1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1911 EVENING EDITION .-.. L, COOS BAY TIMES In government n In everything oIro Iiiik been progroflR In inotliodi. Entered at tho )ostol!lcc nt Mnrah- Tin- luttlntlvo and referendum field, Oregon, for transmission ninke It easier for good men, nntl through tho malls as second class ltclKcnt nion, nni, ),UbUc-BiIrtto(l men to Ket rosultB thnn any plnn Hint Editor nml Pub. m been devised. It doe not j?uar- mnll innttur. er M. (' DAN .malonev k. mai.oxev Ni'WH Editor anteo any coniiniiiilty against Its own wlrkoilnuM, Its own evil or Its own lack of patriotic pride. It Is the l)rundiinuf?ht, the buiir plow, tho electric motor of government proK- Hut It does not dispense with the ninn hehlnd the gun." The hotter the nuichlno the greater the (leninud for Intelligence In Its Dedicated to thu service of tho opeintlon. The higher the rospou pooplo, that no good cause shall lack slblllty tho greater the demand for n chumplon, and that evil shall not patriotism and public spirit. Tho Addross all communications to ' COOS IJAV DAIIiV TIMES. Mamlillcld :: :: :: :: Oregon An Independent Itepnhllcnn news paper published every evonlng except n'm- Sunday, nnd Weekly by The Cooi Hay Times Publishing Co. sumably ho Judged by the cheers with which his rare sulcldo theories wore greeted In those places. The announcement that President Taft shnvos himself every morning only Increases our wonder at his nlill Ity to smile nil day long. SAIT. thrlvo unopposod. HUHSCICIPTIOX HATES. DAIIiV. Ono year $G.OO Per month 50 WEEKLY. Ono year $ 1.50 When paid strictly In ndvanco tho subscription price of tho Coos Day Times Is $5.00 per yenr or $2.50 for six months. 'more efficient tho government tho more reason for an nlert public con- Isclouce. Tho best form of-government known tho more reason for wisdom nnd patriotism In its administration. :J WITH THE i t TOAST AND TEA: Olllclnl Paper nf ("dim County official PAPicu ok tiii: env OK .MAKHIII'IEL1. Till: KITECT OK A C.'IUHVII. FLAXXIXti A CITV. i I've noticed this, when I bogln The ilny by kicking nt the fond. A k.I .i.nii.1 n ..........11.1..., 1II. .,!.. .uiu niini "- Ut ll J llllllp, IlltU Hill llecnuso I'm In a grouchy mood: When I get up and bang around The salt spray frozo on the snd salt's nose ' And the salt tears dimmed his eye, And he said: "Hy heck, on this salt ship's deck I toll, for I've untight laid byt "I am old, so old, nnd the salt wind's cold; It Is time to call a halt. I'll snlt somewhat down for n homo In town!" So the snd snlt snlted salt. Between the efforts of tho city health olliccr to exterminate tho fly and Editor McDanlel to Bwnt tho wnter company the Musca Domcstlcn nnd Colon UnclllI promise to ninko life Interesting for Coos Hay resi dents this summer. FAX INVENTS "ItAHTIMK DHOP." New VoiI.it Tenche Mnniiinnl New Ciini, Wlilrli Milliliter McCirnw Helleves lo He a Wonder. NEW YOIIK. N. Y., April 27 - Mnnnger John .1. McGrnw of the NVr York Nntlonnlo iflleves he has dis covered a now cure thnt will be of practical use. A fan nnmed W'n.v burn has Invented the ragtime drop." Wnyhurn went up to the Polo grounds nnd Instructed "llube" Mnr ciuard In Its use. .Mike Uonlln was on hand nlso and Mnrqunrd using the "rngtlme." struck out the former Giant four times. Mnrqunrd Is tho only pitcher who will be Invested with the syncopated secret. HOY KNOCKS HIS MOTH Kit DOWN KvntiNvllle, Iml., Woman Would Not Lei Him Wenr Long Trousers He It- I'liilei1 Arrest. EVANSVIU.E. Iml.. April 27. When his mother refused to let him wenr long trousers. Eunice Digger- staff, aged 13, knocked her down. Ho was placed under nrrest. PLANS FIFTEEN COTTAOES. A CITY should bo planned Just si well as r hoi ie. Toiiogrnphl I'ciuuvei. pnrku, shade trees should ho considered. Denuty Is ns ImportHiit Hit olomout In tho cj-ontlou of tho city n utility. While .Marshlleld la still In the transition stage of emerging from tho country vlllngo to tho mall city, Whou I bogln a day that way, the Idea of tho city beautiful should i K0 coniplotly on tho hum. over bo kept In mind. Other thing liolng oqunl the city Hut wlion I wnko nnd sny: "My donr, bonntlf ul Is more likely to be tho city Your coffoo's excellent this morn!." safe and healthy than is tho slattern- And slug a little song of cheor, Insurance statisticians have figur ed that In 1010 the destruction of property hy (Ire In this country was at the rate of $500 a minute for eve ry minute In tho year. Putting U Sim KinneNco Will IStillil How Homes In City of KIcIiiikiiiiI. of has been begun by n local contractor on the Ilrst of (litecu mortem cot And cuss bocnuso the coffee's cold, ,,,nt wny' of co"rf0 llpllfl Insurance. j(K0H ,j,nt nro to be erected on tho Or else tho pancakes are not brown ed, And vow the og nro throe yearn old I can't do nnythlng thnt day, The slinplofit rhymos rcfuso come, men to realize how time Mies. to ly or ugly city. Thoro Is a compelling nnd uplift ing powor In beauty thnt Indirectly holps to bring nbout healthier con ditions by Inspiring prldo nnd aspira tion for hotter things In tho citizens. Honlthlor conditions Increase tho de my little youngster')) And blow horn, When 1 get nut of bed and grin And whistle while I'm getting dressed, And let tho enrly sunshine In, Then nothing Is, but what Is best, Blrnblonoss of tho city ns a placo of Thon "vorythlng pans out my way, residence, ilmw n mmm-in- nin. f Swift emtio tho ittorry quip nnd rosldents nnd add in Mm vnin nf quirk, proporty. Mnrshflold possesses nntural ad vantages thnt should mnko It "tho prettiest spot on tho coast." Its sot oral thousand variation of Bhrubbory that grow wild hero" can bo combin ed with tho picturesque arrangements of tho lots. Tho proporty owner who cleans nnd bonutlfles his grounds Increases tholr value, his own self-respect and tho reputation nnd good looks of tho city. MEN AND .MimiODS. I T SEEMS tho most dlfllcult of nil problems to get adjusted tho pro per rolatlon of tho man behind tho gun to the gun. While hnlf of tho community Is Insisting thnt with n good mnn It mat turn nut wlmt snrt of gun ho may have, the other half ll0 bu,lt7 attributes nil tho progress of tho world to tho Improvement of gnus. Whorovor tho truth may He. It Is well to not clearly In mind that with And snmohow, nil that blessed day It Is a cinch to do my work. So, brother, tnke n tip from mo, Cut out tho enrly morning grouch, Let out a merry shout of glco, When you get off your downy couch, Kllng up the shndo and lot the sun wiirm up the cockles of your heart. And let your blood begin to run, Thnt is tho only wny to stnrt, You'll find your morning coffeo fluo, Your eggs ns fresh ns now mown hay, nd everything right down tho line Will he n Joy to you thnt day. Speaking of patient men, how many will permit tholr wives to tell them how n chicken house ought to Some Coos liny men have wasted a whole lot of Time trying to fiet From Under whou Nothing wns Go- out Kum men are holplws In modorn l,1B ,0 Dro',! warfare. Nor In It at all so certain thnt men its men hurve valued In ef ficiency or courage or physical en diirauco lu the cimturl that have .without the Miiy stuff? "Poaslbly." say the Atchison aiob, "there are occaalou where the refreahmeuts refresh . but they are rare." Sound aiuulrlousiy like a rehash of the southern wall. "It's a louc time betweeu driuks." i ! hast Sunday n Houston elergymnn proaohed on "Why Young Men On Not Mnrry." And no doubt a goodly marked their wonderful advuucs. ' """"" ' "' J,,un nion n"0"" " There was aa much bravery lu the ",or to nll,, 0llt lf ,u 1,iul U0M011 daya of the aword nnd buckler as In ,hclr 0Nl'uw the dwya of the modern Dreaduaught. Itrequlresbravery and u ooul head u! A" " re,,,U "f th rlo,s ln Frnco' float a Dreadnaiigot to victory. Hut ,,rlowl ,,f l'1'"ll,"" w oxpoctod to what would bravery aud a cool heod mav ,a tUlB ""'""W Now n,01,,t aecomnllah with awor.l ..) i.,...ui.v '0M ",w', 'ou lrul to get along now? Shifting the figure n llttls, lot ua fit it to those republican vho U.'Ciy vvi deuoiiuce the Initiative aud refe n udum and recall ami other woUern .' d progroHKlve meaaurea. Heeauae C cue law a are not perrevt their ene mies Jump at the oouclualou that , t tere la nothing hut evil lu the new methods. I Who would be foolish enough ben the navy calls for (rallied ami l ave sailors to Jump to the eoitclu- m that tho neodlesaneas ot modern i nlpmeut for warfare has beeu cou- ed? Ii is taken for granted that inJId i d nun. Nobody U an foolish , as to, '""w" '" '"', 'li i Mm .nml icui'l i i.uu lay can ror men la an a'!i 'neat of the equipment. ( ' iiuut a? im.tleutl arose s Kl luU 1 ; i late ou tho hlll Jiu!.. ns they ever have ou tne fertile helds of Oregon. Prog ress In agriculture has been progroa lu methods and In machinery. It Ij not necessary to .multiply lllustra- tlons. Tho advance of tho centuries; TIIK.KirS A HKASOX. iNonrly every ono you meet I On tho street Nowndays As he talks to you will gaze O'er your head or at your feet! Never looks you lu tho oyo, Talking to you, face to face, Always looks some other place Wondor why? No, of course, you wonder not You hnvo got Quito a lot Of Inside Information And nre nlso In tho plot, Kor your face you, too, avert When In friendly conversation And 'tis therefore almost cort- Aln you, too, Yes, sir, you, Do what nil the others do Eat spring onions. A NKW OLD HOTKL. Old patrons of Tho Windsor Hotel, San Francisco, will ho glnd to hear thnt this famous house Is now open In n lino now six story building right down town. Now furniture, now enr pets, steam heat, hot water nnd tele phone In every room. Cnro In con nection. Notlco theso rates: Room with private bath $1 a day, $5 nweoK. All cars pass tho door. Select family hotel, Windsor Hotel, i!3S Eddy street, Snn Francisco. block on Nevln nvonuc between Fif teenth nnd Slxtoonth streets. Ten ants aro waiting for them. J. Crulkshnnk has obtnlnod n per mit for n $10,000, two-story rein forced concreto business structure nt Eighth street and Mncdonnld nvenue. Tho California Wine Association will spend $100,000 lu Improving Its plant nt Wlnohavou, ln Richmond. This Is n small sum compnrod to the magnitude of tho plant, hut It Is said to bo only a start in extensive addi tions, which Include n cooperage de partment. A new wing for an addi tional fermenting collnr will bo added and from S',000 to 10,000 tons more of grapes will bo crushed during the season. A slto for a factory has recently been obtained In Richmond by a Snn Francisco plant that was crowded out of a spur track privilege. It will be gin building ln tho summer. Tho Eternal right now Is the tlmo to buy Richmond lots. O. It. WILCOX Agent, JI07 Coos Untitling. Aftor tho show try a Turkish bath Phono 214- J. NOTICE TO KIHKMKX. All members of tho Mnrshflold Flro Department nro requested to bo pre sent for drill Thursday night nt 7 p. m. JACK DAVIS, Presldont. Have your Job printing done Tho Tlmca ottlco. Havo your cilllng curds printed n The Times office. YOU CAN LOOK TUTS GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH. Mr. Roosevelt Is quoted as saying that during the present generation I .on Angeles, Ban KranoUeo. Port land aud Seattle will heowek cities of 1 .000,000 population or over, l're- DKAKXItKS CANNOT UK Cl'UFIl lulpmont demand ajric . JitlT,! WSTft M$Fwi Mm II- I. Ull'l lll.-ll U l.V IMh iKtirii.tf i iHiii.i'it b II 111 It LI'.. ,.ll lllllll I.' W V I.. II I 111 lUb.' In l. ''I .-. lllll ! Ull-. . '" i ir ii. riuir. I .'Ii.m'.I ' i, 1 Ulil -- 11k inlluiii. it mil Oil, in . rt -( net i hi. Ii. tiling ml v ili' . i . 1 1 ' 'I in . 1... nut of lo uu . ailftti Ml. ulmlii- ntilhlnit hill mn iikA-ia- II lilt, ill .if I III" ll 111 tilk MlffUM'" i i.ill Mil.1 on.' Iliiii'lrca Killni for any .i ' i( diiiiin (i uin'il In miiirrli) Hint run "I uiri'.l i lU.t's I'uWrtli Cure. Beml (orolrciilr,troe r J rilKN'KY ACO.,ToloJa, O. PolJ bv PruHKtrftn, 7ISo. Take llll' Fmlly rtllforconitlptUii, i I. . I li. i In i ,i I'. ' i .i - - III ' ii ' i Hi n 1 1 inn I ,11. ii i i Thoro lias boon a big rush Tor the limited uuinbor of yua vanges whioh avo aro plaoinu FRliJK thU Spring. Whou tho appropriation is gone the free gas ranjjo will bo a thing of the fmnt. The Dotroit .Jewel Oas Range shown above soils for &2ft to $25 all over tho count rv. Tho value can bo soon in every vline of this 'well l)"iu -tin.', OREGON POWER COMPJLNY !pu I For Nifty I I Vk.Si v B lsW aSfflR" gsM NiA Shoesi Try Fhe Packard $3.50 to $5 At, Tile Toggery Formerlv "Gnn. finnrlmmit mmm First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus 1 . . 0,000,00 W, S. Chandler, President, OFFICERS: M. C, Horton, Dorsey Kreltzer, Vice-President. Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, W, U, Douglas, John F, Hall, F, S, Dow, John S, Coke, Wm, Grimes, S, C, Rogers, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE LINE Dally stngo between noseburg nml Marshfleld. Stngo leaves tWJ; ana Sundays nt 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. OTTO SCHCTTEH, ABont, 0. P. 11ARNARI1, 120 MAIIKKT AV., 2llnrahflelcl. Agent, ROSEBURa, Ore. l'HOXE 11 kC:i& Parties Desiring Monu ments to be Erected Before Decoration Day J.ould do well to call nt tho Pnclflc Monumental Works, South lJroailwny nnd mako selection from tho largo stock now on band. Mr. uusou has In ln8 employ tho only practical mnrulo and gra into cutter In Coos c mnty. Anil nnno but tho host worK Is turned i '" e?iver Hill Coal MOUNT DIA1JLO VM JOSSO.V CIOIKXT. Pifl. iTh bWt DonUiE,Jc nnd Imported brands. er. Llmo, Brick and all klnus of builders material HUGH McLAIN ,.., .S!??.AL CONTRACTOR niHI II UAIIWAV iiirvTi.- oni " IIV'IIV - i Good Livery Service Fancy mw rlg. good horses Rni careful driver, are now at the dl. poaal of the Coos Hay public at mUBOXMlLK IUTKS. nvor rlga with .ir.rtrt ready for -.. . . .n I orp nv . niQ II iiurwfe i SAFE lX'ESIi:XTS. For Information concernlos lilgh-elass bond Investments, bearing G Interest net, write O. B. Hinsdale, care J. II. Adams and Compauy. WJ Angeles, California. . ore any ime. n,., -ss I'id'd and rla cared for. , Jl 'ss:: r::,,TL,::ilr".r Have That Roof Fixed hi in nun uiu i LIVKItV AXI) feed STA1ILE8 PHOXK 278-J M i" xow See CORTHELL Phone 3ial wJmPAMk 'y'"- ' illfrlll Bit.tfi nith rLOJ.