1911 EVENING EDITION THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 14, H.irtH'ft W 'JX. , ,. -WW'Vrf?.Ui AW,, J- " T ' a M rill -JM-! rj- ft f I. 'W ill I f'3 oa . . ,u yi B 01 1 . I. iasf er Sunday, April' "thi There Is Yet Time to Get Your $ew .'E&fefcjV 'Suit or Dress, If You Hurry. See New Gloves and Shirtwaists. TMs'stons is, Avitho it question, Coos Hay's headquarters for" all tjiaf is" noy ami stylish in women's lOastoi' apparel- Gowns, Dresses, SuTTs, Coats, Shirt waists, Cloves and Nckwear. Not only do wo supply Ihe hesl and newest con ceptions, but we give wines that cannot bo matched,' because of our superior buying facilities. Garments sold any fc ne tomorrow Saturday will be delivered ,bcfore ton o'clock Saturday nigh', except in extreme cases where alterations majco it im possible for us to get the garments ready. That there may be but few disap pointments, we have omploycd extra help in our alteration department, to see that all garments fit perfectly and arc gotten out o.i time. SMART STYLES IN DRESSES $12.00 TO $35.00 This presentation of new Light "Weight Wool Shallie and Silk Foulard Dresses is very interesting to every woman. AVe have given a great deal of thought and attention this season to the selection of our new spring Afternoon and Evening Dresses. The' styles and designs'are strik ingly handsome, and the prjees are quite low Tor-such splendidly made garments. Wf Iblswai lrBr4rir4 Vaorflvi rtrl nsew idiiuieu ouns auu Coats Are Here From New York Prices $12.50 to $42.50 This week's express brought us from New York City another big consignment o'f new Tailored -'Coats antT Suits. This shipment replenishes: our stock again, just after. the big Easter business wwhijvebeen doing in Suits, andvc can now shq.w you c'omc of the prettiest things in tailored garments that we have had this . Reason. If you are thinking of purchasing a Tailored Goat or Suit, wc invite you to look over our splendid line. Prices $12.50 to $12.00. Get Your Easter Gloves Here. AVe Have Some Now Things in Long Silk Gloves to Show You. Another Shipment of New Neckwear Here. I m I Mr Lii il JfJ COOS BUILDING MARSHFIELD MYERS GOOS BUILDING MARSHFIELD North Bend News iii thai' m:sti:i harrkdI PLYMOUTH HOCKS. Our millings liavo produced stand nrd-bied spfclnioiiB of exhibition urknlw elected Mra. C. A. Acliormnn as n delegate to the Ilotioknh Ormul Lodgo will moot in Portland at the Mrs. M, Orout of Porter Addition wnmi, tni0 "hnH Bono to Portlnnd to visit relatives ,m!hh Alum Liihfoii of Springfield. Tho Oniegn nrrlved front San Po--l)I., arrived lioro last evening on the. quality with records of 2K227,223 dro and Is taking on n cargo at Old llreiikwator to moot L. .1. Iliitterliold ' Cf'K8 ' 3a5 d"?8' ' North llend. f Hnnilon, her llanco. They woro ,,a,,' ''lilcka iul Krrs for Hutching Mr. and Mrs. Frfil Lester and lithy married last evening by the Nov, .J. Jo"l your orders now for spring, will leavo shortly on n visit to rola- II. Albright. Mr. llutterlleld Is fore-' delivery. A fev cockerols from tives In Canada. iiuin of the Ilniiilnn Ueeorder and heavy laying stock for $5.00. Tho steam sehoonor Daisy Mltehol they will make their homo at Ilan-j Plymouth Pliu-e, Pouliry Yards. will leave shortly for San Pedro with don, going there today. a cargo of boxes from tho North Hond box factory. Mrs. 11. Romero and son, Ray mond, of Sherman nvonuo, will leave AmJqI Saturday on the Breakwater to visit ViUtSdl rolatlves at Oakland, Ore. i Knill Knrdlnal, who has been em ployed at Hat-corn's Hakery for some time, has purchased the business from D. II. Hnscom and taken posses sion. A mnss meeting of North Hend citi zens will bo held tonight at the Com- The Housekeeping FRED f tl.ut.flnl.1 I '"""'""t HACllMAN, Prop. Hov 1H.1. Phone 288 COOS BAY LIVERY We Iihvo secured tno II very btisl- you : Horn- Sunn Chins ... . mnrrlnl nliib to trv and forward tho . . nKnl ' , ai Hnna road and ferry project for connecting gipol0 up North. Hend with the various In- Jj m) lot sections. C. Milton Schultz of Salem. S. 1)., and for many years connected with tho Pioneer Register of Salom, Is In North Hend looking over tho pros pects of this Held with a view of lo cating. W. K. Covey nnd C. F. Chase, were elected delegates from Arngo Lodgo No. 28, I. O. O. F, of North Hend to tho Grand Lodge meeting at Port- land, May 17. Tho North Hend Re- Must be gone through again. May as well face It and get done n08S of L- " l" nd are pre parea to renaer excellent service to the peoplo of Coos nay. Careful drivers, good rigs and everything that will nieun satisfactory service to tno public. Phone U3 tor a driving horse, a rig or unytlilng needed li me livery lino, we also do s trucking business of nil kinds, I1I.AXCII.MII HHOTIIKRS. Livery, Feed nnd Sales Service. 141 First and Aldor Streets. Phone 138-J with It. Oct all tho help you cjan. Wo have n lot of helps for Oold Dust Ammonia PearllllO P!,.nnK.r Con Lye Fols Napthn Soap Oasene Naptha Soap Ivory Soap A- H. Naptha Soap Hrusha Crystal White Soap Hrooms Sunny Monday Soap Mopstlcks Santa Clans Soap Mop Rags Everything that is Intended to lighten labor, 5 Cook's Grocery orner Fourth ami Central Avenue PHOXK 180 " i FA.MILY HOTEL THK IJjQYI) MARSHFIELD'S POPULAR Rates leduced to: Day 50c, 75e and Jl.OOj week 12.00 to $5.00. House keeping apartments with gas ranges P0.00 to 118.00 pet month. FRKK HATHS- '.. W. SULLIVAN. IVop. The Demand Is So Great for the "New Mazda" Thnt wo havo been able to get only ono-half caso of thesn lamps out of sn order for five cases placed sixty dava meo. But can sunDly out trade with tho best lamp mado while they ' last. Coos Bay Wiring Co. ! ruoxu MT. 1 r: 0'imMW .v, .r. && y wme.'efo&' - wuk -ar -vv v-)finii r LiPimre - v-ij m,v 1, jvniriHKA-v'Hk. t imX- sv. '" '''w ' vH'(ra,9'IHBu Ml "X'v&'irl II ' If l'h, ,f f I vNjM Jl'l lIHIn kmm 1. mmi luii'm w vmm SM i ttK I I 1 III mei ill I 1K .(' ,k. I i -Sty ''-'.m -ji v ' tV ' . J ?.-lVi,At, f '-W !. . i4 1 ri'vr- r -- L-ft-- BENJAMIN CLOTHES for SPJtING AND SCUM EH NINETEEN ELEVEN C.f,rlM 111 I V) tci,rd 6"J'n'noGiiAltwyork MUpx of enjanin Qotles iv new invoice 01 jjiitost "rn,i.. just received on Steanicr Bat water and are now ready for ft, thorough consideration of men and young men who value high citalifr and authentic Srew York style. ' Every model is distinctive' hide sign and made from a fabric of rare beauty, and unquestionable strength. I f you will favor us with an in. sDoction, you will learn that al hough Benjamin Clothes are Icnown all over the world for their si vie and quality, they are not high priced in fact thev are very low priced, value considered. $20. and upwards. CASH ONLY MONEY TALKS The Hub Clothing and Shoe Co. MAKSHJiMJiiLD BANDOX' DO IT NOW Lay in your supply of wood now and avoid the usual summer rush. AVe havo plenty of wood and just at present can deliver it promptly. A little later, when orders begin to pile in, we will not ho able to give you our undivided atten tion. 12-in. Stove Wood $2.00 per dump had. Fire Place Vlocks $2.50 par dumphtud AVe can furnish you a man to split and pi'le it if desired. C. A. SMITH LUMBER & MT'G. CO. PHONE ,19-J 182 So. Broadway Uxl-fflyfl, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR VNijrwTTiTfKr ulLUlH Ostcojmtlilc l'hj-iltlin Grntlunto of tho Aincrhu Kbod i Osteopnthy at Ktrksvlllt, Ma In Eldorado Illk. Hours 10 to 11:19 -I; Phono 1G1-J; Mnrshfleld; On jrSitrj."M'."ixoiiAM, 1'liynlclan nnd Surgeon. 209-210 Coko Dulidlni I'Iioiicn: Ofllco U'M Itraldcnce ! J. W. UBXXKTT, Liuvycr. Offlco ovor FlnnnRnn & Dencett ! -Jlamhllold W M. 8. TUIll'KX, Architect Ovor Chnmbor of Commorcf. "the frii:m) of coos nAi?" S. S. ALLIANCE COXXKCTIXO WITH THK XOIITII 1UXK IIOAIVAT POHTLAM) WILL SAIL FHOM I Marshfield for Portland, Saturday 2PM 1MIONB 4rnTU l,A0IPIC 3T,:AMS", COMPAXV. ' C. P. McGEOnOK, Agent Spring Is Hen nnu bo la Pinegor. nave yor r clonned with my Vacuum tw No diiBt or worry. Phone your e to 216 McCrary'a Drug Store.-M P1XEGOR. Real Estate Bargan For bargain In City, BudW nnd Farm Property. Sw AUG. FHI7.EE.V Ronl IJHtnto nnd Insuranc. OH Central Ave., MurshflfIA ' OLD RELIABLE STEAMER BREAKWATER ALWAYS ON TIME Rtdls from Atainrorth Dock, Portland, at 8 p. M., every Tuesday. Sails from CVo Bay crery Saturday at service- of llde. ncserratlona will not bo held later than Friday noon,nnlestirketsare purchased U n. KKATlXa, AGKNT PHOXK MA1X 85-L THE PAST AM) COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo (Hiulicd nkh Wireless) Will nwke regular trips carr,1,,g passengew IhuIi I-Tanclsco. All i shfleld and In -.in rranclsco. pr fot.tlln., ,. n,,ut imuiin ior Jiars IXTER-OCEAX TRAXSPQnTAT,nV COMPANY between Coos liny and Snn i...i0 .T. """ u rrelght made t Alliance Dock. MarshflM,, '.; """""'rpassenKerH Union Street Wlinrf Xo. 2. , vJlJT.. ",l";ucean wp. Co. uj or an. win .. fro CZ" 7' T '", i day, April 13. y J;S ,or MhfleM, Thurs- first Class Laura work Is most desirable to wlshlnu tholr linen to POM"11 uartlcular finish so oeces1 trnnil tnatn In flreSS. WE DO THAT CLASS 01 - One Trial will Convince. Coos Bay Steam Launa PIIOXE MAIN ow fmnrf I iverv Senfl Fancy new rigs, good W careful drivers are now at til ' ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING DoSiFm TIMES' OFFICE posal of the Coos Day puW ,l REASOXAULK R-"1- ni ..,ih iirlrerif1 IV1KO ur I1KO " --- ,.j . tint. P" any trip anywnere uuj . hnnr1nH nrt rlcs Cared ff Vow hnnnu nnd BDecl' " n,ino nPnvMii for funwl p .r t iWTjRON'S , .'un VKED Bti1 PHOXE 27- mn r.nnu OKt . . i. .. CI Bring your cjome . l.lnr I1 pressing ana repuu-" - tnn. Wi T.AnrcnAiu' .U14lfJIVVU - - . fl SOX, AUtaaceTHtfa. ?" llHMft.. timmSnjm