TZ. EVEN THE BURGLAR MAYJfflJtJE GLOW WITHIN HIM WHEN THE JOB IS NEAT YOUR. ADS CARRYING lour i.iv-nrH, Miould appear m rrf;iili ly hh tines HiIh iH'Hinpcr. If a ttt -iiii( tuiillloil mi luio now nml then own for mi weighty n ren Mm ii1 fonrliiB ,,ial " "lIit rl II would not liu n K'xu1. ni'MHmper. (H mun Mmm VOL XXXIV Established in 1H7H as The Count .Mull ONE SAYS HE CONFESSED; i SAYS HE ;.. . MKMIJKK OK ASSOCIATED PRKSH MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY. APRIL 9fl iqiipupmiwr cnmnu ' -"J 'l I 1- Y bimiVM UUI IIUIV SOMEONE HAS SAID: "A Moiv's iidwitMng Kimro n nou-imper, imiipntvd with ttio mco iiM-d by nihil Mores nIuuiM ili'iluo llf roiiiHiiiilhf iiiipoitutico In llio H.iniiiiniUj! lltH'i jour Moro's nil terlMiig spur,. ,,, jf, BID NOT A CotiKuIlilnlluii f Tlmci, Cn.nt Mall nml Cooj May Adtortlicr. No. 90, BLOODY OUTBREAK IN 0 Contradictory Statements Are Made About Ortie Mc Manigal's Confession. LAWYERS ARE TO BE , KEPT AWAY FROM HIM MARKET" AVENUE ' 1PHEI8T Revolution and Aliarcliy CaUSe viceroy' pnlnco nml set It afire nml wmw wuiiuiuuii in uiiiimau, Tho revolutionists, N tinned with CityMany Killsd In Riot. (By Assoelntetl Press to Cooa Bay Times.) MONO KONG, chlnn, April 28. Olllclnl mosnges from Cnnton report DENIES THAT AMERICANS rifles nnd bombs, fought desperately. Several wore killed. The troops suf fered consldernbly. The soldiers fin ally got control of the sltuntlon. Tho situation Is regarded ns serious. Tho viceroy escaped harm. Thousands of BACING MEXICAN II S Council to Be Asked to Order It Few Developments In Los An-( at Next Meeting Other geles Dynamiting Case j Matters. Today. Dy Associated ProsH to Coos liny 1 It was reported today that an ef ' fort would he made nt the next incet- . I III: llf tlllt .MlirullHlllll ltt nniMinll " , I -'M Tuesday evening, tp have Market LOS ANGELES, Cnl., April 28. avenue and the Intersecting streets Job Harrlman, ono of tho nttomuyti ordered graded nnd paved. Some of for the McNiininrnB, said today lie tll(' Property owners and Contractor i,i i rntl i.i.on Ortlo MeManl- Morrlssoy linvo been active urulug the tho outbreak of revolutionists there 'residents are fleeing from tho city last nignt. The rebels obtained a some who linvo arrived here say quantity of explosives nnd tho "gov- anarchy Is rife among the Boldlers n: ernment hns asked steaniBhlp com- Cnnton. Unities to suspend service to that port The first stenmer from Canton lest arms be smuggled Into tho dls- (nought one hundred refuges, most- turbers, many of whom are still at ly women, todny. These witnesses large. Mnny have been Imprisoned, sny there were more thnn 300 cnsunl Fighting was precipitated when tics reported nmong the "Qugulcss" troops arrested n number of revolu- nB the revolutionists have been nam tlonlstH who hnd surrounded tho ed. PUBLICITY AS BUSINESS AID Secretary of State Takes Ex ception to Mexican Vice-President. DS IE G gal again and ask him whether ho minli' a confession to District Attor ney Fredericks. Tho latter when told of llarrlmnn's Intentions said hi would not be permitted to see Mc Manlgal. John II. linker, n clerk In the em- liloy of tho (limit Powder Cotnpnny mntter. Their plan Itr understood to linvo the hill cut down and the dirt hauled from there to. fill the low streets. Tho mntter will probnbly rauso qulto a lively session as some of the property owners are opposed to tho extra expense that will be qntalled by the dirt fill. They want the street PROJECT LEAVE TODAY 0 W Jas. J. Hill Says It Will Be Solu tion of Commercial Stagnation. ST. PAUL-, Minn., April 28. .lames J. Hill, the Great Northern Pacific rnllrond magnate, sees In pub licity of corporation matters and In- OFFICIAL OF DIAZ GIVES OUT STATEMENT Claimed That Revolution There Is Being Fomented to Force Intervention. (lly Associated Pross to Coos Uay Times.) U'AHIIIXm'nv n n A..-11 no t, ,111... , .nl.ll,. ....,. ..1 .. .1... -..., w. ., ..!., I o, " , ', , '" "" ,c,n UUomont Issued todny, poratlons themselves a long step to- tho 8ln0 I)0IIirtmt,nl lnkw p. wards the solution of the present era tl(m , , ,lllurvow by ,,., nil, vice-president of Mexico, publish needs a .,. i.. ,i. , hi..-,, .., m,.Vi m,., ... saviour." says Mr.' Hill "The people wllch tlmt 0lcIn c, ' of IiubIucss stagnation "And the United States Jannh M. Rlflkr Hnnfnro Willi Qrosmciim Qollc Thlc Wrnnnnm llnvu J-Mnniuluil not only tho best but Mexican r,.v,.inti i i,i t . i ' u"" ,,no "n1 """"inn Improvement on the best, and thev ...i i... ,.. ... ' ' ") rtiiierirmiH wuu a VIOW 01 forc- at Olnnt, Cnl., where tho cxpIobIvch improved but sny that on account of Local Men to Secure More Subscriptions. A meeting called by Jacob M. for Portland Five Day Schedule. ; Tho Ilreakwnter sailed for Port- niu no iiiitii in pay iicroruiugiy. ii K intervention. they don't pay In money, they must pny In prosperity. The business of TUV T() '"Ht'H HATTLK. the country Increases Ki per cent eve ry yenr; tho facilities for handling '""""W'iiCh fiuiiliiue Operations at ,thls new business lurrense only one- ' .'iaJillan. Angeles Times were liurchased, linn n fow montliB until tho dredgo Ore- "nt w"8 ,R,,1 nt tno JHIHcomn club seugor list nnd n good enrgo of Blxth of that. The difference In tho IJy Associated Press to Coos Day arrived In Los Angeles to aid In tho Rnn cnn return from tlm Ponuiitn nmi last evenlne. About fortv Invltntlmm rrlilit. sim win en mi Mm nvn.iinv ratio Is too ureat nnd' n bnlnnni Times.) that destroyed tho plnnt of tho Loh t,t, Bnvlng. It Is only fnlr to let It go I,ln,tc w,, '" l'romotlng a street cnrlnnd this nfternoon with n fnlr pnH-j Identification of JnmcH .1. McXnmnrn n J. n. llryce, ono of tho men who tnnn) mrt of tho C0Ht of 10 rPKInr (fiectea uie ueni in (lynnmito. unKor ,rt nil. has not seen tho prisoner. councllinnii Albrecht wio IlveB In the district nfTerled Is opposed to tho IIKAItlXO IK DKIjAYKI). j dredgo fill, clnlmlng thnt it will dnm- ngo bis proporty. ) Dcfl'llll Tin nttt pnunoll ninnilm' iirmnlonu fill It. making the All for only a f rnc-. were Issued by Mr. Ulako but less achedulo nt onco. i i . ..... . . ... i i . .. must bo struck, sometime, olso there XOGALK8, April 28. Tho dowb A nil I . .. ..... I. ..II, l... - .... . . .. . IinH Dl'IMl rillltlPllllllI Mint n Inrirn tnn than nriMii of tlifn inVit.i ur ni.i' Among tnoso sninng irom uoro on."'" ..o n cumiuuiu uranKiiown or ser- ,-- " her today' were tho following: vice or prosperity. i insurgent surrounding Maiatlan to bo present. j Dorotiy Dnv,Bt w Q Lnwd).( Mr() Why don't tho fncllltles for limid- ,mvo cut off tho wator Inly to force Mr. Hlnke stated today thnt ho hnd Lnwdy, Floyd Lawdy, Alex Lnwdy, Hng business lncronso moro rnpldly? tho clty ,0 """ondor or compol tho nothing to mnke public conoornlng Lymn King, I). L. Green, Penrl Wat- BccnuHO tho mon behind thoso fnclll- ,'utIt'r' Karrlson to como out aud the meeting of his plans. k!nB A Ct nutn0ld, Q. It. McMonles.'tle aro nfrnld to spend their money Klvo ,mlll' Arrival of Diimnv lo Defeml Tim no( pnnnnli m,nM.i, .lmmi.. ' Mr. Hlnke and It. O. Grnves nro Vs. n. Miei-lnH. mi rii.Iiv MUn for oxtensloua nnd Imnrovemonts." I the Accused Men. i to bo a decldodly busy one. Ilo8lilB , ma,,,,K " cnrcf' cnnviiBs of locnl jjorthn Lewis, J. A. McDonnld, Mrs. I Mr. Hill hns long been nn exponent ' CAITUUi: SAX IIMS. (Dy Aosoclatpd Press to Coos Hay tho Mnrket nvenuo mntter, It Is mi-',0I,,f t0 8CCHyo stock subscriptions McDonnld, Alfred McDonnld, Lonn of publicity of corporation nffnlrs ItepoH That .M.lcan HoImIm Hnvo Times.) 'derstood thnt tho liquor mon will bo for tho nrJcct tM0 bft8'8 Printed McDonnld, Win. A. Foster. W. J. .and looks upon that s ono of tho Taken Itnllroad Centor. LOS AXGKLKS, Cnl., April 28. present nnd urge n chnngo In tho nowi1" Tho T,mes ,ne otnor (ln' 'Murphy, F. J. O'Keofe, W. It. HurHt, moans of bringing corporntlon nnd (Dy Assoclntei Press to tho Coos Day No court action In tho enses lins yot liquor ordlnnnco which mnkes tholr' 0no of tho l,nrt,os solicited to sub- MrBi p. Swnnson, W. Yorlan, It. P. pulillc togothor. Times.) been tnken nnd probnbly nono will license $1,000 peryonr nfter tho first ECrlbo for Htock wns K,ven to ,iml01'- Tnlley, II. P. Colejnnn, Itobt. Wer- "Tho people nro entitled to know NOOALU8, April 28 A woll nuth Ic until tho nrrlvnl horo of Clnrcnco of July. Thoy clnlm Hint $000, tlio.Btnml by Mn nl"Uo Ulnt ho "'") dor, MIbs Amy Hoynolds, E. A. wlint tho public service corporations entlcnted report hns ronched hore Darrow. who will bo chief counsel for present llcenso, Is high enough. wns not putting nny of his own mon- nrown, jj. Thomns, Mrs. W. II. nro doing nnd tho conditions under thnt tho rebels linvo enpturod Ban thedefenso or tho McNnmnrns. Dls- The Injunction ngnlnst tho collec- cy ,nto tho l""001 "ow r. Illnko Mllbury, F. F. Llschno, W. M. Nando-which they trnnsnet business," ho nn8, an liuportnnt railroad city. trlct Attorney Frodorlckn todny do- tlon of nssesHinents on tho old North , 0:n,n,,u,d tnnt tl10 v"8t amount of cnri j, y. Hnzor and wlfo, Miss 8l'8- "I linvo holloved In, nnd linvo dared hlmsolf rendy to proceed to Cedar (Ilroadway) Improvomont was'11'"0 nnd t,,0"Bnt a'l energy ho has Smith. Miss Cochran, Dr. Cnthey nnd ndvocnted, publicity of corporntlon fJOQUILLE VALLEY PIONEER trial nny time but ho does not wish dissolved by .ludgo Coko this week ' dovottHl t0 frn,"'"8 t' proposition, wlfo. Henry Carlson and wlfo, N. L. roports for many years. When tho nAMICI O PDCCI to hurry tho dofenso. Tho over- and steps will probably bo tnken to ho bollovtV'- .wns n snfllclont contrl- Mnney, O. Ivola D. J. Fisher, J. 8. P''"Hc becomes conjorsnnt with cor-. "'" A I UAlMlbLb UKctrV itiadowlng fenturo of tho caso Is tho collect It. Thero Is a nilxup over tho 0Ul," ,or ",I l0 "mh0 townrils tho Jnckson, Petor Scott, J. P. Orlllltli, poratlon nffalrs nnd Is convinced thnt 0 IS ronfeeslon Mc.Mnnlgal Is purported ownership of tho nhuttlng property. io nave mndo first to Detectlvo nnrnM, A number of other matters, includ- ln Chlcngo nnd to tho district nttor- lug considerable routine business, ney hero yesterday. It cnn bo set nro scheduled to como up. down ns ccrtnln thnt nono of tho nl- leged quotations from confession nre actual, or oven partially resembling ny of the original confession there may be. District Attorney FrodorlokH. who 1 the fncts from McMnnlgnl's own P nnd he nnd othor offlclnls re fme to mnko any disclosures not withstanding tho many published stn-' tements to tho contrary. It Is a fn-t of almost universal bollof, however, that when tho proper time arrives tho ' state win como forward with n ' claimed confession from one of the Principals in tho enso sotting forth In 'oil detail nil thnt hns been chnrged. ! '"UJlLU S. Llndoner, Nick Shnrez Among thoFe who nro said to Iiavo Subscribed for Btoek In tlw nrnlnnl I nro A. II. Powers, Herbert Lockhn.-t nnd Stephen C. Rogers, Sr. It Is limlfTHtnnil Mint nn nntclila l CALL todny nt HAINES'. VI COOKED FOOD, cakes, brond. bnk money hns been arranged for to fur- ed boans. pies, snlnd. etc.. nt tho Gow qnnsl-publlc doncorns. Mr. money hns boon nrranged for to (I- why Illdg., tomorrow by Indies of "" ndvocnto, but ho wants thnt con nnnce the project. t'tho nantlst church. trol to bo Intolllgont; ho wants only trained men In tho plnres of control, "A corporation Is n piece of paper hearing Tho stamp nnd senl of the ( state," ho says. "Its 11 fu Is created by the people aud naturally tho peo ple should have somo word In mak ing the rules under which It train nets business. That proposition is ono I linvo preached for years nnd now I nm glad to seo it making head way nmong common cnrrlor corpora- It Is seeing from tho Insldo, much of "m"" " -l'i' niu-cumos n ivmi- tho foellng against tho great biul- "'' r ",e "' ,,0' ' ness conrorns will pass away. Tlmt J Jmk ,,,"' 'y will bo ono of tho effects of publl- Mlll" A- BPimmon, an old resl elty," dent of Coos county, died this niorn- In tho mntter of public control of '" nt tho 1,omu of Jnck MoDonoId, inn la t " reinuve, at unniois' ureex. no una I i mm. m i mm svaviHB IMIHUIlL IIHII HH WK n TD INTERVENE ' DACE TO COAST, JbBRu II IS DOWN , AGAIN TODAY; Shuts Out Sacramento In Thursday's Game Otlier Coast League Scores. (Dy Assoclnted Press to Coos Times.) Portland, ore., April 28. - Notifies Alge6iras Alliance That Hill and Southern Pacific Inter Portlnnd shut snernmento out yes- ouLiJiir- ni terdny. Tho scores in tho Const oWQ Had 10 Act For PrOteC- Lenguo gnmes woro ns follows At Portlnnd Sacramento Portland At San Francisco Oakland been 111 for some time of cancer ot tho stomach. Mr. Epperson was born in Indiana .November 2-1, 1K10, nnd crossed tho plains in 1802. He settled on n ranch on Cherry creek In tho Coqulllo val ley and made his homo there until recently when he cninu over to re side nt the McDonald home. He was novor married. A brother, John Ep person, resides In the CoiiIllo val ley. KI'KS lll(.' PL'ltCHASEltS. San Francisco. At Los Angeles Vernon. . . . Los Angeles. . R 0 3 R 3 1 R 4 C tion In Morocco. to C003 Day H 1 (Ey Associated Press 7 1 Times.) H PARIS, France, April 27. Franco C notified todny tho signatories of tho ests Hasten to Get to Eu reka, Cal., First. RECIPROCITY IS ATTACKED. (By Associated Press to Coos Bay Times.) WASHINGTON, D. C, April 28 C Algeclras agreement that prompt and II energetic intervention in Morocco by 13 France had become necessary to re- 1 establish order throughout tho coun try nnd safeguard the sovereignty of the Sultan. STRONG CIRCULAR OUT. tlons. Last week President Mudgo' of Rock Island railroad declared for Ciiiiili'H lliijlug Largo Tracts of public control of railroads; Georgoj Land Grant luvohed. M. Reynolds, president Continental PORTLAND. Ore., April 28. As a and Commercial National bank of lesult of tho decision In tho Orogon; Plilriipd ,11,1 Mut Minn MiIhl' Mm uni.k California land crnnt suit by Unl- ' GRANTS PASS, Ore., April 28. bef(m). T, x. Vail, president Amerl- tml Statos Judge Wolverton, It la' From best Insldo Information obtain- enn Tolonhono and Tolocranh rerunt- nrobahlo the government's sulta nblo, thero Is apparently a race to ly mado an official report to his board against the 4 r. owners of timber lanJ, tho coast on between tho Hill system 0f ,jroctors In which ho took a firm purchased from the railroad company from Eagle Point to Crescent City Htnnd for both publicity and public in anioiinti of 1,000 ucres or moro via Grants Pass, and tho Southern control. will ho pressed to trial within a short Pacific systom from Eureka, Cal., to( ..nilt tJ,nt c0ntr0 must be Intel- time. Grants Pass. . llgeutly administered. Public con- Among tho -Hi prosent holdors of Information comes that heavy con- trol Hlmply because It Is a control laud purchased from tho Oregon & structlon equipment and a largo forco by tho public, Is not all. It must bo California Railroad and named ns do- of mules and scrapers Is unloading intolllgont, ns I linvo always contend- fondants In tho suits, aro: William at Eureka for the Southern Pacific, od. Intelligent peoplo will ask and M. I.add. Albert It. Downs nnd Ed- astern Union Out of Commis-i sion Between Here and Roseburg. UU PStPrn lTnlnn ...lMA 1.4. ... rt.n-IM lnnl.lnllAn urn. talan i.n O irft I n ?T3i. A.onAlatafl D.a.a ir fira Tln. I.n. . t. n 0-. nAnn n.ila l.n.r.. . . 1. 1 11.11 1 .1 .. . v. .-. 1tr.l.. IT T)lnliojt V V..IUU WHO UCmUCII lUlIll IC(,1SIUIIUU nun lonwu U. 0... jj . .too IU wuua ,. IHUI IB Ul lllO VIIUIUB IUOO JMUB lllu t'XJIUUl IIUllllllK IIHirO. VUII, IIDJ 1H1IU8 WBTU 11. IJUWI1M, UUU II, IIIWIIIU- re and Roseburg went out of com- when tho House convened today and) Times.) been made at Portland. The South- and tho others aro right Is advocat- son, George K. Wentworth nnd Jus won this nfternoon probnbly ns a consideration was resumed of tho EAGLE PASS, Tex., April 28. orn Pacific has had options on lots Ing publicity and public control. Both tin Wentworth, Elk Creok Lumber It of road gangs "blowing out free list tariff measure. Represen-("The killing of the Americans in from tho right of way at Grants Pass are things which eventually will go Co., Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., C. A. ops along the route. tatlve Prince of Illinois Incidental to Douglas, Ariz., during the battle bo- to Rogue river for several months, far towards making a good fooling Smith Timber Co,, Fred A. Krlbs and ,e Was down fr a few hours but the tariff talk, attacked tho Canadian tween the Rebels and Mexican sol- All are reported accepted and tho botween tho corporations nnd the PHlsbuy Lumber Co., John F. Kolr .', nas restored shortly after 3 reciprocity bill already passed by the dierB was Yankee trick as was tho money paid for them. Hill surveyors peoplo, and will assist In settling nnd George- II. Kelly, Curtlss Lumber hf House and criticized the democrats destruction of tho battleship Maine left here for tho Waldo and Kerby much of the antagonism which now Co., tho Weyerhaeiuer 'U COnfilniinAn . m. . . .. . f 4 l tI..nHn l.AMUAM It l ...t.n Al-..lnM j.-aI.a 1 ! !.... ... 4 II I v.Uciii;e, IIIUCU Ol i lie (Or ineir appuiliiuiuui ui uumciuui ui immuu iiuiuui, in niiui a uiiuuiai uininci, ut'ur wiicic iiiiiiiunoo tuijui buuiiih iij jiiuvuii. j. imii.c, iiiuuil Ol ilje lor ineir ujjiuiuiuiuui ui uumciuu. Associated Press report was investigating committees. Pricp de cayed W U too late for publication to- clared the farmers have been "sold scattered broadcast in this city says, ledges and timber Interests are locat It is signed by tho chief of police of ed. All indications point to live work n Mowers at MILNERIS. out" aud that the reciprocity bill is the Cludad Porflrio Diaz district, the here immediately. the "worst bargain ever driven one nation with another." by I'.Mayor ot Cludad Porflrio ana the ' Launch Side Lights, Bells 'Life Preservers at .MILNER'H. various court judges. Floor WAX at MILNER'H. Read the Times' Want AdH. Land Co.. .Roach Timber Co.. I). N. Snyder, Q1I- brt GW'Ttson Glondn'o Lumbar and Co. and Viola Nail; anrdlner Mill Co. .nnd Mnrv Larsen: John A. Black, Pa- jp'Mo Timber Co., Loona Mills Lumber f ! 1 3 1 V ki ,j Awn.. . r-iAtJt iU&u