WPPJnPW THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OpEGpN,, F,RIDjW, APBIL 14, 1911 EVENING EDITION I .- 1 l ' M ''? "" J1 3 HI ster bulls $b.50 to fr MA 4 (1 othes Ym nin.v ns well under stand nt. (he beginning (lint if you vnnt good eloihwt you must go whore they nre for sjiI". You'll hnve no trouble nulin n lot of clothes vou don't want; (he trouble with them is yon may think .vou want tlh'iu until you begin M wenr (hem ; then vou are sorry for yourself. This Store is the Home of Good Clothes This means as high . standard of quality as we know how to set and whether the price is $8.50 or $50.00, each suit represents the best value to he obtained at the price. You want our kind of clothes; and here tjiey arc for you with plenty of other good things to wear HATS, SHIRTS, UNDER WEAR, HOSIERY, (1 L O V R S, N, 13 C K WEAR. Will put the right things before you at the right prices. 50.00 GNES MATSON MARSItFIELD'S LEADING FURNISHERS AND OUTEITTEUS. COOS BAY TIMES Entered nt tho poHtolllco nt Marsh field, Oregon, for trnuainlaslan through tho malls us second class triad matter. M7c7.MAM)XKV Killlor imil Pub. DAN K. MAI.OXHV NVhh Editor Address all caiunumlcntlous to COOS HAY DAII.V TIMES. Miimlillolil i: :: :: :: Oregon tidk towahi) powkr ok im:o-cm:. FORMER Governor Folk of .Ml BOutrl Is preaching tho Initiative, referendum an drooall as ho goos ubout tho country. Governor Fobs of MaBsacluiBOtts advocates tho same Innovations In government; also tho direct primary for nil olllces, Includ ing thoHO of United States senators. Clovornor Johnson of Cnllfornln de clared strongly for all of theso rad ical changes In tho first oluolnl state ment of his vIowb and pollclos. Un deniably, tho tldo Is running in tho direction which these conditions In dicate Thoro Is n growing demand for tho most direct government which can bo dovlsod In n country as largo as tho United States. The old method of transacting public business at open meetings of all tho citizens, which eorved woll In tho little towns of Now England, and in small Swiss cantons, two or threo of which still cling to It, is out of tho question, of course, in big cities. Thoro It becomes physical ly impossible. EASTER RAM: of OAK US and othor COOKED l-XlODS 8ATUEDAV Bftornoon nt PERRV-MOXTGOM. KEY'S by LADIES of KIMSCOlWli Altar GUILD. P1IOXK T. S. KAVFMAX CO I'OFR coatj oiiDKits si.no run tow See the Live Easier Rabbit In Oar Window. ed Ribbon Goods EOR YOUR EASTER. DINNER. Don't fail to come and see Oiiy Display of priuc FOODS Open for your inspection. LMUC13S REASONABLE 13 very thing sold with a guarantee ifohot satisfac tory your money refunded. We have a fresh shipment of Frails and Vege tables FOR SATURDAY Fresh Tomatoes, Oregon lihabarb, Spinach, Kale Fresh Oregon Asparagus, Celerg, Cauliflower, Cab bage, Lettuee, Radishes Onions, Bell Peppers, Cu enmbers, Reels, Turnips, Parsnips, If atabagas.' FRUITS (Irape Frail, Pineapples, Oranges, Zomons, Bana)ias Apples Phono your orders early. Prices have declined this week on Fresh Vegetables. OLLIVANT & WEAVER Tho Pure Food Grocerymon A Good Place to Trade P HONE 275-J Oor. THIRD and CENTRAL Square Lines Square Prices Square Treatment Square Dea Ami Kur Squares to the World Ami Every Wind that Blow. Thai's the Motto and the Tnulf Jdnfk aft Formerly (u. (land ram. We want to cement OLD tfRL'KNDS to us by llieso bonds. Wo want new ones to get on (he Band Wagon. COME OS! tj ilfilSW So got that Easter Suit you are figuring on, and by all means don't miss flip "TOGO ERY" before yuu buy because we have the 'goods that speak for themselves, just a loo : is all we ask, WE LIKE TO SHOW YOU (U)01)s. JIM! Jl o1lLSFV REWARD THE MERCHANT ENTERPRISE WHO SHOWS - Merchants of Mnrshfiold are lighting their display windows the modern way in order to better exhibit their goods to the public. Only honest merchandise can bo placed in electric lighted windows. Effective illum ination is too penetrating for inferior pro ducts. Tho best the market affords may be seen to splendid advantago in Magnes & Mat son, Woolen Mill, Hub Clothing & Shoo Co., Brown Drug Co., Merchant & Kammoror show windows ANY EVENING. "Why not buy in Marshfield?" . OREGON POWER COMPANY. TELEPHONE ITS WATCH! NOTICE! Humor Mnuzoyt ono cf tho driven nnd tho solicitor for us Is out for .'.uuiuiry. Wntch lilm! lio Is llat! to stop you on tho street nnd explain ! nil details of Laundry nnd nlsdtoU nt your homo nny time. He knowt Lnundry business from A to Z. Marshfield Hand and Steam Laundry PIIOX1. 2Hl).J Coal Cheapest Fuel on Coos Bay Lump coal $1,150. Nut coal $3.00. Wo do nil dnds of hauling, and contracting. Horses nnd vehicles for Bnlo. For quick delivery call oa L. H. HEISNER or phono 120-J or 49-L. My New Cadillac Foro Door Auto for hire Phone Rudolph Uukstrom, 211 It. Ed's 1111 Hnnl Room. After u UuUht Phone 181 X Cure-fill iIi'mik' ohsurod Mm -..-- .. , t--.-,- -. .. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL riiouo 31S1 Flanagan & Bennett Bank Established 1889 Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over ...... $100,000 Assets Over ..."... $500,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits First National Bank OF COOS BAY Capital fully paid. . $100,000,00 SurPus 5,000,00 OFFICERS: W, S, Chandler, M, C, Horton, Dorsey Kreltzer, President, Vice-President, Cashier, DIRECTORS: W, S, 'Chandler, John S, Coke, W, U, Douglas, Wm, Grimes, John F, Hall, , s, C, Rogers, F; s- Dw, W, P, Murphy, M, C, Horton, Does a general banking business, Interest paid on time and savings deposits, Rent a safety deposit box for your valuable pacers i $3,00 and up per year, y m ai SAFE IN'VESMKNTS. For information concernlog high-class bond investment, bearing Qro Intorest net, writo O. D. Illnsdalo, care J. II. Adams nnd Company, Los Angeles, California, COOS BAY-ROSEBUKG STAfiF I inF Dally stngo between Roseburg nnd Mnrshfleld , aiul Sundays at 7 p. m. Fare, $0.00. g le"VCS dlriy OTTO SCHETTER, Agent, 0. P. RARVXRn 120 MARKET AV., Sforshlleld. ARcat, ROSEUui;G ow 1'IIOXE 11 ' J1 TRY A WANT AD IN TIMES IF Y001SRPrQOKrSU IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE VXITEI) STATICS FOR THE DISTRICT OF ORKGOX. In tho innttor of L. E. Drown and Arthur Drown, co-partnen known ns Drown Drothers, and L, E. Drown nnd Arthur Drown ns Individuals. Tho undersigned will receive seal ed bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, April. 18th, 1911. t th9 following described personal prop orty bolonging to said estate, to-wlt: n stock of general merchandise con sisting principally of dry goods, ladles and gonts clothing nnd furnlshlnS goods, hats, gloves, shoes, crockerf nnd groceries of tho Inventory valo J of ?-i,G0G..J3, togothor with a lot of store fixtures of tho Inventory value of,?G9S.OO, nil located at Myrtle Point, Coos C6 Orogon. On invea tory mny bo seen at the office of the undersigned No. 7 First street, Portland, Oregon, nnd at the office ot C A. Sehlbrede? Reforeo in Dankrupt cy, Marshfield, Oregon, nnd the prop erty may bo inspected upon nppllw tion to F. E. Russoll in charge of Drown Drothers' store nt My'"8 Point. Cash or n certified check for ton per cent, of tho amount offered must accompany each bid, nnd the right Is reserved to reject nny a"4 nil bids, tho said sale being made subject to confirmation of the Court All bids will be opened at the office of tho understgued. R. L. SADIN, Trustee. Dated April 7th, 1911, Don't forget tfio Turkish Batl PUOXE SU-J. ttmMm, iHm ItMfry , -i!ci, MUt.jj-a. LmmKM