisters nnd your aunts, Fend them off with warlike chants Ilrothcrs, hang on to your pants! Wear them while you sleep! In tho strength of trousers trust; Dlo we mny and llo wo must, nut die shouting: "Pants or bust!" And this shnme avert. A rou wo yo, men of ovory heft! Still wo havo our trousers loft; Shall wo of them bo bereft Hy the harem skirt? PAIHS, Franco April 20. Jean Worth, the fnshlonnblo dressmaker of Paris, thinks tho now fashion of wo men's dress nro hideous. "Ilut had as they aro," sho said, "I prefer tho harem gown to tho hob bio skirt. In both instances tlio good namo of French tasto Is at stake" Ho thinks tho chnngo Is greatly duo to tho tasto of tho dressmakers and that thoy should direct tho flow of public opinion to tho stylo of tho day. To satisfy tho fomlnlno craving for chango, ho says, If not for origi nality, somo dressmakers make blind Innovations. Without reasoning thoy step In whoro nn nugol foars to tread. Elegant fashions aro dead. A dress maker should dress his fair customer no an artist paints a picture. "My Amorlcan customers froqutfht !y delight mo becnuso thoy say, mako a dress to suit mo.' " Mr. Worth contends that tho color of tho cloth should suit tho complexi on of tho wearer nnd tho mako should correspond to tho build of tho wearer. POPULAR RESORT POR RICHMOND (From San Francisco Examiner.) .John Xlchnll to Erect it Casino nml Other lleiich Attractions (o Cost $100,000. John Nlcholl, the owner of n stroteh of bench nt Point Richmond. California, tins dotnllcd plans of a $100,000 casino wlhch ho lias decid ed to orect. Tho casino will consist of nnnmu lsemont "" a ln("e8' nnu gentlemen's pnrlor, refreshment room, hot water bathing tnnk nnd restaurant on the ground floor with n hotel above A pier will extend out In tho wator from tho casino grounds, on which a houso will bo orectod for tho conve nience of bathors in tho bay. A sce nic railway running from hill to hill will bo Included in tho scheme of the ei terprlso. A speclnl car will bo run on a lino to Uio summit of ono hill f mil which seven counties can bo seen. liny lots In Richmond today while tho price Is low $25 oach, $5 per month; no Interest; no taxes; every city street Improvoniont free. C It in tho U. II. Churcu on Coos River. April 20 and 30th, by Rov. II. C. Shnffer of Portland, Oro., will bo postponed ono week Tho rogular preaching services will be hold next Sunday hv tin nn. HflRRI F C I IUUULL I I OS WHOM-: DAM IWMII.V AUHIVr.S. Thirteen MimiiImts Come from AMns M'mIiuii In Steamer Itymlntn on Tliclr Way to I nun Fnnn. NEW YOItK. X. Y.. April 2(5. More than 200 Dutch ngrlculturlsts nrrlved by tho steamship Kymlmn from Ilattcrjlnm. They Included tho Dnm family from Albasserdam. mndo mi of thirteen persons. The Dams nre bound for l'elln, la. To quote the words of Fritz Dam, tho oldest of half n dozen boys, as explnlned by an Interpreter, "We hnd n ilamflnc trip over." This family of Dams Is not fiction, like the popular creation of the well known artist, but Is a real, living ambitious bunch of sturdy emigrants. going to till a fortune out of tho Dam nuartcr section, which lies a few miles out of l'elln, Iowa. Thoro Is no V. H. Dam nor I. H Dam In tho family. They have plain Dutch stock handles. There Is Kat rine nnd Wlllemlnn and Gretchcn and Elcschcn, and U'lllom and Klauss and Fritz, nnd some smaller ones, nil Jol ly Gerr'ntn. and hnppy to land, but not n ono could see n chance for a laugh In their name. The Dams created more excitement nmong the senhonrd reporters4of the Xew York nowspapers than any arri vals' that have made quarantine In montliB. Pictures lof the whole Dam family appeared In half a dozen uowHpnpcrs. Tho youngsters were mndo iniinh of and Father Dnm was npproached 'often by reporters trying to got n front name hooked up so It would lit nicely with tho hind name, but ho wouldn't stand for It. According to Uio Dams, Pelln Is a Mecca for emlgrnnts from Holland and Germnny. It Is reported a fac tory there makes nothing but wooden shoes. Needless to say, the population of Town hns been Increased by thirteen Dams. FOLLOW tho IIAXI) to HAXIlOX, Sunday, MAY 7. DAXCI Xfi LESSONS Deglnnorj class 8 p. in., TUESDAYS AND Fill. DAY, I.'O. O. F. Hall. Como nnd try a FREE LESSON. Half price to ud vnncod students. Some Fine, Fresh Appetizers CnBt your eyo down this Hat for something good for tho Sudnny din ner: OKEB.V PEAS, YELIjOW WAX HBAXS, NICE RADISHES. SPRING ONIONS, FRESH LETTUCE. NEW RHURARn, CAULIFLOWER, CAimAOB. I1ERMUDA ONIONS. FINE ORANGES, OOOD RANANAS HAVE YOU TRIED OUR Seedless Lemons? Cook's Grocery .iriiiT ruuriii nun i fiitnii Avenue 8 PHONE 1HO Good Livery Service Fancy new rigs, good horses nnd carotul drivers nro now nt tho dis posal of tho Coos Ray public nt REASOXAI1LE RATES. Rigs or rigs with drivors ready for any trip anywhoro any tlmo. Horses boarded and rigs cared for. Now henrso nnd special accommo dations provided for funoral parties W. L. CONDRON'S LIVERY AXD FEED STA1JLE9 PHONE 2711-J FA.M1LY HOTEL THE LLOYD MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates leduced to: Day 50c, 75c and $1,00; week $2.00 to $5.00. House keeping npartmonts with gns rangef $'0.00 to $18.00 per month. FREE BATHS- E. W, SULLIVAX. Prop. SAFE IXVKSMEXTS. For Informntlon concerning high-class bond Investments, benrlng 0 tnterest nat, wrlto O. D. Hinsdale, care J. H. Adams and Company, Los Angolos, California. Have That Poof Fixer NOW " See CORTHELL Phone. 3191 YOr TAN LOOK . . THIS OJKTJIORSK IN THE MOUTH. flSrV' VlI'M ' I ') J ft N6tiiflnMT5TiTwwli Thoro lias boon a big rush i'or the limit cl number of (ja ranges which wo aro placing PRE K this Spring. When the appropriation is gone the froo gas range will be a Ihintj of the pasl. The Detroit Jewel Gas .Range shown above sells for $20 to $25 all over the country. The value can be seen in every line of this -well built stove. OREGON POWER COMPANY First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00' Surplus 0,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, X President, Vico: President. . . Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, Sr Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow M, C, Horton, i Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and Rent a safety deposit box $3,00 and up per year, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over .... Assets Over . . . Interest Paid on ,,. P9S BAV-ROSEBURG STAGE LINE iiallj stiigo between Hoscburg and Marshfleld. Stngo leaves HdlJ uml Sundays at 7 p. ,. FllIV, $0i00 1 I,UtKI'r '" ' MnrfchfleW. THOSE Your Sunday Roast Wo havo It ready for you. ItOAST IIEKI' Union Meat Market I-hnn. r. Your omt. . nC ,. John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P. Murphy, v . savings deposits, . for your valuable papers at $100,000 $500,000 t Time Deposits Agent, ROSEnURO, Oro. 11 Sweet and Juicy. ' ItOAST MUTTOX IIOAST TORK y warn Imear clothe them t CO.MI1 WlEUJU IttESTI THE SVS Lock! B e Plasty er OFPH Times Want Ads fees sale by Prouss Drug Company, h kProuss Drug Company. tor, M. H. STANIER. ZFm Bring Results i