THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 191 1 EVENING EDITION mm -t-r -- What! That Free Gas Stove Offer Again? It Is True, But For A Limited Time Only The Housewife who thinks the Gas Company is going to give nwny .$20 gas ranges FREE forever is mistaken. It is too costly for the -Gas Company. Our great free gas .... .... . .. i ... . rm i I J. L i.l. .1- Ar. 0:,,n M,mi nni VficirlplltK llSlVft (!0I11G 10 tllC CltV: ffaS tllllint range offer last year was tno oiggcsc Kinu ol u success, xnerc were scarcely cnougu ranges 10 nu-ui uw uunuuiua. tm;w ku - .- . , . . i i ...T.i ..i. !.-. i,. .. ,. .;.... ...i u . i ......;.j ...... ... .-.a rtnmrniir nr iviiiv iiiiii k. ii - :. i- iiuiu-! - n ., lilMttkiiuw have been exlenacu; couples uavc-marrica; more pcopie nuvu uuconiu couvmeuu vi uic wihuoih, uuuiiuiu,y uu wunun . w , "We have had so many inquiries this spring regarding the free gas range offer that we have determined to give EVERYONE a LAST and FINAL chance to save $20. The Stove Here is a piciure of the stove. It is the famous Detroit Jewel range solid, substantial, scientific. It is a range we are willing to get behind and warrant jood in all respects. "We not only give you the-r.ingc FREE, but we run the service pipe to your kitchen and make the installation nd connections. Elsewhere this stove sells for $20.00 and often more. It is a strictly standard article, one that will last,foLycar.- ' md give perfect satisfaction. The value is there beyond doubt or questi6n. And ,'hoii this offer closes, it clos2S absolutely. j8r&9Z5tt fin" ffiBffflJMwB III j$ AjR f ' I lie II 'ft JJMGtSTSimnmm w ihe wowiol fiSkl'SMill The Plan Certainly we expect to make a reasonable profit on the gas you will use in this range. But it is not a wild, ex orbitant profit in fact, a very moderate one. The truth is that we cannot make the gas business pay unless we make our gas plant work to somewhere near its full capacity. Wc decided that it is better to spend the .money in a LUMP, give away stoves for a limited time, and sell the gas NOW, rather than spend the same amount over a long period of years slowly convincing people that gas is BEST FOR COOKING. Our present plan means that everyone receives the mu tual benefits AT ONCE. Our advice to all who need a gas range is not to wait. Last vcar there was a great rush the first day. "When the present order of stoves has been exhausted, the FREE GAS RANGE will be a thing of the past in this city. Within two weeks we expect to see our whole stock cleaned out. Orders can be placed now for future delivery. The main point is DON'T WAIT. COME IN NOW AND PLACE YOUR ORDER. Or, if you cannot come to the office conveniently, telephone 178 and we will send a courteous representative. OREGON POWER COMPANY :OOS BAY TIMES Kntorod nt tho postolllco nt Mnrsh- Sold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malls ns second class lull mutter. 0 I. O. MALOXKV Editor mul l'rth. JAN E. MALOXKY' Xcwb Editor Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES. (imiliflelil :: :: s: :: Oregon An Independent Republican news- por published every evening excopt lundny, and Weekly by ho Coos liny Tlnit'M Publishing Co. DARRY TI1K XEUH TO HAMMOND s m io GO TO SCHOOL I HAT n change has como ovor tho spirit of tho dream of Tho Ore gnnlan Is evident from tho fol- wlng excerpt from nu editorial In io reactionary organ followlug Iloo ivolt's visit: 'Tho Orvgonhin iwivs that tho dilative mul referendum, tho ivcnll Ind tlio direct iirliiuiry mv hero t tny, mid that It In tho duty of every then to accept them iin oMuhllshcil rlnclplos mid pulhii-H of our gov- rnmcntnl HyMom mid to utrlvo lirough thorn to bring about the best osfllblo result," MEET AT NORTH 1JEX1). os Couuly Odd 1-Ylhms Will Cele- hrnto Anniversary There. Tho Bocond annual mooting of tho 308 County Odd Follows Assocl.v Ion will bo held at North lloud on lie Odd Follows Anniversary, April 3th. , Tho indications are, that tho looting will bo largely attended. ilila association was organized nt union last year, and Arago Lodge, 28, at North lloud being the old- lit Odd Follows' Lodge In tho couu- J, having been organized at Empire. : was decided to hold the llrst moot- Ig there. Tho HoboUahs will hold county mooting at North Bend at Io samo time, i OWCIXG CLASSICS will bo or- inlzed Tuosday, April ISth, nt the O, O. F. hall. Don't miss the boning frco lesson tho llrst night. spectators will bo allowed after it, All gontlemou joining tho suing night can bring a lady freo ontlro course. For further ln- latlon call at hall 3 to 5 p. m, ly, or phone 43-L, Mr. Mosena Has Trouble In Trying to Gain Custody of His Children. Tho attompt of a fathor to gain possession of children created con siderable excitement tills morning es pecially whon one of' tho boys broke away from tho father and rnn away and would not return to tho parent. Tho caso was that of tho Mosoua family. Tho children have boon making tholr homo with their step father, Herman Kruoger, since tho denth of their mother a fow months ago. Tito mother and father of tho children were divorced and tho cus tody of the children given to tho cus tody of tho mother pending an ordor of tho court. The court has not Is sued any order since tho death of tho mother hut this morning Mr. Mosena decided ho would take his sons nnyway. Tho two little fellows wcro en route to school whon tho father securod thorn. They Insisted that they had to go to school and did not want to accompany him, Ho took them by force but finally ono broke away and escaped and wont to school. The father kept tho other. There aro live chtldrcu In tho fam ily, tho oldest n girl of about sixteen who hns remalnod nt tho Kruger homo and taken care of tho two lit tle brothers. Ono of the girls Is nt tho Coffelt home on Coos nivor and nnothor at tho McFarlln homo on North Inlot. Tho matter will probably bo taken up with Judge Coke to settle it. MISS THRIFT WIXB. Daughter of Akwmnoi Thrift Victor In Oratorical Contest. COQUILLE, Oro., April 17. Mlaa Hello Thrift, daughtor of County As sessor T. J. Thrift, woh tho Froy cup Oratorical contest ltoro Friday night from Miss Ivn Howoy, also of Co qulllo by two points. Tho Judges woro C. n. Sol by and C. I. Rolgard of Mnrshfiold and Mrs. C. F. Chaso of Coqulllo. Tho Froy cup now be comes tho property of tho CoqulUe high school permanently. RICHMOND LOT GIVES NEST EGG Santa Vt Captain Sells Piece on Mac- douald Avenue; Another Hotel Going I'p. (Special Dispatch to San Francisco Examlnor.) IirpiIMOXiD. April 14. Tho lot at tho northeast comer of Macdonald avenuo and Soveuth street hns boon purchased by Pillow nros, from Cnp- CAU1) OF THANKS. I wish to extend my heartfolt thanks to the mombers of tho O, A. It. and to the many other Mnrshfiold residents for tho kindness and sym pathy shown at tho death and burial of my father, J. I). Arnott. F. H. ARNOTT. Aftor tho show try a Turkish bath Phono 21 4- J. , tain .Lawronco of tho Santa Fo sor ( vlco for 18,900 and n substantial building Is to bo orectod on It ac cording to prosont plans. While-this Is not n largo transaction, It shows , tho advance of Richmond realty, as tho lot cost but a fow hundred dol lars flvo years ago. Captain Law rence has made a flno profit out of tho sale. I Sales of lots In tho various tracts and throughout tho city have been heavy desplto tho stormy weather. News of more factories and of im pending railroad development have added to tho ttdo of activity, J Tho visit of J. W. Mack of tho big . New York auto truck factory to I Richmond in search of a site for a I coast plant was an Important featuro of tho week. Mack's pleased expres sions regarding tho advantages offer ed by Richmond are gratifying to tho business men of tho city, Tho estab lishment of such an Industry horo would bo ono of tho best- advertise ments Richmond could have, bestdo adding materially to Its factory pay roll. HUY TODAY IN RICHMOND, C. R. WILCOX, AGENT, 307 COOS I1UILD IXG, MARSHFIELD. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY First National Bank OF C00S BAY Capital fully paid.. .v- - '- $100,000,00 . Surplus- Jta-JL .''-.. 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W. S; Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, -. . -John F, Hall, S, C, Rogers, F.S.Dow, W, P, Murphy, M. C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year. Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Overp $100,000 Assets Over ...... $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits COOS BAY-ROSEBURG STAGE I INr" Illy stage between Rosobnrg and Marshfleld. Stage leaves HMv and Sundays at 7 p. in. Faro, $0,00. y OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, o. P. BAItXAIlD ISO MARKET AV., Marshfleld. Agent, ROSEBURG, Ore. PHONB 11 yn. u. wrLhSLift; Ostconatfilo Physician Graduato of tho AmorUan school of Osteopathy at Klrksvlllo, Mo. Offluo In Eldorado DUc. Hours 10 to 12; 1 to 4; Phono 1G1-J; Mnrshnold; Oregon. ryJtTj." v."Txguam, ' Physician nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Building Phones: Ofllco 1U2J; Residence 1021. J V. 1IEXXETT, Lawyer. Oflko ovor Flanagan & Bonnott Bank Murshllold Orecon W M. S. TURPKX, Architect Ovor Chamber of Comruorco. WATCH! NOTICE! Ilomor Mnuzoy, ono of tho drivers and tho solicitor for us is out for laundry. Watch him! ho is liable to stop you on tho Btreot and explain all details of Laundry and also to bo at your homo any time. Ho knows Laundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry, PIIOXL 220-J Business Directory Following Is a list of Reliable Business Firms that It will Pay to Patronize. Go To WILLEY & SCHR0EDER for Plumbing and Heating Marshfleld, Ore., Phono 773 STADDEN All kinds of photograph work, bromide enlarging and kodak finishing. I. U KOONTZ Machine and Repair Shops GEXERAL MACHINIST Steam 'and Gas Engine Work At Holland's boat shop. Front street, Marshfleld, Ore, -" J. - - jypAi gL ifc..