" vij"il ., THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1911 -EVENING EDITION (I. :' ,tfl f .tf i iii ii-9i All it illi I K !'?. !ir fi' (J. f ?: n j4'i i a b: Mil! c i s' S m all ho III III Ml- flo' :H I BUI) t Intc, you the cam foro ',, roHpi T and i "''.1 -J ld- loss) o th IC8U8, pocau) tint I) fo. . WO' fhouoi Ml n T I! k!W 311 lio.it "Is It to i B, Clol foe. n( Irchant pfero i, III bo mercl ' lldunl it it' her( of coj fr roqul Jjpon to veraally AT THE A CHURCHES (Minister nnd others nro request ed to hnnd the Sunday church no tice not Inter than Friday evening tc Insure Insertion Saturday.) W. Ingram. Anthem, "As It Regan nt Dawn" Hy the choir. KpcpmIoimI hymn, "JoniMtlom the llolden" Orpin Poitludo. Itev. .1. T. M. Kno. tons ehoacn .uf tho subject for his wrnion, "Past ami M r tf C A L ,;,ltn vw t0 " 1iviif)iii I'lMKi-aiu. A special Easter muslcnl program EASTERINTHE CUT CHURCHES UXITKO RRHTIIRKX CIIL'KCH OF XORTII HKXI). Sunday School at 10 A. M, . Christian Endeavor nt 6: BO P. M. rrencjilng service nt 11 A, M. and 730 V M., by tho, pastor, Itev, Albright. THE LUTHERAN' CHUItCII. Rev. R. F. Dengtson, pastor. Sunday school nt 9:45. Service In Swedish at 11 o'clock. Rendition of Easter music by choir. At North Bend 2:00 o'clock Sunday school. 3:00 o'clock Preaching service. EPISCOPAL EMMAXL'EI, 4 CIIL'KCH. Rev. Robt. E, Hrownlng. Hector 8 A. M. Holy Communion. 0:30 A. M. Sunday school. 11 A. M. Morning prayer, Holy Communion and sermon. At 2:30 P. M., Sunday, gcrvlcs will be held In Myers' Hulldlng, North Rend, nnd nt 7:30 In St. Luku'tt church, Empire. K (IIUISTIAX 8CIEXCE. Services will be held In the Chrl tlnn Science hall, 327 Thl"- sireo north, Sundny nt tl u. p MAKKIII'IEM) CATHOLIC CHUItCII. Rov. Father Moran, Hector. Mass will bo eelobrnted in Mnrsh- flcld nt 8 and 10:30 Sunday morning, tho Hev. Fnthcr J. A. Mo ran rclobrnnt. Tho children will make their llrit Communion nt flrst mass. Tho regular Easter service will bo given. SPECIAL PROGRAMS WILL UESDEliED IX MAXYi CUV 11C lltiS. With fair skies and bright sunshine promised nnd profusions of flowers nnd greenery, the observance of Eas ter tomorrow on Coos Hny promises to oxccll any observation of it In. by-gone ycarH. Special musical programs will bo a featuro of tho services In most of tho churches nnd this featuro which regularly greatly Increases tho at tendance on Easter is expected to bring out tho largest congregational of tho year tomorrow. Easter hats nnd EnBter gowiiB, which Dame Fash Ion has decreed in recent years to bo n feature of the great anniversary, will also be In evidence In great num bers. Knight Ti'iuplnr Service. Pacific Commnndery No. 10 Knight Teniplnr of Mnrshflcld, will hold Its special Easter service Sunday morn ing nt 1 1 o'clock nt the Presbyterian i i.-08tlvnl To Uctim church, All inombers will nppenr I" i, jubilate I)co. full regnlla. A musical program has been proparetl for It as follows: Orgin prelude. Uoxology Invocntlnn nnd Olorln. Anthem. "Hall (Had Easter Morn ing." by the choir. Solo, "Christ 1h Hlsen," by .T. V. Smenton. Hymn, 'JCoronntlon." Solo, "Resurrection," by Mrs. J. Evening service nt 7:30. Class meeting at 12 M. Epworth League at 7 o'clock. j Evening service nt 8 o'clock. J The Epworth League service J bo led by A. .1. Drews. Subject, ' j Greatest of Mlshlonnry Forces." I Tho He-,. .I.T. Abbett, the district (superintendent, will preach in tho j evening nnd administer tho communion. will Tho of unusunl merit will be rendered nt the Episcopal church Sunday morning. As one of the features of It, Mrs. .1. V. Smenton will slug the beautiful soprnno solo In tho Snne tun nnd Henedlctus from tho cele brated "Messe Solonnellc" by Gou nod. Thoso who will sjng In tho choir of the Eplscopnl church Easter nro Mrs. J. V. Smenton, Mrs. Charles Stnuff, Mrs. J. S. Coke, Miss Mny Stauff, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Miss Evelyn Anderson, Mrs. It. K. Booth, Miss Woods, Mrs. Robert Hrownlng, Miss Esther Johnson, Mr. Charles Stnuff, Mr. F. A. Sacchl and Mr. L. K. Dnl- linger. Solos will bo sung by Mrs. Smen ton, Mrs. Stauff, Mrs. Hall, Miss An derson nnd Mr. Hnlllnger. Mrs. Wil Ilnm Horsfall, Jr., Is organist nnd choir director. The musical program Is as follows: Processional, Hymn 115, "The Day of Resurrection Tours Christ Our Passover. . . . Schilling . . Dudley Ruck ...Dudley Ruck Hymn 11C, Angels Roll the Hock Awny" Roper Kyrlo Eloletm Klein Gloria Tlhl. . . . .'.Klein Hymn 121, "The Strife Is O'er" Pnlestrlnn Anthem, "Awnko Thou That Slee'p- , est" Makor Sursum Cordn Amies Snuctus nnd UcnedlctUH. . . .Gounod Solo, MrH. J. V. Smenton Agnus Del Gounod Communion Hymn US, "At tho Lambs High Feast We Sing".. " Elvery Glorln In Excelsls. . . . Schnecke'r Sevenfold Amen Stalner Nunc Dlmlttls. Klein HoccHBlonnl, Hymn, "Jesus REWARD THE MERCHANT who snows enterprise .Meruhnnts of Mnrshllolcl nro lighting ' display windows tho modern wny in order (0 bettor exhibit their goods to the imblie. Only honest merchandise enn be plaeod in electric lighted windows. Effective, illum ination is too penetrating i'or inferior pro duets. The best the market affords may be seen to splendid advantage in .Magnes & Mat son, Woolen Mill, Hub Clothing & Shoe Co., Brown Drug Co.. Merchant & Kammerci .show windows ANY EVENING. "Why not buy in Marshfield?". ' OREGON POWER COMPANY. TELEPHONE 178 WATCH! Nnriff Homer Mnuujr. one cfti,.. '.uundry. Wntth him ,. . tt to stop you on tl.c i trcrt ..a all details of i.n.Irv " ' nt viiiii limitn ... . '"HI "- v '" NIC II,. I nil ,w I HO !...!.. . "' IJ, Marshfield Hand anrf teani laun '"OX. 2o. :ooorf'V'otvr-,.ooy t XOIIWEOIAX LUTHERAN. Lives .. Gauntle'.t kxhjiits t::.mpl.r notice. MomborH of Pacific Commnndery No. 10, also visiting Sir Knights, nro FIRST IIAITIST CHUItCII. Rov, G. LoRoy Hnll, Rcsldcnco 592 Sixth street Phones: Residence, 2CG-J. Study, 289-L. . L. RAHMU8SEX, Pastor. t loquesioci to meei ni mo linn ot uio MSSSuWKSSlSSi'rS. I Commnndery nt 10 o'clock A. M., Services Sunilnr inornlne nt : 0:45. ! Enstor Sunday, Aiirll luth, for the i Sunday school nt 10 o'clock. Junior League, -1:00 p. m. :30 o'clock R. V. P. U. 7:30 o'clock Evening worship. The sermons nnd music will bo in keeping with tho Enstor season. You are welcome. purpose or uttonuin uivino service nt the Flrt Presbyterian church. GEO. F. WINCHESTER. Recorder. srxmsi: .MKETfXG. 10 o'clock Sunday school, Alva Doll, superintendent. 11 o'clock Worship. 3 o'clock- -EastBldo tscrvlco. SEVEXTH DAY ADVBXTISTS T. O. HUNCH, Minister. I Tliero will he held a sunrise meet ing nt tho Methodist church on Sun day morning nt tl o'clock. Tho meet ing will bo n union meeting. First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid $100,000,00 Surplus - 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M. C, Horton, Dorsey Kreitzer, ' President, Vice-President,. Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Win, Grimes, John-R-rfHall, --S, C, Rogers,."' -r F, S, Dow, W, Pi Murphy, jt-i--- -MrC, Horton, r Does a general banking business, Interest paid oiv time and savings deposits, . Rent a safety deposit 'box for your valuable papers at $3,00 and up per year, COOS BAY Wo huvo seciirnil ,h. ., -" W tlVI'f. 1 ness of L. tt. llni.n... . ' , ... .nucr una if,,. pared to render excellent JJ drivers, conrl rlr. . ' . . uu (T,m, that will moan satlsfacttrj nZ Ihn nitlilln !- ... . ' "' horse, urlB or nythlnj ittL, '"" """ """ we mo j, vrucniUK uusincss ot all kind. iujAISCIIARI) rtrrnTtirn, Wvcry, Feed and Sulug iii nri ana Alder 8trn fuono 138-J SAFE IXVISMPVra For Information concento iiib-v:iush uoaa inTdtsM uuunug i,Vo interest writo O. H. Hinsdale, cart 1 II. Adams nnd Conpc;,li Angeles, California. NORTH HEXI) CATHOLIC CHUItCII. Rov. Father Springer, Rector. Mnss will bo celebrated at Seventh Day Advcntlst service 'aro conducted every Saturday at the'r new church as follows: Sabbath school nt 10 n, in. preach I !ng servlco 10:45 a. in. You arei NEWS OF COQUILLE. cordially Invited to attend. and the 10 o'clock, Sundny morning by Rev. Father Springor. CIIICISTIAX CHURCH. A. O. Walker, Minister. Preaching !n the morning and eve ning on tho second nnd fourth Sun ny of oach month. Rlblo school nt 10 o'clock. Y. P. S. C. K. at C::!0 ovety Sunday. XORTII lllvNO PRKSIIY. J TEltlAX CHURCH. Rev, I). A. Mao I.eod, Minister. 1 0 o'clock - Sunday school. 1 1 ; 00 o'clock Preaching. 7:00 o'clock--Christian Endeavor. S:00 o'clock Evening services. IIEXI) .METHODIST IIU1M II. 44444 MARSHFIELU K PRE8HYTKHIAX CHURCH Sunday school, 10 a. in. sharp. Y. P. S. C. E. nt t;30 p. m. Preaching at 11 n. m., nnd 7: p. ni. , XORTII ORov WPFKTS MlSrV P-istnr Sundnv school 10:00 n. in. Preaching 11:00 n. in. ' ' Leacuo. 7'30 p. m. Evciith at ('wis County Sent As Tohl Hy The Sentinel. Tho Robert Dollar Stoumshlp com- J puny will send ono of tnelr larg" steam lumber cnrrlers Into tho Co qulllo for lumber In tho near futiii-o. This conclusion wns reached this week nfter n viewing of tho rlw as to navigability by Captain Thwlrg. captain of the Stanley Dollar, one of tho Dollar line. Tho Melville Dollir Is tho boat chosen for tho Co'iulllo River run nnd will make the lira: trip I as soon as she gets back from one trip to Alaskan points for which she will start within a fow days, r MolvlHnj Dollar Is 210 feet ovor all nnd draws nbout twelve feet when carrying S00.000 feet of lumbar. She will load at tho Johnson mills, both the Rnndolph and the Lyons-Johnson mills furnishing n quota of her cargo 1 " ' i "" I Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $100,000 Assets Over $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Polks Oregon and Washing htnio liu.elteer and Iltubrul lory. Just Issued for 1911-12 lititj complcto work of the klmlpjl! It contnlns nn accurate hiltn rectory of every city, town ul lngo in Oregon nnd WaiMnpti tho names nnd addresses 0(1 merchants and profession lumborjnon, etc., who are loaMl Jnccnt to villages; also litti tti rtptimnn, nml nmlntv nfS.rfl Ml felonors of deeds, state bosri tory provisions, terms ot nnmes ot the postmasters, pottf express, telephones aud te!(f flees, Justices of the price, dally nnd wcokly nowspipa; sides much other laformitlti t to all classes of business i:J; slonal men. A descrlpthMl" oach plnco Is given, embridiij oub items ot interest, soeiu cntlon, population, dlitssteitj feront points, tlio most w ahlpplng stntlonu, the proM aro marketed, stage comite trado statistics, tho nearest U cation, mineral Interests, tw schoolB, libraries and soclfti Important featuro Is the tit rectory, giving every bssls' god under Its special ssJ!U enabling subscribers to cttsb glance n list of nil honses i turlng or dealing In W P-1 lino of goods. The ori P Is compiled to deserve w patronage PRICE 59 w. R.L. P0LK&I SEATTLE, '1 COOS BAY-ROSEBUftG STAGE LINt Dally htngo between Roseburg niul Mnnlifleld. Stage leaves dully mill Sumlays nt 7 p. m. Fare, Sfl.OO. OTTO SCIIETTER, Agent, C. P. HARXARI), ,- MARKET AV., Manliflcld. Agent, ROSERURO, Ore. PHOXE 11 FREE TO YOU MY SISTER :10 MITHOniST KIMSt'Oi'XI Rev.' H I. RutlPdgo, Pastor Ruuilay sihool. to n. m. Morning service, 11 n. m. IC'v,'t', ' civile, it'30 n ni SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL Tba leading cd Catalog of tKeWctt XlUy'a Catalog. Your 1911 crop depend MGOOO ed end for thU Catalog amd cat lha Lett, 'Vrilo now to tha CHAS.H. LILLY CO., Seattle, Wn. jpiYi Freo to You arid Evory Sister Suf orlng from Woman's Ailments. I mil it woman. 1 know woman's sufferings. 1 bavo found tho euro. t W'll wiftl, freoof any charge, taj taailrul mill with full iustrucitoiuitOBMy suUerer f roiu m , oiunn's uilmi'iiU. I want to tell U women about thla ourt roi, my rtiultT, for youmlf, your daughter, jour mother, or your slater. 1 w ant to tell you how to cure youraelvra at home with out tho hulp of a doctor, lien mimI understand women sufferings. Whnt wo women knowlrws miiUaci, wo know better than any doctor. I know that myhoino treatment la safi. and sure curoforltucoiihoitor Wkiliih duchaiiu, Ulcuittoa. D!i plicmml ci rtllmi tha Htab, Puluii, Sculr ei rdtlul fiiloei, Vliilai si Onilia lumon, or Ciotlhi; Hit pilti Is cuiplnf liillaj uo lbs iiim, Biliacktly, Sulia to err, sal flnati, iiiilant, tldair. led tliddtt lioublai thru (aaiid tyitiknittil ftculiji to our sex, I want to send you a csaplilt lis dii'i liulnial atlrsjr frcs to prove to you that you con cure yourself at home, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, thnt.it sill cast fos aatnlatto Mtm thn treatment a Pfllnnliln trinl mnt If vnn lh to continue, it vrill cost youonly about IScentaaweeK or lens than two cents a day. It wlllnot Interfere with your work or oocujiatlon. Just tiad lout eani and adiiiii, tell mo how you BUtTer If you wwh, and I will send you the treatment for yourcaw, entirely free.ln plain wrap per, by return mail I will also send you till at tail, roy book "WOttm OWI UfOICAl tBmiV with iji'mn.uiiT uiuiniuuni vnoning w nT women suner, ana now inev can raauy cure inunseiTea at home. Every woman should have it. and learn to tilak fat limit. Then when the doctor snya .We jam frfumwwMJA SteaaJUK. Parties Desiring Monu- g merits to be Erected oetore Decoration Dav Jinilrt do well to call at the Pacific Monumental Works, South roadway and maUo .election from the arge stock now on hand. M . lUon has In his employ the only practical marble and gra- nlto cutter In Coos c.nimy. And none but the beat worn la turned trt' 04 "iou must have an operation," you can decide for yourelf. Thousands of women ha vo cured cures Leucorrhoea, (Ireen Slckneesand lorni, Ta Matkiii at Oistklirt, I will explain a themselves with my home remedy. It cures all aid si ioi slmnlo homo trt-atnienk whlrh nMwlllv n.l ff.w,t,iMllr lmll, 1,1 ., lv.!V1,l W 111 Ana.va. .l.i I ..a.. .. T .. .11. in ... ...... ..! Wtl. a,... .... 1 . linly Wherever you live. I can refer you to ladles of vonr own locality who know and will gladly -.... ....Mv.i. .mv ... aaa inaiaiirra4iT csriiati w umrn auunvitw.aniiiuaKiv womenw tut. ptronc, plump and robust, t(l(, vnj. 11 ,,.v .UUIJ, MRS. M. SUMMERS, BoxH Jut aisd ni rati aMratt, and the freo trnday'strtatnientls yours, also i iuu wsj uu, viy iau oner axua, Auarwa - Notre Damo, Ind., u. s.A. Your Sunday Roast ROAST llUKl.'" Wft Vini'.v I 1.. m ..- .v tl. ii-auv jor you. Sweet nnd Juicy. ROAST MUTTOX ROAST PORK Union Meat Market The Times Doesjobtina iv tiiv niSTRICT COlltTt nvimi.Mi KTAT13 FOR' I)ISTRlCr OK 0MXJ In tho matter of u t- " 1 . .i... nrnwn. "il .Ullllll ...- ,nnivn ni Drown Br L. E. Brown and Artltfl ns Individuals. I Tho undorslgncd mwl -j .tJ- .... in 12 (KIV" I eu ujub mi " - .. Tuesday, April 18th. W ,,...i.. ,.s(.rlhed Pt luiiuniiib . - , orty belonging to M n Rtock ol general suu .... ...i..oiitfnfdr;i1) Bisiing iiriiitii""" i. nnd gents clothing ; sn rvL ' goods, hats. glow. . nnd grocorles of tne " of H.G00.43, togelh " , atoro fixtures of the w of ?6ns.00, all w" c Point. Coos Co., Orel tory may bo seen at i undorslgncd No- . Portland. Oregon. ana C. A. Sohlbrede. u.- cy. Marshfield, ores- eriy mj -' (. tlcn to P. E. Bui"" Drown Rrothcrs - . . ..!. nil fl CC" POlnt. cau . - , ten per cent- m - must ncconipa; - (ti right Is reserved to J b,ds- the:r.to3of subject toconw" All bids will be op .Until. 9 of the under-- Dated Aprils,'" .mU- , a amaabaBkT i faTaVs.' araW w WaVaVaK , lfW'TrWVwJr, .- .... -..,-.., ... . . -ijit. . '' ' Mi. J'sHBS.vl"' nHk j,. -n. y. wqqigHM&DcfaiMmiiajttijBrdj0jmmtf) .aTT, SafafafaaW : -rf j. ..... .r.A.